Fighting The Coronavirus: Good Learnings From Germany

I quickly jumped through the video. This MD is touting good success on his small group of patients using, for those in the worst shape, a combination of hydroxychloroquine/Zithro/Zinc supplementation. Unlike Dr. Zelenko in NY who is using 220 mg daily Zinc, this MD is using only the RDA of 15 mg… he mentions the Copper issue, but in my mind he is way too concerned about this in the course of a short term treatment… nevertheless he seems to be getting good results even with the very minimal level of Zinc supplementation.
His admonition is, “treat sooner than later”. He describes one case where he wanted to prescribe the hydroxy regimen to a 39 year old female with asthma, and the pharmacist actually tried to block him from using it… this just goes to show you how politicized this issue has become since Trump touted hydroxychloroquine nationally. This doctor obviously understand what the hydroxyC is doing in adding Zinc… yet we still see many actors in the system speaking out against hydroxyC in their politicized ignorance. It’s just an ionophore for Zinc. That’s what it’s doing. It’s simple and not open for debate. The problem is, if a person is in full blown ARD - the chances of walking that back with any drug is low.
The message from Dr. Zelenko, and from this doctor, is to treat sooner rather than later with this combination. Both doctors appear to be using less hydroxychloroquine that was used in the original French study… so they are treading lightly. I think it’s very encouraging that this appears to work, even with such a low Zinc supplement level.

I recall that in one of Chris’ video’s last week he highlighted the fact that India had decided to apply the hydroxyC regimen prophylactically to health care workers - bravo for them. Potential Armamentarium to Contain COVID-19 Pandemic in Developing Countries: Be Prepared and Act Timely! Potential role (Zinc) in COVID-19 infection Increasing the concentration of intracellular zinc with zinc ionophores like pyrithione has been reported to efficiently impair the replication of a variety of RNA viruses [15]. In addition, the combination of zinc and pyrithione at low concentrations inhibits the replication of SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) [16,17]. Recently chloroquine has also been documented to increase Zinc absorption and combination of the two drugs has been proposed as an effective regimen for COVID-19 infection though large scale RCTs are required to confirm this observation [7].
Edit: Just FYI, Zinc pyrithione is the form used in my favorite shampoo - head and shoulders. It does not seem to be available in supplement form, and I am not clear on whether it would be safe in any event. I have read the study that the authors are referencing and it just really acts as further proof of the efficacy of Zinc supplementation in general

Perfect example of community spread. I live about 50 miles from Albany GA. This started in late February around here. It dispels two myths : one that black or brown people are immune, the other is that it will not spread in hot weather. We have had one of the warmest springs in memory. I suspect that spread around is more due to lack of social distancing than from touching surfaces. I don’t know what viral pathogen can live outside for long periods of time around here.

I appreciate your help! You got it for me!

I am with you in WA… why do you hypothesize that herd immunity might be behind the slower burn that is clearly happening here? I have been watching the stat’s down here in Clark county, just across the Columbia from Portland, OR, and what I find really interesting is the number of negative tests. I don’t think we are seeing herd immunity… IMO what we are seeing is the result of an earlier State wide address of the problem based on us having one of the first clusters (The Kirkland senior facility) in the country. That was a real WAKE UP CALL. I think that has helped WA to flatten the curve. When I go to the supermarket, even though I am still one of the few wearing a mask, everybody is quite careful to stay distanced.
As of Sunday, here is what Clark County is reporting;
90 confirmed cases cumulative
6 deaths cumulative
653 negative test results
That does not look like herd immunity to me.

Yeah man you need to lay low

A three minute summary
Use it EARLY! Before ARD
Note that this can likely work even without Zn supplementation since most people get some from diet… but still, it should be used with Zinc.

Laowhy86 talks about how China Mobile (-7M) and other providers lost a total of 21 million cell phone subscriptions in Q1 2020. First time ever the number of accounts actually dropped among all providers.
Did the subs die? Nobody knows.
No doubt me mentioning this lad’s name will encourage the CCP Internet Warriors to appear to try and discredit what he is saying. That’s all part of the fun, I guess. The CCP really hates laowhy86.
This is a fascinating data leak from within the enigmatic Black Hole O Information that is CCP-controlled China.
18-minute video - data discussed within the first 3 minutes.
At roughly 8:00, he also discusses a job opening (apparently still open) at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, dealing with exploring bat viruses, and it includes a discussion of “the main research directions of the research group”:
“Taking bats as the research object, I will answer the molecular mechanism that can coexist with Ebola and SARS -associated corona virus for a long time without disease, and its relationship with flight and longevity. Virology, immunology, cell biology, and multiple omics are used to compare the differences between humans and other mammals.”

The over-the-counter cold medicine Zicam (or its generic equivalents) has lots of zinc in the form of zinc gluconate. I have been using it for a long time and it definitely shortens the intensity and duration of colds, as advertised. As long as you stick at or below their recommended dosages, you should be safe taking zinc in this way. Just a suggestion that might help our PP tribe.

This design is based on the one by Dato et al in Simple Respiratory Mask, Emerg Infect Disease 2006 Jun; 12(6): 1033–1034. Available online at:
The filtering mechanism is simply eight layers of cotton T-shirt cloth. It’s clear that each additional layer provides extra protection. However, this design isn’t very wearable and the fit to the face is doubtful.
For the purposes of providing additional protection to people who may be exposed to a virus transmissible by droplets or aerosols, I propose the following design for an improvised face mask. This mask should never be worn as an alternative to standard social distancing precautions, but only to minimize further the risk.
The mask is made up of a square with a side of roughly 12.5cm / 5 inches, made up of four to six layers of cotton T-shirt cloth, as thick as is available. (I personally found eight layers unworkable, but it would be better). The layers should alternate between horizontal and vertical weave. The cloth should be boiled before making the mask to maximize shrinkage and disinfect it.
A gardening wire (or any other similar wire that is unaffected by water) is bent in the shape of a square with a side of roughly 10.5cm / 4 ¼ inches. Put it inside the cloth square, bend the borders of the cloth square and sew it in place. By hand it’s easiest to sew the thread in a helix around the wire, by sewing machine any style will do as long as the machine is able to do the thickness.
The mask is worn diamond-shape, covering the nose and mouth and with the bottom corner bent below the chin. The borders of the mask should be carefully fit to the shape of the face, by bending the wire. The fit is good if it is a little harder to breathe through the mask than without it, because that means most of the air is coming through the mask and not from the sides. Elastic bands should be tied to the two corners of the diamond and the middle of the sides, in order to hold the mask on to the ears.

Hello George - re your reply to #43
Please consider the following as a replacement for your comment: "Wow people here are really obtuse.
As a person with a disability as well as being an Accessibility Consultant, I like to encourage people to stop using the “R” word as it has long fallen out of use in the manner you have used it since that is viewed as being highly derogatory. There are many who think this is political correctness run amok. I beg to differ. It is all fun and games when one does not understand the effects, or have the lived experience of being on the receiving end. Discriminatory language remains a huge issue in society. I try to do my small part to capitalize on opportunities to educate and change behaviours.
Thank you for your consideration and willingness to help be a part of the solution.

Did the subs die? Nobody knows.
My theory would be that many of the missing subscribers are alive but broke.

If animals can wash their hands then why can’t we? Don’t make me post a training video of a masked chameleon next.

Yes, I just caught that article too - glad to see it. When the CBC starts taking direct issue with the official line, it looks like change drifting in. Although she’s not easy to read, I’ve had the feeling that Dr. Tam is almost on auto-pilot these days - says what the directives give her to say. It was word for word what our fire chief said when I asked her about masks a month or so ago - she had an almost “don’t blame me” look as she said, that this is what the CDC and WHO says, and they’re the ones I take my information from. So as the economic and human damage increases, maybe the penny will drop that a way to operate in the world with increased safety is better than complete lockdown for everyone. Who knows, but not, apparently, the WHO.

The facemask policy in Czechia, Austria and, now, Jena is new in these places, so difficult to determine whether this is a “solution”. Although it seems like a no brainer, there is still a lot we don’t know about the virus. If anyone sees data showing that a mandatory face mask policy works, please post a link here.

Mercedes F1 engineers adapt CPAP mask for use with CV patients in 100 hours.

Hi Maria - I don’t mean to put down this design, as it has interesting features, but 8 layers? Or even 6? I have difficulty breathing through two layers. I’d pass out if I tried this design. Maybe your Ts are thinner than mine, but even so, this may be a serious issue. If it is that thick, most of the air will be forced in around the sides of the mask, not through it, so the protection level will plummet. Seems to me you’re better with one or two layers, taking a chance on the odd viral particle getting through (and getting infected with a very low viral load), than all the air (and virus) coming in around the sides. Am I missing something?

Its starting to bloom - We are starting to see critical mass. Deaths numbers are becoming really big. ( will make flu deaths look small very soon )