Happy 50th, Chris!

I hope you have a great celebration!  As a daily visitor to your site for amost four years I appreciate your insight in putting a frame to everything happening around us.  This has been a fantastic place to learn, discuss (occasionally vent) and prepare with a great group of people… truly an extended community.
I'm finding my fifth decade to the be the best one so far and hope you will do the same.

Best wishes… Chip

I am really touched by the comments and birthday wishes above. Hearing that I have managed to touch so many people in a meaningful and positive way is both gratifying and humbling. Of course, this has been a team effort on our end, so I need to pass the praise around generously.
Turning 50 was a process, not an event. I had a great birthday, just what I wanted with the most beautiful weather that September in New England can provide - crisp blue skies and clear, warm air.

For my main present, my family and I spent a few hours out in the garden, doing fall weeding, ripping out a mint plant that somehow got a foothold inside the gate, and digging the new asparagus bed. Perfect.

The process part of all this began many months ago, with the sense that I am entering a new phase of life, one where prior passions and abilities are giving way to new ones. I wish I could say that was a seamless and easy process, but old ways like to cling and new paths can seem intimidating.

One area I am most happy about is that I am entering 50 in the best physical shape of at least the past 15 years of my life. My daily routine of limited but intense weights and lifting has me at a relatively toned 173 pounds and my wife looking at me differently, both excellent outcomes.

So I feel very well-prepared for the next stage of life, whatever that may hold, and I am ready to give it my all.

Again, THANK YOU for wishing me well on my birthday and especially for telling me a little about who you are and what's been important to you. I am touched.

Chris I hope you realize the impact you and your team have made on so many lives.  I really appreciate all you have done to spread the word and devote the effort necessary to prepare us all for the future (and importantly to make sense of all the data).  I really look forward to finally meeting you Adam and Becca at the next seminar.  Have a great Birthday and know we are celebrating with you.