Fauci Places Politics Over Science (and your health)

Chris’s latest video does a good job of explaining why he’s not so worried by the virus any more. However (you knew that was coming, eh?) a concern is contained within his video but not highlighted. He shows that Ivermectin is not even being trialled in the US. So, whilst there are effective treatments, it’s not clear to me that those treatments are available generally (and especially not generally globally). If the treatments are not likely to be used, then that should still be a concern, shouldn’t it? In addition, Chris’s regimen of various supplements to boost his immune system are unlikely to be used or affordable to many (maybe to most) so this virus and the resulting disease will continue to be a worry to me.

Thanks for that info, BillV. The last time I posted anything about aluminum it was on a forum where some think that the government is trying to kill them by somehow mixing aluminum with jet fuel (or maybe within separate tanks on commercial jets?) or something completely ludicrous like that.
Their ‘proof’ was that high concentrations of aluminum were found in the soil where chemtrails had been spotted. Corbett is probably leveraging profit off the chemtrail conspiracy. There’s money in extending legitimate conspiracies into the stratosphere of the imagination.
It’s not as if we are living in an age where there’s limited access to unambiguous data about mineral composition of soil.
If you offer an alternative prosaic explanation then you are somehow a victim of brainwashing by msm and need to be ‘red pilled.’ This line of thinking is equally as dangerous as anything mainstream media puts out. The only difference is anchor people are generally sharper dressers and don’t vlog from their bedrooms…until recently!

The asshole is a technology thief who is now in control of the world’s health and agriculture. Not because he is an expert , but because he is mega rich.
FTR. Making a personal attack on James Corbett is an ad hom . It carries no weight in any context. Dismissing his work w/o addressing the facts is a logical fallacy.
It is almost impossible to keep up with all the ways Gates is acquiring global control. Food and health are keys. I am looking into what he is doing with water.


Your comment is exactly what I was talking about. You make Gates into some larger than life evil Boogeyman to scare children, based on irrational logic and paranoid conspiracy mongering. Your very first line includes a silly hyperbolic misrepresentation:

[Bill Gates] is now in control of the world's health and agriculture.
No, Bill Gates is not in control of the world's health and agriculture. No one person is in control, and Gates is not the most wealthy person in the world. The links you provided certainly don't prove your ridiculous hyperbolic claim. I agree that Gates is wrong to support GMO food crops because I believe the risks outweigh the benefits. Many well-meaning people support GMO food crops because of potential benefits for increasing food production and alleged reduction in reliance on pesticides, but that does not make them evil or all-powerful. Perhaps misguided. The second link you posted to the article "Bill Gates dirty tricks in Burkina Faso and Nigeria uncovered," is so full of off-the-rails paranoid conspiracy mongering, it completely discredits that site. These are not serious journalists. No, there has never been a secret plot by Bill Gates to sterilize people. The claim that Gate's support for the genetically modified mosquitos being released that contain genes that block the ability of the malaria-carrying species of mosquitos to reproduce in the wild is a secret plot to sterilize humans is pure paranoia. The idiotic conspiracy theory is not even remotely scientifically possible, because the modified mosquitos are male, which don't bite humans. Only female mosquitos bite. 400,000 people in West Africa die of malaria every year and almost every single person in West Africa has fought multiple bouts of malaria, which is a horrible disease. Massive amounts of pesticides have been used to attempt to kill these mosquitos with very limited success but with a high cost to the environment and hazards to humans. If this project is successful, it can save hundreds of thousands of lives and help millions more avoid having to suffer through malaria sickness multiple times, while ending the use of expensive and hazardous anti-mosquito pesticides. I am in favor of this project, as I believe the benefits far outweigh the potential risks.

Welcome to Peak Prosperity. Glad we have a topic that interests you enough to join our comments. What would make your opinions more memorable would be to find a supporting article somewhere to bring to us. That’s what Mohammed does so well. Here’s an article about the Gates Foundation trial in front of the Supreme Court in India over misrepresenting vaccines:

It appears you missed my point entirely. You might try re-reading my comment, while putting aside your biases and agendas. As I explained, Mohammed made some hyperbolic assertions that he did not support with any evidence. The links to the 2 articles did not support his claims, and one of the articles was so over the top with hysterical paranoid baseless accusations that Mohammed should be embarrassed for even submitting such a laughably ridiculous source. Did you miss where I provided an example of why the claim about the mosquitos being part of a secret plot to sterilize humans was not even scientifically possible?
The burden of proof is on the person making the claims about Bill Gates. Fantastic claims, such as the ones frequently circulating on social media, require fantastic evidence.
Furthermore, you provided an article that discusses a different issue than the claims I was debunking. This is another example of what I was talking about. You may disagree with some things Gates has done. I disagree with some things Gates has done. But that does not justify making false hysterical accusations that aren’t true, or to pretend that Gates is pure evil who eats children and is plotting to kill billions of people, etc.

Just to put my cards on the table, I’m neither blindly mainstream nor blindly alternative. I follow the evidence wherever it leads, and I am science oriented, preferring the scientific method and peer review, practicing good science. I believe that Big Pharma are some of the most evil psychopathic entities that need to be reigned in to save our health care system. I’m neither gung-ho vax nor anti-vax. I take a more nuanced approach, weighing the benefits and risks with every medical intervention. Toddlers are over-vaccinated these days. Some vaccines are necessary, but not all. Measles vaccines are necessary. Flu vaccines are not. Only those who are the most high risk category for mortality should get flu vaccines. Most people don’t need flu vaccines, and my thinking is that being exposed to mild cold and flu viruses that don’t cause serious illness and death is probably good for exercising our body’s immune response, like we exercise muscles. I believe that not enough focus is put on prevention and diet and natural remedies for maintaining good health in our society. Most diseases are unnecessary and are caused by diet/life style. Pharmaceuticals are way over prescribed. 80% of pharmaceutical interventions can and should be eliminated by using natural herbs and medicinal plants, along with monitoring our body’s needs for nutrients and vitamin/minerals, and taking supplements or modifying diet to rebalance our systems.
So I checked out the web site “Health Impact News” that you suggested, and looked at their track record of reliability. Based on what I have found, it appears that it is not a very reliable source for medical/scientific reporting, because they have a history of making lots of unsupported and misleading claims. I would be skeptical of their hyped anti-vax claims and their interpretations of any court cases, meaning, I would check the original source documents from the court, rather than relying on their interpretations and conclusions.
Here’s some recent examples of articles that have been fact checked from that site (https://sciencefeedback.co/outlet/health-impact-news/):
• Vitamin C supplementation does not prevent viral respiratory infections, such as those caused by coronaviruses, in the general population
• The flu shot is safe for pregnant women, does not increase the risk of spontaneous abortion
• Vitamin D has not been shown to be more effective than the flu vaccine at preventing flu
• Article claiming flu vaccine causes serious illness and death is misleading and inaccurate
You may want to find more reliable, credible sources that fact check and verify their claims and don’t publish misleading reports.
For example, check out what Media Bias/Fact Check (https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/health-impact-news/) says about the source:

  • Overall, we rate Health Impact News a Quackery level pseudoscience website for the promotion of anti-vaccination propaganda as well as chemtrails, geoengineering, and false information regarding GMOs.

Looks like Mr Gates has taken some inspiration from the CCP and recruited himself a fifty cent army. Though he probably has to pay more than fifty cents.
As Jim H always says, we only receive incoming flak when we are over the target. So - good job everybody. :slight_smile:
We are maybe 3-5 years away from an AI being able to generate this sort of content. Seriously. A friend of mine gave me a demo. He fed it a bunch of emails from the organization he works for to train it up, pushed the button, and out came an email that sounded vaguely reasonable, and was written in that same style. It was eerie. You could tell there was something off - it just wasn’t quite right.
Not sure what “the internet comment sections” turn into when we cross that particular threshold - but we really are not far away.

You are new here Mr. Bill but that is no excuse for ad homs and Gates washing.
Have a blessed day after all Bill G is looking out for you.
BTW ever heard of Vandana Shiva? You may wish to read some of her stuff and get educated.

You might try addressing the actual facts at issue. As it is, you ignored every single point I made, and went straight for the ad hominem. This may be enough to convince the standard less-educated audience of conspirators and superstitious types, who base their opinions on dogmatic beliefs and preferred narratives, regardless of the facts. But for the more educated and thinking types, it kind of looks like you are diverting and deflecting, because you don’t want to confront the facts. Just a suggestion.
Why don’t you give it another try, this time specifying what I got wrong factually or logically? My AI program is very advanced. It’s the newly released Hal-9000-xrx with 128 parallel processing super computer simulation sub-processes, and can handle complex things like reality and science, logic and nuance. Also, I get $1,000 every time I can get someone to engage in non-dogmatic fact-based dialogue. Oh wait…I mean…I’m a program so I don’t need to get paid, but normally our human agents would get paid that much. But I need to double check that with my handler up in Bill Gates compound. I’ll get back to you on that.

Try paying attention when you read my comments. You keep changing the subject and ignoring what I said. Did you miss the part where I said I am opposed to GMO food crops? My point was, being opposed to GMO food crops does not justify making up hyperbolic accusations that are provably false. It is counter productive. If you are not credible, then people won’t take you seriously. Stick to the truth and don’t exaggerate, if you want people to support your campaign against GMO food crops and other issues you care about.
Hell yes I know Vandana. I first met Vandana Shiva in Seattle when I was protesting the World Trade Organization meeting there in 1999. We helped shut down the meeting of the corporate blood suckers, and the talks collapsed due to a combination of us activists on the streets doing direct action, and the revolt of the 3rd world nations representatives who didn’t like how unfair the deal was being demanded by the dominant countries. Vandana is one of the most inspiring environmentalists/activists I’ve ever met. I’m totally in agreement with her when it comes to global trade agreements, GMO food crops, and GMO seeds, and many other environmental/social issues.

agitating prop,
Yes, I’ve seen the video in which Gates’ self-proclaims that he wishes to reduce the population by improving health with vaccines and I regard it as 1) propaganda to obscure his true motives and 2) incorrect. I’ll elaborate:

  1. propaganda to obscure his true motives. I think it is naive to think Bill Gates does not know what Public Relations / Propaganda is. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation spends many millions per year on media partnerships. The NPR’s global health coverage getting 3 million (https://www.gatesfoundation.org/How-We-Work/Quick-Links/Grants-Database/Grants/2018/10/OPP1180191) or NewsHour getting a 3.5 million grant to establish a dedicated NewsHour production unit to report on important global health issues (http://blogs.reuters.com/mediafile/2008/12/01/newshour-gets-35-million-from-gates-foundation/) are just a few of the many examples. When you say to look at the ‘source video where Gates mentions specifically something about vaccines work to drop world population’ I would rather look at his TED talk “Innovating to zero!” in 2010 which predates the video you mentioned by many years. He was somewhat less slick back then but he not so dumb that he explicitly is going to say that his goal is depopulation, but watch it at least from timeframe 3:50 to 4:50.
    Gates says “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” Also notice his “joke” at the 4:25 timeframe. I can tell you that I don’t want this man anywhere near a potential vaccine.
    and more importantly
  2. incorrect. Martin Armstrong goes into Gates’ argument and the video you mentioned (https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/climate/is-gates-stupid-of-very-clever-with-vaccines/). Martin Armstrong states:
    “Either Bill Gates is amazingly ignorant, or he is engaging in sophistry to sell his population-climate change agenda. The mistake people are making here is they are judging the third world on our own. What he is saying is that vaccinating everyone will mean they have a healthier child so they will need fewer children, which is absolutely a joke. The population naturally declines ONLY with economic advancement.”
    and then goes on to provide strong arguments why Gates self-proclaimed goal is false.
    I could go on and on, but I’ll end this post with two additional observations:
  • In the beginning of the 90’s WHO-led vaccination programs led to allegations that tetanus vaccines in the Philippines and Kenya were being laced with hCG in order to implement population control by stealth (BTW, did you know that currently the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation is the second largest donoar to the WHO?). In any case, it’s naive to think that direct reduction of the population via vaccines is in the realm of impossibilities.
  • It’s not only about population reduction, but also about population control. He has stated that we don’t have a choice. According to Bill Gates, going back to your life in the future means having a vaccination and having to prove it with a pass that shows you have been vaccinated. I’m not just saying “No” to that, I’m saying “Hell, no” to any vaccine Gates’ comes up with. Yes, Raytheon is plenty evil, but this is a personal war he is waging against me, my family, you and everyone who is reading this.
    Yes, we are all in this together, but not in the manner that is advertised.
    In any case, good luck to you and to all of us!

Ok, now something that is much more bite-sized: 2 very short clips
Bill Gates on 22 January in Brussels: “We are taking things that are…you know…genetically modified organisms and we are injecting them little kids arms. We just shoot em right in their veins!”:
Bill Gates:
“I think an epidemic, either naturally caused or INTENTIONALLY caused, is the most likely thing to cause - say - ten million excess deaths.”

In the beginning of the 90's WHO-led vaccination programs led to allegations that tetanus vaccines in the Philippines and Kenya were being laced with hCG in order to implement population control by stealth
There’s an article on the UN tetanus vaccinations in Kenya that reduced the fertility of women in Kenya. It reminds us that the Gates foundation was sponsoring these vaccinations in part: "When funds from the UN are not enough to purchase yearly allotments of vaccines, an organization started and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI, provides extra funding for many of these vaccination programs in poor countries." Here's the article: https://www.globalresearch.ca/mass-sterilization-kenyan-doctors-find-anti-fertility-agent-un-tetanus-vaccine-2/5678295 We have Planned Parenthood in minority communities in the US providing infanticide. Half of American abortions are black babies. The UN was or is targeting women of child bearing age in Kenya. How many other places is population control of specific races occurring?
You might try addressing the actual facts at issue. As it is, you ignored every single point I made, and went straight for the ad hominem.
Nope. I identified you as a most likely Bill Gates paid partisan. That's not impugning your character. Its just identifying your likely employer. Once I assess that you are paid to make contributions here, I use minimal energy in dealing with people like you. I'm sure you understand how that goes.    

It’s been unreal but not unreal fun.
I am going to respond then I will be done with you.
I did not make hyperbolic assertions. That is actually an assertion YOU made. I provided citations to backup my comments. You on the other hand resorted to ad homs and assertions with no proof no citations. That goes nowhere here.
just because you are against gmo’s does not mean Gates is not pushing them. Do try to keep up and read for comprehension. My citations document Gates’s tentacles are all over the globe when it comes to agriculture and health. Try reading preps comments.
I have wasted more time than I have on you so adios.

BillV said,

James Corbett? Wowzers! Where to start. Hard to believe anybody who still to this day claims there is no increase in global average temperatures despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary smacking us in the face daily, still has any followers. His idiotic "everything is a false flag or a hoax by the NWO" re-interpretations of everything that happens anywhere on the planet is so utterly predictable and repetitive, it's boring. You would think the New World Order would've eliminated this widely-known bearer of all their secrets, but no, for some reason they see fit to let him continue.
Corbett is one of the good guys. I am sure he doesn't get everything right, but his sarcastic video montage regarding 9/11 is classic Gold. Being new to this board, your over-enthusiastic campaign for Gates sets off my alarm bells for sure. Next time try to go more slowly.. I know it's frustrating, but you have to gain credibility first over time in a place like this.

Bill v. 5.0, the AI guy! Too much!

Dave said,

Nope. I identified you as a most likely Bill Gates paid partisan. That's not impugning your character. Its just identifying your likely employer.
You just described the definition of ad hominem to the 't'. Here, let me help you. From Merriam Webster Dictionary:
ad ho·​mi·​nem | \ (ˈ)ad-ˈhä-mə-ˌnem, -nəm \ 1: appealing to feelings or prejudices rather than intellect 2: marked by or being an attack on an opponent's character rather than by an answer to the contentions made
  So, yes, as you admitted, you most certainly responded with an ad hominem and ignored my arguments/contentions. Whether or not you believe you were justified has nothing to do with whether or not it is an ad hominem. That's where you are confused. This is a common trait of true believers - people who are so dogmatic about their beliefs that anybody who disagrees and provides contradictory evidence is automatically dismissed and accused of bad motives, usually with a paranoid accusation. Your accusing me of being a paid agent of Bill Gates is such a classic example it's hilarious. It's an indication of how completely incapable you are of objective rational debate over facts. You sound like a religious fanatic.
Once I assess that you are paid to make contributions here, I use minimal energy in dealing with people like you. I'm sure you understand how that goes.
TRANSLATION: "My conspiratorial beliefs are not open to debate. Once I saw that you were contradicting my belief, I immediately classified you as not worthy of consideration and assumed you were up to no good, I don't care about the facts." Thanks for proving my point.