Fauci Lied & Update from Chris

If I were “them”, I would have much preferred Horrible Hillary - “we came, we saw, he died (giggle giggle)” - vs the “No Wars For You” Orange Man. She’d have done exactly as ordered. Similar to “The Biden Crime Family”, the Clinton Foundation received “donations” from governments around the world.
But of course that’s just me. Clinton was the neocon-low-hanging-fruit. The issue: they didn’t cheat nearly enough, and they believed their own polling numbers. They didn’t make the same mistake in 2020.


R & R

Hello Chris and Evie! Even though this is a working trip, Chris looks relaxed and sounds like he is firing on all cylinders in each of the vlogs he posted from the ranch. These little snippets of your Texas trip have been great to hear and I hope in the midst of the battle you are both finding some refreshing. The onslaught of evil over the last several years has made it abundantly obvious to me that we are on a wartime footing and ALL of us need to experience Rest and Relaxation however and whenever we can obtain it.


Yep, we didn’t get struck down for this. It has made it on YT for 1 week.

Doing More Freedom

“Doing more freedom”… love it!


" That would infer that Trump was chosen by the powers that be to be elected as the President of the U.S. and fully complicit. His accomplishment highlights should be obvious – he drove Operation WARP Speed, created cultural division like no other conservative politician could have accomplished, etcetera."
Yes, Trump drove WARP speed and thought he was doing a good thing. I wish he would openly face the truth about the transfections… maybe he still will. Otherwise he was also very open to, for instance, hydroxychloroquine, and he had one or two round table events at the white house with people who had been saved by it. Rick Bright screwed Trump over… that was the real problem. It’s not clear that Trump ever would have push shot mandates like the Biden admin did.
The 5G rollout stuff you mention is not technically clear… most of the US got sub-6 GHz 5G, with small roll outs of 28 GHz in some US cities. I have never seen any clear evidence of graphene or graphene oxide in the shots…


Fauci Lied

You point out that the virology gang were involved. I find it very strange that the Intel Community has been silent. We know inspectors from the State Department who looked at the Wuhan lab sent emails about their concerns. We also know the Intel organizations are hot on all aspects of foreign NBC activities. Intelligence is gathered by ALL organizations but we call it informing the boss. So, this network must have included many other US government structures.
My own thoughts are that US Intelligence was heavily involved. We know things like this do not happen by chance. This was orchestrated. It was a policy implementation. The whole idea that Pharma was creating new life forms in order to see what “nature” could produce over perhaps 100,000 years must be the map everyone was using as a “health and safety” cover for malfeasance.
Then there is Congress. It has a black ops budget it funds. To what extent does Congress insist on knowing the use of those funds it authorizes? The use of those funds and channels need investigation. But, those organizations know full well that counter intelligence always looks for a bread crumb trail to follow. So they destroy the trail using cutouts, wash-rinse-and-repeat operations, oral conversations, etc. to eliminate the bread crumb trail.
Somehow, some organization was tasked to run this operation and spread the bread crumbs. But where is that organization? I think it must be found because it represents all of us. Our name “We the People” is being used. It was us who did this to the world.


Fauci Lied

Great video, as always. The idea that this is becoming common knowledge fills me with anticipation and relief. P.S. watching your reactions and Fauci impressions allowed for some much needed catharsis. Love your videos!


The Great Reset And The Grand Refusal



I still can’t view the video. It says private. Can’t you just upload it to Odysee or some other platform?


Still appears as black box, “this video is private” for me.

Yt Vs Pp

Is the video you intended to post the same on that’s been on YouTube for a week? That one is accessible. There is still a black private box above it that goes no where. Will check back in a few hours to see if there is an updated to “Fauci Lied”. Thank you for posting YT PP videos here. I am reluctant to comment on PP videos on YT and think we’ll have more open dialog inside your paywall with all videos, public and private inside PP. 

Hey Richard,
Apologies, hopefully you caught it was fixed!

Hi Dennis,
I just fixed again. Something with YT. checking into it to be sure, BUT it is def working now

Hi Mark,
No, the 6m video is not public on YT yet. Still unlisted. The odd thing, YT keeps changing it to Private – which then blocks the video. Im looking into this closer now to verify source. Will likely upload somewhere else too.

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Yep, got it. Thanks!

Covid Victimization

I was victimized by the Covid agenda in many ways while getting medical treatment and also witnessed others being horribly victimized (such as a woman with dementia, whose family was not allowed to be with her and I had to hear her screaming right next to me because she was so freaked out). The callousness on the part of these doctors and nurses was truly disheartening. I had a test done the other day and the nurse was so gentle and compassionate-I thought to myself, this is how it SHOULD be. Thank goodness there are still some good ones.
And it goes on…my sister in law just had a difficult surgery a few weeks ago and no one was allowed to be with her at all (this was in New Jersey). If anyone has ever had surgery, they know the worst part is waiting before you go in and it helps so much to have someone with you. Surgery can produce PTSD and they are only making the trauma and its possible lasting effects worse. If I were her husband, I would have barged in there and demanded to be with her. We need to be strong and stand up.
Thanks, Chris, that looks like a great organization! Gives me hope.


That institutionalized and malevolent response to the demented in nursing homes during Covid actually had me relieved my Alzheimer’s suffering mother had passed before it all started. I agree that we need to resist the isolation efforts wherever we find them!


Let freedom ring!


there are a few issues: the lab created virus; did it escape or was it released? The mrna injections conveniently followed. Who, what coordinated the global response? The vax propaganda? Was the US dod & pharma singularly responsible? Vaxes were manufactured in China. Why? What will be the global response to “the murder mystery of all times”?


My threshold for achieving common knowledge is when the legacy media, specifically NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR, PBS will cover “Fauci Lied” to the same degree that Harvey Weinstein became common knowledge. That has not occurred.
The question–Is it common knowledge when the people know it and the legacy media can never say it? That’s a possibility. And what will that mean if that plays out.
I’m interested in testing break-through messages with people in my circle which have their jabbed dance cards full; what can you say and be heard getting through their radar defenses.

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