Fighting The Coronavirus: Good Learnings From Germany

If you forgot the salt, in your prep inventory… I am sure this would make sure the pasta was not flat.

Someone on FB pointed out, you don’t use American hotdogs, you use Italian sausage for a spaghetti. Add some mushrooms and cover in red sauce and enjoy with a nice wine.

Wow! Thanks for the heads up and link for Charles Einstein’s article on the virus. I just finished it, and was definitely worth the read, for me at least.
I especially liked these snipits, and reminded me of comments I’ve seen on different threads in the last few days or so:
“Why, for that matter, are we not in a frenzy about averting nuclear armageddon or ecological collapse, but, to the contrary, pursue choices that magnify those very dangers?”
“Let us ask why are we able to unify our collective will to stem this virus, but not to address other grave threats to humanity.”
“But these questions bring up deep issues. What is the right way to live? What is the right way to die?”
“Dying well (which isn’t necessarily the same as dying painlessly) is not much in today’s medical vocabulary.”
"Remember, death is no ending. Death is going home.”
“Like all fear, the fear around the coronavirus hints at what might lie beyond it. Anyone who has experienced the passing of someone close knows that death is a portal to love. Covid-19 has elevated death to prominence in the consciousness of a society that denies it.”
“A certain schizophrenia afflicts the modern culture of health. On the one hand, there is a burgeoning wellness movement that embraces alternative and holistic medicine. It advocates herbs, meditation, and yoga to boost immunity. It validates the emotional and spiritual dimensions of health, such as the power of attitudes and beliefs to sicken or to heal. All of this seems to have disappeared under the Covid tsunami, as society defaults to the old orthodoxy.”
“Perhaps we can take this opportunity to reevaluate prevailing theories of illness, health, and the body.”
“Or we can take advantage of this pause, this break in normal, to turn onto a path of reunion, of holism, of the restoring of lost connections, of the repair of community and the rejoining of the web of life.”
“On a larger scale, people are asking questions that have until now lurked on activist margins.”
“Let’s take inventory of our civilization, strip it down to its studs, and see if we can build one more beautiful.”
“As Rebecca Solnit describes in her marvelous book, A Paradise Built in Hell, disaster often liberates solidarity.”
“For a long time we, as a collective, have stood helpless in the face of an ever-sickening society. Whether it is declining health, decaying infrastructure, depression, suicide, addiction, ecological degradation, or concentration of wealth, the symptoms of civilizational malaise in the developed world are plain to see, but we have been stuck in the systems and patterns that cause them. Now, Covid has gifted us a reset.”
Hope that wasn’t too many snipits.

They are easier to bag for the dinner plate.

Get them before your neighbors do, lol.
ADDED: I have three foster cats. This morning as they all do each day, congregate in my office for treats I looked down and said to the biggest one, “Sorry Mattie, I’m eating you first…”

I made sure to grab a few treats when I last hit a store in February, I have a couple packages of vegetarian italian sausages in the freezer. And some other treat-ish foods for variety

I have a bunch of Cajun sausage for jumbo. Its a St Louis thing.

I’m an American living in southern Germany, so I have an insiders perspective from the outside looking in. I know that’s a little convoluted, sorry.
Im unsurprised by Germany’s response, they are fact oriented and practical. Examples: every highway bridge in Germany gives the exact length and height of the bridge in meters. Why? Facts. Where Americans would use “OK” or “sure” in conversation, germans say “genau” which means exactly or precisely. So, my assessment is that the policy response (mass testing) is informed by underlying cultural characteristics (high value on information, culture of “German engineering”).
At the street level perspective, people are generally following the rules. There are fines and even criminal penalties in place for breaking lockdown measures, and they are being enforced. A local family was fined 500€ for another family coming over for a BBQ. Some people are slow adjusters. However, it doesn’t feel like a shutdown. Construction projects both residential, commercial, and infrastructure are continuing. I’m in a rural area, farmers are very busy as planting season arrives. Traffic in my town is about normal during the workday. At night it’s dead though.
In my immediate area, I am tracking active cases in the tens, and one death that I know of. My wife is fluent in German and keeps up with local news sources. I’ll post updates that corroborate or refute the analysis in Chris’s video. So far, I think his assessment is accurate.

Hello Chris! Thanks for your important work and the daily updates!
Is there any data about the covid-19 situation in Russia? As a large country they apparently have a small number of detected cases, do you know why and what are possible predictions?
As the face masks were unavailable almost everywhere, I wanted to order a few from Russian websites as there were still plenty just a few days ago. Now it seems like those masks are all sold out as well. Is Russia preparing for a major outbreak?
Another comment is related to the Italy’s Sivil Unrest, as Spain only with few weeks of lockdown is already experiencing robbery. Yesterday at night time, in a small city close to Malaga was apparently a rubbery where a man stole nothing else than a bit of meat. Can a conclusion be driven that people there as well are experiencing some sort of lack of money for food supplies. Really sad to see how the lockdown starts to affect the moral aspect of everyday life.

Hi Chris,
Greetings from New Zealand!
I am thinking we should stop including China in the official figures as they are so obviously state propaganda. A Chinese nationalist friend of mine has confirmed with me that in Wuhan alone the deaths topped 45,000. please refer following article:,-endless-queues-for-ashes-of-coronavirus-dead-cast-doubts-on-numbers-49673.html?fbclid=IwAR2urhMmowwrvkDbw21hjsorOs5_oe6amXaQh8fMul6OeOlQryxLA4wOTYw

I’ve got a bag of incense on my desk. Every few hours I put it to my nose and smell it. Not sure if the “sense of smell” disappears meme is true, but its something that is easy to check on a periodic basis.
Also filling your home with pleasant smells is a good way to de-stress.

I do think warmer weather and higher humidity will definitely help. It isn’t the answer by itself, but it should act to slow the spread, at least outdoors.
Inside buildings, and mass transit systems is probably where the problems will remain. Cool dry air is bad news during summer or winter. Where do we spend the majority of our time “in the civilized world?” Indoors, of course.
Note that many tropical countries have had a much slower spread of the virus than the colder, drier nations. That doesn’t mean they are immune (aircon is quite popular in said countries - malls, rich people’s houses, theaters, buses and trains, bars, etc) but it does appear to help them to resist the spread.
Especially when the people in these tropical countries wear masks semi-religiously, don’t hug in public, and are fanatical about personal cleanliness.
In addition, apparently, if you get infected during humid conditions, your body fights off the virus better:

There is a sweet spot in relative humidity for indoor environments, review found. Mice in environments of between 40% and 60% relative humidity show substantially less ability to transmit viruses to non-infected mice than those in environments of low or high relative humidity. Mice kept at 50% relative humidity were also able to clear an inhaled virus and mount robust immune responses, she found. As a result of all of this, I suspect once all is said and done, the overall hit that (say) Florida takes from the virus (minus the tourist areas) will be substantially less than other places. But we will only read this in the history books. "We found that the warm, humid areas without heavy tourist traffic suffered much less from the pandemic than those in the colder, drier regions ..." -- History of the COVID Pandemic, 2025.

Count me in with the group that thinks Big Pharma is leaning heavily on their mainstream media friends (whose revenues depend on advertising from said Big Pharma) via their tame set of paid-for researchers that actively campaign against anything that isn’t a patented product of their money source.
“OMG a man in Arizona ate aquarium cleaner and died!”
“Its not proven!”
“Its not safe!”
Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt. Let’s hope that HCQ + Zithro study in NYC is being done legitimately, and isn’t under the auspices of someone who is working for the government NOW, but has been promised a very well paid post in Big Pharma “after government service” (hello: Robert Rubin - $100 million from Citibank after torpedoing Glass-Stegall in 1999/2000) in return for “doing this study properly.”
There are hundreds of billions in potential revenue are at stake for that company. Any organization that stands to get THAT rich off this pandemic - I trust them to pull out all the stops to destroy any and all competition. The stakes are just too high.
This accounts for why “the major networks” haven’t picked up HCQ + Zithromax. Big Pharma is their primary source for ad revenue. It simply runs counter to their interest to provide any sort of support for an unpatented, non-big-Pharma cure.
Example “search completion” from google for the phrase, “supplements are”:

Looks like the CDC may be yielding to public pressure.
CDC considering recommending general public wear face coverings in public (The Washington Post)

"Should we all be wearing masks? That simple question is under review by officials in the U.S. government and has sparked a grass-roots pro-mask movement. But there’s still no consensus on whether widespread use of facial coverings would make a significant difference, and some infectious disease experts worry that masks could lull people into a false sense of security and make them less disciplined about social distancing.

In recent days, more people have taken to covering their faces, although it remains a scattershot strategy driven by personal choice. The government does not recommend it.

That may change. Officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are considering altering the official guidance to encourage people to take measures to cover their faces amid the coronavirus pandemic, according to a federal official who spoke on the condition of anonymity because it is an ongoing matter of internal discussion and nothing has been finalized."

Hi Chris,
Most people outside of Germany dont understand how much Germany as changed under the rule of former communist party member Angela Merkel. Germany created even a special law to suppress free speech on the internet, especially to force FB to remove critical political posts.
The entire public German broadcasting system is paid by the State, financed by a compulsory levy, which everybody must pay, whether he owns a TV or not. The journalists working at these stations know very well what they can say and what not. A satirical comedian just got fired for making jokes about the Government. The link you refer to as “proof” that every death is counted as a Corona victim is citing one of those public State propaganda outlets in Bavaria.
The Robert Koch Institute is also a State sponsored institution and one of their virologists, Dr. Chistian Drosten has a weekly podcast organized by NDR, one of the worst stations. He did not clearly tell people that they should wear a mask (because the country did not have enough). Wearing a mask in public just “signals one is being polite”. In the beginning he also stated that there is no proof that self-isolation resp. lock downs work. This is all still on YouTube. Repeating also all the time the State narrative “Nobody could have seen this coming”. I dont think he believes everything he says, he is just under pressure.
The number 500.000 comes also from Dr. Drosten! German GPs refuse to test anybody for Corona since they would have to close their practice for 14 days if someone tests positive. There are no drive in test stations. Who would do this 500.000 tests? A young German woman tried to get their sick parents tested. Her article describes her odyssey. The parents had all the symptoms and her father even worked in a clinic! No luck, don’t test don’t tell!
She came to the same conclusion like you in one of your podcasts, “we are on our own”.
There is no reason to believe Germany is different from the rest of the world.

Thank you for your post. We in France are in the same conundrum. Our previous health minister got Chloroquine declared a poison, Agnès Buzyn. According to my wife, the husband of Agnès Buzyn owns an important pharmaceutical company - giving weight to the video presentation. IHU Méditerranée Infection, the french specialty hospital in Marseille, France - publishes their results every day: for March 31st they have treated 1,283 infected patients with 1 death of someone who had 3 days or more of the treatment hydrochloroquine + azithromycine. That is considerably better than other results!

Re: Eisenstein’s essay, from the looks of it, this is strictly from a secular humanist point of view. Very politically correct, in other words. For those who don‘t insist on using an N95 politically correct filtering system, may I recommend St. Thomas Moore‘s, The Four Last Things. This has been subject unfortunately to SHPC filtering in some editions. The original version was about death, judgement, heaven and hell. Evidently, the two latter terms which I had previously understood to be English words now have to be translated into joy and pain. Thus, for fear of further SHPC filtering of the text whose purpose would be to remove any eschatological meaning and any hint that the great Thomas Moore actually subscribed to an ancient outdated belief system postulating the actual existence of rewards and punishments after death, I would recommend making an effort to find an edition that adheres to what St. Thomas actually said, if that is still possible. No doubt the original text has already been placed on the SHPC index.
At any rate, St. Thomas Moore lost his head for the sentiments expressed in this treatise, which at least provides some titillation for history buffs and might help pass idle lockdown hours.

Thanks for the update, as usual. I always find these informative and consider myself fortunate that a friend of mine directed me to your website way back in January. It seems like a lifetime ago.
In addition to the info, (which I use as a basis for emailing relevant authorities!), I do enjoy the dry wit. Today had the best line so far, “It’s not our faces! The virus doesn’t come through our face, it comes into our face holes”.
That made me laugh out loud.
Stay safe everyone.

Laughing so hard I had a hard time clicking the upvote button!

Chris Martenson is missing that air-conditioning in enclosed spaces has a lot to answer for! Heat and humidity can and hopefully will affect this.

Asthe day’s swiftly pass us by, incoming data becomes to jumble about our minds. It seems to me that many things that were clear to us early on, are now being newly discovered. Such as our need for masks.
The other big thing I noticing is that all of Trumps broken promises seem to be just getting loss in the rumble. Is it only me that remembers Trump promising we will have 100,000 test kits on Monday. Then the that Friday he states we will have 1 million test kits on Monday and 4 million by that Friday.
Well it is well beyond that date and state Governors are advising Trump they still don’t have the test kits. He simply acts like he has know idea what they are talking about.
This is only one thing of many that Trump has conveniently to fulfill a pretty important promise to this citizens. I just wonder if he will ever be held accountable for his lack ok response which caused countless of unnecessary deaths.