Hello CBDCs, Goodbye Freedoms!

Cbdc And 4th Amendment

4th Amendment:
“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
How is programmable currency not a violation of the 4th amendment?
It needs to be challenged in court before the Democrats pack SCOTUS.



Which would the rich and powerful choose?

  1. central bank converts cash into digital currency at current US dollar value now to kick the can down the the road further with freedoms and control restricted to the masses or
  2. Wait until petro dollar devalues and is measured with China USSR and Middle East and it’s not worth as much anymore?

What’s Unicoin?

It looks like some kind of wholesale CBDC to settle payments between central banks?
That’s what gold used to be during the classical gold standard. Now they’re flirting with UniCoin to take the role of gold?
Question: who control UniCoin?

Financial Freedom

Having good finances may help for a short while, but ultimately no one will be immune to climate disasters along angry, desperate, armed mobs.


“own Nothing And Be Happy” Is A Carefully Crafted Slogan

Because the truth is that you don’t need to own anything to be happy. Happiness is not dependent on stuff.
This concept particularly resonates with several groups of people these days. Just poke around on You Tube and witness the tiny house movement, van life, etc etc. Generally these are 20 somethings or retirees who are doing massive declutters and finding it freeing.
So the creators of this “You’l own nothing and be happy” slogan were quite astute. The idea of not needing stuff to be happy appeals to a lot of people.
It’s not until you stop and think about who does own it and who would benefit renting all the stuff out that you realize this isn’t a good idea. And since we are in a time where critical thought is an increasingly rarer skill, only a minority of people will take the next step. Most will think "YEAH!!! We don’t need a bunch of stuff to be happy!!



Chris, thanks for pointing out the subtle message of them in showing a physical gold coin when talking about electronic virtual “currency”. I have to admit it, but even KNOWING that CBDC won’t be like owning a gold coin in my hands, just looking at the pretty shiny image was giving me an unconscious happy feeling — until you pointed out the power of imagery. A better image would be a white puffy cloud. Digital currency = pure vapor.


Catherine Austin Fitts And Gerald Celente Have Been Warning About This For The Last 5 Years

Yes, it will put a grin on George Orwell’s face in his grave. Digital trash is a way to control the sheep. It’s like putting an invisible fence around your house to keep your dog from going to far.
If you don’t want to get vaxxed or you oppose or cause too much trouble for the government, they can lock you out of your money. If Klaus Schwab thinks you are eating too many burgers at McDonald’s or Burger King, they can lock you out from making a purchase.
This is 21st century dystopia. No freedoms and full government control. Thankfully there is a way around it by bartering. However CBDC is only possible with cheap and affordable energy which we no longer have an ample supply. Just wait till the electric grid breaks down and the hungry plebs go ballistic.
Eventually the Plebs will storm and crash the castle gates with pitchforks and torches, they always do. TPTB will not succeed in the long term.


I think perhaps power outages and lack of ability to buy and sell is part of the plan. At least for us common folk.

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Tracking Your Food Purchases

Courtesy of Igors substack New York is not even gogin to wait for CBDC’s


Digital currency /=pure vapor. CBDCs, government controlled ‘digital currency’ is the threat to our freedom, not decentralized digital currencies - such as bitcoin.
A decentralized digital currency such as Bitcoin is the threat to Government control over your freedom and money.
I trust more the complete unknowns and anonymous character of Bitcoin over anything the government provides. Perhaps 15 years ago, I had some trust in Government but time has shown us that the government has no credibility, destroyed their reputations and does not deserve any trust.

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Get some land outside of the cities. Build a homestead. Learn how to grow your own vegetables, have a few chickens and perhaps other animals for food. Get yourself well armed. Generate some power using a combination of solar, wind and/or micro hydro.
Build community near your homestead. Trade amongst those nearby. Get out of the ‘system’. Become free and resilient.
Big troubles ahead.


Most likely TPTB will give you par or even over par on your depreciating USD to switch to CBDCs. Over time they will over less and less for this conversion. This is the way they will basically force everyone to switch over.
The USD or the CBDC USD equivalent, will be devalued in any case. I feel no one will really want to hold USD in the future and it won’t have anywhere near the buying strength it has now.

Just looked at a video where strategic retreat is mentioned in 15 minute city policies to be adopted by every council in New Zealand. The idea being that government would need to protect citizens from global warming emergencies where they are situated in zones where flooding by rising seas could harm them. So they are ‘rescued’ from their own bad choice of living in a rural setting to be placed in a safe 15 minute city zone for their own good. ie strategic retreat to a defined zone with policed safe boundaries. So is buying rural land safe from government overreach? Could we all end up in something like the Saudi Arabia 170 km Line Eco city prison, where everything is provided by government as long as you behave yourself and stay where you should and not go out to green zones as defined by government ie every place other than the Line City.

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so touchy!

2023 Is The Next Stage | Biopolitics In A New Bioeconomy


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India leads with percentage of vegetarians (non meat eaters). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegetarianism_by_country

Are We Still Doing End-of-western-civ Bingo??

This was my entry to the “What will be the new crisis?” thread back in Jan '22.
Got the order wrong though - thought CBDC would come earlier.

I have the same problem.

This guy lays it out pretty well.


Just A Reminder

I’m sure many of you here have read this essay before and maybe it’s even been brought up recently (I have been absent for a while) but it never hurts to share again. Love her or hate her I think her voice is a very important one to amplify in the current climate we find ourselves in. This helps me explain to my more liberal friends and family why our current system is false capitalism with rigged markets and delusional mysticism has taken over the minds of many. When people think they want our capitalist system to fail, they don’t realize it already has to a degree and they are actually trying to fight a system they have falsely defined, in essence fighting themselves.