Fighting The Coronavirus: Good Learnings From Germany

once on a vent, you are 85% likely to die. Avoiding them at all costs - early care… is paramount. I hope this can be more mainstream. as a preventative rather than a rescue. ( I think here - its better to use early on ) if we can get 1000 per day produced - that is good news. But US could only see a couple hundred of those… but still a big deal.

Coronavirus: The Economic ‘Rescue’ Is Shafting Us (3/31/20)

Don’t blame you Steve, that sounds incredible at this late stage of the general awareness. Is Home Depot a franchise? I’m wondering because the one my husband went to this morning in Nanaimo seemed to be really well organized. He found what he needed on their website, phoned in his order and paid for it by phone, drove there where there were signs in the parking lot telling pre-orders where to park and what phone number to call from the parking lot. Which he did, and a few minutes later someone came out with his order, checked his ID at a distance, put it in the back of the truck for him, and he drove away. I’m wondering if it’s worth calling your lot and suggesting something like this? Obviously doesn’t work if people need to shop in person for some reason, but surely it would cut down the number of people in the store at least. Nothing much you can do for the lady with the cough, though…

to bbtruth:
“Yeah yeah we get it, you’re a vegan…go eat a carrot. Doesn’t look to me like you have ever done a pushup in your life.”
This type of response/comment does not add any value to the conversation and indicates a lack of emotional intelligence. If you can’t add anything of value, personal attacks only make you look small.

do you think big pharm could be suppressing the hydroxychloroquine efficacy? finding a “new” med could be a cash cow for them. If already existing treatments are effective the possibility for a windfall goes away…

Meanwhile back behind the scenes I just noticed that my Social Security payments have been cut by 15%. So much for Trump’s heroic tax cut for the 99%. I wonder how long before it becomes patriotic to get zero. You are with us or against us. Will free speech become an act of terror? We don’t want our poor bankers to go on food stamps do we? Have some compassion little people.

The increase since March 29 is incredible. We’re now 130,000 more than the data Chris presented and the US has 40,000 extra cases.
The ratio of deaths to resolved cases, in Germany is currently 4.5%.

Very frustrating to see this argument making the rounds on MSM. Solution: health authorities and MSM could educate people about proper donning and doffing of gloves (not hard): recommended use especially if one has cuts, sores or other broken skin on hands; wash hands with soap and water before donning; don’t touch face, hair, eyes, etc. when wearing gloves; use hand sanitizer after donning and after grocery store visit; dispose of properly.
Next-up: glove-shaming. :-/
You Shouldn’t Be Wearing Gloves to Go Grocery Shopping
“It’s totally unnecessary—and it may even be bad for you.”

Wow! - looks like Larry Kudlow has now converted the President to the value of King Dollar as a center piece of American economic power. In White House Task Force briefing that just finished Trump seemed to be gloating over the strength of the US dollar - you could see the cogs ticking over in his head - obviously a plan has been devised to exploit the role of the US dollar as the World’s reserve currency. Could someone (who has the necessary skills) please grab and post a snip of this comment it was around 6.55pm Eastern.

Germany is planning to do antibody testing to release people for normal work (not beach parties, I hope). It only works if people must have a clear marking mechanism to show that you’ve been tested and found you already had the disease. Armbands or wearable picture ID’s should be required to get out of lockdown. And of course, still facemasks.
And to those who demand privacy, stay home forever then. The rest of us have the right to know who is/is not likely to be infected.

We have the whole gamut here: people who are carrying on as if nothing is up, and folks in all sorts of PPE gear at CostCo and WholeFoods. I’m somewhere in between, hit the beach with my son yesterday, baring (most of) my skin to the sweet hot sun, and then mask and gloves when I must be in a public place, using ionic silver to decon after – but overall limiting very strongly my public activities. One trip a week to shop (am helping 3-4 different 'ohanas [“family” groups that include blood relations and chosen family] stay supplied so that they have one more remove between their elders/vulnerable members and potential infection), but that trip involves a number of stops including gas station. I have little doubt I’ve been exposed (reasonably sure I actually had a subclinical case of COVID back in January after a trip to LA). Just don’t want to pass it along.
My lady love and I are doing the love-at-a-distance thing since she is a primary help-mate to her elderly parents and I cannot be separated from probable sources of infection – I provide daycare to my son 7x/week and his mother is an RN working in an environment that is surely compromised. Love in the time of coronavirus: see you 2 weeks after we get the all-clear, sweetie (June?)!. Not happy about that, but if this doesn’t establish my bona fides as a quality dude with her and her fam, then nothing will…
Plenty of holes in the supply scene here – then again, we are on the most remote landmass on earth, the supply chain is a little wonky even during normal times. But overall we have what we need. Especially those of us who twigged to this clusterf#*^ back in late January…
Spending time at my (shuttered) business catching up on paperwork, deep-cleaning equipment and studio space, applying for SBA funds. You know, standard viral pandemic stuff. Also writing, working out like mad, doing my Tai Ji/Qi Gong and practicing the ukulele.
As AKGranny and Yagasaj (apologies, I can never get that name correkt) have been discussing, this is also a grand opportunity to re-evaluate life and living and what it all means. And if you spend any serious amount of time around me at all, I will eventually bend your ear about how getting into right relationship with your eventual demise is the key to really understanding your life. They say that hunger is the finest seasoning. Well, death gives life meaning, intensity, and urgency. Nothing will help you appreciate the endless small pleasures surrounding you as much as letting your eventual death ride shotgun with you. To paraphrase the mostly-misunderstood “Fight Club” – After I understood my mortality, the sound of all the BS in my life got turned way down.
That’s what I can add to their wisdom. So far today (only 2 pm here in Hawai’i), I’ve taken pleasure in the sight of misty rain falling in the Iao Valley, the smell of fresh-turned earth, my 3 year-old son’s silky curly hair – and the way he makes teeny little snuffling sounds sometimes when he naps, a well-written country tune (“Some of It”), goofy wordplay in texting my lady, and runny egg yolks. None of those things lose their beauty just because some virus is run amok. We threaten our own humanity when we relinquish the chance to enjoy it all simply because there’s some bad sh!t loose in the world. Really, when was the last time there wasn’t?
Order up your NAC, your quercetin and glutathione, and N95s, and pore over the data for clues as to how best to proceed. But get your hind ends up out of the chair and GO DO/SEE/SING/DANCE/LIVE as well. Use the virus as a spur to deeper enjoyment of everything. I find it helps if I imagine my grandparents (who lived through the Great Depression and WWII) are watching. Talk about perspective…
May fortune smile upon us all!
VIVA – Sager

It all that has happened over the last couple of months, it amazes me how much normalcy bias at this site.
Yet you blather the animal ag thing. That life is over…forever.

How is that possible? I know I get those notices in the mail with the estimated monthly payments but how can it be cut 15%? We have spent a lifetime paying into the system. This is our money that has been “saved” for us over the years. I am stunned.

Got rocked this afternoon by the 6.5 earthquake north of Boise, ID. And they told me we don’t have quakes, here.
690 confirmed cases, 18 deaths, mostly on the western side of the state. However, our three SE counties have been confirmed case free till today. One case in Malheur county, close to Idaho border. Boise has quite a few cases. My speculation is maybe person flew into Boise airport. Both cities, east and west of me with decent sized airports have increasing confirmed cases.

this works for hands, no reason why is doesn’t work for clothes

Is your Social Security benefit for retirement, disability, or supplemental income? Was there a change in your Medicare premium? I haven’t heard anything about an across the board 15% cut.

Nothing will help you appreciate the endless small pleasures surrounding you as much as letting your eventual death ride shotgun with you.
Simple, eloquent. Well said. I took my step daughter to a Hibachi restaurant maybe six weeks ago.. was thinking how I am really going to miss, "normal". And I do.

Covid19 yet to impact Europe’s overall mortality

That’s interesting. I wonder if the fact that so many people are simply not out and about, especially not in vehicles, is countering the deaths. However, the hospital occupancy rate might be a better metric to investigate.

It appears that the Trump administration is seriously underestimating to consequences of the COVID-19 epidemic. Trump and even the Democratic leaning mainstream media are citing the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) model at the University of Washington for projected hospital use and the death rates from each mitigation approach. This model projects that 93,765 US residents will die of COVID19 by August 4, 2020 (death rate of 0.025%).
Interesting that this IHME model projects only 1233 deaths in Washington State, out of a population of 7.8 million (0.015% death rate). Use of PPE is very low in most of Washington; for example in Clallam County only about 8% are wearing masks or gloves, with only about 2% wearing both. The potential deaths in Clallam county should exceed the IHME projection for the state based on a lack of PPE and population of 71,404 with half of the residents over 59 years of age.
For Washington State alone, another model projects 116,000 deaths out of a population of 7.8 million (70% infection rate and a death rate of 1%) based on shelter in place for three months.
Perhaps this contrast will be useful in an analysis of the projected impact of COVID-19 on the US population.