Fauci Lied & Update from Chris

Covid And Beyond

I’m curious what direction FLCCC will take. COVID is really the inviting incident rather than the central plot. There may be support here for a dramatic change in medicine.
A starting point would be listing specific gripes to determine the scope. What are the issues in medicine now? What are the problems we face, specifically?
Then generalize: are there common themes?
Then find causes: What are the root causes behind these?
Then look for corrective actions: what should we support as solutions to these issues?
FLCCC has been great. It’s served as a literally life-saving resource for professionals to share information and for patients to learn about, prevent, and treat COVID.
But COVID revealed so many problems with government and the medical profession.
Here are a few concretes to start:

  • lockdown policies
  • treatments banned
  • drug trials rushed and data fabricated
  • peer reviewed journals covering up info
  • government threatened “jab or your job”
  • social media censorship
  • etc
    There’s a lot more here. Not all of it is limited to COVID.

And curiously, the United States suffered disproportionately from COVID19 deaths, even though we clearly funded the GOF research. And all those awful mandated shots, which nobody needed, but which have caused great harm - also affected the US more than most other countries. And our FDA/CDC/NIH all seem to be part of the mess.
I claim, whoever these actors are, they aren’t working for the people of the United States. So while “the shooting” was done in “our” name, we also ended up being “shot” a whole bunch of times by this same “gun”.
My guess is, the “bad people” are just riding the current big horse. Before, it was England, and before that, France, and before that Spain, and before that, Rome. Whoever is the biggest current horse gets ridden - by someone - until the horse dies. Then the horse gets swapped out.
So who is this “rider”? That’s my question.

So who is this “rider”? That’s my question.
I’m going with “pure evil” as the rider. It’s being acknowledged more and more that we are in a spiritual war. And the longer we try to find the “bad people” perhaps the longer we are missing the answer. Is it Fauci? Is it Schwab? Is it Biden handler #1 or #2? Is it the stripper at the grade school library? Or the doctor promoting Covid Jabs and denying treatment? The list of evil doers is inexhaustible because the force of evil is greater than man (he, him, her, she, they,) So….although I search for simple, concise answers to questions I have to move to a higher realm on this one and find the solution in a belief system in something much greater than man. By believing in a greater power and a creator, and trying to hold to good actions (commandments) I am not complying. When I compare the most evil manifestation (today it might be Fauci) with the beauty and brilliance of the Earth and all that walks on it…I have to turn my eyes toward to good. So maybe “not Complying” should be accomplished by a positive action of turning to faith, and not defined as a reaction to manifestations of evil all around us.

Fully agree, and yet evidence seems to indicate some coordinated action by some core of individuals here and now with threads through the past 50 years. It seems that an organization now exists using governments as agents executing plans of pure evil. Covid was a major operation exposing this action. NS blowup was a minor op. Drug cartels selling cocaine to inner cities to fund Iran-contra operation is another from the 80’s. 9/11 was another. Countless coups and assassinations are a plethora of others including Kennedy’s and reporters/LEO’s on the verge of exposing/attacking their organization. Epstein as an operation to snare influential individuals with blackmail videos as means of control. Black eyes of its minions displayed for reinforcement to the rest of its minions. Instigating countless wars killing millions of innocents enriching itself. Debt accumulation doubling every 8 years regardless of which party controlled government for 50 years. From MK-Ultra, Operation Mockingbird, et al. leads me to believe elements of the CIA, an organization with neither operational nor budgetary oversight by any elected official, is working in concert with other intelligence organizations, criminal enterprises, and banks against humanity for their own interests. While we must oppose the spirit they are possessed by, there seems to be a multigenerational organization of this spirit incarnate here now acting on earth. It must be found and destroyed.


I’m interested as well in seeing how flcc and their movement evolve. An important piece in my opinion will be their role in emphasis on disease prevention, and perhaps pressure on funding, though I doubt they can challenge the latter.
Nevertheless, I do not see them altering much in the way of standard medical care. Patients will still need cardiac surgery, tumors removed from various organs, follow up treatment, etc… all the things that require hospitals, large infrastructure, and multiple specialities and support services. I’m of the belief that despite covid, medicine is still evidence based, and even if given the funding and chance 99% of researchers and physicians would steer clear of unethical research.
Many of the negatives associated with medicine are societal and political in nature. Not sure how one solves those.

Couldn’t agree more that covid policies were too stringent, separation of patients from non-ill loved ones was ignorant, limitation of funerals was ignorant, these policies produced so much mistrust in the medical system and drove families literally insane. It is a shame that many medical centers have not updated their policies even as of may of 2023. It is a disgrace that state and federal beaurocracies have pushed health care systems into these policies. It is a disgrace that all 20-30 year old trainees were forced to take a 3rd and beyond dose of an unnecessary risk in order to have the opportunity to continue their training. It is a shame that so many doctors went along with this. It is a shame that physicians really cannot walk out of work without committing a form of violence (as it would be a violent act to deny care to patients). It is a shame that less than 5% of people will probably understand that last comment.

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A more concise way of putting my post: I’d very much like to see the mission statement of whatever follows FLCCC. It could go in many directions:

  • network for frontline providers to share info outside of peer reviewed journals, academia, and government
  • activist organization to fight for freedom in medicine (so much here that could be done - but possibly lots of dissent among FLCCC supporters on the details)
  • public education organization to share medical information not supported by mainstream
  • etc

Very good points, both of you. I might add that my sister in law and her whole family are “vaxxed.” You mentioned funerals. In New York, where I live, the cops were literally counting heads at the CEMETARY, and I know of one incident where they were 1 PERSON over the limit and someone had to leave. It was the priest’s assistant who left and I heard this story directly from him.
Just makes you wonder, what the hell are they gonna do when there’s an actual crisis???

Perhaps it impacted the US the most because the US public (vs the US oligarchs and their politician pawns) still had the most individuals with at least some resources who would oppose WEF. The monsters aren’t interested in the welfare of pawns. The actors aren’t working for any people anywhere, just their own power. They probably never were.

And the underlying problems are not particularly Covid related. Covid just pulled back the curtain on the other abuses: unhealthy food, high stress social structures leading to massive mental problems, trying to convince people the “healthcare” system, should be responsible for your health-people should NOT have to take responsibility for their own sick lifestyles.

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Covid Was Just The Opening Shot.

Here’s my attempt to put the COVID operation in the context of the war against humanity which I’m afraid is just getting under way. I think it’s extremely naive to imagine that any of us are safe until the perpetrators are in jail or dead. Yes, that includes Fauci and some of the leading transhumanists. I am no biologist, but I have studied and even encountered some these people. They have plans for you that you are not going to like and business as usual, even with a real attempt to restore integrity, will not save us from a grim future. What we should have learned over the last three years is that evil behavior of mythic proportions can appear among modern seemingly rational people. (35) A Nation in Mortal Danger - by John G Coster (substack.com)

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