Fauci Places Politics Over Science (and your health)

Fully agree with Nordicjack, except for his statement that he prefers a dead elderly person with (many) health problems over a 26 year old mom or dad. I am an elderly person, healthy, but I have heard too many times recently that elderly persons are unproductive and actually dead wood that should be pruned. This is insulting and I hope Nordicjack may have not meant it this way, but I take it hard.

A society that regards the unborn as a nuisance and therefore disposable will sooner or later extend that view to the elderly and then to other “nuisances”. Precedent matters, doesn’t it?

tatagiri, how do babies get the anti-bodies and T-cells from their mother. They have different blood circulation so I don’t see how that occurs.

Chris, I noticed a few things about the data you presented which I’d like you to comment on.

  1. The study (you forgot the link in the write up) about herd immunity starts off with what appears to be cherry picking. They "selected" 12 low income countries and then stated that "most" of them appear to follow the herd immunity narrative (thus dismissing those which don't).
  2. For these countries, the initial peak occurred well after most other countries and this may be a reason for not yet seeing what many others are seeing.
  3. Many of the graphs have modeled lines giving a false impression of the actual data. None of the countries (except perhaps CAR) can be said to be following the latter half of the projected case load. In some cases, the actual data is well off the projections (or only slightly down from the peak so far).
  4. Is there any consistency in how the countries collect and report the data?
  5. The study has since been updated and Ethiopia has been deleted (so they are down to 11 countries). I couldn't find a reason for the exclusion but it may be because the latest data show it to be well off the modeled curve.
  6. The study hasn't been peer reviewed.
  7. The intro has also been changed from that presented by Chris but I can't see how they can suggest an infection rate of between 45% and 80% of population but that only between 0.05% and 2.86% have been detected. The top of the range (2.86%) is over 50 times the bottom of the range but the range in the estimated total infections is only a factor of 2.
  8. Base12 has done stirling work in producing the table but it has also not been replicated by anyone, as far as I know. I think this needs to be done as restricting the pathways for the virus to spread must have had an effect and yet the table appears to indicate that just the opposite happened. This needs explaining, especially the implication that masks (long pushed by Chris) are useless.
I must say that Chris's recent videos on the subject have been disappointing. I would also like this to be a less worrisome virus and resulting disease but I don't think he's presented convincing evidence of either. Globally, we don't see the herd immunity narrative but do see a lessening of the lethality and this also could do with more research.

i dont know why we dont just supply everyone 70 and over with daily vitamin d and vitamin c and just open up the economy, but i suppose they might not have the manufacturing capacity/capability to do so (thinking Australia)

I have read numerous posts from you over the years and am hard pressed to think of one that had anything positive to say about something that Chris has written or said. It makes me wonder why you are still here. This doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to criticize. A certain amount of criticism (with the resulting debate and discussion) is healthy and productive, facilitates learning, and keeps this site from being too much of an echo chamber. But quite frankly, all I ever read from you is kvetch, kvetch, kvetch. I realize it’s probably the nature of your personality but it’d be nice to balance the relentless negativity with a little positivity … perhaps a compliment or some expression of gratitude or appreciation or a contribution other than a criticism of what’s been posted.

The name tatagiri is an Indian surname. People here keep calling tatagiri tatagirl.
It is Tatagiri with an i.
It is just a minor point as it is just a screen name .
Tata is the name of one of if not the wealthiest family in India. If there is a major business in India Tata is involved. Actually they are a global company. The Tata family is Parsi. Parsis are Zoroastrians who fled Iran (Persia) to escape Muslim persecution. They settled predominantly in Gujerat India
I am not sure what the giri means.
At any rate just checked on my condition and it is fine so going back on vacation.

I have read numerous posts from you over the years and am hard pressed to think of one that had anything positive to say about something that Chris has written or said.
Thanks for noticing. There's a contingent here who seem to prefer to tear things down. It's what they do best, or at least it's what they do most often. Sofistek finds a nit to pick, maybe takes some time to express how this site has gone downhill or how disappointed he is in my work, and then waits patiently for the usual suspects (Doug, Yoxa, etc) to upvote his kvetching. These are stalwart members of PP's 'drive by shooter' (DBS) club. None of them seem to take the time to produce any useful positive content here. They are tear-down artists. They'll put a lot of effort into a negative post but almost never any effort into a positive contribution. It's 'a thing,' and quite often found left of center for some reason. I don't know why. Maybe I'm off base on that, but living near "hippie valley" has exposed me to quite a bit of the DBS tear-down club over the years and I am both allergic to it and quite capable of ignoring it. I bet the DBS club would be horrified at the 4-cord wood bin I slapped together today. Improperly engineered, a lack of appropriate symmetry, not going to survive the first winter, ugly...surely there would be many complaints. But you know what? It went up fast and it will last and it will work just fine for a minimum of effort and cost. I know this because I've built lots and lots of things over the years. And while they're busy complaining about that, I'll sneak over a few dozen yards and build a cow run-in shed before I settle down to put another 8-10 hours of work into the next free video that will help educate people about SARS2 and how to interpret a study. Naturally, none of that will be the slightest bit appreciated by the DBS crowd. In fact it may well bother them. For some reason, complainers are unsettled by doers. It's a cats and dogs thing. Or dogs and postmen. Just different ways of approaching life, I suppose.

Sofistek, ao-
I think Sofistek tends to see the glass as perennially half-empty. Or perhaps mostly-empty. Or perhaps he just doesn’t have a glass at all and isn’t happy about it. :slight_smile:
Why is Chris less worried? We now know that COVID-19 is an over-70 disease: 5.4% IFR for the 70+ group, 0.5% for the 50-70 group, and not-worth-mentioning for the 0-49 group.
0-19 years: 0.00003
20-49 years: 0.0002
50-69 years: 0.005
70+ years: 0.054
He also knows that even that mortality rate gets cut in half - maybe more - with vitamin-D!
And lastly, he probably has his apple-flavored horse paste, which in most cases, stops COVID-19 cold.
So, in sum, with the treatments he knows about (and probably has on the shelf now), this disease isn’t a big scary deal any longer. I mean, he doesn’t want to get it, neither do I, but its pretty clear how to fix the situation if it comes up.
BTW, I’m still not convinced that NAC as prophylaxis for COVID-19 is worthless. As a treatment in already-hospitalized patients, it doesn’t help. But the 1998 influenza prophylaxis treatment protocol (600 mg 2x day) worked great as a symptom prevention mechanism - a terrain-builder for older people. COVID-19 is an older-people disease. We haven’t seen a trial like that yet.
Older people are very often glutathione deficient - glutathione deficiency is present in virtually every disease state. Glutathione declines with age in a curve remarkably like the death rate of COVID-19. NAC 2x day fixes this, similar to vitamin-D supplementation fixes vit-d deficiency.
And its still also quite effective in preventing influenza symptoms in older people. Influenza is still a thing too.
You will pry my NAC from my cold, dead fingers. :slight_smile:

I’ve loved a lot of your work and, once hooked on your Covid-19 updates, I watched all of them. I fully realise that opinions can change as more data comes in but many of your recent videos don’t seem to bother with the data as much. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
I notice that you had no comments on the points I raised. Does that mean you don’t think any of the points has merit? I so, I’d love to hear why for each point as I really do think they are genuine concerns.
I have to apologise for perhaps mainly posting questions or criticisms (I’m not sure if this is true but can’t find a link to all of my comments). This is simply me. If I have no complaints about some of an article (not just Chris here but anyone anywhere) then I don’t say anything but if there appears to be some error or dodgy logic then I’ll raise that concern and this can be seen as always whinging but it’s not the case. I’ve appreciated Chris’s insights but I just feel that he’s now being a bit lax with his analyses and I hope he can take criticism, though his last message suggests that is also waning (he did once thank me for correcting him on NZ’s use of face masks).
Dave, yes, I am a glass half-empty kind of guy but, overall, I like to see things as they are, so tend to avoid the rose coloured glasses. I agree that Covid-19 is becoming less scary but I don’t want to catch it at all. It’s not a disease of older people though they suffer disproportionately, which is what you probably meant. I’m an older person so I may be more concerned than the younger guys, even though I have a pretty good diet, and have had so for over a decade (before then not so great) so probably won’t get it too badly but I don’t want to test that theory.

Through the milk (colostrum)

I previously posted about the importance of getting your blood serum levels of vitamin D checked as opposed to just taking the RDA or some fixed dosage without knowledge of your unique blood levels. This is anecdotal but someone whose husband has rheumatoid arthritis told me her husband has his vitamin D blood levels checked regularly and he needs to take 10,000 IU per day to maintain his levels in the optimal range (i.e. above 50 ng./ml.).
BTW, just ordered some apple flavored Ivermectin, for our horse of course, from valleyvet.com for $2.49 a tube.
Also, just getting a feeling but I’ve learned to act on my intuition so we’re going to be replenishing supplies of toilet paper, soap, toothpaste, etc. I’m well stocked but talked to a friend who is heavily into firearms training/teaching and uses a LOT of ammo and he said that ammo is in very short supply across the board. Also, I’m keeping non-ethanol gasoline supplies and fuel stabilizer topped off. Larder is full but we notice it’s getting harder and harder to find healthy food. Everything is either loaded with sugar (in its various forms) or unhealthy oils or glyphosate (commercial hummus being the latest “victim”) or GM or food sourced from China, Vietnam, etc.
Thinking of pulling the trigger on top quality night vision as well while it can still be had by civilians. Never know when you might want to forage for chaga or rose hips at night.:wink:
Too much is happening and too much will be happening and there are too many lay-offs and disenfranchised people for there not to be supply chain interruptions as well as rising civil unrest and crime, particularly as our nation and the world is more morally bankrupt than at any time that I’ve ever seen in my life.

I’ve been dealing with a problematic family member for a number of years now that has been a considerable source of stress in my life and was particularly so to my late mother. In talking to a very wise, older psychologist, he gave me some good advice which I realize I need to follow. That advice?
“Sometimes the best response is no response.”

And the hits just keep on coming. I hope they have the HCQ and zinc and all other good stuff.
Anyone else remember the “Tecumseh Curse”? I have been keeping an eye on this as Pres. Trump is due. Reagan and W managed to escape it, barely. Only dead presidents I want right now is on my fiat. Appears others don’t share my sympathy.

It may be wishful thinking but I can’t help but wonder if there may be a simpler explanation of why cases are going up but not deaths- if it were a man-made bioweapon, there were reports early on that the “tinkering” wouldn’t survive many evolutions and after a certain point it could lose the lethality even if it became more contagious. I’ve wondered for a while if this principle was behind Trump’s comments that this will just “disappear” like a “miracle.” I am still concerned about a lag of many weeks behind the spike in cases with a new spike in deaths, but with the complex analysis of X Y Z immunity, I do wonder if a simpler explanation is possible. I am wondering if the genetic sequencing they do is showing anything like that?

IFR for COVID-19 in the 70+ group is 5.4%.
Although that figure it almost certainly higher in the “obese” group, which given Trump’s BMI of around 30, he qualifies for.
This could turn out to be bad - or it could end up showing the country that this disease is something that even old fat Presidents can recover from, with the right treatment.
Trump could end up being a poster child (at age 74) for said treatment. He was definitely detected early, and will be treated rapidly, which is a big plus. And the Zelenko protocol has a high success rate for high risk patients treated early, assuming that’s what he’ll be using.
This is definitely an October Surprise. We have to wait a few weeks to see which direction it will take.

VTGothic, this is very true. I stopped using soap on a daily basis years ago, for other reasons, and recently learned the practice has probably helped my biodome.

The polio epidemic also followed the use/non use of DDT spraying. DDT poisoning apparently mimics polio symptoms. I Love Dr. Humphries: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZMn7oapJD4

Yes, Dave, I think Trump could well benefit from the one thing he seemed to get right in his Covid-19 response, an attempt to make HCQ+ a treatment of choice. Hopefully, he’s now fully into this very effective treatment. Chris did great work digging out the data on HCQ and pointing out the flaws in poor trials of the treatment.

Where’s the clip with Gates/Fauci?
Corbett did a Meet Bill Gates documentary, link below, and I believe Fauci and Gates were college buddies/room mates.