Fauci Places Politics Over Science (and your health)

There has been a forum on this topic.
Hyopthetically, in a TV-based reality surival show where someone gets a rare tropical infection but only has access to a tube of horse Ivermectin 1.87% paste the calculations are as follows:

For educational purposes, and not as medical advice of course, the calculations are pretty straightforward.

The horse Ivermectin, apple flavored seems to be the most common, comes as a 1.87% paste. That works out to 18.7 mg/gram (or 18,700 micrograms/gram)

The standard dose for humans is between 150 and 200 micrograms (millionths of a gram) per kg. The calculations are pretty simple. Here’s the table that results for a variety of ‘patient’ weights and the dosing range for the 1.87% paste. The last two columns are in grams.

You have to have the ability to weigh out anywhere from 0.40 grams to 1.07 grams, depending on your body weight and selected dosing level.

Link to original Forum thread

sofistek, You bring up excellent, scientifically valid observations/points about problematic methods and conclusions in the latest video. I'm glad you posted them, because I was noticing many of the same issues while viewing the video myself. I was looking forward to Chris addressing them. Chris's handwaving dismissive emotionally defensive response, in which he completely evaded every single valid point and wrote a long winded whine about being picked on by an apparent conspiracy of "left-of-center" types who must have some inexplicable need to "tear down" and "nit pick", floored me, because I had heard Doctor Martenson describe himself on multiple occasions as someone who is committed to the scientific method and objective truth with no political agenda, just an agenda to find the truth and openness to changing his opinions whenever new data disproves previous conclusions. It's not even about Chris agreeing with your questions/observations. I would be fine with Chris disagreeing with all of your points, as long as he gave reasons for disagreeing. Instead, NOTHING. 2 days later, still nothing. Just that one initial "How dare you peer review and critique the Great Chris Martenson! Shame on you, you're probably just a liberal!" response. A good scientist genuinely interested in finding the truth and improving their hypotheses and learning would welcome the opportunity for peer review/critique and would be grateful for people helping to spot possible errors and problems with their work. Anyway, now that I spoke up in your defense, I assume I will now be added to the list of conspirators already named - "the usual suspects...members of PP's 'drive by shooter' (DBS) club...the complainers not the doers" yada yada yada yada yada.

Prop, I would say you’ve got the right conclusions for the wrong reasons. In case you didn’t get the memo, Big Pharma owns the MSM, along with our representatives in the legislative branch, along with the white house in the executive branch, and along with the justices in the judicial branch of our government.
Please read this US Supreme Court Case: https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/10pdf/09-152.pdf
Please read the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986: https://www.congress.gov/bill/99th-congress/house-bill/5546
And think about Operation Wharp Speed. Don’t listen to what Trump says, watch what he does. He appointed a Big Pharma hack to oversee Operation Wharp Speed.
We’re living through the policies of the Clinton Administration right now: Deregulated FCC taking the most diverse media system in the world and condensing it down to a mega-monopoly; repeal of Glass-Steagall creating the too bit to fail banks all gambling with depositor money; and of course NAFTA with no more manufacturing jobs for Americans, and to the point at hand, under the Clinton administration advertising medicine directly to the public became law.
Big Pharma has Big Bucks. Have you watched TV lately? Seen all those drug commercials? Those same drug companies manufacture vaccines. Do you think the MSM could permit truthful reporting/break a story on vaccines or other Big Pharma products without jeopardizing their funding?
As for Billy G, I think your naive. Corbett does a good job researching Bill Gates, even if you’re cynical, watch it, it’s an eye opener. He is very influential and uses his philanthropy to pursue his personal goals, and all of his “philanthropy” is tied to his investments.
When ever you doubt a story or narrative, go do your own research but use Duckduckgo as your search engine, not Google. You’ll have a hard time finding any negative information about Billy G on Google.
I’m with you on the conclusion. Almost anything coming out of MSM, we can assume the opposite.

Perhaps he likes a can of surströmming with a side of fermented cabbage, washed down with homemade kombucha.

Hello Mark_BC, Tumeric is one of those wonder herbs. We are growing a lot of it here and it’s one of those plants that just keeps giving. It’s been linked to reducing dementia in the elderly. Indians have a low rate of alzheimers/dementia and they eat a massive amount of tumeric. Black pepper works as a potentiate with tumeric.

Personally, I’ve found turmeric (a patented version with soy lecithin) helpful. Another interesting supplement to research, IMO, is boswellia serrata.

Great vid Chris, BTW if you want to do any medical searching forget google, I now use duckduckgo.com it doesn’t filter out vax and other topics like; flu shot increases covid19 reactivity. OMG! The supression never ends!!

Great vid Chris, BTW if you want to do any medical searching forget google, I now use duckduckgo.com it doesn't filter out vax and other topics like; flu shot increases covid19 reactivity. OMG! The supression never ends!!
I totally agree. Just this morning I was trying to use google search to resolve an issue about lymph nodes and Covid. All I got was page after page of redirects to various cancer treatment centers. Not a single search result for what I was after. Well at least not on the first 5 pages, after which I gave up. Went to Duckduckgo.com and - voila! - page after page of the results I was looking for. Maybe it's just me, but I noticed a pronounced loss of Goggle utility about 2-3 weeks ago...now it's shot through with paid garbage and political nudging masquerading as legit search results. Oh well - same old story - great company and technology suffers 'death by a thousand well-meaning committees.' Youtube mostly there. Twitter well on the way. Google search now my second choice...

Keenan - you missed the point entirely. I all you do is show up and kvetch I will tune you out.
If you bitch and moan every single time and are unrelentingly negative, even if you do manage to have a good point now and then, it will go unnoticed.
It’s as true on line as it is in real life.
I trust that’s an easy concept to appreciate.

Hi Chris,
If you are looking for alternatives for Google, you might enjoy the podcast:
“So You’ve Decided To Boycott Google…”:
(Good information. Also some useful information in the comment-section)
And more recent:
“How to Save the Library”:
There are a lot of alternatives for Google.
The greater point however, is that if you want to use (and build) greater DIGITAL RESILIENCY, you have learn about and use decentralized alternatives. This way, you will decrease your chance in being censored.

Furthermore, if you want to make sure you are not dependent on YouTube with regard to censorship, you can also upload your video’s on:

  • BitChute
  • The Internet Archive
  • LBRY
  • Minds.com
    You don’t have to abandon YouTube (yet) - it’s more an and/and proposition than an or/or proposition - but it is advisable to make sure you are independent from them. Because what are you going to do if YouTube decides to take down your content? This is currently happening for all kinds of alternative media content creators (Dan Dicks of PressForTruth for example).
    Kind regards!

Qwant is an alternative.

How does production of the spike protein get turned OFF? Or doesn't it?
Good question. I saw a good lecture on Medcram.com on how a cell functions, the difference between DNA and RNA and how Sars-CoV-II operates including the spike protein: https://www.medcram.com/courses/take/coronavirus-outbreak-symptoms-treatment/lessons/10887384-update-32-important-data-from-south-korea-can-zinc-help-prevent-covid-19 It is free, but you have to make an account first so you can login. In any case, I cannot see how the spike protein gets turned off. Therefore, I am extremely wary of a vaccine. An mRNA is also RNA, as far as I see, which means if you ingest this you are tampering with your genetic code. But I'm open for information to the contrary, at least if this information shows how it EXACTLY works.

User blocked.

I forgot about all the advertising by big pharma on television. I don’t have cable tv. I tend to think of it more in terms of letter agencies, with the civilian agencies having disproportionate control or influence over what Americans call liberal television msm and DIA or defense intelligence agency having disproportionate influence over Fox media and some alt right social media. It appears to be divided roughly neo-liberal and neo-conservative.
But of course, big pharma is slowly but surely becoming like another clandestine arm of government.
As far as Bill Gates goes, I don’t see him as an evil eugenicist, as some people do. He is simply one of the most powerful corporatists, with a mercenary agenda, out there. He’s plenty creepy, for sure – but don’t feel he is ‘evil.’ That’s binary black and white thinking that you hear a lot of during times of extreme social stress. And true, some people are evil, if you call indifference to the suffering of their fellow man, ‘evil.’ In that case we can and should extend it to animals who have a capacity for suffering and feeling pain and most of us ignore that, or we are indifferent to it. So that makes most people evil, I guess.

Chris wrote:

Sofistek finds a nit to pick, maybe takes some time to express how this site has gone downhill or how disappointed he is in my work, and then waits patiently for the usual suspects (Doug, Yoxa, etc) to upvote his kvetching
This is just plain wrong and I'm sure you must have written this without really considering your reply. I most definitely do not wait for upvoting of my comments. And when you use the phrase "nit pick", you offer no evidence why they are nit picks and not genuine criticisms. Considering that herd study, you didn't address any of my points and, thinking about it again, I'm pretty sure that it's a piece of "research" that can be discarded as unsound, for the reasons I already mentioned (it reminds me a little of the discredited 7 Countries report by Ancel Keys in a, sadly successful, attempt to show that saturated fats cause heart disease, which discarded all data that didn't match his hypothesis). I'm looking forward to viewing your latest video. I'd really like to be less worried about it, not just for myself but for everyone who is unlikely to follow your advice about how to strengthen their bodily defences.

I am trying real hard to understand you.
You refer to CM’s analysis as a:
piece of “research” that can be discarded as unsound, … reminds me… of the discredited 7 Countries report by Ancel Keys in a, sadly successful, attempt to show that saturated fats cause heart disease, which discarded all data that didn’t match his hypothesis…"
I have studied your exemplified topic extensively over the years and have argued with professional researchers on what you dismiss as “discredited.” I really think that you are not looking at things objectively. You need to discard political and unscientific “arguments” or thoughts in your analyses. Your dismissal (and arguments thereof) of saturated fats as a cause of heart disease is a good example. You sound like the mocking bird main stream (bought) media. I really have a hard time following your logic, and your quasi-focused, broadly phrased blanket dismissal of general notions in a list “give me a point by point reason!” in post 43 seems like thoughtless self aggrandizing nonsense.

Hi Sofistek,
I can’t understand your last post. I don’t mean that I disagree with it, I mean that the info about the dietary fat causing heart attacks seems to contradict itself, the way it has been expressed. Do you think you could rewrite it so it’s more clear? Thanks!

I have some ivermectin I bought for my horse, of course. Got it way back in February. The dosing table is really helpful but my kitchen scale only records down to one gram. This would be a large dose for my horse, of course. Does anyone have a suggestion about how to get an accurate dose? I’m thinking that if I weigh out one gram I can divide that in half to get a roughly accurate dose. I was just going to try Grover’s 1/6th tube but that seems like a lot.

You can buy a very inexpensive scale ($20) on Amazon. Also useful for weighing powder when reloading ammo.
MAXUS Dante Milligram Scale. 50g x 0.001g . Includes 20g Calibration Weight.