Have A Positive Covid Test Result?

French Connection
My conclusion: There is a level at which the PCR test is quite accurate and useful in combating Corvid19. That level of amplification is probably 25-30 at which point it identifies patients with high viral loading who pose a danger of spreading the disease.
Test results achieved by exponential amplification at 40 or 50 cycles have only political uses and serve little or no medical purpose. But they are great for creating panic and social control as “cases” can be arbitrarily ramped up to serve the goals of the Deciders. I’m reminded of the Orange Alerts in the US from the Cheney era, where increases in terror threat level coincided precisely with electoral needs and served the sole purpose of strengthening the Homeland Security State.
Flooding the country with millions of mail-in ballots opened the door to electoral fraud that would make any Bannana Republic proud. None of that plan would have been possible without the Pandemic Panic that fed passive acceptance of such a transparent scheme. Actions do have consequences.

In the EM Docs facebook page, one of the doctors posts this:

I signed up for the AstraZeneca trial. Covid vaccine day 1:
The vaccine rocked me last night. Clearly did not get placebo. Got the shot around 3:30pm yesterday. By bedtime chills and aches that turned into shakes. Could barely pee before bed because of the shaking. Couldn’t sleep hot and cold. Got up to take Tylenol. Then still couldn’t sleep got up to take ibuprofen at 2:45am. I was 101.4 temp then crawled into the guest room still shaking. Feeling better this morning thankfully. Feverish feeling is gone. Now aches, slight chill and headache. My recommendation so far is to get the shot on a Friday when you are off for the weekend. So far just looks like a 24 hour thing. ?
If this is the same for Moderna and Pfizer, then people are not going to want the second shot.

I am sorry to hear about your incredibly frustrating journey. This reminds me of an experience I had about 10 years ago where I was tested for something and told the results were negative but when I got my medical records from my doctor, I learned the test actually came back positive.
From this and other experiences of utter medical incompetence, I make it a habit to get my medical records after every significant interaction I have with doctors. I do this for two reasons: first, I want to see if they neglected to tell me anything important (almost always yes) and second, this way I can send my records anywhere at anytime since I have them all stored as pdfs.

I just wanted to add some further information to my post yesterday as I don’t want to mislead anyone.
Apparently if you are using Applied Biosystems 7500 Fast Dx system, you get a plot of Delta Rn (or probe fluorescence) over CT. I tried to attach an image of it, but the resolution is too poor to be of use. If you want to see what your lab tech sees, you can find this information in a PDF document on page 24 from this FDA link: https://www.fda.gov/media/139743/download
My assumption of how these tests are processed was not entirely correct (comparing to PDx), though other systems mentioned in the document were not as advanced and looked like it gave results that were very “pass/fail” so there would be no way of knowing CT.
If your sample was processed at a facility that uses the AB 7500 Fast Dx system, then they should be able to give you your CT no problem. I doubt the person calling people to give them their results was also the technician or analyst, so maybe ask to speak with an analyst or the lab supervisor to get this information.
As for the probes… I used the same approach that I used for scrutinizing the forward and reverse primers - ncbi blast. Unfortunately, there is a close, but not perfect, match to some human RNA (15 out of 25), so who knows if they would bind. I still feel like there is room for error/false positives on the probes as well.
Take away message from all of this:
If you want your state/country to avoid lock-downs, don’t take the test unless you absolutely need to. Are we beginning to see how this will become an endless loop fueled by sloppy science, fear mongering, and inaccurate tests? Nothing is truly free - funny how they are quick to give these expensive tests out so easily. Look at what they are doing around the world - complete disregard for human dignity. Just because cases have risen, it should not change the fact that we are free to make decisions of what risks we are willing to take.
Remember that much of these rules and safe measures are not law, so you dont have to comply. If you dont want to get a fine, dont bring your cellphone. They have been overtly tracking people where I live through cell phone data. I know this because within 5 minutes of leaving my house with a phone, I get a personalized emergency alert (ie. no one I know gets them at the same time). I have since turned off location services and do not take my phone with me anymore.
Best of luck to all of you out there. We are still a human family though we may not feel it as much these days.

I never subscribed to the downplaying of fomites and still spray down groceries . Glad i never stopped.

Here is our 12/3/20 briefing from Chris, and I just want to say… when Chris says Fauci et el should lose their jobs, I say they should lose their freedom, if not their lives! Like as in conviction for mass murder followed by execution.

Interesting podcast featuring one of the authors of that report which Chris mentioned in his latest video. He’s keen on Ivermectin but is being a little cagey about why the big organisations (CDC, WHO) haven’t gotten on board. He also mentions HCQ and thinks it may have some impact but doesn’t think the data support the idea of its being a game changer at all. He’s an Ivermectin proponent.

Yes I also get my records. Problem this time is I am sick. There are a ton of SC2 cases around and I am not going out unless necessary.
This all happened over the phone I was not given any of my records.
Here is one for the history books (My understanding is it is a Federal Law that mandates patients be given their records).
To get my records (new ) sent to my new IDS I made 5 phone calls over 2 days. The new Doc will not see me until he gets my records. Makes sense. I got no results. My old doc would not give a referral (eventually he did) I was told I could come in and get my records. My plan was to pick them up and deliver to IDS. Get to ofc. I am refused my records. Now I am aching all over with a 101 temp and I had been told all I needed to do was sign a release to get my new records. They absolutely refused.
Any lawyers or MD.'s wishing to chime in feel free.
Doc finally gives referral late yesterday afternoon, after I went to new doc begging for help. going to lab directly, calling main ofc. of lab in Dallas to little avail.
IDS was finally able to request my records.
It is now Fri. and after my first visit to doc on Mon. I have no idea what my issue is nor what I should be doing.
Welcome to the over regulated fascist empire of Amerika.
Fuck it

wow - how exciting for those who believe the government

Bother in law has family over for thanksgiving - nephew then tests positive. BIL starts feeling bad(Tuesday) - we overnight him the 5 day regime (HCQ/Az + zinc) bought from the India source that was recommended here many times. BIL in bed for 15 hours feeling poorly gets package next day (Wednesday). SIL still refuses to take the pills we sent her. This morning for the most part BIL symptoms gone. Another HCQ success story - he did not use ivermectin. BIL told us he did not need to prepare (not a believer in this fake news on HCQ LOL) so we did not get him the ivermectin too - told him needs to source his own now for round 2 or other family)
Question - so in one day he is feeling much better . Do you keep taking everything for the 5 days?


Rick, First off, although Ivermectin is King of therapeutics based on it’s broad applicability, including late use, HCQ is still well proven in it’s niche of early treatment, and if it’s what you have then you would be crazy not to use it. Add Vitamin D >/= 5000 IU and Melatonin as per the protocol in Chris’ video… this all works with HCQ as well as Ivermectin.
Because the protocol includes Azithromycin, I would not stop it early for this alone… not good on general principles to start a course of antibiotics and then stop early as this can lead to a bloom of more resistant bacteria.

Sand Puppy
It is my impression that the AstraZeneca vaccine is more like a conventional (detuned virus) vaccine and not a mRNA delivery protein modifier like the Pfizer & Moderna offerings. If this is correct the side effects could be expected to be entirely different and emerge in a time frame that could be years away rather than immediately.
In Russia they are moving ahead with a mass inoculation of their Sputnik V vaccine, which is also a conventional modified virus vaccine. Of course learning what the immediate results are is difficult at best, with centralized information control in Russia and complete MSM censorship in the US. Even if the Russian vaccine proves to be 97% effective, cheap, and used worldwide it will be banned in the US just like HCQ.

Seems to me that some of the powers that be might want to keep people dying to keep us afraid of this thing.


None of the vaccines getting ready for use are of the traditional type. This MedCram video lays it all out very clearly. I am deep into my own research at the moment to decide for myself whether an mRNA vaccine, for which long term effects are unknown, is scary or not. I don’t question whether it would be short term effective against Covid-19… I worry about unintended long term consequences. The mRNA approach seems to me a pretty strong hammer to throw into our delicate immune systems. Best regards, Jim

Can we develop immunity slowly without being sick? The virus is with us since almost one year now. Many people did not get sick (Yet?). Is it possible that they develop immunity by getting in touch with the virus a little by a little, just enough of a viral load to be detected by our immune system but not enough to trig the full arsenal? Each time a few viruses gets in, the immune system cleans them out and develop the proper antibodies? I am assuming the person is in excellent health, takes the proper precautions (wash hands, masks, distancing, etc.).

Mohammed, I am so sorry to hear that you are sick, and of the cluster-f#ck you’ve been through with your doctors. I hope you find a competent medical professional who can help you. Sending white light your way!

This was just brought to my attention over on Twitter:
It’s a directory of doctors who will either/both prescribe HCQ and/or IVM.



Brazilian Health Group USA (IVM) 1 (888)-447-7902

Dr. Mobeen Syed (IVM) support@drbeen.com


Dr. Hector Eduardo Carvallo (IVM) 11 4389 1215

Dr. Maria Eugenia Farinella (IVM) 11 4389 1215

Dr. Roberto Raul Hirsch (IVM) 11 4360 5700

Dr. Rodrigo Zoni (IVM) 54 379 441 00 00


The Centre for Digestive Diseases (IVM) 2 9713 4011 GP@CDD.com.au referrals

Dr. Peter Lewis (IVM) 9822 9996

Dr. Shashikanth Manikappa (IVM) 3 8768 1200

Dr. Kylie Wagstaff (IVM) 3 9902 9348


Dr. Mohammad Tarek Alam (IVM) 9120792 93


Dr. Geysa Regina Canarim Pin (IVM) 17 3216 3408 (São José do Rio Preto)

Dr. Renato J. Freitas (IVM) 17 3227 0508 (São José do Rio Preto)

Dr. Lucy Kerr (IVM) 55 11 3287-3755 (São Paulo)

Dr. Fernando Suassuna (IVM) 55 84 98103 1515 (Natal)

Dr. Nise Hitomi Yamaguchi (HCQ) 55 11 21411446 (São Paulo)


Dr. Kulvinder Kaur Gill (HCQ) (905) 452 0015


Dr. Sabine Paliard-Franco (HCQ) 3 81 07 62 64

Dr. Denis Gastaldi (HCQ) 3 87 86 31 05

Dr. Jean-Jacques Erbstein (HCQ) 3 87 94 49 71


Dr. Peter Kremsner (IVM) 07071 29 87179


NOTE: in the Dominican Republic, IVM is used widely both for prophylaxis and for treatment of COVID-19.

Some doctors add HCQ as well to their protocol.

Dr. José Natalio Redondo (IVM) josenatalioredondo@gmail.com


Dr. Jorge Alfonso Lemus (IVM) WhatsApp 502 5391 7777 (Guatemala City)


Dr. Rakesh Arora (IVM) 99 71055822

Dr. V. K. Arora (IVM) 120 4880077

Dr. Digambar Behera (IVM) 172 274 7585

Dr. Bhupesh Dewan (IVM) 22 30610000

Dr. Surya Kant (IVM) 522 2255167

Dr. Rahul Mayekar (IVM) 22 2406 3000

Dr. Parthiv Mehta (IVM) 757 500 4800

Dr. Narayana Pradeep (IVM) 949 6358176

Dr. P. Sarat Singh (IVM) 38 5244 3144

Dr. Mohankumar Thekkinkatti (IVM)l 759 8110066

Dr. Agam Vora (IVM) 22 2895 4811


Dr. Angela Patri (IVM) 081 253 1111

Dr. Gabriella Fabbrocini (IVM) 081 414 808


Dr. Guadalupe Espitia Hernández (IVM) 55 54471424 ext 13272 (Mexico City)

Dr. Ezequiel Jose Castro Ortiz (IVM) drecastro@live.com (Monterrey)

Dr. José Humberto Galindo Rendón (IVM) (492) 156 0805 (Zacatecas)


Dr. Najma Parveen (IVM) 322 5335786

Dr. Sohaib Ashraf (IVM) 333 447452


Dr. Gustavo Aguirre Chang (IVM) 511- 6197000

Dr. Carlos Calampa Del Águila (IVM) 1 641 9847

Dr. Antonio Camargo (IVM) WhatsApp +51 942610346 dr@antoniocamargo.com

Dr. Jose Eduardo Gotuzzo Heritage (IVM) 1 319 0000


Dr. Allan A. Landrito (IVM) 09323137060 dr.allan.landrito@gmail.com


Dr. Carlos Chaccour (IVM) 93 227 1806




Dr. Michael Uphues (IVM + HCQ) (406) 702-4418 Text "urgent" or email: muphuesmagic@gmail.com

Telemed anywhere. Meds delivered by pharmacy network.

Rehoboth Medical Center http://rehobothmedicalcenter.com/telemedicine-consultation/


Dr. David Calderwood (HCQ) (256) 535-5944


Dr. Jeffrey Barke (IVM) (949) 706-3300

Dr. Teryn Clarke (HCQ) (949) 644-1943

Dr. George C. Fareed (HCQ) (760) 351-4400

​Dr. Simone Gold (HCQ) (323) 657-5900

Dr. Bob Hamilton (HCQ) (310) 264-2100

Dr. Sabine Hazan (IVM) (805) 339-0221

Dr. Joseph Ladapo (HCQ) (310) 206-6232

Dr. Mark McDonald (HCQ) (310) 954-9565

Dr. Donald C. Pompan (HCQ) (831) 770-0444

Dr. Mobeen Syed (IVM + HCQ) support@drbeen.com

Dr. Brian M.Tyson (HCQ) (760) 592-4351

Dr. Daniel Wohlgelernter (HCQ) (310) 315-0101


Dr. Steven Phillips (HCQ + IVM) 203-544-0005


Dr. Bruce Boris (IVM) (305) 294-0011

Dr. Peter H. Hibberd (IVM) (561) 655-4477

Dr. Michael M. Jacobs (HCQ) (850) 912-2000

Dr. Jasen Kobobel (IVM) (321) 636-0005

Dr. Ben Marble (HCQ) (850) 776-5555

Dr. Juliana Rajter (IVM) (954) 906-6000

Dr. Jean-Jacques Rajter (IVM) (954) 906-6000

Dr. Juan Pascal Suarez-Lopez (IVM) (407) 843-0151

Dr. Andres Felipe Velasco (IVM) (386) 574-1423


Dr. Scott Barbour (HQ) (404) 480-9330


Dr. Lauren Mickey (IVM) (318) 322-9882


Dr. David Brownstein (Iodine, etc.). 248-851-1600

Dr. James Todaro (HCQ) (313) 593-7000


Dr. Michael Uphues (IVM + HCQ) (406) 702-4418


Dr. Stavros Christoudias (HCQ) (201) 833-2888

Dr. Alieta Eck (IVM) (732) 463-0303

Dr. Stephen M. Smith (HCQ) (862) 772-7822


Dr. Avni Thakore (HCQ) (855) 247-4500

Dr. Vadimir Zelenko (HCQ + IVM) (845) 782-0000


Dr. Alexis S. Lieberman (IVM) (215) 774-1166


Dr. Robin Armstrong (HCQ) (409) 938-5000

Dr. Kristin Held (HCQ) (210) 890-2827

Dr. Eder Hernández DMSc,PA-C (IVM) (956) 518-7444

Dr. Stella Immanuel (HCQ) (281) 530-1230

April E. López NP, MSN (IVM) (956) 627-5555

Dr. Ivette Lozano (HCQ) (214) 660-1616

Dr. Peter McCullough (HCQ + IVM) (469) 800-7477

Dr. Brian Procter (HCQ) (972) 562-8388

Dr. Richard G. Urso (IVM) (713) 668-6828


While I really appreciate the reporting in this video, I’m wondering how much public health impact the conclusions really have.
Around here (California) the new regional restrictions aren’t based on testing at all. The trigger is falling below a 15% of ICU bed capacity. So test results, false, real, or indeterminant, would seem to have no influence.