Happy 50th, Chris!

On Saturday, Chris turns 50. The Fed would have to announce QE4-ever as Chris prepares to celebrate his half-century milestone....

While his family toasts (and roasts) him this weekend, there's no reason we shouldn't do the same.

Becca (Chris' wife) has gathered 50 brief little messages from those who know Chris well, each expressing what they appreciate about the good doctor. I was thinking it would be a nice complement to her efforts if we tried the same thing here on the site, where so many of us have been influenced by his words and example.

Here's what I gave to Becca:

"I appreciate that he has the courage and competence to live his authentic life - which has, in turn, inspired and enabled me to live mine."

If you have your own sentiments to share, please do so in the Comments section below.

(And in spite of the celebrations this weekend, I know for certain that Chris is working on a deep analysis of the implications of the Fed and ECB's actions this week. He's very concerned about the extreme step our monetary leaders have just taken and is tuning his info-scouting sensors to maximum sensitivity. Expect a substantial report from him to be released early next week.)


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://peakprosperity.com/happy-50th-chris/

Thank you, Chris.
You and this site have been a guiding, interpretive light for my wife and I for more than two years now.  I can't tell you how much this means to us when so many of the information sources out there are missing the point.

Love you,

Bob and Susan Broadhead

Happy birthday, Chris!

All I can say is that your work changed my life in many aspects! Thank you!

Tomorrow I will drink a “caipirinha” here in Brazil to celebrate your birthday!

As I sit on my porch and look out over my yard (well, it's dark out, so I use my imagination).  I see fruit trees that will produce good fruit next year, chickens whose eggs so many of my friends, coworkers and neighbors have enjoyed, a productive garden, some food in the pantry, potatoes in the (soon to be) root cellar (converted from an emergency escape window well in the basement), and many other changes that I owe in part to the inspiration you provide through this site and how you live your life. 
Thank you and Happy Birthday.


You will be 50 one day before I'm 66.  I'll be cutting firewood, cleaning the chicken coop, picking and preserving food and mulching the young trees for the coming winter.  I probably wouldn't be doing any of these things but for you and your influence in our lives.  The work is physically harder, but very rewarding.  I'm in better shape than I was and I'm heading into retirement happy and confident in my and my family's future.  Thank you Chris and many happy returns.

I am grateful that a friend pointed me at the CC lo these several years ago.  I am grateful that you had distilled down into 20-some video chapters what I already knew to be true but hadn't the brainpower or eloquence to express.  I am grateful for your walk-the-talk example.  
I wish for you continued success – as you define it.  I wish for you health & continued razor-sharp mental acuity so you can make excellent life-path choices – and then enjoy the fruits of same.

All the best, Dr. Chris.  ENJOY.  You richly deserve it!

Viva – Sager

A very happy 50th to you Chris! 
With all this already done in the first half of your lifetime, one wonders what you'll get up to in the second!  I wish you ongoing health and happiness, to go along with all the intelligence, fine teaching and communicating skills, wisdom and perserverence you obviously possess.  A bit of resting on your laurels might be called for on the big day smiley.

Cheers to the most influential man I never met -




Happy Birthday Chris - Five Oh only hurts a little.  All the best to you and your family on what we all hope was a wonderful day for you.

and your guidance has been instrumental in keeping it that way. Sagar and the others have expressed my feelings well and I can add a big thank you for creating a place where ideas can be shared and opposing views are treated with respect.
Have a Prosperous birthday, but you surely haven't Peaked. cool


PS: Mish was wrong; that was a great movie.

I have extensive food gardens, chickens, a growing set of heirloom skills, if you will, and a much different perspective on the world around me, thanks to you. I hear that one's 50s are the happiest decade of our lives. I plan to test that out in a couple more years myself.
Enjoy the day, the year, and the decade,

Sue Sullivan

Happy Birthday Chris…
The "Crash course" and all the education thereafter have been one of the biggest turning point for my life. I am very grateful for your sacrifice and commitment to educating so many of us.

May you and your family be blessed with happiness, health and prosperity forever!!

Stumbling into this website 4 years ago helped clarify why I felt things weren't working they used to.  
You and Becca are the real deal!

Thank-you for making sense of things I knew weren't right, but  hadn't been able to pull together and make sense of on my own.   The Crash Course  finally did that for me (3-dimensionally, no less!:).  
Thank-you for sharing your ability to make sense of things with the rest of us!



Hi Chris, happy birthday! Thanks for having the courage to share what you believe, with such conviction, and in a manner that is so easy to understand. The Crash Course along with all of the other info found on this site has helped me to change from thinking about maybe doing something to prepare to actually going out and doing it. I feel all the more confident for it! Thank you!

helping me to turn my fear into focus; focus on creating a fulfilling life and future to look forward to.

Many birthday wishes to you!



(Portland, OR)

Welcome to the 50's, Chris; you will find it not so bad. Thanks for all you've done, and continue to do!

You rock life and learning, Chris. Thank you so much for sharing what you've learned with the rest of us.

Thank you Chris! It was your book that gave me the analysis and insight to make sense of the world around me; a way to tie todays chaos into a comprehensible narrative. Now I'm - happily - a constant vistor of the sight and a proud subscriber. I am, still, in my early 20's and your story of radically changing your life to adhere and to thrive in the hardships that we face tomorrow has given me the motivation to do the same in my own way.
For your calm insights, intelligent arguments, and practical advise, I wish all the all the best on your 50th.
Thank you for all your hard work,

  • Denis
    P.S. another special thanks for those who help run the sight and Peak Prosperity's other notable writers, who also deserve copious amounts of respect and praise. 

Chris, Thanks so much for sharing your insights, experience, and wisdom with the wider world.  What an achievement your website and related ventures are!  Just amazing!  Best wishes to you for a happy birthday.  Jan Jee

Oh Hell Chris,  just grab Becca and dance…Happy Birthday!