Fauci Places Politics Over Science (and your health)

It is so hard for me to get outside in the summer, unless I’m near a body of water. If I have to garden in the Florida summer, I usually do it with the sprinkler on!

Chris and Adam, I love the new introductory music and format of your videos. It’s much more positive and upbeat, hopeful.
I also appreciate the sleuthing, pulling together articles written by people trying to push an agenda. Seeing that tactic in action broadened my understanding of psyop.
As for F-Face-Fauci, he is a perfect example of what is wrong in this country. The criminals at the top get the red carpet treatment. His testimony? Mindboggling that he used the NY stats to support his recommendations. True DoubleSpeak.
It’s good to see Chris relaxed again.
BTW Chris, you did a great job on USA.watchdog.com. It’s hard to listen to Greg Hunter, actually sometimes is agonizing, but he has fabulous guests!

A credentialed person has posted a list of “things” that have received Warning Letters from the US Government as potentially fraudulent interventions for SarsCov2. Among the suspect vitamins are D3 and Vitamin C and Elderberry.
This is very dangerous and another criminal enterprise that seems to emanate from our Medical Community. If people are convinced that D3 is similar to Unicorn Poo and stop taking it more blood will be on the hands of the Fauchites. I would love to know who is financially backing the person who put out this travesty.

BG = 1955, F = 1940
Seems unlikely they were college roommates or buddies

Grover, it seems like your calculation is based on weight (yours vs. a horse). Weight isn’t the only thing to consider when determining drug dosages. Animal metabolism is variable, even for similar species. (sheep need about half the dose of most drugs vs. goats) I found the following at the mayo clinic website (strongalytes are intestinal parasites, aka worms). Veterinary medicines usually list the concentration of the active drug, either per package or per mililiter. From that, you can calculate the best dose for a human of your weight. Note that the recommended human dose is in micrograms, NOT milligrams. There are 1000 micrograms in a milligram. Enjoy those “apples”!
For strongyloidiasis:

  • Adults and teenagers—Dose is based on body weight and must be determined by your doctor. The usual dose is 200 micrograms (mcg) per kilogram (kg) (91 mcg per pound) of body weight as a single dose. Additional doses usually are not needed.
  • https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/ivermectin-oral-route/proper-use/drg-20064397

Olive Oil Guy,
Having been in healthcare for over 40 years and interested in ACH (alternative, complementary, holistic) approaches that entire time, I have witnessed many “ambushes” of effective non-pharmaceutical remedies. The most blatant and the one that really convinced me that there were nefarious parties acting behind the scenes was regarding serratiopeptidase, a proteolytic enzyme with anti-inflammatory benefits but without many of the side effects of most pharmaceutical NSAIDs. I have used it myself and found it effective and had recommended it to patients. There were a number of research studies, almost all of which were done overseas, which attested to its effectiveness and safety. One day, when checking what Wikipedia would say (since I was planning on recommending it to a patient of a somewhat suspicious nature who I was sure would investigate it further on her own), I found the entire Wikipedia entry had been changed. It stated that there was no evidence that it was effective, that its safety was questionable, yadda, yadda, yadda. It was a complete, 180 degree turn-around from what previous research had shown.
They have done this in the past with vitamin E as well, saying that it caused cancer. How can an essential nutrient cause cancer? They were performing research using the synthetic form of vitamin E, dl-alpha tocopherol, and using it in isolation. When the natural form of vitamin E, d-alpha tocopherol is used in conjunction with the other tocopherols and tocotrienols, there is no such problem. But many physicians who don’t read beyond the abstracts or don’t keep up with the literature, to this day, still warn against it.
I’ve also witnessed similar attacks against vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin K1 and K2, glucosamine, elderberry extracts, colloidal silver, etc. ANY substance that provides a cheaper, safer, more natural alternative to a pharmaceutical and begins to gain traction with the public will, sooner or later, be attacked.
It’s very similar to how very few financial advisors will recommend physical gold and silver. It’s also similar to how mainstream education will attack home schooling. Almost anything which supports independence from the system will be attacked by the system. Witness the steady increase in policies and regulations, especially from the political left, which work against small, independent, Ma and Pa businesses while government jobs have experienced a steady increase in salaries and benefits relative to the private sector.
On a very personal professional level, I experienced a lot of “heat” when I treated patients who were told they needed surgery for their carpal tunnel syndrome or torn medial meniscus or disc derangement and I was able to get them pain free and fully function with no surgery.
It’s all about the money.

I very much want Chris to continue doing what he does, but Ive often wondered at his dillemma.


To me the dillemma is that if you give things away for free people will typically value those things as if they are worthless.   I worked for a software company once who made a free speedtest that accidentally ended up being the most used speedtest on the internet at the time.


The complaints we got were unreal.   The disgust with our shitty product…  And the threats…  One guy was mad at us because the pizza he had ordered was taking too long to arrive.


Anyway yesterdays video was an example of Chris just being so damned “on point”.  Its not just his analysis of studies to prove one thing or another, its the education you get in how the world works that I find so compelling.   Everyone is so fixated on the next detail, as if the next study that proves HCQ works is gonna change things.   Chris shows you why it isnt going to change things by revealing the decades long pattern of the data not changing things.   

He helps you to grok that we are truly on our own.  This would be terrifying if it wasn’t so interesting and sometimes fun.


Anyway, I hope he continues.

For the clip with Fauci/Gates you have to click on the link I have provided (https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/disease/gates-fauci-above-the-law/) and then click through on the audio fragment that you see.
I couldn’t get it linked directly in the comment, but this works fine too.
Corbett did indeed do an extremely informative documentary on Bill Gates, but the link you provided covers only the last part (part four) of the documentary. For the link that shows all four parts I recommend:
A MUST VIEW indeed!

Thanks for posting the full documentary.

There’s a subtlety or technicality about the mRNA process, that I haven’t wrapped my head around, where the person is injected with RNA that replicates in the body to cause an immune response. How is the vaccine RNA method different from catching the wild variety excepting bypassing normal initial immune defenses (by injection; and I generally consider bad) and maybe a known small initial inoculum. What would be different about using an inhaler with the known COVID dose???

More behind the scene expose of how the anglo-american elites are using Covid-19 to blow up the derivatives market / financial system to usher in their new world order.
For those who care to learn more, Matthew Ehret is an astute and highly credible Canadian writer who posts fabulous essays on multi-generational geopolitics. His work can be found on his two websites: https://canadianpatriot.org/ and https://risingtidefoundation.net/

I noted that Trump mentioned “Big Pharma” by name in the debate…and he wasn’t making a compliment. This is the first time I have ever heard something like that in a Presidential debate…the first time.
It is indeed all about the money and the power. Money for power and power for money–what a vicious circle. As has been pointed out here, if someone says it is not about the money, it is definitely about the money.
I realize we don’t “do politics” on this site, and I want to respect that. But we are not going to end the Fed as Chris so ardently desires, or get rid of corrupt and arrogant “public servants” like Fauci, unless we address and thoroughly punish/defund the culture of corruption in Washington.
There is only one candidate in this Presidential race who has committed himself to draining the swamp. You know who that is as well as I do. With all his obvious faults, only one person has had the moral courage to take on the swamp.
Without moral courage, nothing else matters.

It is readily evident here in Victoria BC that people are concerned about the uptick trend for Covid-19 and are stocking up once again. This past week I was shocked by the number of empty shelves in a large grocery store.
Note to those who garden - given how there was such a run on supplies and seeds almost everywhere last Spring, now is a good time to check inventories and buy accordingly so that you will be ready as soon as your climate allows in the New Year. I just returned from the garden centre happy to have been able to get stocked up on key things I needed that were previously hard to come by. Sweet!

When I see a study supported by msm, slamming a vitamin or other natural medicine it helps me. The more they slam the more I figure there is a big pharma agenda and that there is solid evidence to back the vitamin’s efficiency.
They really went to town on glucosamine, vitamin e and vitamin a, as you mention. Perfect. It reminded me to take those vitamins.
I think msm is just really susceptible to their b.s, because the studies come from “authoritative sources.”
Many big pharma owners should be in jail. They actively harm millions of people. Look at oxycontin and that scandal. What about NSAIDs and fudging info about some serious GI side effects, that effect darned near everybody.
People go on and on about Bill Gates, who is probably, like msm, merely impressed with credentialed individuals who appear to know what they are talking about. It’s a cultural phenomenon, in his case, not a conspiratorial one.
But the executives with science backgrounds and the PR apparatus and owners of these companies. Lock them up.

And turmeric. It seems to do wonders whenever I have an ache and when I recommended it to my mom who had a jaw problem for months, it went away in a couple days. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not. But apparently it does nothing.

More athletes claim they contracted COVID-19 at Military World Games in Wuhan (InsideTheGames)
"More athletes have revealed that they fell ill during the Military World Games in October when the Chinese city of Wuhan hosted the event months before the COVID-19 outbreak.
Taking place in October, the allegations came two months before the first identification of COVID-19 by China.
Close to 10,000 competitors competed at the Games from over 100 countries during the nine-day event.
Speaking to the Mail on Sunday, German volleyball player Jacqueline Brock alleged that she got COVID-19 despite no cases being reported until December.
She said: "After a few days, some athletes from my team got ill, I got sick in the last two days.
“I have never felt so sick, either it was a very bad cold or COVID-19, I think it was COVID-19.”

It comes after French pentathlete Elodie Clouvel claimed she and her partner Valentin Belaud contracted the virus at the Games. Italian fencer Matteo Tagliarol also said everyone in his apartment in the city fell ill with symptoms "that looked like those of COVID-19"." 2019 Wuhan Military Games - October 18th-27th, 2019 (Source) Event 201, A Global Pandemic Exercise - October 18th, 2019 (Source)

Taz, it’s my understanding that mRNA vaccines for SARs-CoV2 are designed to produce the spike protein of the virus coat, not an intact virus. The body produces antibodies against the spike protein, and when the intact virus enters the body, antibodies recognize the protein and neutralize the virus. At least in theory. I’m stuck on the question of: How does production of the spike protein get turned OFF? Or doesn’t it? Many questions about this brand new vaccine technology, few of which are getting discussed in an intelligent manner.

Just feel the power in your veins!

So if I understand the link (Table 3), FDA has sent out 14 warning letters to those who are promoting Vitamin D3 as a therapy or prophylactic measure for COVID-19. Would this be admissible and open up a physician to a lawsuit for recommending it to his patient for COVID?

They are no one to speak. They are done in 24 mos. trust me on this…