Get the Answers You Seek - Replay Available

Bounce some waves off the ionosphere ?

Video Material

Hi: I’ve been sleeping down here in Europe during the Q&A session. And would like to see the video. How can I access the video?



We are in Switzerland. But the articles and research and news indicates the following;
1) The dry grass and shrub; the danger of high winds and electric line failure causing fires was discussed in “2014 and 2020”. There must of or should have been discussions about;
A) using sirens to warn people. Not the BS excuse about tidal waves only.
B) if the electric system is down where to get the water and how to power it on the fire
C) a fire break system consisting of dirt and no scrub or fire fuel probably running. One probably running east-west and another north south. Or simply getting rid of such fire fuel.
D) at a given wind speed automatic shut down of major electric lines and constant surveillance by fire crews spread out through Maui
All concerned must have known the above, but failed to do anything for 9 years.
Then there is an announcement that the gov will put zoning restrictions and high taxes on
Any large players buying the now destroyed land. This to me is “temporary pacifying trick”.
They should say that none of the residential land be sold except to relatives or the local community for residential rebuilding. Strange that one can hear the above on international media. Including the fact that supplies of water, food, medicine are not allowed in because they are not FEMMA Approved. Then the international news reports another 16 billion to Ukraine and 10 billion in fighter jets (over 200 billion total) and 700 dollars to those US citizens who have no homes or possessions to their names. MAUI NO KA OI???


Post Replay

Not able to attend live. Please post a recording.


Replay Please

Will there be a replay?



Will a recording be posted? If not, can someone from the Peak team please say so, so that I can stop checking lol.


We will be getting the replay up shortly. It has been sent off for editing, then it will be posted right away once it’s received.

Hi there! The replay will be up soon. It has been sent off for editing and processing, then it will be posted once it’s received.


Just going to say, as someone who grew up in California, and did live in a rural area, I can’t tell you the weight that has been lifted off my shoulders just by finally moving. We are in Idaho now. There are so many things that are easier here that I honestly didn’t even realize were messed up about California. Maybe it’s just a false sense, but I feel so much more secure, whatever the future might bring. Get out if you can, you won’t look back.


I just got it cleaned up, and am waiting for upload to Odysee/Rumble to process. These will be up today

Replay Getting Posted Today

Hi All,
Apologies for the delay – I have now got the replay being uploaded to Odysee/Rumble as well as the audio play back complete. This will be uploaded within the hour.

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Dane, Evie’s comms were atrocious for this session. Half the time I couldn’t hear her comments and/or the questions she was relaying. I was very difficult to follow Chris’ replies/responses when I didn’t know what the question was.


Yup. Me too. Evie faded out completely for long moments repeatedly, but then would come back full strength suddenly.

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For a small budget, how about soap and salt? (Both cheap, compact non-perishables that will be badly missed and good for trade.) Of course they will both run out too.
I’ve saved a big box of my Dad’s food gardening books and always buy extra seed for the day when people finally see they need a garden. I can also provide some expertise in gardening. Also certain perennial plants that multiply easily: strawberries, raspberries, currents, artichokes, herbs, rhubarb. Now I give them away. Later, I’ll barter with them.
Housing for help with defense/homestead work, for the right person.

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Thanks :slight_smile:

Thank you, you two beautiful people, and all of your team! For this and everything you do. The poem at the end gathered the whole thing quite nicely together to meaning and purpose. ?  :sparkles:  ? 

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Visibility Control

Chris, I’m not surprised you didn’t hear about the Marion newspaper. I have gotten the feeling that something is manipulating visibility on Twitter, a new tool or a new deployment of a tool. For instance, Dylan Mulvaney was ubiquitous for weeks when that story broke. All over Twitter. This recent story surfaced and disappeared. Friends who pay attention didn’t know about it until I brought it up.
In the wake of Mulvaney/Bud Light and Target/extended crotch swimsuits, if Disney still announced a partnership with a gender-fluid influencer, I assume they were serious about this cultural issue and it continues to be newsworthy. Why don’t I see tweets for/against anywhere in my feed?
Something is off.

Thanks for the perspective from across the globe.

Reducing Drugs @evie

Evie appreciated your journey story to reduce meds. After my heart stopped and quad by-pass with defibulator installed left hospital on like 5 pills within months I was down to only 2 … doctors were not happy with me but thankfully my Cardiologist went along. Over the next couple years I eliminated 1 and then cut the other in half. Had to cut in half as I was already on smallest pill made - as you found the standard pills do not always fit you. Keep up the journey.

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A Possible Solution To Being Debanked

Chris appreciated your Q&A on this topic. One step I am talking is following and buying LODE 100% backed (vaulted) silver and gold digital coins(AGX or AUX), a gold/silver backed digital coin. The global precious metals backed Defi WEb3 360 degree eco system they are building hopefully will provide a way to save and spend in gold/silver while at the same time being outside the banking system and provide a level of privacy. The progress and next step plans are promising but obviously the bad guys who do not want competition are not making it easy. AS an example, we could pay your subscriptions in AGX or AUX coins as I have doen with David Morgan and Citizens for Sound Money. Hopefully other precious metal backed digital money eco systems will emerge too.
PS BTW - I listened to this recording as I was out early checking on chickens , picking green beans and tomatoes. I also cut down many of my 10-12 ft sunflowers to lay out in the sun to dry today - chicken food for the winter. I also picked my breakfast smoothie: red raspberries, a few remaining blackberries, beet leaves and chard. Year two for my gardens and we have been blessed with abundance this year.

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we are in TN from IL and you can just feel the freedom here that was not the case in a Chicago suburb. what we have in middle TN are many freedom cells and mutual assistance groups focused on solutions ( not bitching) on many/most of topics PP supports. Thus, a sense of increased security (far from perfect) due to having increasing numbers of like minded patriots around.

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