Have A Positive Covid Test Result?

That is an awesome list. It needs to be stickied somewhere

Awww. Thanks,it means a lot.
Being sick is what it is. The shitty doctors is what is really bad.
Standing in the WR with a temp of 101 and being told I can’t get my medical records in violation of Federal law. Is obscene. I could not get another doctor w/o them. I amazed myself with my self control. lol
Thanks again.

It is odd that these rules are put in place to protect the hospitals and ICUs; it used to be thought that hospitals and ICUs were there to help and protect us! This is a great video from an English nurse

We only have ivermectin available for topical application for scabies and as veterinary medicin for parasites.

First of all, I am keeping you in my prayers for a speedy and uneventful recovery as well as for you to have forbearance with and forgiveness to those who have obviously wronged you.  Unfortunately, your experience has become all too common in our broken medical system and, as I’m sure you are aware, the situation is unlikely to change for the better any time soon.  In fact, it’s likely to deteriorate further and has been steadily doing so. 

It’s one of the reasons I retired when I did.  I could no longer tolerate a system that I felt I was battling against every day.  In a more ideal world,  I probably would have worked until I dropped because I loved what I did and was very good at it.  To tell the truth, a certain part of me felt guilty about retiring since I was blessed with having acquired knowledge and skills to help others that I know are uncommon.  But it took a toll on me which is all too clear now and I had to get away from it, if not for my physical health, then certainly for my psychological health.

Just this week, I had a follow-up appointment with my medical oncologist.  Here’s a very brief summation of some of the problems encountered.  The physician, while pleasant and polite was also, at the same time, rather disengaged.  There was no real human-to-human connection, even more so with the barrier of a mask and not even a simple handshake.  I get the sense he’s close to retirement and just putting in his time.  While he answered (succinctly) any questions I had, no other information was forthcoming.  He had just gotten back from an extended (two month) vacation and did not seem up on things in terms of notes, times, medications, etc.  He also told me I was going to get an injection of one medication which I questioned (because of my prior knowledge of its lack of availability) and it turned out he was unaware that particular medication was unavailable (and has been so for at least 3 months that I know of, another example both of his disconnect and of our system breaking down). 

At my last appointment, a key blood test result was not available so I took the extra precaution of coming in a day early for this blood test to ensure that the physician would have it for my appointment.  Even with that precaution on my part, the blood test was still unavailable.  I asked them to call me with the results when the results came in but after 48 hours, there was still no call for results which should have been available the same day as the test.  And now we are into the weekend and I still don’t know the results. 

The nurse that administered the injection was pleasant and polite but also seemed to be anxious and stressed.  She failed to use proper sterile technique with the band-aid (sticking it to the arm of my chair where the gauze part touched the arm of the chair!!!) and then walked around and down the hall with the needle exposed searching for something she needed.  She also seemed unsure of herself administering the injection and had some minor difficulty doing so (which certainly does not engender confidence on the part of the patient).  In addition, the medication had not been prepared beforehand as it should have been and there was quite a long wait before it could be administered. 

On previous occasions, with two other doctors, their lack of knowledge of certain areas was, to me (as someone who always did his best to keep up on things) quite astounding and they were downright wrong about certain other things.  Each of these factors were minor in and of themselves but, in aggregate, they reflect a system that is rife with inefficiency, often incompetent, not infrequently corrupt, and almost always, by the leadership at least, driven by profit over any expressed pretenses of care and compassion.  And it’s a system that truly cares little for health as shown both by what it espouses and demonstrates as well as by how it treats many of its workers who genuinely care for their patients and try to do their best but have difficulty doing so secondary to being overworked and stressed in understaffed facilities run more by bean counters than by those who are driven by more altruistic and noble motives.

It is fortunate for you that you are very intelligent, educated, have critical reasoning skills, and have financial resources and can therefore take at least some steps to be independent and self reliant in your health care.  God help those who are not in your position which is a substantial portion of our population.

Once again, I wish you well and will keep you in my prayers and if there is anything I can offer to help, please PM me.       

Anders L – sort of the same in the US, but it is the veterinary medicine for parasites that people can (theoretically, in a fantasy discussion) use, but you have to figure carefully how much of it to take. Information is here somewhere. Why not try a smoothie?

Sorry to hear of your experiences. It is sad the state of health/sick care is in this country. Actually it is criminal. If I were able to travel I would be in India. I can’t speak to Europe but, Costa Rica, Thailand and India have far more compassionate and most importantly competent care. I had a medical travel business for awhile. I visited many hospitals and did business in different countries. Amerikans have no idea how badly they are being treated. People travel for medical care overseas first because it is cheaper. They will go back because it is better.
Unfortunately mediocrity infects the entire country. When was the last time the US produced a “statesman”? In the building trades it is pitiful the lack of quality across the board. I never really appreciated how different the cloth I was cut from until I became a builder. My philosophy has always been if you are going to do something do it to the best of your ability. If your heart aint in it? Get you sorry backside out. The materials exist at reasonable cost to build houses to last 500 years. Will they?
We no longer make anything in this country. We can’t. If we don’t hold ourselves as sacred then we know why we don’t hold our mother or anyone around as sacred. Well here we are.
I too wish you well. What you are dealing with is far more serious than what I am (I think lol).
As for forgiveness I will leave with a rendering of Hafez by my friend Danny Ladinsky from “The Subject tonight is Love”. Hafez was a 14th century Perfect Master who is considered the greatest poet. He inspired Goethe, the Transcendentalists and many more.
Forgiveness Is The Cash
Forgiveness is the cash you need
All other kinds of silver just buy strange things
Everything has music
Everything has genes of god inside
But learn from those addicted lovers of glands and ganja and gold
Look they cannot jump high or chuckle long when they are whirling
And the moon and stars become sad when their tender light is used for night wars.
Forgiveness is part of the cash you need to craft your falcon wings
and return to your true realm of divine freedom

Mohammed Mast,
Thank you for bringing on the wisdom of Hafiz. Here’s my favorite piece from him.
Cast All Your Votes For Dancing
I know the voice of depression
Still calls to you.
I know those habits that can ruin your life
Still send their invitations.
But you are with the Friend now
And look so much stronger.
You can stay that way
And even bloom!
Keep squeezing drops of the Sun
From your prayers and works and music
And from your companions’ beautiful laughter
Keep squeezing drops of the Sun
From the sacred hands and glance of your Beloved
And, my dear,
From the most insignificant movements
Of your own holy body.
Learn to recognize the counterfeit coins
That may buy you just a moment of pleasure
But then drag you for days
Like a broken man
Behind a farting camel.
You are with the Friend now.
Learn what actions of yours delight Him,
What actions of yours bring freedom
And Love.
Whenever you say God’s name, dear pilgrim,
My ears wish my head was missing
So they could finally kiss each other
And applaud all your nourishing wisdom!
O keep squeezing drops of the Sun
From your prayers and work and music
And from your companions’ beautiful laughter
And from the most insignificant movements
Of your own holy body.
Now, sweet one,
Be wise.
Cast all your votes for Dancing!

Thank you Suzie Gruber!
I didn’t know that one by Hafiz. It’s now my new favorite.
I’ve been dancing every night in my backyard since September and I totally agree with Hafiz.
Keep squeezing drops of the Sun
From the sacred hands and glance of your Beloved
And, my dear,
From the most insignificant movements
Of your own holy body.
And from the wind in the trees and the big oak that dances with you and the full moon and Mars and Orion and the clouds as they race across the sky …

Hafez wrote in Farsi (Actually sang) Danny who is a dear old friend of mine does not read Farsi. It is a grave mistake to think that what you are reading is Hafez. They are “renderings” made from English translations. They are essentially Danny’s poems.
This does not in any way diminish the sentiments or wisdom expressed.
I have another friend who is Amerikaan and is fluent in Farsi. He studied in Iran with Hafez scholars there until the revolution. He may have been the last westerner to escape. He has been translating Hafez for over 40 years. You can find some of his work in “The Illuminated Hafez” , along with some art work by some friends of mine. https://www.sheriarbooks.org/product/the-illuminated-hafiz/ Some of the Hafez poems my friend translated will be found in the book by looking for the poems that are accompanied by the Farsi.
I do not wish to hijack this thread and we are off topic but there is clearly a need and an interest in the perspective Hafez shares.
Hafez’s story is one of the most beautiful stories of the soul’s journey back to God. His poetry describes the various states that the soul passes through from the gross, to the subtle to the mental and finally to God Realization. Farsi is an extremely “dense” language. It can be read on many different levels. One gleans from Hafez that which one is prepared to receive. It is meant to be transcendent. This is the heart of true Sufism.
That said Danny’s renderings do serve the purpose of spreading the name of Hafez far and wide. For a deeper part of the journey there are other camels to ride.
Glad to know Danny’s work has spread here.

Think tank and PAC connected far right media are using this guy as a battering ram. Or the other way around?? That may be some explanation for the relaxed nature of the police – they know it’s more comedy than tragedy. Good observation, though – big contrast from the G20 in 2010 how bout that).
Here’s commentary about it in the first half of this podcast:
Our premier is on the bandwagon about this as well, not missing an opportunity for self boosterism. He just publicly apologized for directing all retail sales to amazon and costco in the spring. He’s a fundamentalist, just like Kristi Noem but without the good looking farm girl bit.
Chris, don’t you think that many small businesses are make work projects? Kitch restaurants and high-end retailers for people with money. You’re pal JHK says you can’t trust a town without a hardware store. That means that activities that have guaranteed revenue because they have utility value and demographic advantage have been monopolized, right? So, I don’t feel I should be obligated to float activities that are mostly a function of boomtown economics while my own family’s future is uncertain.
I do support legit local business when I can for reasons that are obvious to you. And when I do, my family and friends think it’s ridiculous. Sound familiar?
BTW - In Canada the legal threshold for small business is 99 or fewer employees. The mom and pops are in there somewhere, I guess. Just to keep in mind when we get fed the stats in the future.
Data https://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/061.nsf/eng/h_03090.html

^ Why the bashing of Kristi Noem, easily the single best American Governor?

@Mohammed Mast So if you don't see me around "now you know the rest of the story" I will see you on the other side
Dying may be no fun due to physical and/or mental discomfort, but death itself is the most fun experience you'll ever have, especially if you don't hold strong beliefs about the afterlife. But don't give up just yet, I bet you'll heal even if you don't use any drugs. I know little about Staph, but I know one thing that should work: chlorine dioxide. It works even against the most antibacterial-resistant strains, within a few days at most. There is no escaping electron theft. https://qplusnews.com/chlorine-dioxide-effective-against-viruses-bacteria-and-fungus “A germicidal solution has been developed containing CLO2 at an acid PH (lactic acid). The solution gave complete kill of Staphylococcus aureus; Pseudomonas and Candida albicans spores within 10 minutes.” Do an unfiltered/uncensored search on Youtube (i.e. a "site:" search on an uncensored search engine) to see how to make it: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=chlorine+dioxide+how+to+make+site%3Ayoutube.com Using it has a bit of a learning curve but it's well worth it. There are several protocols that can be followed: https://andreaskalcker.com/en/cds-clo2/cds-protocols.html Another idea is niacin (500-1000mg), which is equally easy to get but easier to use, which should pump bacteria from the core out to the periphery along with increasing your general metabolic ability and immune system capabilities. I don't know if it'd be as useful as CDS though.

Yes. Niacin helps kill staph - in vitro, and also in this mouse model too.

https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/249511 Nicotinamide, commonly known as vitamin B3, may help the innate immune system kill antibiotic-resistant staph bacteria, the so-called “superbugs”. In lab work done with mice and human blood, researchers found high doses of the vitamin increased the ability of immune cells to kill the bacteria by 1,000 times. ---- In this latest study, the team showed mice bred to be deficient in C/EBPε were severely affected by infection with S. aureus, and it was deficiency of the C/EBPε protein in their neutrophils (a type of white blood cell that kills and devours harmful bacteria), that was responsible. They then showed that high doses of vitamin B3 (the molecule acts as an “epigenetic modulator”, that is it can switch genes on an off) increasing expression of C/EBPε in cultures of the appropriate (myeloid) immune cells. In another experiment, they also found that vitamin B3 increased the activity of the gene, and selected bacterial targets, particularly in neutrophils. And finally, in a mouse model, as well as in mouse and human blood cultures, they showed vitamin B3 “enhanced killing of S. aureus by up to 1,000 fold”, but it had no effect when given to mice that were either deficient in C/EBPε or in mice depleted of neutrophils. The researchers found that in human blood, vitamin B3 was able to wipe out the staph infection in a few hours.
I'm guessing that straight Niacin would be safer than NAM, given all the information that Kats has provided. NA doesn't strain the liver, which NAM does at high doses. He believes that the flush is the therapy in action. "Enjoy the flush."
The therapeutic index of nicotinamide is wide but at very high doses reversible hepatotoxicity has been reported in animals and humans. Minor abnormalities of liver enzymes can infrequently occur at the doses used for diabetes prevention.
Man. That niacin stuff is useful. Really, really useful. Good to know. Gyms - especially boxing gyms - can be a bit dangerous this way. Thanks again Dr Kats. Wherever you are.