Fighting The Coronavirus: Good Learnings From Germany

Morning Star makes a very decent vegan corny dog. I also like their vegan buffalo wings and hot breaded “chicken” patties. I eat Amy’s “pizza,” but I won’t tell you it’s the same as cheese pizzas.
Sadly, there is no viable vegan substitute for cheese. They can’t get the flavor or texture right and without the addictive casomorphins, what’s the point anyway? It’s like drinking near beer.
Prepping is much easier and cheaper if your healthy vegan. Most of my comfort foods are based on rice, beans, potatoes and corn, much easier and cheaper to store in large quantities.
Plus, I can grow tons of corn and potatoes in a relatively small part of my yard. Heck, if I want non-organic potatoes, I can glean as many as I can eat from the fields around where I live, after the fields are mechanically harvested.
I can grow beans as well, but harvesting them by hand is incredibly time consuming.

That’s not even real food. Give it a bit of thought. The amount of energy wasted to create that other “frankenfood” is incredible. That goes for all you almond milk drinkers as well.
Think of it this way. Vegans are doing you a favor by helping keep your health insurance premiums down a bit. Also, they won’t compete with you for hospital bed space, if you need coronary bypass surgery, colon cancer surgery, prostate surgery, or hospitalization for diabetes treatment, just to name a few American diet consequences. There are many. Dr. Gregor has a video on referencing studies that link bad nutrition to 14 of the 15 leading causes of death in the US. The only one he doesn’t link nutrition to is accidents. Even if Dr. Gregor is off base with a handful of causes, nutrition is still the leading cause of death in the US, by far. Everything humans need for sustenance, except B12, originally comes from plants. Running it through a cow, before you eat it, reduces the benefits of the nutrients, antioxidants and fiber, while adding fat, trans-fat, cholesterol and animal protein, non of which are remotely healthy. BTW, animal agriculture requires 10 times the energy, 10 times the acerage and many times the water required to grow plants. Animal agriculture produces many times the amount of manure produced by humans and it is not treated. You simply can’t rationally argue that vegan foods are more resource intensive than animal agriculture.

Yeah yeah we get it, you’re a vegan…go eat a carrot. Doesn’t look to me like you have ever done a pushup in your life. I would promote physical activity and a reduction of sugar intake as well as other complex carbs. Lean protein and lots of veggies. That said, I have a penchant for baked goods… all things in balance.

Perhaps we should create an antibody test. If a person has had the disease as evidenced by an antibody test they can go back to work.
I suspect there are people who will want to be exposed, get it over with and get on with life. Kinda like chicken pox parties of the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. For those of us that already had the virus masks may seem like a moot point.
The “system” says thats not a “choice” you get to have. Instead we are going to a war “siege” plan. Isolate and control.
Those that have had the virus - probably their time could be better spent elsewhere.
This may be our 911 - 2.
Don’t shoot the messenger here. This is an idea people are not looking at or discussing. Different “ideas” are worth pondering.

in Marseille the garbage trucks have decided to show their support for Dr Didier Raoult

I’ll refrain from any political comments

They are doing this in one county in Colorado with a population of 8,000. It will be interesting to see the results.

The egotism and hubris of the ruling class has no limits, as they quarantine themselves in one of their six mansions or on one of their yachts, eating caviar and drinking champagne, paying their lobbyists to ensure they get a big hunk of the $2.2 trillion stimulus pie, while the average Joe and Jane get a couple thousand bucks to pay one month’s rent and buy some ramen noodles to sustain themselves through the coming military lockdown.

Wealth Disparity
It is at a level not seen since the time of the Pharahoas. (per Richard Wolf) back then people were called slaves, today we are wage slaves.
Solution - our work environment should be democratic. Cooperatives. Bad Manager or CEO, vote them out!

This Doctor has 4 board certifications, including Emergency Medicine and, yes, Obesity Medicine. He also has a Ph.D. in Nutrition Science. In addition to having practiced in several large, urban emergency departments throughout the country, he also served as a Life Flight doctor. He currently owns and operates 6 brick-and-mortar clinics that range from primary care to urgent care.

We evacuated our downtown Atlanta condo to our beach condo on the coast in South Georgia. It’s pretty easy to stay away from people here. At least, that is what I thought, until today.
I made a trip to Home Depot in Brunswick, Georgia, suited up in PPE, this morning to get some items for my garden. I was doing everything I could to stay clear of others. Not one person in that store had on any PPE. No masks, no gloves, nothing. Regarding social distancing, they appeared to be completely clueless about the need to do so. I couldn’t get away from people no matter how hard I tried. I distanced myself outside in the covered fertilizer area to get my organic fertilizer for my vegetable garden.
All the way at the end of the store, I heard a coughing sound. A continuous cough. Next thing, here comes that cough in my direction. It was a Home Depot employee and she was spewing cough everywhere, not even covering. I heard her proclaim, “my throat is burning!”
I hollered in her direction, “you need to get a mask on.” She said, “it’s just the fertilizer. It makes my throat burn.” She continued coughing. She probably got within 3 meters in distance from me when I turned and ran out of the store.
There is absolutely no recognition of any consideration for Covid-19 here. I will never go into public again in Brunswick. The criminally lack of education and misinformation is going to result in a lot of infections and deaths.
I am so angry and freaking out!

Truth9834, I would like to learn what this doc’s experiences are but do not want to invest 55 minutes in listening to someone I have not heard of before.
Can you summarize his recommendations and the strength of his evidence.
Concise and written are easiest to overview new data. Then if VERY interested, I can go bak and invest 1 hour to hear the full presentation.

I was replying to a post by Dtrammel, a meme of pasta with hot dogs…
Not making any grand dietary remommendations ! When you prep, throw in a few silly comfort foods, weither that be hot dogs, cajun sausage, veggie dogs, chocolate or peeps chicks… jeze
The Obamacare website had some glitches, wonder how the new Stimulus C- Virus website will work?

I just did a brief scan through for a couple of minutes. From what I extracted, the salient points are as follows.
A treatment protocol:

Treatment: Hydroxychoroquine 400 bid day 1 then 400 mg. qd x 6 days. Zpack.
Supplements: vitamin C 2000 mg., vitamin D3 5000 IU, zinc 15 mg., copper 1 mg.
And then there's a summary at about 44:35.
Will take you a minute or two to look at this. Hope I saved you some time. I know you've done us all a tremendous service with your posts.

It is not difficult to skip through parts of the video rather than listen to the whole video. That said, the doctor discusses his treatment plan for all of his coronavirus patients. He uses hydroxychloroquine, Z pack, along with Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and copper (you may want to jump to 19:30 where he goes through the treatment approach used for his first patient using this approach). From his experience with his patients this medication treatment plan works as it makes a significant positive difference to a patients health.

Today I came across a very cool website called Nexstrain that is tracking strains of the coronavirus across the world. It is very interesting to see the virus transmission from place to place as well as the diversity.

Germany does have the right idea in identifying the people who are already immune to the Wuhan disease. This is not Ebola which had almost no asymptomatic cases. 70-80 % of Wuhan disease patients are asymptomatic and never knew they were infected. If the asymptomatic group multiplies exponentially like the number of deaths, I would expect there to be millions of Americans to be already immune to this virus already. We’ll know better this month when the fingerstick antibody tests are rolled out in the US. Maybe a vaccine won’t be that important.