Fauci Places Politics Over Science (and your health)

My grandmother (a nurse) used to quote an old saying: “you’ve got to eat a peck of dirt before you die”. They came from the time before vaccines or antibiotics or indeed anything that could “artificially” arrest the course of a disease. Her work was to nurse the “terrain” - the basic strength of the human system - until the patient’s body either overcame the disease or succumbed. I have some treasured scraps of gifts and notes of gratitude from patients she stayed with until they pulled through (she worked in a tuberculosis hospital). I agree that we have cleaned and disinfected our way to a state of fragility as a population. No idea whether overall this is a good or a bad thing. What great people might have died in infancy once, who lived on to be of benefit? I have read that the polio epidemics of my youth have been traced quite probably to the explosion of enthusiasm for disinfecting everything when they found what a difference it made in hospital settings. Instead of picking up the polio virus as an infant, from the water or whatever, and being immune because of my mother’s antibodies, so I became immune myself, that direct line of immunity died out, and we became vaccine dependent. Except the for generation that came between the disinfection and the vaccine, like mine. This perfectly explains the phenomenon we’ve all noticed, that the homeless and ghetto populations weren’t wiped out because of their proximity, as was expected. They had a generalized immunity based in survival. NOT the kinder, gentler way of life we’ve idealized and striven for, but definitely the species’ default state. It certainly has a place in the discussion!
And a GREAT VIDEO, Chris - thank you! I shall spread it around.
**Periodically edited to remove the effects of autocorrect and malicious pixies…

[caption id=“attachment_584622” align=“alignnone” width=“300”] Covid new admissions to hospitals in The Netherlands (per day) Link[/caption]
Here in the Netherlands, there is a clear second wave coming and really causing damage to people - we are nowhere near full immunity.
As you can see in the graph above, there are still much fewer admissions to hospitals compared with April 2020. However, it is more than 10x more admissions compared with July…
We have a doubling every second week right now.
And I concur the observations above, that risk zone people (old/ill/fat/weak/compromised) are much more cautious now than in January-February 2020. Therefore the rise is slower.
I am not in a risk zone but nevertheless, I try my very best to improve my immune system and to get as small inoculum as possible. I am still scared of the potential long-term consequences of this virus. Anecdotically, half of the people I know who had the virus (4 out of 8) still have health problems 6 months later…

@vshelford, my mom had the same approach as your grandmother, only she said that “peck of dirt” should be eaten by age 5.

I would rather say that Fauci Places Money Over Science (and your health).
But Fauci is not that important. More important is who is behind Fauci. Again, if you follow the money it leads to Bill Gates:
“Dr. Anthony Fauci has a $100 million conflict of interest which is why he was opposing Trump. He is in league with Bill Gates who has pledged $100 million for Fauci to play with.”
“The left media like the Washington Post, New York Times, and CNN protect Fauci and have constantly come out against hydroxychloroquine. They insist we all must be vaccinated or be denied the right to freely move, hold a job, or travel. Fauci is working with Bill Gates; he and Gates talk all the time and are involved in this vaccine conspiracy, so naturally, Fauci will always reject any study of hydroxychloroquine.
Here is a clip of Gates publicly admitting he is in a partnership with Fauci to bring in vaccines. This is his ONLY solution and they will not listen to anything else. It is astonishing how US agencies are allowed to accept money and be taken over by private donors.”
It’s no rocket-science: hydroxychloroquine is a competitor for vaccines (which Bill Gates is hell-bent to administer to the population. Therefore, hydroxychloroquine must be censored and fear must be ramped up. Bill Gates needs people like Fauci for that. It’s human nature, but the ultra-ultra-ultra rich are just much more arrogant.

@vshelford, my mom had the same approach as your grandmother, only she said that "peck of dirt" should be eaten by age 5.
And it probably was too :-) I remember quoting it to a young guy who was worrying about sending his child to nursery school, because of the germs (this was 20 years ago), and he went white and looked aghast. I can't help wondering how his child fared.

Excellent points and I completely agree. As does Dr Zach Bush. Germ ? Theory versus Terrain. The ? of our time. As a 25 year RN and IBCLC, I believe Scientists think they have solved the riddle of the human body. But after my knowledge base had to be changed/updated every decade due to new discoveries, IMHO only 1/2 or less of what we think we know about the human body is correct, even now. The fact that a mother’s Immune system does not reject her Fetus even though it is only 1/2 the same genetics. We still do not fully understand how that is possible. When you realize what an amazing living fluid Breast Milk is. Our species nutritionally complete first sustenance and biological primer for every organ/tissue/cell in the human body, including the Immune system. Breast milk is not a sterile fluid, many species of bacteria both good and potentially pathogenic, are normally present. The fact that many Mastitis infections can clear without antibiotics if you support the breast and nurture the Mom is a miracle and a mystery. We view the Immune system through a paradigm of War. So we miss the delicate, intricate, threads ? that connect the massive Spider Web of a human’s exposures over a lifetime. Each thread carries a sliver of information in Real Time needed to Orchestrate a Response. Blowing through that Spider Web with a Bazooka thus destroying those slivers is how we have been operating for far too long. By wanting to isolate and purify … we created “Baby Formula” and denied our need for a living white blood. Allowing the species to survive but I would argue not thrive. We need to support the systems we already have and which have proven to be effective over the eons of time our species has survived. For the record I am not against the wonderful antibiotics we have if we need them or Anti Vax but rather Smart Vax… IE Kids need to get chicken pox and have active life long immunity. Not the live Varicella vaccine the Kids get now, which I have seen many patients fully vaccinated as Kids and no longer Immune as a pregnant adult. Can’t give live vaccine while pregnant, so no booster and an anxious 9 months, as risks to fetus and mom if you get chicken pox while pregnant. While the vast majority of total kids to get chicken pox back in the day had mild to moderate Sx and recovered without long term issues. So what are the consequences of destroying that Spider Web?

The governments only real job is not to stimulate the economy , print off money. make loans out of thin air etc… Their one and ONLY job is to provide for the “health and welfare” of its citizens. How ironic…!

Upton Sinclair — ‘It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.’

Saw this interesting study - possibly on point:

https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.09.21.20196428v1 Conclusion: Increased household exposure to young children was associated with an attenuated risk of testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 and appeared to also be associated with an attenuated risk of COVID-19 disease severe enough to require hospitalisation. An association ... was obtained for any case of COVID-19 (fully adjusted model, HR per child 0.89; 95% CI 0.84-0.95).
Takeaway: living with children (0-11 years) effectively protects adults. More kids = more protection. One would think this might also work for teachers of young children, and daycare workers too.

I totally agree that we should be “smart vaxers” and that starts by nurturing our immune systems.
I’m doing all the preps I’ve learned on PP. And appreciate Chris having the humility to update the list and accept new findings. (NAC is now in the “not helpful” category).
I’m sure I was exposed to SarsCov2. Three people also got sick, and one older man died shortly after sitting next to the person who tested positive. I was very close to this person. I took an antibody test afterwards …certain that it would be positive…but it came back negative. All I know is that I’m healthy today…and plan to keep on a sensible program.
Also in terms of preemptive activity…I think it’s time to check your pantry and stock up again…The Covid warning is now replaced by the anarchy warning…It’s coming.

I shared a cab ride with a functional medicine doctor from Florida. I said something about “At least your patients will all have excellent Vitamin D levels” with all the sunshine in your state. She surprised me by pointing out that it is hot enough in Florida that most stay indoors avoiding the sun. Especially the elderly.
Their Vitamin D levels are uniformly low. Supplementation makes a lot of sense.

I realize this is an international board, but IMO the federal government’s job is to defend the county. The health and welfare of the people is up to the people. If they want to band together as a smaller community (church, HOA, militia, city, county, state) to self govern and improve their health and welfare they should be free to do so but I do not want the federal government robbing me of my freedom to decide what “health and welfare” should look like. That is part of the problem we are having even with the state governments. There is no reason a state governor should be able to step between me and my doctor and ban my doctor from prescribing HQC for whatever we (me and my doctor) decide is appropriate for me. Yet that is what is happening.

That’s amazing. My grandmother always told me that too! I had a hazy idea about what a “peck” was but I got the idea. I was always worried that these pecks might be in my food ?

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
A peck (according to Britannica) = 8 dry quarts.

Peak Prosperity Protected a Pack of Petrified Preppers. How Many Petrified Preppers did Peak Prosperity Protect?

davefairtex wrote: As for Chris, he is probably much less worried because (I'm guessing) he now has two things: 1) a supply of apple-flavored horse dewormer, and 2) a supply of vitamin-D.
I stopped by a local "farm" store this week and bought a tube of apple-flavored horse dewormer - Ivermectin Paste - for $4.99 before sales tax. It contained enough product for a 1250 pound horse. If/when I need it, I'll take about 1/6 of the contents. Would the AMA approve? Hell, NO! Grover

Some people are water people, I am a dirt person. One of my best memories at 3 yo was when Dad had babysitting duty and was building our house. He set me up on a dirt patch by a low water spicket with a pie pan and went back to work. An hour later, when he came to check, I was a mud ball, dirt in my hair, head to toe, happy as a clam. My mom never was in a good mood, so when Dad peeled me off the newspapers on the car seat, the fun and games were over.

Im surprised there hasn’t been more pushback from the media over Ivermectin honestly. 


Then again the “alternative therapies” debate has been utterly shut down in popular culture to the point that you don’t hear a peep about HCQ even as a “tinfoil hat remedy” anymore.  Reminds me of the part of Atlas Shrugged where the authorities are wondering what to do when someone puts unfavorable ideas into the public and they are wondering how to respond.   One of the authorities points out that you just don’t respond.  You just keep going as if nothing has been said.  I guess thats the plan.



Still I was expecting to see some commentary about MAGA hat wearers “taking horse dewormer in the belief that somehow it could stop a coronavirus.”  The story would end with an expert lamenting why people are getting so “antiscience”.


I wouldn’t count on being able to enjoy that delicious apple flavor forever.   The narrative is very clear that a vaccine is the only way the current imprisonment shut-down can go away and anythng that threatened that would have to be made to disappear.


I have the expensive pills myself but I may buy the paste too just to be part of the fun.

A Dr. on XM Dr radio a couple weeks ago said one sentence abt IMectin, in distain, and nothing else. I sent them some of the test results fm here.

Good video, thanks, Chris. Re: Vit. D, remember, older folks don’t make as much in the sun and fructose, esp. high fructose corn syrup hinders the bio. conversion in the liver.
Look up “smirk” in Webster’s, Fauci’s face is there. When I think JC died for these people, I hope for repentance. However, I think Slim has left the building.