Get Ready... Change Is Upon Us

It occurs to me that you are resorting to name calling, Dave. This is the very thing that the left used so ineffectively against the right.
Do you have any links of white Conservative males marauding in packs? I get the impression that this is the  default position of Blacks and the Regressive youth. The Conservatives have, as Pye pointed out, exercised their power in the ballot box.

This reminds me too much of the Maidan and Cookies Noodleman. Soros et al have gone into a huddle to decide how to thwart Trump. I wonder if they will discuss their success in the Ukraine?

I have tried to get my warning passed my chaperone and failed. (Is this spite?) The next step is to deploy agents provocateur.  They operate in two man teams. One to kill indiscriminately and one to guard the escape route.

The naive citizens blame the other side, and it is on for man and boy. No safe spaces then.

 I agree completely on the programming.of the HRC campaign and it's effect.  Although I suspect you will get some pushback from people here who don't realize the full effect it's had on them. It was pretty easy to do in the case of Trump as he gave the HRC campaign plenty of ammo to amplify with his aggressive style and attention getting statements.  Even as he walked back his more outlandish statements and modified his positions, the frame was already in place and constantly reinforced   He ended up being child eating Robe wearing KKK monster when in reality he's really just an obnoxious and abrasive run of the mill republican with a talent for provoking media attention.
A similar emotional  marketing campaign was done with 911 and is one of the biggest biggest clues to the Neocon culpability and foreknowledge. The coordinated marketing campaign was in place before with key framing  of A new pearl Harbor i.e. a justified call to War because of a nefarious sneak attack  by the spring and early summer of 2001 including the Hollywood movie turkey Pearl Harbor with Ben Affleck that was released in late may of 2001 and Paul Wolfowitz''s speech at West  Point

immediately during and after the attack Neocons rolled out a coordinated set of cues across the  full spectrum of media outlets, interspersed with the endless loops of the the emotionally traumatic images. and repeating the New Pearl harbor frame they Identified  Bin Laden in Afghanistan, Arabs as terrorists, Sadamn, Iraq, Libya, Iran the need for a " War on Terror" 


here is Ehud Barak one hour after the attacks on BBC:



It works if your selling Sugar water creating political super villains  or Justifying illegal wars  Human brains are easily manipulated with emotional cues and repetition.  All emotions work but Fear is perhaps the most effective as it is wired directly into our survival instincts.

That is why we hear and see child bombing victims images when it serves our foreign policy goals in Syria, and why we don't see those images when it doesn't, like in Yemen currently.

Were living in a giant propaganda, marketing programming matrix that has built a shared illusion consensus of how the world is.

The key is always understanding the frame and who benefits by it.


Hey David,
I am shocked to hear that the Russians and Trump are planning to Bomb the children in Allepo

I hope the moderate rebels made it out in time!

Could you put some devil horns on those pics to help us identify the really bad guys?



And to prove my point, in post #59 someone has posted an amazing neocon propaganda diatribe.  The absurdity of it all.

In my limited experience in life, the ones who often call others sore losers are a) the current "winners," so it is so very easy for them to say, and b) the first ones to just as vociferously complain when the situation is reversed; a trend I've noticed in both conservatives and liberals. I hope you are not one of those people, Rector, but the level of hypocrisy on both sides this election cycle boggles my mind. "Come together and support the President" from the very same people who claimed Obama wasn't a citizen and wasn't "their President." Or how about "She won the popular vote," when in reality only about a quarter of the voting population voted for either candidate.


I'm so very, very tired of the rhetoric. The elite have so managed to turn everyone on each other so well that we are sniping each other even here, on a site where we share so MANY similar views on the problems we face and the future we are entering in to. Once they let this house of cards come down, they can sit secure in their estates and bunkers, knowing that the mass of people, who pose the greatest threat to them, will instead be focused on ripping each other to shreds. 



Snydeman, you said and I agree
‘Once they let this house of cards come down, they can sit secure in their estates and bunkers, knowing that the mass of people, who pose the greatest threat to them, will instead be focused on ripping each other to shreds.’
That is their plan and their hope. Elites don’t like to share. For example, ask anyone who deals with the ultra rich and you will find out that they are ususally very slow bill payers.
But our job at PP has been and will be to provide the other narrative when the house of cards comes down. If we have done our homework there will be many pockets of disappointment for those elite. That requires sharing, work, and communication.
Chris and Adam–I know you keep personal details of members private, but I would love to see some local or regional statistics of our membership. It’s good to know you are not alone. At some point I would like to see regional Rowe meetings and eventually more local ones.

Who's more at fault?.. these students, or the helicopter parents and other adults who sheltered them from any adversity?
It's going to take a lot of time to toughen them up… patience on our part is needed here (and yes, in some cases a shit-ton of patience).  As well as a little coaching to help them adopt a 'take no shit' response instead of fear, if/when they do face some dirtbag who wants to victimize them (some of them may be over-reacting, but it's also likely their risks are a little higher now…).

If you don’t mind others finding you, then post your location like I do: I’m in Hampton roads, VA. There are others as well. I know of one who was hiking through the western part of the state, one who lives up near C’ville, one who lives down in Georgia.
But combining statistics with known data can give info on the others, and if anyone wishes to remain semiprivate, I think it’s better to allow it to be.
If you dare:

Replace Germany, Hitler, Jew with USA, Trump and Liberal. See if it resonates or sounds familiar.

Then update the status of your travel papers.

I am actually one of those who prefers at least a semi private life on the internet.  What I had in mind was a national map showing concentrations of members, not their actual individual locations. This could be done on a regional basis or a state wide basis, not even identifying cities. Privacy is important.

I agree whole heartedly that we have been manipulated by false narratives propagated by the usual suspects that drive a wedges into the populous.  Very effective.  One of the best mechanisms for this is our constant harping about our differences - and the percieved persecution "our group" is under from "them".
I think you may have misunderstood my post.  I certainly have no beef with you or your opinions.

First, let me say that the only person more repulsive to me than DT (as President) was HRC.  It was a hideous choice between a bombastic buffoon and a sociopathic racketeer.  The very fact that these two were on the ballot is prima fascia evidence that the electorate is incompetent.  As such, we are doomed.  I would have voted for ANY of the other Republican candidates or Bernie Sanders rather than these two.

My harshness is an attempt to mock the idea that your "gay, trans, and minority" students should be "terrified".  This is simply absurd.

"Terrified" of what?  When was the last time a group of straight, "cys" (whatever the f*ck that is), white people went on a rampage to attack such students?  Prevarication aside I bet NONE of them have ever been physically assaulted etc. by "Donald Trump" supporters in their personal experience.  It is an irrational construct born from too much "Queer Studies" and not enough "life".  This focus on the differences that separate us rather than our shared problems IS PART OF THE PROBLEM.  Academia has been the incubator of this phenomenon.

How would DT's election have anything to do with that anyway?  There is no movement to begin persecuting your students by anyone.  I'm simply saying that such fear is irrational and unsupported by the facts.  These whiny millennials haven't had a tough day yet - but that will change soon enough - the collapse will bring us all low and replace all this bullshit navel gazing with real pain.

Nothing focuses the mind like hunger and mortality.  I trust you will teach them something in your class - they get enough garbage from our culture.  


I'll say it again…wake up people.
I find it pathetic that so many people on this site, that consider themselves to have taken the Red Pill, to still believe in "the system".  Oh, and the "feelings" that have been hurt by this election.  Pathetic.  

Head shaking in disgust.

Please be more explicit.  What do you see happening?
What are your impressions, both those backed by facts and also your intuitive "pattern recognition" takes.

I would like to hear.

I agree with LogansRun.
I reserve the right to retain hope however, and am willing to change my view based on facts on the ground as they emerge.

Trump reportedly seeking top-secret security clearance for his kids (Market Watch)

He's already setting his family up for dynasty (greater than the business empire they already rule).

This is a pretty big announcement;  I'm going to be a regular on the Glenn Beck show.
He reaches a very large audience, and my role will be to both explain the economic circumstances and what people can do about making their own lives more prepared and resilient.

Here's the link to the first show.

And a snippet from the show:

GLENN: Chris Martenson. Chris Martenson from, who is now a member of our team. A guy who I have been literally looking for, a guy like this for at least 15 years. A guy that sees the world in the same way that I do, can explain it, and also can give us options of, what do you do about that? And it’s taken us a while to be able to work out a deal so he could come on because he had complex contracts.

But we’re so thrilled that he’s a part of our team now. And we’re going to hopefully sit down soon, Chris, and work out some things to get you very involved in and the Glenn Beck radio show, to be able to teach some of these things. Because I think people will understand why I’m so concerned and stressed out. Because nobody is explaining this stuff to them in a way that they can understand. And I think people on the business shows on TV — correct me if I’m wrong — are living an absolute illusion or delusion.

CHRIS: No correction necessary. It’s a self-delusion. It’s astonishing. And here’s the funny part about this, Glenn: You know, when I talk with some of these people, their public — they have the same public and private positions, right? Publicly, they say what they say. I get them behind closed doors, and I say, “Do you really believe that, or how concerned are you?” And some of these people — some of the wealthiest people I know have jets ready to take them to literally bunkers in Switzerland —

GLENN: Unbelievable. Can I tell you something, Chris? I find it reprehensible. I can’t tell you how many people who are on television saying everything is fine have said to me off air, “I can’t say this, Glenn, but keep saying it — the same thing — I’ve got a Gulfstream ready to go.” Really? Well, thanks a lot. You’re telling us something opposite of what you’re doing. And they just — they don’t — they believe that if they say this, then people will panic and it will be over a lot faster. And I think — they never say this — but I think they think there’s more money to be taken off of the table.

CHRIS: I think that’s part of it. There’s a lot of self-interest. Can I tell you one of my most disappointing moments in a person’s career, is what I call the retirement speech. Say, a senator, finally on the retirement day, they tell you everything they never said while they were actually in a position to do anything about it.

GLENN: Yeah. Yeah.

CHRIS: And then I don’t care anymore I don’t care if you tell me how far off the rails the country has gone now that you’re retiring. What a weak way to go out. Come on, you know.

GLENN: Yeah. I know. So, Chris, the bubble that I think was coming in 2008 — I started talking about it in ’04 and ’06. And it was the housing bubble. And I said, “It’s going to be Great Depression-style.” And it turns out it wasn’t. I didn’t figure in TARP. Now, I think what we’ve done because of TARP and money printing and everything else, I personally think it is western world depression or even worse, a game-changing kind of scenario. A, do you agree with that? And, B, what does it look like? And, C, is there a TARP, or is there something that changes that, that I don’t see?

CHRIS: Absolutely. I agree with the position. I was a very vocal critic of all the bailouts, in particular bailing out places like Goldman Sachs at 100 cents on the dollar for their bad bets with AIG, Citigroup. These were badly run organizations that needed and deserved to go out of business. They didn’t. They were rescued. And because of that, Glenn, I think that that was an opportunity to take a painful fall from a ladder that we were four rungs up. Now, because of the Federal Reserve and TARP and all the bailouts, what we’ve gotten is we’re about 20 rungs up the same ladder now, much more painful fall, and may even be worse than that. So the next crisis is going to be bad.

And they’re going to fight it tooth and nail because they believe in their heart of hearts that it could be a lights-out crisis if they don’t. And I understand how they got there. Remember, 2008, we had to wait a year and a half when Hank Paulson’s memoirs came out, and Mervyn King, then the Bank of England governor — they came out and said, “Guys, we were like three or four hours from a systemic banking collapse that could have wiped the world out.” That’s what they were thinking, right? So what do you think they’re thinking today, when everything that was in place then is still in place, but larger? Do we have fewer derivatives? Is sovereign debt lower? All of this — no. Is the housing bubble — where is it? It’s right back where it was.

GLENN: Or worse.

CHRIS: So what they do is they pumped the credit markets up, and it was a double-fingers crossed moment. They were saying, “Please, growth. Please, please, will growth come and bail us out.” It didn’t come. And that’s where we are, at this awkward moment, with the fed saying, “We think we need to raise rates.” We’re like, “Guys, too little, too late. And you’re going to do it into a weakening environment, not a strengthening environment? Never been done before. Good luck with that.”

That's excellent news!!  Made my day!:slight_smile:
PS And could he give you a better compliment?

GLENN: Chris Martenson. Chris Martenson from, who is now a member of our team. A guy who I have been literally looking for, a guy like this for at least 15 years. A guy that sees the world in the same way that I do, can explain it, and also can give us options of, what do you do about that?

As one predator to another Rector, Do you Virtue Signal much?

a bombastic buffoon and a sociopathic racketeer
You see your moral inferiors,  I see two Apex predators.

Kneel or be crushed. (I empathize with you, but I choose not to sympathize.) Like Paul Krugman and MiniMe I identify with cats.


Here's a larger image, if you need it… at 1080 x 838
Larger (1090x838) image of: "There are too many promises that can't be kept"
Direct Link (should last a few months):


Thanks Poet.  I've downloaded the image.  

I plan to be referring to this chart a lot in the future, so a very timely gift from you.