Hello CBDCs, Goodbye Freedoms!

That’s scary as shit. Who the fuck made Gates an expert on anything? Why doesn’t he just spend time making windows stop sucking and leave it at that.


People just stop learning. I know people that still don’t understand that anything happened in 2008. And those are Boomers. Check this out, let’s hope that this is a minority or he just edited out a lot of people to make this video.

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Possible Interview - The Natural Order Of Money - Roy Sebag

Chris, you might be interested in the work of a relatively young entrepeneur and natural philosopher, Roy Sebag, He his written a very brief, pocket-sized book (55 pages) called the Natural Order of Money.
In it, he argues that there is a real economy and a service economy. The real or fundamental economy produces tangible goods of food, fuel, and natural resources. The service economy provides services to others,
The real economy produces the things that sustain us, the service economy only consumes them. Only when there is a surplus in the real economy can we rise beyond subsistence and support the service economy sustainably.
An economic system produces sustainable prosperity when its activities are bound by the natural order of energy and entropy, scarcity and surplus.
Economics should, but often does not, account for the fundamental irreducibility of the natural world. A sustainable economy does so but only through a sound money system based on precious metals (he explains why). Without a sound money system, the service economy becomes parasitic and extractive.
Sound money ties our activities to the natural order. This promotes the virtues of savings, whereby we produce more than we consume and can invest; frugality, encouraging us to consume only what we need; and preservation, protection the natural world for our children.
I think his ideas dovetail nicely with Chris’s work on energy, economy and environment. He is something of a Renaissance man, and ties things together with a deep historical and philosophical perspective.
He was interviewed by Jordan Peterson, who does not have much independent perspective but I credit with being intellectually curious enough to entertain the ideas.
I think Chris’s expertise could lead to a very interesting dialogue. It would be great to bring this perspective to younger people who will have to rebuild from debt-based money system and CBDC tyranny when the hubris of the elites collapses. After the winter of a Fourth Turning, there must be a spring. Wisdom and the lessons of history are an inheritance we can leave to future generations.


effective for the puppet masters.

Confused By Impact On Current Contracts

Could someone explain how this would work with all my current contracts in USD? My mortgage, car loan, and credit cards are all USD. CBDC would begin rapidly devaluing the USD, meaning the dollars to pay these contracts could be acquired at greater and greater discount.Those with a lot of loans would substantially benefit. How would this be managed? Inquiring mind wants to know!


The government’s role in regulating cryptocurrencies is considerable and positive, but if you ask me, I still prefer to stick to good old crypto that I have known for a while. Like Ethereum, for example. I can always get their actual rate at https://cryptomkt.com/ at any minute I want. And if it so happens, that the rate changes not in favor of any particular currency, I can always select another one.

My Analysis: Why Climate In West, Coal/oil Expansion In East?

The simple short-term answer may be, because we are out of options. That leaves the public messaging question open:
The climate argument for energy conservation is probably used in the US and not China, because the US would see riots sooner over excessive hoarding that could cause higher prices sooner than the economy can absorb.
China’s whole-of-government approach - the “communist-capitalist” hybrid model + Confucian psychology, plus an extremely robust stabilization system post-Maoist Cultural Revolution makes for a better model, for those who can handle it.
Bringing that into the US overnight risks a total collapse, so the rollout of new psychology in the schools, especially pre-K daycare, is seen as essential to avoid the risk of an uncontrollable outburst of ‘psychic’ energy.
Priming industry demand by cutting industry seems to be the Western logic, while China is given the new role, whether by intent or strange fate.  
This still leaves us with a strong demand for a LOT of psychological operations - who knows what they might be?  
CBDC’s and a banking crisis, the US dollar and/or sovereign default, say, after a war (or an attempt at one) offer a relatively smooth pathway - even if quite rocky (I did say “relatively”) - to social adjustment without the need for excessive violence and disruptive shocks and stressors.
Given the financial and geopolitical landscape - which seems unstable - a good emergency never goes to waste. This seems to be a law of nature at this point.
Downsizing recurrent costs, or drastically diversifying and expanding recurring revenue streams that are immune to such events as these, would be my first recommendation. 
While there is purchasing power, self-sustaining and localized end to end supply chains, along with inventory for potential prolonged shortages, could mitigate or possibly even prevent excessive increases in crime rates, including “critical mass” spillovers (such as domestic terrorism, waves of anger that form spontaneous destructive crowds, including slow burn psychology (which I would say includes an element of passive aggression, such as labor strikes - and if this continues unresolved, without a renegotiation, that negative/destructive energy (or command impulse) can take the form of economic sabotage, “inside jobs”, white and blue collar systemic cannibalization of industry…
As for immediate/near-term reactions, these are so intensely emotional and driven by passions and spirits, that the calculations of self-harm are ignored, never performed, otherwise irrelevant etc.
(Self-destructive behavior, short-term - but that is not the concern of those who perceive all is lost and only have revenge on their minds, if anything) 
There is still some time left for many people, but too many are either unaware, in denial, suical, tempting fate, perhaps even pathologically adapted - but there is also a growing number of people who are coming to terms with their new realities…
…some still in the shock and confusion phase, which can be the most risky and dangerous transition point, as one’s entire worldview may have been living on borrowed time, and the inevitable impact can be overwhelming.

14th Amendment Anyone? Civil War?

I understand the government doesn’t give two hoots about what I want. However, will we cease to be a Democratic Republic, dumping our Constitution, ignoring the rights of citizens vis a vis their government? Is it possible that citizens will have no say with regard to living as free people or slaves? No ability to assemble for redress of grievances? What about secession? We have already learned the hard lesson of removing slavery from our land.
We are dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Whichever candidate is not chummy with the Davos crowd gets my vote. And get Yellen out of my face!

Just getting used to Fitts’s advice for making it difficult for the gov to implement CBDC’s. Getting off the digital grid for transactions, as many as possible, is the linchpin, it seems. If we are using cash and checks, enough of us, that is, it will be more difficult to convert the population in toto to digital currency, I.e. CBDC’s. I don’t want to misstate her theses, since I have not fully digested it, but she has also advised buying assets that are tangible, a storing food for years, supporting local farmers as an investment, and banking in community banks. With 40 years of banking and investment advisory experience, I would love to see a her as a guest here.

Mercola Unbanked!!

Chase has closed Mercol’s, his family’s, CFO & CEO’s + family’s accounts.