Government-Run Disruptions Targeting Farmers And Food (And Soon You)

“hate Speech” And Division On Diet Choices

Meanwhile, as part of this, dietary choices have been made sources of deep division. The "
Diet Wars" in online forums have become infamously some of the most toxic debates… all part of the plan? A friend posted this in facebook earlier…
Who would agree we should start a petition asking Facebook to add diet’s orientation to their list of hate speech that can be reported? They also have to add it in the ready-made group rules.
That’s as important as respecting sexual orientation. Nevertheless, the frequency and intensity of hate based on having a different way of eating is much higher, and increasing.
Share it in your diet and health groups!
Give the idea that it’s about time to react!
Do you think it will make no difference?
Yes it will make a difference. In one case it will be Facebook’s guilt, in the other it will be ours.
Diet’s orientation hate is actually linked to 3 kinds of hate they highlight: ethnicity, religious affiliation, and even to disability and disease, as they are 3 causes of diet’s choice.”

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The only things that would recommend this are demons.


Get a good e-bike! It will take care of some of those needs.


Just suck it up.


There’s probably a bit of “control” also in EV promotion. Electricity can be controlled, identified, measured, recorded, denied, and doled out more conveniently than liquid fuels. Low social score, limited charging. You can carry around and dispense a large amount of energy in a 5 gallon can. Doing so with battery/capacitor storage would be difficult.


Sorry to disagree with you Mark, but power cable loss is anything but minor. Granted that high voltage does minimize losses, but look at this chart. ‘Rejected Energy’ is waste heat due to inefficiency. Note that 2/3 of all electricity generated is lost as heat in the transmission lines.  select United States, year 2020


Power loss in distribution is not negligible. It can be reduced using larger cables and higher voltage, but still there.
An example:

  • 230KV line (average in the US)
  • 600Km distance
  • 1590 mcm cable section (1590000 circular mils area)
  • cable ampacity = about 1075A (assuming aluminium cable)
Calculated loss is about 24.6%. Far from negligible. At 500KV, the loss is around 11.32%. Still something to account for. To compensate, they use booster stations to bring back the voltage to its nominal value. At the end you have the correct voltage, but at reduced amperage. So, less power.

Seems I can’t edit my post above.
To see the chart, click on the link, then from the drop down menu select ‘Energy’ then ‘USA’ and ‘2020’

Agreed… this is why superconducting power transmission cables would be a huge leap forward… close to no resistance. For now we still don’t have room temp superconducting materials, so while these cables do exist for specialized applications and short hauls, they are too expensive and too complicated (cooling jacket) for mass adoption.


You may not be aware of the Aptera. It’s an EV that is all about efficiency and light weight. For “normal” commutes of 40 miles or less, it may be completely self sufficient via it’s onboard solar cells. Certainly it would be the first car that you can keep charged for longer drives via larger home solar arrays. Hopefully shipping next year. I am considering getting in line for one…


Just to clarify, “rejected energy” is the inevitable waste heat the 2nd law states must be created when you burn something and convert it into another form of energy. That isn’t power loss in cables. It can’t be used for anything except district heating in cities, and local use of heat for some other process.
My searches are turning up around 2-10% power loss in transmission lines.

What Canadian Farmers Are Saying…

This guy is funny but keep watching…he has the facts bang on.


Cannibalism Nudging? Better Return Your Neighbors Power Tools

just for fun cause i like to push the boundaries sometimes… We know massive food shortages are coming “fact” While there may not be mass starvation in the west there will be elsewhere “fact”… Some hypothesize the whole point behind this crap is depopulation… Soooo if we nudge people that sometimes its ok to eat your neighbor “especially if he never returned your lawnmower” and then come this winter they really are starving… Freddy across the street starts to look more and more like a juicy prime rib steak…and its ok because he took your lawnmower… its not murder its justified survival right? Seems if we start hunting and eating each other… seems to me that might help the depopulation theory a bit more…


Pope’s Message

I am a deacon in the Catholic Church, ordained nearly 25 years. It has long been my contention that the MSM is unable to get a story right about the Church, even if their lives depended on it. This is one such story. Whenever I read such nonsense, I go to the source document for the context. Here is what he said that folks were all giddy about:
The other proposal I would like to mention concerns care for the common home.
Here too I was pleased to note that while previous generations talked a lot and concluded little, you on the other hand have been capable of concrete initiatives. That is why I say that this, more than ever, is the right time. If you do not succeed in turning this self-destructive trend around, it will be difficult for others to do so in the future. Don’t let yourselves be seduced by the sirens that propose a life of luxury reserved for a small slice of the world. Instead, have that “broad outlook” that can take in all the rest of humanity, which is much bigger than our little continent. May you aspire to a life of dignity and sobriety, without luxury and waste, so that everyone in our world can enjoy a dignified existence. There is an urgent need to reduce the consumption not only of fossil fuels but also of so many superfluous things. In certain areas of the world, too, it would be appropriate to consume less meat: this too can help save the environment.
Here is the link to the whole article:


Maybe control is the issue of concern for the dictator parasites, or preservation of oil itself as I mentioned before. The major issue with efficiency has to relate to vehicle weight as you accelerate and decelerate. It has to be far more efficient to have a half tonne liquid fuel car than a heavy 2 tonne SUV. Using electricity doesn’t sound like it reduces carbon footprint by much if at all - it’s mostly about weight.
This cannot be about climate change. There is something else going on here.


Humor as in laughing gas?

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The vast majority of those losses are from the conversion of combustion-derived thermal energy to kinetic energy in a turbine. There are much smaller losses in the generator the turbine spins and in the power lines. The upper limit of the thermal to kinetic conversion is (absolute temperature of combustion gases - absolute temperature of environment) / (absolute temperature of combustion gases). An absolute temperature scale like Kelvin is needed to do this calculation. Because of the heat tolerance limits of the turbine blades and the fact that turbines achieve something less than maximum possible efficiency (especially for dirty fuels like coal where steam is needed as an intermediate heat transfer device to prevent gumming up the blades with ash and soot), it is very difficult to get much over 40% efficiency from a fossil fuel to electricity process.


There’s something disingenuous about the actions and policies coming from WEF-associated politicians. They simply aren’t consistent with their stated goals and ethics. Resource depletion is a serious concern for us all but I don’t believe they are sincere about climate change, and that’s whether or not it is a genuine issue.
Humans are going to consume every last drop of oil we can from the planet - I am convinced of that. It’s very dark but I am increasingly convinced that the real goal is depopulation through starvation. And why the silence on China? And the inane garbage fed to the masses by the MSM? 90% of the noise out there has to be distraction.


EV’s might be a good hedge against fuel availability issues in the future. An Ev battery might last you 100-200kms or 3-5 years to provide limited assurances that you can travel over the next couple of years. You cant pre - purchase gasoline and expect to store it for extended periods of time, nor guarantee that you will be able to obtain gasoline. Thou, I heard diesel has a longer shelf life. Having an EV in your local community could provide a helpful resource in an emergency.
EBikes are not so good in the winter.
Gasification or Fischer–Tropsch processes could be used to create fuel substitues, they may not be efficient or practical for most people.


We are looking at EVs as we have big distances to drive. For us cost is the issue at $6-8 per 400km as opposed to $120 of diesel. We are also getting solar. As above, I think the climate change argument is a scam.
Chris may have criticised large scale use of farmland for biodiesel, but for individual farm owners, a couple of acres of seeds might be smart. Depending on the crop and conditions, it is apparently possible to produce 50-100 gallons of oil per acre. I don’t know how well it goes or whether it affects motors long term, but I am told it is possible to run diesel engines directly on vegetable oil, and it is possible to produce biodiesel using NaOH, or even potash. I don’t know how practical it all is or whether you could run farm machinery with the seed oil or biodiesel. Probably. If members have knowledge of how to best press a couple of acres of seeds at reasonable cost (depends on the type of course), I am certainly interested. Also, any information on good ways to process seed oil.
I have previously raised the Fischer-Tropsch reaction with PP member and if this could be used to convert coal or even cellulose to biodiesel and gas. I understand that it can be employed, but that it is quite energy inefficient relative to drilling for oil. However, the Germans ran their military campaign during WWII on converted coal, so it’s clearly possible. At the level of an individual farm it sounds a bit complicated. But perhaps some smart dude sells kits for communities. I have certainly heard of biodiesel kits though I get that it’s much easier to do.