Government-Run Disruptions Targeting Farmers And Food (And Soon You)

I believe South Africa has coal to oil plants

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I just recently bought an EV… a Chevy Bolt EUV to be precise… been a car guy all my life… usually can find even the rarest classics after a little hunting… BUT this was by far the biggest challenge ever without paying a 10-15k premium it took me 3 months and calls to dozens of dealers, had to prepay a deposit on a base model with a battery recall sitting in the back lot of a chevy truck dealer out in the sticks to land the Bolt with no yet defined markup and no date when the battery would be replaced…at the end of the day I did land it under 30k.
But i didn’t buy it to save money. I bought it as a back up. My daughter was in search in rescue… They copy the military “One is None” also in the book The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse about Argentina the author stated you need to have both a gas and diesel vehicle because sometimes there is no gas and sometimes there is no diesel. Finally in the 70’s when i was a kid I feel and cut my head open… there was no gas at any price and my dad couldn’t get me to the hospital… he had to run around knocking on doors begging to borrow any gas just to get me to the hospital…
I see that all that coming just like in Sri Lanka… I don’t want to be in that spot… I’m picking up solar panels and invertors to recharge the EV myself. Ive also got an old diesel jetta that can run on waste oil if needed. Gasifier is on the list for my old ford 2n tractor but i’m not convinced its very practical for a car.


Its really worth a rewatch for $4 on Amazon… not only the Soylent part BUT…there is a housing shortage so bad family’s live and sleep in stairwells when they can’t afford apartments, hot showers are for the rich only… Most people have never even seen meat let alone eat it, strawberry jam costs over $100 and jobs and money are super scarce. Police have unlimited power, people have no rights, Food riots are daily, Assassination’s of the inner circle that try to leak info, Women are so dehumanized they are referred to as furniture and come with the apartment lease . I used to think “THEY” we not original and just stole the Soylent Green plot. Now the conspiracy theory part of me is thinking of the dates… Club of Rome 1968, Limits to Growth book on how to cut population published in 1972… Soylent Green produced in 1973… umm what if they just wrote and funded the movie back then based on their actual plan to brag, nudge, normalize and prepare us and they didn’t steal the idea from the movie… what if the movie IS THEIR PLAN?

Yes, more efficient and effective use. And restorative farming technologies all require NO monocropping (see Canadian farmer rant above). And all restorative farming methodologies REQUIRE ANIMALS to help restore the land (see Saladin’s methods). Cattle, chickens, hogs, goats all have a place in a working farm ecology.
Guess what: it doesn’t work with crickets!

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Sorry - not really religious - IDEOLOGICAL is a better word and that’s the hate speech we want to stop.

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Cannibalism? Don’t Pay Any Attention!

I’m 99% sure that these type of messages is meant to distract the critical thinkers. I think it works…

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Doesn’t work for you?
My idea…lockup the 1% for 1 month to see how emissions change. No leaving the home! Planes and yachts etc. powered down. Once we know how much they alone contribute, calculate how often we need to do that to get to their climate change goals. This would of course need to be a yearly event to keep the climate in check.
What do you think?
Edit; don’t forget they can only eat bugs during this time.


At this point I’m perfectly willing to accept that the WEF contingent is a bunch of baby eating satanists.
Trust me, it’s taken a while to get here. But hey, cannibalism isn’t so bad if everybody does it now, is it? shudders


Nitrous Oxide,

How much N2O does a good thunderstorm produce ? I remember back when the nitrogen fixing by lightning was considered a good thing.

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Just add in the daily tonnage of VOG from the kilalea volcano on the big Island (Hawaii), and you realize what bulls**t this is.

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Exactly, it’s a scenario like the movie Soylent Green.

Great video. Thanks for sharing.

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Combine all those toxic gases from Kilalea with the more toxic ones coming out of D.C. and I’d have to admit, that’s one helluva lot of toxic gas.
I suggest going after the biggest sources first.
And, yes, we do realize what bulls**t this is.
We just need to make “them” realize that “we” realize it.
Once “they” realize that “we” realize it,
the game changes.
– Chuck

Not Climate Change

You know Chris, I’ve been following you right from the start and probably still hold the record for most posts, but this was very disappointing… Nitrogen pollution is bad for the climate, but it is far worse for the rest of the biosphere.
Nitrogen chemicals poison the water table and cause cancer. It’s a huge problem you should not be dismissing.
Nitrogen fertilisers are going away anyway, so farmers should be getting ready to change how they farm. The government is doing them a favour, they just don’t know it yet! Remember peak everything?
Listen to this podcast and forget about the dark side. Not everything is a conspiracy.

Sorry Deacon. This seems off topic. I am sure most PP members are far more concerned about social equity and preservation of the environment than our overlords who are less than honest about it.
Has climate change been weaponised against farmers for some other agenda? Perhaps these overlords want to wreck food production rather than reducing nitrous oxide? Certainly appears this is a possibility or they would be addressing industrial production of the same, or CO2 from coal, or China’s emissions.
The information provided by other PP members above suggests that the push for electric vehicles may even increase CO2 emissions and is certainly not of significant benefit for the climate. Perhaps the same applies to methane production by cattle, the science for which I’d argue is far from settled. I am sure that the church does not advocate euthanasia of a substantial proportion of the world’s population, yet that is one big question I have about what our overlords are doing to farmers.
There is a huge problem of energy and resource depletion that needs to be addressed. Perhaps there is no other way to realistically deal with this other than population reduction, but there may be better and more ethical ways of doing this than the deception that appears to be going on.
If vaccines are deliberately intended to cause harm, if food production is being deliberately reduced to bring about famine, if financial actions are intended to maximise social inequity, how would you see this?

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More To It Than You Think

The Dog That Didn’t Bark (co2 Edition)

US military pollution had accounted for 1.2 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions,25%2C000%20kilotonnes%20of%20carbon%20dioxide.

“climate Fear Fuels Hubris”

Hmmm, what could possibly go wrong ?

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I think it is about control, too.

Agreed. I owned an electric car untill recently- even with a discounted “ev rate,” it was expensive to charge here in my neck of the woods. A 4cyl gas sipper is a better deal, especially when considering the cost of acquisition, battery replacement, and the speed at which these ecars depreciate. I like electirc- fun to drive, quiet. But there is certainly MUCH more going on here. I doubt the WEF plans on many of us having the means to own an electric car in the future. We will rent one, at their pleasure. Special ocassions. Most days will be spent huffing cricket farts on public transit with the rest of the hoi polloi.