Get Ready... Change Is Upon Us


This is a pretty big announcement;  I'm going to be a regular on the Glenn Beck show.

[/quote]I understand the positives. I wish you could spread your message as wide without 

Dammit!  I've been emailing links to the Crash Course to that guy for years!  Idiot should read his email himself!!!  Someone on the staff should be fired because I have linked TCC and other articles for at least 4 years.  
Good to hear anyway. Congratulations!


 Congratulations on your role  with the Glenn Beck show. I've been a listener to the Glenn Beck program since September 11th 2001.  Glenn has a huge heart, as long as you have honor integrity and tell the Truth  with love you will go far.  
If I could ask you to please review the following article check the facts and if you feel it's warranted please tell Glenn. From what I read I will not be doing business with food for Patriots again, there was another person selling something called "37 items that will sell out after a crisis" ,it was crap, their marketing Styles seemed very similar to food4patriots.

Thanks for all that you're doing hopefully I can be a useful contributor to your forum.

Donald promised a huge military. Do you have any idea how much a bomber costs? Probably about 5 major hospitals. Ten, if you consider that your "opponent" feels the need to match you.
Twenty, if you consider that you are going to bomb hospitals. Why is it that that makes me giggle like a hyena? Not so hard on yourself Arthur, the humour lies in the absurdities.

I voted for this fellow. He appreciates the humour

 I'm sure I don't have to go into an explanation with between self-sufficiency and disaster survival or preparedness.  however I was reading some posts can't find my way back to them for some reason, someone was saying that they were not going to buy firearms to protect themselves. Let me put it this way I am a Christian constitutional conservative gun owner . That being said I will not be one of the ones who goes out looting and taking from others to provide for my family. I have gone to Great expense and personal sacrifice to provide for my family safety in the future including the purchase and the training with them. If I find someone who is in need and I can help them without endangering my family I will do so. I will also use the knowledge that I have gained from almost 30 years of martial arts and shooting to defend my family.  my brother used to criticize me saying that I could not stock enough  to last indefinitely and that's  the view of many people who criticize people for wanting to be prepared. I have no illusions that I could afford or store enough food or supplies to last for more than a year or two.  the reason I see for having a Year's worth of food on is so that you can make it through to the next Harvest from your garden.  I hope we have more time at least another two or three years it's been difficult we've run into so many setbacks since 2008. Please pray for us that will be able to be ready.

One has to admire Glenn Beck for realizing that he was a hate monger and worrying about the amount of hate in America.  He has real wisdom to share now.  He is the one that alerted me to Alexander Dugin on the Charlie Rose show (he talks about Dugin just about 8 minutes into the video.

Ask him what he thinks Dugin and his influence over Putin, Trump, and the Alt Right through Bannon.  Does he think that Trump is Putin and Dugan's puppet like I do?  I sent him a copy of the same two things post about Dugin that I made here.  Here is Dugin's website again.

We agree on a whole lot of things.  So of course rather than talk about the things we agree on, including the strong tendency to naval-gaze in academia, focusing on differences versus our shared problems, I'll focus on the one area that we don't.  :)  That's just my way.  Cup half empty, etc. 

My harshness is an attempt to mock the idea that your "gay, trans, and minority" students should be "terrified".  This is simply absurd.

"Terrified" of what?  When was the last time a group of straight, "cys" (whatever the f*ck that is), white people went on a rampage to attack such students?  Prevarication aside I bet NONE of them have ever been physically assaulted etc. by "Donald Trump" supporters in their personal experience.  It is an irrational construct born from too much "Queer Studies" and not enough "life".  This focus on the differences that separate us rather than our shared problems IS PART OF THE PROBLEM.  Academia has been the incubator of this phenomenon.

So Rector.  I agree, the terror isn't of actual experience of DT supporters assaulting them in real life.  But neither is it about coddling or too many Queer Studies classes.

If some people are attacked often enough in real life by actual random scumbags, and then HRC comes along and scares the pants off everyone saying that DT is Hitler reborn, DT supporters are actually all stormtrooper-wannabees, and they'll start with beatings but then soon it will be off to the camps with all of you, Arbeit Macht Frei, some of the people who have previously been attacked - in real life - will now be terrified.  Its a really normal response.

Hopefully this HRC-generated fear wave passes soon.  Dec 19th can't come quickly enough.


So I think you did a great job on Glenn Beck's show.  He really does need you.   And I think it will be a total win from the standpoint of the greater PP mission.
I am minded of the phrase, "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear."

I am not normally a watcher of the Fox perspective, but this show was delightfully neutral; it showed there were some real things we can all agree on.

I really do think there's an opportunity for an "economic party" that pulls in in labor from the left and "the deplorables" from the right and ends up dragging the government away from feeding at the trough of crony capitalism the way it has done for decades.


Hi Chris,
congratulations on the great news - get the message out there!

Is the Glenn Beck show a subscription service? Do you know if they will always post the transcripts on the website?

Thanks, E.

Thanks Dave…and without warning, may I abruptly change the conversation?  You shouldn't mind too much because you just posted this same information yesterday.  :)

When something really changes the way I think, or suddenly serves to crystallize stray thoughts into a coherent pattern, I get excited.

Rules for rulers has done that for me.  I will now do something that I have not yet done before, ever to my knowledge, on this site and type in all caps.  Warning, all caps coming!


And this:

Now that I see things along the lines of 'keys to power' and treasure distribution, a lot has come into focus.  I need to wrestle with this a lot longer, because Rules for Rulers is the same thing as the Crash Course…a very short distillation of a lot of careful thinking.

I am in debt to the people involved who carefully observed, took the time to reduce the ideas into relatable, simple forms, and then shared it via a brilliant, concise video.

Bravo!  That's a service to humanity.

I am not sure if the conclusions I am initially drawing make me more or less hopeful about how all this turns out, but at least there's a road map that one can use in all hierarchical human organizations…whihc is all of them (but that's not how things have to be, see also all of the explorations of Tribal as a form of social organization we've been doing of late.)

 At any rate, I'll be expanding and exploring the rules for rulers concepts and implications in future reports; count on it.

Mtl272…the sorts of preparations you've made have been made by a lot of people here, myself included, and the linkage to the rules for rulers ideas is this; if the treasure cannot be distributed things will get messy.

We all know this on a deep level and that's why so many people find the Crash Course to be emotionally challenging.  Not because the ideas themselves are difficult - they are actually quite simple - but because the implications are so dire.

If the death of a Roman emperor was usually a deadly affair for his entire family and closest advisors, then the break down of an exponential system of money is similarly figuratively and/or literally deadly for everyone from the lowest homeowner's association power structure right on up to the nation state.

See also Venezuela today.

No, I am not predicting that Mad Max is inevitable, but we all know that it is a possibility.  Rules for rulers is an explanation for why a sudden loss of treasure is a very messy thing for a complex society.  This is why 'they' will fight any and all serious market declines and/or challenges to the dollar's supremacy with tooth and nail.  

The dollar is how the US distributes treasure to its vassal state keys, and the sub-keys within those states.  Risking the dollar's role is the same thing as a king of old finding his treasury bare of gold.  Bad moment, that.

So being prepared is the most prudent thing anyone can do because we can all stare at this next chart and conclude that the treasury is already bare of gold (society just hasn't internalized that thought yet).

So the correct question to be asking is; What sorts of events will happen when this information finally 'gets out there'?

The left spends a great deal of effort programming their useful idiots to accept certain memes about what will happen when "conservatives" get elected:  an end to abortion on demand, deportation and split of families, etc.  When "conservatives" win, it's natural for some of them to actually believe some of these things will happen, and so they are "terrified".  
It's irrational because "conservatives" haven't made any substantive changes in decades.  They just play defense to progressive legislation, activism, etc. and are completely captured by the system.


I'm glad you mentioned tribal as an alternative to "Rules for Rulers", but probably only if societies are organized on a small scale.  Tribal societies had (and in some cases still have) numerous customs and taboos to maintain a much more egalitarian society including sharing of food and other resources, the extension of what we might call family to the entire group and more.  In many ways, we're still wired that way.  That's part of the reason we find the modern world so oppressive. 

The challenge is to figure out how to make tribalism work in larger groups.

With the Glen Beck exposure I expect more treasure will be distributed to the IT support key for PP’s dynasty as it grows. All of the citizens of this empire, both keys and people, eat information for survival. What a great problem!

Why is it that Social Security is always included in the "entitlement monster" stories when it is not an entitlement/debt per se? Isn't it a trust into which citizens and illegals alike all must put money in exchange for a check back to us citizens in our elder years? Doesn't it exaggerate the debt numbers rather than provide clarity. Does the chart include the $12 billion/yr contribution by undocumented workers that Pres-T wants to deport and is never collected? Or do the politicians hide that from us so they can account for it in more creative ways.
And, of course, libertarians and alt-right-wing-neo-con-fascists are some-day-soon going to find some backbone and start returning granny's ssi and disability checks, cuz it's socialistic, right? or do they have to wait until the gov-a-ment tells them to? 

Speaking of toilet tissue, I have a years supply of tush wipes in my stash because they're more sanitary and rolls of t-tissue are fragile in the rain. And who doesn't want to come back into the house smelling like roses?

for all sizes of people organizations is energy! Small excess=tribe. Big excess=kingdom. Great excess=empire. Unlimited excess=one world government.
I am therefore in the long run very happy to live in a finite world.
For now diminishing excess is the cause of our predicaments.

Yes, I felt the same thing when I saw the video.  It is incredibly clean, stripped of all the unnecessary stuff.  I have watched it about half a dozen times since then.  It just gets better.  Stuff just sinks in.
Its a simple and elegant framework for understanding structures of power.

So, if you want to effect political change - if you aren't going to rule, then at a minimum, you need to become one of the keys, and you need to make sure you are just as useful in running the place as you were in staging the revolution.

This really helps me to understand some of my own failures in the past.  I just didn't understand the rules.

I think there are people in this world who just got this stuff at birth.  I'm not one of them.  :slight_smile:

As you say there are also larger issues about how the dynamics change as the amount of treasure declines.  Falling from "stable democracy" into the "revolution" pit.

Anyhow.  Glad you found it as compelling as I did.  Best Video Ever.

CGP Grey has also done one on BRExit.  Worth watching, but not nearly as fundamental.

Wow, I happened to stumble on that video only last week, seeing it as an associated video after playing the earlier CGP Grey video "Humans Need Not Apply" (also very highly recommended) as part of my son's homeschooling.  The best video I've seen this year.  This weekend I plan to binge on the remainder of the CGP Grey videos.  This guy would make an interesting podcast guest…

Did Chris just use ALL CAPS? In a post? Now I am certain that the end days are upon us! :wink:

Seriously, that's a good set of movies. I may even incorporate this into class somehow if I can find the right place. Very poignant to current events. Thanks!

McCain to Trump: Don't You Dare Make Peace with Russia! (Ron Paul Institute)

[quote]In a blistering statement he released today responding to the Trump/Putin telephone call, Sen. McCain condemned any efforts by President-elect Trump to find common ground with Putin.
Any claim by Putin that he wants to improve relations with the US must be vigorously opposed, writes McCain. He explains:
    We should place as much faith in such statements as any other made by a former KGB agent who has plunged his country into tyranny, murdered his political opponents, invaded his neighbors, threatened America’s allies, and attempted to undermine America’s elections.[/quote]

I just watched it again.  Very powerful.  Makes a lot of things clear.
One piece I hear missing though is the role of propaganda.

1.  How does a candidate hold the public image of "a defender of women's rights" when that person's team directly caused the deaths of 500,000 women (in the MENA region) and shifted industry to the third world plunging inner city families into food and housing insecurity?

2.  How do we convince a civilian population with a declining standard of living that "everything is fine" and "the recovery is wonderful?" 

3.  How do we bomb far away cities killing tens and hundreds of thousands and make our citizens believe that we are doing it for humanitarian reasons?  (Humanitarian meaning for the love and betterment of humans.)  Or that our bombing is to protect the people from "that monster Assad,"  or for noble reasons like "defending America" and "spreading democracy."

What happens to public discourse when the avenues of communication are controlled by one block with a common goal.  NYT, WSJ, Google, Facebook, Twitter.

Propaganda is the organized, scientific application of social sciences to deceive.  Propaganda is conscious, deliberate, organized, skillful LYING

Propaganda is the activity of psychopaths towards those it DOES NOT CARE ABOUT.

[Most of the deceptions listed above use the blind spots inherent in the GREEN Meme worldview/thought-structure.  Maybe the question should actually be:  how much pain does GREEN need to understand the limits of this world view/gestalt–a move that begins to create YELLOW thinking.]