Food Plant Explosions Headline The Latest "Informed Consent" LiveCast

Sorry MM, forgot to include “in a refrigerated cooler”.

WOW! Did they say when they planned to do it?

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Any info on the plane, it’s pilot, passenger, flight plan or …

But… they might not be as well insured.

Really Graceful has an interesting video up.


Wally World Distro Center Permanently Closes 1000s Lose Jobs

A huge distribution center for Walmart burned in Plainfield, IN, just outside of Indianapolis. According to the local news Walmart is closing the center and laying off all the employees, and the hits just keep coming, plant a garden!

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Hepatitis In Kids

Anything on the hepatitis in kids in the UK ? Seems that there is no reliable or sensible data to be found. Heard anything anyone?

Great comments on this video:
Darkwolfsbane“Once is an accident, twice is coincidence, three times is an enemy action” (must be one of the Martenson tribe!)
Nona Yabizness“We live in Northern Michigan and we lost a Potato chip factory in Pinconning. Also a family owned local meat market that had supplied the whole area for over a hundred years burned to the ground in West Branch.”
Hungry Hungarian“The privately owned butcher shop near me was set on fire so the only one left is the one owned by a big corporation. Very suspicious…”
Royal Navarre“I noticed many of these fires occurred on Thursdays and late night Wednesday. That is very interesting. In Maricopa County, AZ a food bank had fires in food storage trailors made of metal. SOMETHING is going on.”
Aside from Azura, many of these looked targeted at lower-income families: potato chip factory, Hot Pockets, Walmart…
Grace looks at 2019 plant fires in comparison (I wish she’d gone a little further back as well) – only 2 plant fires. Suspicious indeed.

Some great comments under this video:
Darkwolfsbane “Once is an accident, twice is coincidence, three times is an enemy action” (must be one of the tribe!)
Nona Yabizness “We live in Northern Michigan and we lost a Potato chip factory in Pinconning. Also a family owned local meat market that had supplied the whole area for over a hundred years burned to the ground in West Branch.”
Hungry Hungarian “The privately owned butcher shop near me was set on fire so the only one left is the one owned by a big corporation. Very suspicious…”
Royal Navarre “I noticed many of these fires occurred on Thursdays and late night Wednesday. That is very interesting. In Maricopa County, AZ a food bank had fires in food storage trailors made of metal. SOMETHING is going on.”

Aside from Azura, many of these seem to be targeting the lower-income population: potato chip factory, Hot Pockets, Walmart, food bank…
Really Graceful uses 2019 in comparison–only 2 plants succumbed to accidents. I wish she’d looked even further back to get a good average, but suspicious indeed.

Still Leaning Right

I started listening to Chris a long time ago, when he was with Adam. I have to say that I’m saddened by his biased outlook at events. Even though he insists that he doesn’t play politics, he doesn’t look at left or right, most of his opinions lean right or are standard right wing positions. In this video for example he had a unique oportunity to say something about the Disney “retaliation” of DeSantis, regardless of whether the company should or should not have special status, whatever that means. He barely commented on it. He spends far more time judging left wing positions than right wing positions. He did’t spare words to demonstrate his disdane for CNN but didn’t say a word about Fox News. I don’t have a TV either and don’t watch CNN but I do read several newspapers a day online, Fox News being one of them. I can’t imagine CNN being more propaganda driven than Fox News, which should be called Fox Right Wing Commentary, since there are so few real news that just state the facts. Regarding mass-pychosis, it happens both ways, we are very divided as a nation and each one of the sides accuses the other of being immersed in mass-pychosis. I can go on and on. This is probably the reason I have not become a paying member. I apreciate his research and dedication, I do believe him when he says that he wants to use logic, reason and critical thinking to analyze data, but unfortunately he is not a neutral observer, he has made up his mind about the interpretation of events and data, and it shows. I can predit what he is going to say before he articulates it by following my description above. Perhaps some day I will start paying the lower fee, all contributers to general knowledge and understanding deserve to be payed, but I can’t fully trust his judgement, so I find myself gravitating to other people and I can’t afford to support everyone.

Conspiracy Theorizing About Food Plant Fires

El Gato Malo has a great post putting the number of fires in perspective. He argues that it’s just that the fires are getting publicity, they aren’t any more frequent than before.