Get the Answers You Seek - Replay Available

i have been thinking similar as my garden produce expands… struggling to give it all away this year BUT when SHTF or just inflation dictates it can be barter or just sell. Right now due to a knee issue I am seeking help to harvest a LOT of sweet potatoes and some potatoes.


Out of interest, Chris, which still have you purchased?
Something electric like a T500?
Or something really simple like a big pan-type still that can work on any energy source, including a simmering fire?
ie - the simpler the still, the worse times you’re prepared for!

Great Show. Some Additional Insight On What The “authoritarian Do-gooders” Are Really All About…

Great show. I watched all of it. Next time, would you guys please sort out the audio issues? I couldn’t hear most of the viewer questions, and there were more than the usual drops in the audio during the show.
I’d like to elaborate on on one part which piqued my interest.
At about the 8-minute mark:
Chris describes the ruling elite as authoritarian do-gooders who conceitedly think they know what’s best for mankind. I’ve heard Chris say this on a number of occasions. I beg to differ. By now, the ruling elite has enough knowledge of history - of communism, its DISASTROUS implementation, the fact that it ALWAYS fails and is incompatible with human nature - that they don’t really believe in their own BS anymore. By now they’re honest with themselves about who they really are and what they seek to accomplish. They are scoundrels and villains and they know it. They are waging war on humanity as a whole, and their goal is nothing less than the degradation, debasement and ultimately the total destruction of humankind, in both spirit and body. In Russia in 1914, they told themselves that they were freeing the proletariat from their chains. Today, I believe that the people in the inner core of the ruling elite, in their private moments, tell themselves the honest truth: they want revenge against existence itself and they want to destroy civilization altogether, perhaps deliver humankind to extinction. I believe that they hate humankind even more than they love power. Hatred towards all that is good, just, noble and beautiful is stronger in them than love of something (whatever that “something” is).
I watched an outstanding video some time back which filled me in on the subject. This video is one of the very best metaphysical explanations I’ve yet come across of the ruling elite’s thoughts and deeds. It explains the underlying nature of communist/socialist mass movements. The author builds upon James Lindsay’s insights and gives a simplified exposition of what the cult subconsciously believes and aspires towards:
   2023.06.12 - The cult many are in but don’t realize [[TIKHistory]]
He describes it as an “End of History” cult which has taken it upon itself to “accelerate the development of society” (eg In early-20th century Russia it was the push to bypass capitalism and go straight to communism. In the present day, it’s the effort to eliminate all that his human and then to usher in trans-humanism.) But beneath their surface-level motives - whether its communism, the classless society, or a society of trans-humans - is a subconscious hatred and death wish for all of humankind.

Aww, thanks Annie,
It is our pleasure to be able to spend time with the folks here! There is nothing like it. I’m glad that you enjoyed the poem that we shared too. It feels good to ground after discussing things that can be unnerving. Have a happy day!  ? 

Finishing Jerry Oppenheimer’s Rfk Jr

Low Dose Naltrexone

I also have found an amazing doctor who has helped me in so many ways. He has put me on Low Dose Naltrexone and it is starting to help several chronic problems. This is a therapy which has not gotten enough attention. If you have chronic physical/mental issues, look this up and take it into consideration with a doctor who knows how to prescribe it:) This has also been shown to help infertility, along with lifestyle improvements.

The beauty of this therapy is you don’t have to be on it forever. It helps your body to attain self-regulation.