Gold's Regular Morning Mugging

I had to pile onto those options trades today, highly speculative I know. It's factoring in a double in less than a year but I picked up a couple hundred contracts of those out-of-the-money calls for Goldcorp and Newmont. (I can't bring myself to own Barrick ever since I read Gold Wars way back)

Hi there, I laughed when I read this.  I and my family have been waiting for things to really "pop" for 20 years, but it just keeps on truckin'.  My background is computer science.  I can tell you that the market is not acting like it is connected to anything in reality.  It behaves exactly the way it shouldn't at crucial times.  Why you might ask?  The only reason I can imagine is that the markets are running off of computer simulation, or off of algorithyms.  Ask yourself why several BIG name clearing houses have given money back to their investors and left the market?  A big one was back in 2005, they had been in the markets since the early 1900s…why would they "quit" the market?  Only if they knew something we small people didn't.  I'm not claiming anything, just looking at the market and the fact that things are going on there, perhaps are "made" to go on there to continue the same sick economic situation that we are all in.  Would I like to see the markets "pop".  No.  Would I like to see this crap continue? No.  So I'm in there with everyone else, with ambivilence towards an aging and dying economic system…that may or may not be manipulated, but my vote is it is 100% manipulated by the Cray Computers in Colorado.  It's the only mathematical/probability reason why the country bubble didn't "pop" back in 2007.  I'm only preparing for a currency collapse, which will make everything in banks and IRAs and anything else electronic obsolete and wiped out.  I hope I'm wrong.  But when you do the MATH, and look at PROBABILITY, its pretty clear.  There's only one way out of the mess that this country has got itself in (from history's viewpoint), and that is currency collapse.

Always impressed with the deals you guys dig up, got both trials. Can't wait to see what you've got lined up next week. thank you ----->>>> Purchase Pinterest Likes