Fauci Places Politics Over Science (and your health)

Thanks! I didn’t think of reloaders, only drug dealers. Perfect solution.

The horse paste ivermectin doesn’t come in a tube, but in a syringe with demarkations on the side based on total body weight of the animal. This allows a person to inject into the horse’s mouth the correct amount of paste based on its weight, by depressing the plunger to the line matching the horses weight. Horses are dosed at .2 mg / Kg of body weight, the same dose recommended for humans.
The lines on the syringe are in 250 lb increments. It is very easy to deliver a weight-based dose with this system to any animal, large or small, furry or hairless, no math required.

agitating prop,
It’s a little off topic but the herd immunity study reminded me of the study authored by Ancel Keys (I think it was in the 60s) to “prove” his hypothesis that dietary fat (in particular saturated fat) was the primary cause of heart problems. The study is referred to as The Seven Countries Study and it seemed to convince health authorities, at the time. The problem is that the study was an amalgam of research that collected dietary data from many more than seven countries but only the countries which appeared to fit the hypothesis was used. If he’d used all of the data, he’d have found no correlation (or an insignificant correlation) between fat and heart disease. Consequently, diets have been long affected by this bad study though the notion that saturated fat is good for you and that sugar (particularly free fructose) is the main culprit of many afflictions that we have with western diets.
The herd immunity study used a “selected” 12 countries and a later edition removed one of those (possibly because Ethiopia wasn’t fitting the hypothesis, but we don’t know the reason for the exclusion). So, the study “selected” 11 countries but didn’t list the selection criteria. Why didn’t it use 200 countries? More work perhaps but also less likely to appear to support the hypothesis.
There is a difference between the two studies though, the Ancel Keys’ study was peer reviewed but the herd immunity study hasn’t yet been peer reviewed. Peer review, of course, does not guarantee the research is sound but it’s a prerequisite for serious science. Chris has, in the past, mentioned when some research has not yet been peer reviewed, advising caution but I don’t think he did that on this occasion. Perhaps it was an oversight but he hasn’t commented on this or any other points I made. That’s his prerogative but it does make be wonder why.
I really do try to be objective. I see no value in lying to myself about the real situation. I challenge analyses at both ends of the spectrum. For example, at one extreme end, I’ve challenge environmental doomers about what they are claiming about the science, just as I’ve challenged deniers about their flawed use of data. I also try to avoid insults and baseless accusations as I’ve never found them to be persuasive.

“Peer review” is often used as a form endorsement serious science, and theoretically it is, or should be. Unfortunately its is often thoroughly corrupted by an old boys network, grant chasing & back scratching. The buying off of the Lancet editors for the publishing of the fraudulent surgisphere study should remove any doubts.

I don’t disagree. There has been plenty of rubbish published which is supposedly peer reviewed. But peer review is a necessary, though not sufficient, part of the publication process for good science. Pre-prints are interesting but should be treated with caution.

@TreePlanter Here in the Netherlands, there is a clear second wave coming and really causing damage to people - we are nowhere near full immunity. As you can see in the graph above, there are still much fewer admissions to hospitals compared with April 2020. However, it is more than 10x more admissions compared with July... We have a doubling every second week right now. And I concur the observations above, that risk zone people (old/ill/fat/weak/compromised) are much more cautious now than in January-February 2020. Therefore the rise is slower. I am not in a risk zone but nevertheless, I try my very best to improve my immune system and to get as small inoculum as possible. I am still scared of the potential long-term consequences of this virus. Anecdotically, half of the people I know who had the virus (4 out of 8) still have health problems 6 months later...
Isn't it just another casedemic?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FU3OibcindQ
I’m doing all the preps I’ve learned on PP. And appreciate Chris having the humility to update the list and accept new findings. (NAC is now in the “not helpful” category).
I think Chris may have been a bit too fast in dismissing NAC. It remains good as an effective short-term treatment for acute respiratory infections in general, as it thins mucus in your bronchial tubes helping to flush down any respiratory pathogen before it can reach the lungs, and it's the main precursor to glutathione production (if glutathione depletion happens, you're pretty much screwed). Higher glutathione can be helpful in increasing antioxidant ability, and in relaxing, as it has recently been discovered that glutathione may in fact actually also act as a neurotransmitter that binds to newly discovered glutathione receptors which have an inhibitory effect comparable to glycine and magnesium (an NDMA glutamate receptor antagonist, like ketamine). If that tells you little, think of these as having downer/inhibitory effects comparable to GABAergics like ethanol and benzodiazepines but weaker and different. These can be useful to relax and counter stress, as chronic stress (chronically elevated cortisol) will shut down your immune system more effectively than anything else (because you don't need an immune system when you need to fight or flee the danger). And what @davefairtex said:
BTW, I'm still not convinced that NAC as prophylaxis for COVID-19 is worthless. As a treatment in already-hospitalized patients, it doesn't help. But the 1998 influenza prophylaxis treatment protocol (600 mg 2x day) worked great as a symptom prevention mechanism - a terrain-builder for older people. COVID-19 is an older-people disease. We haven't seen a trial like that yet. Older people are very often glutathione deficient - glutathione deficiency is present in virtually every disease state. Glutathione declines with age in a curve remarkably like the death rate of COVID-19. NAC 2x day fixes this, similar to vitamin-D supplementation fixes vit-d deficiency. And its still also quite effective in preventing influenza symptoms in older people. Influenza is still a thing too. You will pry my NAC from my cold, dead fingers. :)
Yep, the older you are, generally the lower your glutathione levels, as you tend to need more to counter toxicity insults (such as vaccines and other harmful medical interventions), you may have lower nutrient absorbability (i.e. you're more likely to have a damaged gut), and are less able to produce glutathione. Environmental toxicity keeps increasing too; it's not the same being 80 today as it was even a few decades ago.
@Chris Martenson None of them seem to take the time to produce any useful positive content here. They are tear-down artists. They'll put a lot of effort into a negative post but almost never any effort into a positive contribution. It's 'a thing,' and quite often found left of center for some reason. I don't know why. Maybe I'm off base on that, but living near "hippie valley" has exposed me to quite a bit of the DBS tear-down club over the years and I am both allergic to it and quite capable of ignoring it.
Often that's a result of exposure to "critical theory" (Frankfurt school neomarxism), especially "postmodern". One has been programmed to unconsciously feel good by tearing things (intellectual and physical) down upon perceiving any flaws. It's ultimately another way to get big dopamine/pleasure kicks (when what we really want is serotonin/happiness build-up). I criticize a lot too, but to build up, not to tear down what has positive stable foundations. The MSM believers (not referring to Sofistek, but a few others like Doug and mjtrac) that we refer to as NPCs spend most of their time doing this both in their minds and (when called by the cultural engineers) physically. To them the flaws don't even need to be real/verified, they just need a perceived "authoritative" source to tell them (i.e. they let powerful corporations do their thinking for them).
Maybe it's just me, but I noticed a pronounced loss of Goggle utility about 2-3 weeks ago...now it's shot through with paid garbage and political nudging masquerading as legit search results. Oh well - same old story - great company and technology suffers 'death by a thousand well-meaning committees.' Youtube mostly there. Twitter well on the way. Google search now my second choice...
The loss in usefulness started especially 4 years ago (around early/mid-2016 as Trump was taking over the Republican Party). Last 2-3 weeks and next few weeks are going to be the epitome of their blatant election interference. Most of those people are not well-meaning though (though they love to hold up the premise that they are, and that their opponents are the evil ones).
@Keenan It's not even about Chris agreeing with your questions/observations. I would be fine with Chris disagreeing with all of your points, as long as he gave reasons for disagreeing. Instead, NOTHING. 2 days later, still nothing. Just that one initial "How dare you peer review and critique the Great Chris Martenson! Shame on you, you're probably just a liberal!" response.
Defensive much? That's not what he said, that's just an interpretation you're choosing to go with (because you're buying into much/some of the MSM narrative). You wanna hide in your basement and avoid vitamin D, the effective cures, and life, you can do so. But the virus threat has already largely ended. The threat that remains clearly has nothing to do with the virus itself.
@Prep101 An mRNA is also RNA, as far as I see, which means if you ingest this you are tampering with your genetic code. But I'm open for information to the contrary, at least if this information shows how it EXACTLY works.
You'd be tampering with your genetic code, but (in the case of a[n unprecedented] pure vaccine product) in a way similar to how the virus would/will. The idea is that the (harmless version of the) Spike protein is neutralized and shedded by antibodies, but how long would the mRNA last, the same as the virus' mRNA? But an even bigger question is, what guarantees if any do we have that they won't lace the vaccines with aluminum, mercury, and dozens of other powerful toxins worse than the attenuated pathogen/Spike-coding mRNA?
@agitating prop As far as Bill Gates goes, I don't see him as an evil eugenicist, as some people do. He is simply one of the most powerful corporatists, with a mercenary agenda, out there. He's plenty creepy, for sure -- but don't feel he is 'evil.' That's binary black and white thinking that you hear a lot of during times of extreme social stress. And true, some people are evil, if you call indifference to the suffering of their fellow man, 'evil.' In that case we can and should extend it to animals who have a capacity for suffering and feeling pain and most of us ignore that, or we are indifferent to it. So that makes most people evil, I guess.
You have a very dysfunctional "evil detector" then (guess his obviously fake smiles are enough for you). Gates doesn't kill and maim millions of humans to survive or be healthy. Evil is not just indifference to others' suffering, evil is especially evil when you're the one inducing the suffering.
@Mots Your dismissal (and arguments thereof) of saturated fats as a cause of heart disease is a good example.
He's right about that, as you will understand if you watch this great video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1RXvBveht0 EDIT: My bad, it's not the one above (though it's a great explanation of how fake science is conducted). It's his Fat Head documentary where he exposes Ancel Keys and the low-fat theory/fraud that (in part) led to the epidemic of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evcNPfZlrZs Saturated fats and cholesterol are required for good health, which is why they want us to avoid it, it's really as simple as that. Otherwise Ancel Keys' fraud would've been corrected by now. It's just one more example of fraudulent selective "science" (and a very obvious one at that).

An interesting wrinkle is the military study showing 36% increase in odds of coming down with covid 19 if you have been taking the flu vaccine. It is consistent with the (unpopular and now a few years old) ‘ferret study’ that show increase severity of flu with new strain exposure, if there was a history of previous flu vaccine exposure. It will be interesting how this is buried by the public health crowd who have given us such good advice.

You might find the following link interesting, in which the question is discussed if there is a correlation between Covid-19 and a flu vaccine:

Of course, the correlation is not really between “injected attenuated flu pathogen” and Covid severity, it’s between “injected heavy metals and dozens of other toxins” and Covid severity.

You have a very dysfunctional "evil detector" then (guess his obviously fake smiles are enough for you). Gates doesn't kill and maim millions of humans to survive or be healthy. Evil is not just indifference to others' suffering, evil is especially evil when you're the one inducing the suffering. TBP Saying Gates isn't evil, is not the same as saying he's a good guy. He's mercenary but not Hell bent on killing millions of people. That's witch hunt mentality, which doesn't serve those trying to "root out evil," very well. It also deflects from greater problems regarding oligarchy in an age of automation where anti-trust laws regarding mergers and acquistions are not enforced because these companies are not technically monopolies. Power is concentrated in too few hands and those hands are usually ruthless competitors who handily break laws they aren't being enforced. Gates is an oligarchic corporatist who has zero medical or science credentials. When Gates talks about reducing populations with vaccines in various speeches, you have to run the entire talk. He goes on to describe how women have fewer children if the children they do have live to maturity. Having many kids is often an insurance policy against high infant mortality rates.  

Thanks for a bit of clarification. And you brought up my next issue which was how does the body know when to turn off replication. If the body is replicating and reacting to spike protein, how does that not spin out of control…

Aluminum is the most common mineral in the crust of the earth. Certain teas have relatively high concentrations. That includes some herbal teas. People who are afraid of vaccines, due to aluminum should also be aware of tea and anti-perspirants.
As far as mercury in vaccines go, who knows if it’s harmful? There are a lot of potential causes of autism. Bombarding a young child’s immune system with a 3 in 1 vaccine seems the more likely culprit to me. I would never expose my child to that.

The childhood vaccines have been so successful that people no longer remember the scourge that they were, and could be again. The tragedy as I see it is that the ‘flu’ vaccine has debased the shine on those early vaccines by association, and by overreach of ‘health’ bureaucrats seeking to expand their footprint with the more marginally beneficial (flu) vaccines.

agitating prop,
Please watch the entire documentary about Bill Gates:
Then, if you really want to drive home the point about eugenics and oligarchs such as Bill Gates, watch:
It really picks up steam in the “why”-part.
It also has an hyperlinked transcript (for if you would like to check all facts and sources), and this says a 1000 times more than anyone’s opinion.

So, you’re referring to forcing the data to conform to preconceived conclusions of the study?. From my own reading and experience, it seems that fat plays a role in vascular disease but it’s sugar that causes initial inflammation and the scarring from inflammation is what the fats adhere to. Also, if exercise isn’t factored into the equation, that’s a problem. Emotional stress probably plays a role in inflammation too.
As far as peer review goes, this is totally problematic and has an effect on all forms of media. If the most reputable science journals can’t be trusted, then who can be? I believe the Lancet refuted its original, article on hydrochloroquine, but that doesn’t do much good after the bad science has hit the press and is now being followed by governments and other institutions.
People truly don’t know what or who to believe anymore, on any level about any issue that is controversial in the slightest.
I look for peer reviewed Swedish articles, generally. Not as much of a conflict,

The Corbett report is getting a lot of play as far as eugenics goes, but if you go to the source video where Gates mentions specifically something about vaccines work to drop world population, you will find something very different. Here is a clip of a video that describes what he thinks about vaccines and generally better health.

Thank you for this excellent information. I’ve never even looked inside the box and just assumed it was a squeezable tube. This simplifies things immensely.

If you are looking for monsters, best look for people who are actively seeking to blow up people of all ages, children included to enrich themselves. There are no ambiguities here. Look towards Raytheon, Lockheed Martin and other defense contracters.
From the New York Times.

"But as the situation in Yemen worsened, at least one firm, Raytheon Company, did more than wait for decisions by American officials. It went to great lengths to influence them, even after members of Congress tried to upend sales to Saudi Arabia on humanitarian grounds.

Raytheon, a major supplier of weapons to the Saudis, including some implicated by human rights groups in the deaths of Yemeni civilians, has long viewed the kingdom as one of its most important foreign customers.

After the Yemen war began in 2015 and the Obama administration made a hasty decision to back the Saudis, Raytheon booked more than $3 billion in new bomb sales, according to an analysis of available U.S. government records."


Agit, I appreciate your generally reasonable perspective on things and helping to push back against the endless stream of hyperbolic and paranoid conspiracy mongering that so many people thoughtlessly copy and paste from social media memes without ever bothering to fact check or verify. The debunked "Bill Gates is evil and wants to wipe out billions of people" memes being the most proliferous, despite the fact that it takes like 2 seconds to look up the misconstrued/out-of-context quotes that were utilized to manufacture the deceptive memes. But like a zombie, no matter how many times they are debunked and dissembled, these bogus memes keep getting resurrected and recycled because conspiracy mongers and gullible people won't let them rest in peace.

James Corbett? Wowzers! Where to start. Hard to believe anybody who still to this day claims there is no increase in global average temperatures despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary smacking us in the face daily, still has any followers. His idiotic "everything is a false flag or a hoax by the NWO" re-interpretations of everything that happens anywhere on the planet is so utterly predictable and repetitive, it's boring. You would think the New World Order would've eliminated this widely-known bearer of all their secrets, but no, for some reason they see fit to let him continue. Just one thing I wanted to point out about aluminum and mercury. You said:
Aluminum is the most common mineral in the crust of the earth. Certain teas have relatively high concentrations. That includes some herbal teas. People who are afraid of vaccines, due to aluminum should also be aware of tea and anti-perspirants...As far as mercury in vaccines go, who knows if it's harmful?
Keep in mind that exposure to a substance contacting the skin or digestive system is not the same as injecting that substance into the blood. The toxicity level thresholds can be very different between the former and the latter. Many substances can be safely metabolized by the kidneys and liver via 1st pass metabolism if ingested, while being extremely toxic in the blood when bypassing 1st-pass metabolism. The consensus is that the amounts of aluminum and mercury in vaccines is at a low enough level to be safe. Exposure to high levels of mercury may result in damage to brain, kidneys, and developing fetus. The scientific consensus is that thiomersal (mercury-based preservative) in vaccines has no such effects. Autism does not match the clinical indications of mercury poisoning. Like mercury, aluminum at high enough levels becomes toxic.

Well, not so much forcing the data to fit the hypothesis but only using data which does fit the hypothesis. We all know that if some data don’t fit the hypothesis then either the hypothesis is wrong or the data are wrong. Regarding sugar, I avoid added sugar whenever I can, that includes fruit juice and fruit smoothies where the fructose has been separated from its fibre.