Fauci: Lab Data "Worth the Risk" of a Pandemic

A little girl asked her mother, “How did the human race appear?” The mother answered, “God made Adam and Eve and they had children, and so was all mankind made…” Two days later the girl asked her father the same question… The father answered, “Many years ago there were monkeys from which the human race evolved.” The confused girl returned to her mother and said, “Mom, how is it possible that you told me the human race was created by God, and Dad said they developed from monkeys?” The mother answered, “Well, dear, it is very simple. I told you about my side of the family and your father told you about his.”


The name “Koopmans” is a common name in Dutch. I am Dutch :-). You pronounce the name as Cope mans, not as Coupe mans. Not that it really matters, but in an earlier video Chris was wondering how you pronounce it, so that’s why I tell it.

If you substitute the word American for Chinese in your previous message, would you also agree with the statement? Is the problem the vast majority of citizens or is it the system? Is the system benefitting from teaching its citizens that 90% of the other population is complicit and responsible for all the worst events in the history of the system they were born into? It is very easy to spin propaganda about Chinese, and it is very easy to spin propaganda about Americans. Those in positions of power in both societies benefit most from this. If there was not an external enemy, then the government might be held accountable by its own citizens.

Its extremely unlikely that the Chinese citizens could hold their horrible CCP “accountable”. First, they don’t have elections. Second, they’d get sent off to prison for “picking fights and stirring up trouble”, their organs harvested - assuming they were healthy, and a match for some CCP official “in need.”
This false equivalence you keep drawing between the CCP (“Socialism with Chinese characteristics” - Xi Thought, etc) and the US system is quite appalling, and it is really starting to make me wonder if you have an employer. Are you getting 50 cents per post, perhaps?
While the US has many bad parts, it isn’t yet under the complete control of the Oligarchy. After all, The Bad Orange Man managed to get elected, and hold office for four long years. This was definitely NOT part of the plan.
Whats more, it is proof that these things aren’t set in stone, at least in America.
Contrast with China. When someone “gets elected” to replace Pooh, let me know.
I won’t wait up.


Yes, 100% this applies to all countries and people. The Germans had this problem and the Nuremburg trials show that its not a valid excuse. China holds immense responsibility for this pandemic without a doubt. The thing we all should be finding out is how deeply involved the US and the EU were involved in this pandemics origin.   HOWEVER, as mentioned by Dave Fairtex, in the US we have at least the notion of free elections and accountability. So equivocation is not relevant. Once the US and EU purge the bad actors, we wash the blood off our hands and the real problem can be addressed. This guy has a very good perspective of the issues with China as well as a love for the Chinese people. I think he hits both sides of this conversation pretty well. https://youtu.be/1aqMcUao0Os