Get Ready... Change Is Upon Us

I haven't seen that kind of pro trump celebrating here at PP.    My perception is that there has been a guarded sigh of relief that we won't have HRC attempting to put a no fly zone in Syria with the attendant risks of nuclear war with Russia that entailed,  as well as a realistic awareness that Trumps foreign policy will probably suck in many other ways including a good chance we'll end up with a different slate of neocons coming to power.

I suspect that   Trump presidency will represent a mix of good and bad outcomes.     He has already effectively killed the TPP   That goes into the Win column for me. 

There are  a bunch of other things on his list that would be great too if he manages them. Term limits and real checks on revolving door lobbying come to mind.

He will also do and try some stuff that is completely boneheaded and indefensible for those of us who get the bigger picture. 

What your not going to see is the histrionic  projections of the propaganda deluded protesters come true. i.e. a Hitler like  character rounding up gays and  minorities and sending them to concentration camps. 

If  you've been paying attention to how he has strategically modulated his positions over time and relative to realities of the election cycle,  the most likely outcome is that he will continue to modulate his stance moving to the center. now that he has won.  You are already seeing that with his trial balloon on ACA that he might modify to keep pre existing conditions rather than scrap the whole thing.  Expect more revelations that will even piss of his base.

Trump is an entertainer at heart and he knows how to work a crowd.  He is driven by his ego needing to be seen as HUGELY successful.  His crowd now includes the whole country and I expect he will position himself to succeed with that audience. 

Success for a politician is all about reelection.  He has to deliver on key change elements for his base vis a vie cleaning the swamp  and he needs to assuage fears that he is what he has been painted as by the HRC campaign and their communication division, the MSM.





Having diverse people on your team doesn't mean you embrace true diversity, but you probably know this. Fact, he had a female, a homosexual, and a brown man on his team, and they are just "tokens" meant to look like he embraces diversity. of course, the second half of my statement is conjecture, as is yours. We can say he has these people on his team, but the actual reasons why are speculation. Given the types of statements he has made about "different" people during his career and campaign, I'll just say he has to work pretty hard to convince me that he actually cares about anyone else but himself. I'd love for him to prove me wrong on this. See, that's my opinion…just like my previous post was. Therefore it isn't something I need to "defend" either way. It simply is.



By the by, that "glass ceiling" you refer to was broken back in '88 by Susan Estrich. I'm sorry if the reality doesn't fit with your theory.

Yeah, I agree with most of what you say. Hence why I said "somewhat seen here." I'll be the first to admit if I'm wrong…I just sense a snow-job and have serious doubts as to his embracing the principle of diversity. But, hey, that's my opinion.

the privilege of diversity
Ha. Whites are "privileged with diversity", no one else. Sounds like a Cultural Marxist ideal to me.

Do not assume that I as a Rhodesian, can be persuaded of its merits. We were "privileged with diversity" and then we were exterminated by others who laughed at our Naivete. 

Cultural Marxism? What's Cultural Marxism?

Time will tell of course,  I think you will be surprised, ( on this score anyway)  He already has and does embrace the principle of diversity,  I know that causes cognitive dissonance when measured against the perceptions that exist now after the campaign.  I come by this opinion after the painful work of dissecting his actual words relative to how they were selectively edited, framed  and presented for the MSM echo chamber.

The clues are in his history as a cosmopolitian New Yorker.  He has a clear and unambiguous track record of tolerance and support of the gay community.  for example, even though he won't formally 'support gay marriage'  for political reasons he clearly supports it personally. 

[quote=New York Times]

Elton John and his longtime boyfriend, David Furnish, entered a civil partnership on Dec. 21, 2005, in England under a law the country had just enacted granting recognition to same-sex couples. The congratulations poured in as the two men appeared at a joyous ceremony at Windsor Guildhall, amid a crush of paparazzi. Donald J. Trump, who had known the couple for years, took to his blog to express his excitement.

“I know both of them, and they get along wonderfully. It’s a marriage that’s going to work,” Mr. Trump wrote, adding: “I’m very happy for them. If two people dig each other, they dig each other.”


There is a similar track record of support for black and other minorities including Hispanics not withstanding his controversial statements about Mexicans(A nationality not a race) Illegals (a status) Criminals (a category)  

I personaly  don't find nationalism an attractive quality.  But I do recognize that it is not equivalent to racism.  Even though many nationalists are also racist it is not a given. It is my contention that the record and background of Trump shows he is a Nationalist  not a Racist or a Homophobe. 

  To the extent that he displays prejudice it is against Islam. ( a religion)   He like so many people believe that Muslims were the driving force behind 911 and that informs his distrust.  Other than instituting extreme vetting, for immigrants that come from areas where radical Islam is a problem, ( Ironically those happen to be the same places we blew up on behalf of Israel of whom he is a Yuuge supporter ) he won't be in a position to significantly discriminate against Muslim communities here. 

To the extent that discrimination happens it will be based on a 'false' security rational'  I believe the checks and balances in our system still will provide a measure of restraint there.  This is to my mind the most realistic area that abuses could occur.

DT has made some significant promises to inner city blacks and Latinos to focus on jobs revitalization.

I think you are going to see him really make a visible and tangible effort there.  He has staked his ego based reputation on it.

  If he does and he converts a significant portion of people into supporters,  the democratic party is going to suffer for a long time.   This is a demographic that, if he can crack it,  will make him unstoppable for reelection in 2000

Of course what he not counting on is the Tsnumani of economic collapse coming our way when the bond bubble bursts.  So who knows how things play out in that context.


Again,  not  a DT endorsement,  just a perception reality check based on my research and understanding




I see no evidence.  I do see this;

Glad to be corrected on the glass ceiling detail and will revise my statement that Trump hired Kellyanne and put his trust in a woman and he won the election, and hired 2 others who are black and gay.  I enjoyed the discussion with you, but will sign off now because we need to see what really happens going forward. Not much use in speculating on what might happen, or the quality of public servants they will be.  We will find out soon enough.

I always appreciate Chris's articles.
I agree with the economic origins that propelled the energy behind Trump supporters, but are they aware of the package deal that comes with him?

Locally, here in NC, the KKK has scheduled an election victory cavalcade.  A few towns over from me flyers were left in people's mailboxes - these flyers had swastikas and talked about Jews 'controlng immigration and degeneracy' and called for joining together to save European heritage.  It had a link to a known alt right website.  You are probably aware of other incidents like this across the nation.  

As a mental health clinician I have had multiple crisis calls last week from parents asking for my help with their children becoming hysterical thinking that Trump will come after them.  I have also seen people reveling in the fact that "…I don't have to be Politically Correct anymore!!!" and verbally lashing out with demeaning and derogatory logorrhea.  Other colleague clinicians have had similar experiences.     

No, not all of his supporters are racist, but the drip drip drip of his message since he announced his candidacy had its' impact and I fear that Pandora's box has opened.  I doubt that we are ready for what will happen now that the wound-up spring has become unsprung.  I just read that Steve Bannon will be Chief Strategist for the Trump administration and it is known that he is an alt right proponent.  Will Machiavellian nationalism be seen as legitimate and a norm? 

A Kasich or Romney or Rubio may have had conservative policies but I guess they were not able to serve as a lightening rod for people's resentment.

We definitely aren't in Kansas anymore…

Double Post

Good essay, Chris, but I disagree that rural vs. urban is the best way to characterize the divide here.  I think it is secure vs. insecure. The elite know that they will always be fed, housed, medically treated, and enjoy life. The insecure know they will always be struggling to meet these needs, essentially Maslow's physiological needs, and will work until they die to put bread on the table.
I  had plumbing problems this week and asked my plumber who he voted for…not HRC. The little people, the only ones who pay taxes as Leona Helmsley famously said, have spoken. But billionaire Trump's "policies" are so wrong headed and conflict with each other in so many ways that the little people have been suckered once again.

ok treebeard, since you asked, i will reply to the points you raised:

i'm not sure where you got that idea, that seem to me to be the exact opposite of reality, as i see it.

it would be more accurate to say, she is bent on removal of government laws and regulations that hamper her and her crony donors and co-conspirators from amassing ever greater power and wealth for themselves.

the government laws and regulations which grant her and her associates special privileges, she absolutely loves those and wants to keep them around.

agreed, the so called free trade deals are not at all about free trade, they are about destroying national sovereignty, and subjugating nations to the will of the corporatists. i don't happen to know what her position is on that, but, fortunately with trump's election, it appears those faux-freetrade deals are done for anyways.

i don't think you quite understand the concept of free market. in a free market, participants are able to make choices based on their own merits, to the extent that it benefits them, freely, and without coercion (such as the threat an armed agent of a government would exert, whether explicitly or implicitly).

but sure, i'll be happy to reply on those 4 points you mention:

prison industrial complex - how would it even exist without government? this monstrosity exists due to government cronyist contracts being given to private for-profit corporations; without government the prison industrial complex would obviously not exist at all.

health care system - health care system is a disaster and horribly overpriced in this country, and why? patent law with regard to manufacture of drugs, the FDA approval process, medical malpractice insurance to protect from lawsuits, obamacare - all of these items are disasters that hit the american consumer directly and are caused by government interference in the marketplace. you really believe HRC would eliminate these barriers to entry to smaller practices and clinics and drug producers so that competition in the marketplace would thrive and costs would be lowered to an affordable level? i don't.

banking system - you're aware that the banking cartel has special privileges and powers granted to it by the federal government, right? and this is the essential source of their power, which they use to manipulate markets and bribe politicians. again, this is the exact opposite of the free market. to suggest that HRC would do away with the bankers' special privilege, is just crazy talk.

military industrial complex - the military industrial complex is the very essence of government violence, and the funding for it comes from the banksters' funny-money and debt based fiat ponzi schemes, which is granted to them by, of course, the federal government. there's an brilliant talk out on youtube by michael rivero titled "all wars are bankers' wars", i would recommend it if you have any doubts about where the funding for war comes from. there is precisely zero chance that HRC would interfere with this gravy train.

HRC does not support the free market or small government at all, she supports a strong government that tramples any opposition underfoot by any means necessary, and that rewards crony corporatists that support her personally. this is the exact opposite of the free market.

also, an essential pillar of libertarian thought is respect for the constitution and rule of law, and the evidence is pretty clear that HRC has no respect for any law but the law of the jungle.

it is simply not factual to suggest that HRC is a libertarian, that she represents libertarian views, or that she enjoys any support whatsoever from the libertarian community.

as far as "how we are supposed to from here to what libertarians have in mind", here's a few good steps: end america's imperial wars of aggression, bring the troops home, stop giving out funds to other countries when ours is bankrupt, end the war on drugs, and most importantly: end the fed! federal reserve counterfeiting is the source of the oligarchs' power and steals wealth from every working american.

This. This right here is the basis of my opposition to Trump. I agree that Trump himself might not really be that racist, homophobic, bigoted or even misogynist (dubious on this last one, though, given what he was recorded saying about women on multiple occasions), but the way he ran his campaign - or the way it was covered in the media, though it's not like there is a dearth of inflammatory statements from him on Twitter and elsewhere - has "normalized" and "mainstreamed" the kind of public discourse that is at best disagreeable, and at worst opens us up to a reactionary violence against any minority group. I teach a class called "Stopping Genocide," in which we compare three modern-day genocides and see what the commonalities are between them. You'd be surprised how similar the paths to genocidal action are - the "causes" if you will - as well as the rapidity with which a society can go from just holding stereotypes to committing mass violence on a group of people. While I am not suggesting we are on that path for sure, the sentiments echoed in the Trump campaign set a dangerous precedent for future campaigns. Pandora's Box indeed.


That being said, I reiterate that I'm no Hillary fan. While she isn't overtly racist, I doubt her diversity credentials, except insofar as those credentials have allowed her to gather political capital and further her political career. I don't think she truly cares about minorities the way most supporters of a diverse society do, and if she's a "friend of the people," I'm a PhD in interstellar warp drive theory. Fantasies, both.


What I know from my limited daily life is that my gay, trans, and minority students are plain terrified right now, and that's just not the way my country should be. I also know that the elite have managed to set us on each other again, and that worries me as well. If the collapse is coming soon, and they know it, then the way things have played out is exactly how I would set up the dominos if I were pulling the strings: set in motion the requisite divisions in society, put the jester on the throne who will take the blame, and undermine the people's confidence that they managed to elect an "agent of change," so that will stay home even more the next time it comes to a vote. Then pull your fingers from the dike and run.


To Oliveguy (apologies if I butchered your screen name - can't double check it right now), that was my only real point - you and I are sharing opinions based off of a set of facts, but neither of us will know whose interpretation is correct until we're halfway through the opera. I apologize if I came across as snarky; I'm exhausted and spent right now, and I'm less able to moderate or think through what I say these days as a result, which is one reason I need to stay off these boards a bit, as I have no desire to contribute to a degradation of the quality of conversation here at PP. There are enough sites out there with immature name-calling and trolling, and I like seeing the civil discourse here.


I can also say that my "internal gut instinct" regarding collapse used to have a timer associated with it, in that things were always "in the future." Recently, however, my gut has been quiet and unsettled on the issue of how far out I feel the collapse is. It's as if my instinct is telling me we're in the thick of it, and the house of cards isn't unraveling, it's coming down. Needless to say, it's one thing to talk about and plan for collapse, and another thing entirely to feel you are now living through itI feel like a historian who has been chronicling the decline of Rome from my comfortable chair in my patrician's estate inside the city, at the moment he notices campfires of the barbarians at the gate. Despite my long five years of preparations, I'm woefully unready.


Note, please, that I am using the words think and feel with intent. None of what I write here is to be regarded as me positing fact. This is just me talking from my corner of the universe.


The election was just one big con, and the main problem now is we the sheeple are not able to sort out fact from fiction.  Instead, the sheeple have gotten suckered in, once again, and are arguing & fighting amongst ourselves.
Short list of facts we do know:

  1.  The media is corrupt as corrupt gets and are the main tools of the elites.  It's called propaganda people. I would recommend turning off tv & radio, tuning out, studying history, trying to stick to the more "factual" websites always trying to research the why & how they get their information (non-U.S. sources tend to have least bias), and thinking for yourselves.  

  2.  The "markets" are managed by the elites, and the sheeple have been led to believe the economy is doing just swell for the past several years when everyone knows nothing could be further from the truth.  

  3.  There are fringe groups from every corner of society who will display extreme reprehensible behavior.  The groups are sometimes used as pawns by the elites in their bigger game.

  4.  Our standard of living absolutely will fall much further unless society hits the lottery with a new discovery rivaling fossil fuels.  Good luck with that.  This fall will be painful for everyone, and blame will be dispersed towards every person/group.  As humans, blaming others is what we do.  The elites will try to manipulate who gets blamed.


We do not know if Trump was selected by the elites for a certain purpose such as being the fall guy for the long overdue financial crash, or squash the growing populace movement by soon punishing them with economic or social mayhem in order to get their heads straight for the next administration, to slip past new laws curtailing more freedoms, or to ultimately pave the way for their globalist agenda in 4 years.  

It's exceedingly easy for people to deceive with words, but actions not so much.  One great theme of PP is to try to look at the world in the most objective way possible, and deal with that reality as directly as possible.


Once upon a time in a far far away country rulers from the unique party were using the country richness for their own benefit without regard to the country needs. The government was to corrupt and negligent, it did not care to hide his bad actions.  Misery was higher and broader with every passing day. Then came multiparty (after a few protests and slaps, of course). The country got multiparty, human rights… and the same rulers that did not change their habits. All the new political parties based their strategies at denouncing the old party, the one that screwed the country, the one that put the seed for 50% of the young men to be jobless, the one that indebted this oil rich country, Amongst this herd of new political parties, one was different: he put all his energy to denounce violently the then government. He marched in streets (collecting some more slaps). He organized sittings (They were addicted to slaps). he organised large gatherings filling soccer stadiums (Without the help of pop stars). Other parties were seen as boring intellectuals: an article from time to time, a small gathering that did not fill the smallest theater. Well, they were following the law and were polite. After a few years of this daily regime an election came. The campaign was not boring at allwink. A the time, this far far away country had no polls agencies, no Facebook, no Twitter. Just one channel plain TV and the old good printed press. On election day people voted for the "barkers"; The ones that denounced high and loud the corrupt government; The ones without program; The ones that promised to jail all the corrupts; The ones that promised a job for every man; The ones that promised a house for every family. How not to vote for them, heh? Thei said the right thing; they got their share of slaps; This victory was well deserved.
This party, was the ISF.

Fork the story: The ISF did not get in power because the army canceled the elections, jailed its leaders and strongly repressed any attempt to raise the finger to ask permission to speak. Of course, the same old rulers continued their party and the country got more debt to feed the populace. 30 years after, this country is not yet out of wood.

Whatever the country, whatever the culture, whatever the religion, whatever the time, if you apply the same equation, you get the same result. When a government is no more trusted, then the substitutes are (most often than not) the ones that say loudly what others think in a low voice. They could be good, they could be bad. The change is always a gamble. If this equation seems the same for every country, the outcome is unique to each one.


One thing that has been unusual in this election has been the fetal position-thumb sucking-weeping response of some of the 'loosing' side AND the dread of how to tell the children that all is lost. I can only point to the media in it's vilifying role of Trump coupled with a vision of a new version of manifest destiny which is being threatened primarily in the media's virtual reality world. When I put my phone in my pocket and greet and speak with my neighbors in this very diverse urban neighborhood where I live there is no sense of any loss or threat.
It is true that we are living in a time of collapse, but politics has very little to do with the reasons we are here. The further into this we go, the more important piece of our lives will be local governance and building the  relationships needed to be involved in that sphere.

when a very long one is appropriate.  When you hear the "liberal" establishment saying the purpose of "Obama Care" is to make sure every American has access to health care, its the same type of explanation they gave for invading Iraq, to protect Americans from weapons of mass destruction.  Yet we all believe it and debate the policy on that basis.  Both are political cover for the same type of activity, power, control and extraction.  Which is why the Republican/libertarian vs Liberal/democratic main stream debate is so absurd, they are simply offering differing types of acceptable political cover for the same activity.  Which is why the Trump/Clinton debate is the height of absurdity, we are arguing over what kind of lie we like being told while we are being screwed.  That is why, regardless of who is elected, the trajectory of policy doesn't change.
So this whole small government republican, big government democrat thing is just as absurd.  We have tied ourselves up by listing to these lies.  And the person we have subjugated ourselves to is standing in front of us with a pipe wrench (the "free market") and a hammer ("big government").  He is happily beating the crap out of us alternatively with either one.  He can inflict just as much damage if either tool is taken away from him.  Without government, and all of our societal arrangements managed by "markets" can be as dark a totalitarian nightmare as any "big government" dictatorship.  Libertarians "believe" in the rule of law? What has belief got to do with it. Everybody wants the rule of law, except perhaps the 0.1% of humanity the we have ceded control of human affairs to right now.  The question is how can that be achieved.  Being against "government" as the cause of the problem or against "big business/capitalism" is nonsensical.

The discussion has to leave this absurd dualistic distinctions behind to get anywhere.

What I know from my limited daily life is that my gay, trans, and minority students are plain terrified right now, and that's just not the way my country should be. 
That's unfortunate.  Have you suggested counseling or some time in a safe space?  I know that a lifetime of participation trophies has robbed our young people of the ability to lose with grace and so some time with playdough, coloring books, and a puppy might just do the trick.

How pathetic.  Additional evidence that we are doomed.



That's unfortunate.  Have you suggested counseling or some time in a safe space?  I know that a lifetime of participation trophies has robbed our young people of the ability to lose with grace and so some time with playdough, coloring books, and a puppy might just do the trick.
I think you miss the point.  His students' reaction is NOT about losing an election.  It's because these people watch media, and the (Clinton-controlled) media spent the last four months working overtime to program everyone in the country that Trump is a soulless monster come to eat them and their families, roasting their babies on a spit while laughing, and so on.

This emotional programming has been extremely effective.  That's why people are rioting now.  Not because they aren't good losers, but because they've been successfully emotionally programmed by the Clinton Campaign's media arm (CNN, CNBC, and millions of scary social media posts), who are very good at what they do.

What's more, the "bad element" (the real scumbag racist nazis out there) have also been convinced by this same Clinton emotional-programming campaign that Trump is on their side, so they are emboldened to act badly!  A win-win, from HRC's standpoint, but a lose-lose from civil society's view.

So in sum, the students' fear is real.  Until Trump manages to disarm the Clinton/Media emotional programming, they will remain in a state of fear - and because the scumbags have been encouraged, his students may be the target of actual violence right now, so they really do have something to worry about.

You are a minority in America - as an Evangelical in a sea of much less religious people.  I know you feel the emotional impact of this, and your response is to suck it up and soldier on.  But - I'm just guessing - you aren't subject to physical attacks when you walk down the street and a gang of Athiests spots you as "one of those God freaks" and decides to tune you up just on that basis alone.

There's a difference between being a visible minority, and being an invisible one.  If you're visible, you are much, much more easily targeted.  And that's not a great feeling, especially when scumbags tend to run in packs, and feel emboldened that "Trump has their back" by all of Clinton's programming.

People imagine all this is about Trump.  I just don't think it is.  Its about HRC's successful job in a massive, national emotional programming effort - the kind where you need actual brain damage to avoid its effects.

Here is what I mean:

Coke uses happy images in their ads in such an effective way that people who actually prefer the taste of Pepsi (in a blind test) will select Coke because of the happy emotional impact of Coke's branding effort somehow manages to override what their taste buds have told them.  They - knowingly - select a worse-tasting drink because of the emotional impact of the advertising.

The only people able to resist the Coke ad effects are people with a very specific type of brain damage to a region of the brain known to affect emotions.

If Coke can do this with sugar water, think Clinton can do the opposite with Donald Trump?  I think we're seeing the answer before us, in real time.

Prefrontal cortex damage abolishes brand-cued changes in cola preference.

Human decision-making is remarkably susceptible to commercial advertising, yet the neurobiological basis of this phenomenon remains largely unexplored. With a series of Coke and Pepsi taste tests we show that patients with damage specifically involving ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPC), an area important for emotion, did not demonstrate the normal preference bias when exposed to brand information. Both comparison groups (neurologically normal adults and lesion patients with intact VMPC) preferred Pepsi in a blind taste test, but in subsequent taste tests that featured brand information ('semi-blind' taste tests), both comparison groups' preferences were skewed toward Coke, illustrating the so-called 'Pepsi paradox'. Like comparison groups, the VMPC patients preferred Pepsi in the blind taste test, but unlike comparison groups, the VMPC patients maintained their Pepsi preference in the semi-blind test. The result that VMPC damage abolishes the 'Pepsi paradox' suggests that the VMPC is an important part of the neural substrate for translating commercial images into brand preferences

Trump and Putin unite over Syria as the Russian fleet arrives to bomb Aleppo

and discuss the radical changes coming to America


In Syria, the remaining residents of Aleppo are fleeing.




As a flotilla of Russian ship arrive.  Mass bombing is expected.




Meanwhile in Russia, Putin and Trump talk of improving relations over Syria.



They are going to reverse decades of warring against each other and be more pragmatic.



They blame Obama for deliberately bullying them, but Trump says that he will be their buddy.



(So if Aleppo is bombed, it’s not because Obama is weak on defence, it’s because Putin and Trump arranged for it beforehand.)


Trump promises a radical change.



To get a clue of what this radical change might be let’s listen to what his political advisor is saying.



Trump hired Steve Bannon to be his political advisor after he fired the old-guard GOP advisors last summer.  Now he just became Trump’s Chief Strategist where he was just assured of Trump’s hard-line promises.


Chairman of Breitbart, Steve Bannon claims to be the “Platform for the Alt Right.”


Besides all of the hatemongering, the central message of the Alt Right is hard to pick out in the United States.  But in Canada, someone spelled it out more clearly.  




In the US, those neighbors of yours that have been stockpiling guns, the ones waiting for society to fall apart, are about to get the day that they have been waiting for.


As it turns out, Putin has been funding and feeding propaganda to these Alt Right websites for decades, and soon as Trump becomes president, Bannon activates them.


Trump is Putin’s puppet.  



Meet Putin’s “Rasputin,” Alexander Dugin, the master puppeteer.


Listen to Alexander Dugin gloat over Trump’s victory and your new America


He is the mastermind behind the fascist movement that has grown out of Russia and into Europe in the form of Brexit.  And now into the United States with the election of Donald Trump.



Dugin used to call for the destruction of America and its liberal ideology, but now he says that this is the real America, “the America of realism.


He is calling for an end to his worldwide anti-Americanism campaign and calling for solidarity with the American people, now that the liberal globalist have been replaced.



Then he talks about a second America emerging out of the shadows.  That would be those well armed Alt Right guns nuts, finally getting their day.  Ready to take revenge on all of the “elites” who never took them seriously.



Dugin also congratulates his American spokes piece, Alex Jones, whose viewership on Infowars just swelled by 20 million after Trump’s election.


Listen to Alex Jones explain how the media establishment is scum

and how he is their new replacement


Now watch him rant how the liberals are just begging to be murdered.


Click here for one of many Alex Jones rants


So, if you don’t want a crazy gun nut like Alex Jones showing up unexpectedly seeking revenge after Trump gets elected and Bannon releases Dugin’s Alt Right minions, and you suddenly don’t like Trump’s/Putin’s/Dugin’s/Alex Jones’s new America anymore, there is something that you can do.


Fortunately the founding fathers put a clause in the constitution that delays the vote of the Electoral College until December 18th, in case some sort of threat emerged.  We need a nation wide campaign to appeal to the members of the Electoral College to vote no for Donald Trump, before America is destroyed and we descend into fascism .


To stop those apocalyptic gun nuts from finally getting their day,  Urge all members of the Electoral College to vote no for Donald Trump on December 18th!


Click here if you wish to see Alexander Dugin’s The Fourth Revolution website where he describes what is in store for America and the world if Trump is confirmed by the Electoral College.