Here's Everything We Should Be Doing Now To Beat The Coronavirus

In Italy, in Piedmont, Hydroxychloroquine is available for FREE at any of the 1500 local pharmacies for home treatment.

The one reason I can think of is bacteria can hide under fingernails so probably applies to viruses which are much smaller.
Longer nails can hide more bacteria than short nails. I cut mine short and usually do not wear gloves in public. If a person does not have hand sanitizer available I would think its best to wear gloves in a place like a supermarket and throw them away after leaving the store.

Number of deaths: as of Monday when testing was performed:

Now for the death rate: 17000/8.4million *.212 = 0.95%
Steve – sorta, but not quite. One more distinction. A final CFR and/or IFR only applies to resolved cases. You are calculating something that is still ‘in flight.’ NY still has 224,936 active cases. Many of those will resolve without death, but some of them will end in death. In other words, it’s certain that your calculation will end higher (unless NYC suddenly has a lot of births or immigration to add to the denominator).
That's right Chris, not quite. I was trying to approximate for the "still in flight" factor by assuming that about 2750 deaths (about 6 days worth) had yet to occur. I'm eager to get a number now, but I understand that reality might prove to be different when everything resolves weeks or months (or years?) from now. And, of course, what I'm calculating is the IFR of 1% - so if everyone or nearly everyone gets it whether they become an official case or now, the USA will lose nearly 1% of it's population or about 3 million people.

One of the continuing threads of Chris’s videos is the mystery around hydroxychloroquine and why the shoddy research and misleading headlines about its efficacy. I love a mystery and have been intrigued by this as it just doesn’t make any sense. I have just finished reading a recent blog post by Bill Gates. that someone posted on facebook. I was a bit taken aback about it, because it reads as if he has the master plan for the world, and it just doesn’t sit right with me, but that’s not why I am commenting here, now. It was one of the COMMENTS beneath his article that struck me: I am quoting directly a small bit from a much longer comment"… The African People will not die massively from Covid-19 - no! They will die because all the countrys took the malaria medication away from them, to treat covid-sick people in Europe …"
I went on to google ‘hydroxychloroquine shortage in Africa’ and found quite a few articles talking about shortages of this drug, which is extremely important for lupus patients, here’s just one:
SO MAYBE there is, somewhere, an acknowledgment that HCQ IS indeed effective for COVID BUT if the word gets out would sudden increased demand make it difficult to have enough for malaria or lupus patients? That’s what this lady seems to be worried about.
This is just a thought. If you read through the Bill Gates article, he mentions HCQ in a very short section of his blog on ‘treatments’ "…Another class of drugs works by changing how the human body reacts to the virus. Hydroxychloroquine is in this group. The foundation is funding a trial that will give an indication of whether it works on COVID-19 by the end of May. It appears the benefits will be modest at best (my bold)
Could it be that certain parties don’t want to let it be thought that HCQ can work until production can be ramped up to avoid hoarding which would leave a lot of people currently dependent upon HCQ at risk? (remember toilet paper)? That could be the best interpretation, if my ideas have any merit.

Canadian Prepper makes a good point in his latest videos, that the people now protesting the self quarantine lock down and pushing the government to reopen the economy, are probably setting themselves up to be scrap goated when the invivable second wave hits society hard.
We’ve all seen the pictures of the protesters, without masks and without social distancing and said to ourselves “well there is a crock pot of virus infections about to hit!”
When it happens will the Elite and the government crack down even harsher, on civil liberties and rights?
I do think there are groups in society who want to use this crisis to further their agenda. Are the protesters making that easier?

started in earnest, a week ago. Stands to reason their ranks should be running a fever any day. Do they tend from rural america? Should see infection rates increase in their geo ethnic group.

As far as I know, HCQ shortages were felt immediately upon its broadcast to the world. A friend on Facebook was sharing at least a month ago that her lupus-afflicted friend was not able to find any, and it was getting scary. It is also used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Your idea makes sense to me.

  1. Why is Costa Rica DFR 1.2/1 million while the US is 137/1 million? That’s 114 X.
  2. Why does Costa Rica avoid using Azithromycin with HCQ?
  3. Where is HCQ made?
  4. How long are we going to put up with this BS. and both have HCQ in stock and will ship to US addresses. Others will too.

Governors of 11 US states (last I checked) have issued emergency orders to not allow unrestricted prescribing of HCQ for SC2. The regulations are targeted at pharmacists, rather than doctors. (The doctor can write a prescription but the pharmacy is prohibited from filling it.)
Combine this with having state medical societies act against the license of doctors who give vitamin C and you are going to get “rule 308” invoked.

Maybe or maybe people are so afraid that’s what they are hoping.
For some people freedom may be preferable to living in fear and under tyranny
A good reminder -

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Martin Niemöller  

Why is so much of PPE made to be for one use? Couldn’t more of it be made of material that could be worn once, washed in hot water with bleach, dried in a hot dryer and worn again and again and again… Bigger outlay to begin with, but much harder to run out of. Shouldn’t we be finding our way out of this disposable society?

Back in mid-March, when we were discussing these respirators on this list, I purchased a 3M Half Facepiece Reusable Respirator 6100/07024 (AAD) Small with 2097 P100 filters. I have not used it yet, got it as a backup for myself or my mom if we needed it. And am now considering giving it to a dear friend who is disabled and lives far away. She has not been able to keep up with cleaning at her apartment. She needs someone to come in to clean. I have another friend who lives near her who could go in and do the cleaning. But there is no way to know if the able-bodied friend could be an asymptomatic carrier. So I would like to know whether the respirator I purchased would filter both air going OUT as well as air coming IN. The woman having trouble cleaning is in a high risk group, so wants to be as careful as possible about having anyone in her space without proper protection for filtering the air they breathe out into her space. Does anyone know if this respirator would do the trick? I have a few extra regular N95 masks but they all have easy flow valves, so would not filter the air being exhaled by the person doing the cleaning.

It could be that until there is “enough to go around”, HCQ won’t be seen to be all that effective. Meanwhile, the well-connected will be able to get theirs, likely as prophylaxis.
Prophylaxis for them, while the great unwashed can only be treated at hospitals or within the framework of a RCT.
Call me crazy.
Earlier this year, after the outbreak of COVID-19 in China, clinicians there noticed that none of the first 178 COVID-19 patients admitted to the hospital had lupus.7 The clinicians then evaluated 80 lupus patients treated in the hospital’s dermatology department and found that none was infected with COVID-19. This observation prompted researchers to evaluate hydroxychloroquine in vitro for the treatment and prevention of COVID-19. Not only did hydroxychloroquine treat cells infected with the virus that causes COVID-19, but the drug also protected cells from becoming infected.8

Besides the fact that he used crazy science and math to come to his findings that 39% of ny state has been infected to validate a .003 CRF, I have still tossed numbers around to try see , even if a large % were infected what would be a realistic CFR. Its sort of like a head-splinter this moron gave me.
Just doing the math using the flu again., because he has really dismissed the mortality of the disease to the same as common flu. right? Normally in a given flu season NYC would see total deaths around 850 people. They have seen 30 times this. In 3 weeks… If it were the whole year, I could understand. Of course you would have a higher percent of the population infected. So, this would only hold true to equal those possible numbers over the next year, IF about 90% of the population has yet to be infected. But using that 39% infected… 39% x 8,5M = 9900 deaths. ( but this is not the 23k we have already. ) We would have to be at virtually 100% infection rate for this to be close. But, just looking at the graphs, you would think by the daily deaths its likely we are not even on the down slope of a bell curve. So its likely that we are not even at the half the case deaths. So he is off by a factor of 1 there plus we would also have to be at 100% infection rate - that is another factor of 1… so as I have said in another post, the minimum for this so far is 1% CFR and only can go up. I am not sure how many infected and how many will die… but considering a finite amount of people in NY state and guaranteed dead so far… This is a total of greater than .1% mortality rate of the total population. assuming that the flu estimate of .1% is correct…and the flu infectivity per year is 8-15% its 10 times the flu already… so it cannot be lower than 1%. CFR. And I approximate by the death rates still occuring that we are not past peak. So you can make this 2% minimal. And that is with all the lockdown implementations. The death rate is a variable based on quality of care. The truth is , the real death rate of an infection would be how many will it kill without medical intervention. Anyhow, I am just dumbfounded by the logic of these people making this a CFR near the flu or something less than .5% There is no way my head-splinter allows me to digest this… I am not saying its 5-10 % though it certainly could be but realistically, its already 1-2%… and no way .5 or .3 % … its just absurd thinking… enough to cramp my brain with this faulty logic… I cannot wrap my head around that 12-15 or 50% of the population has had this, I know a few people who have been sick, but its less than 1 in 20 in my circle And many live in hot spots. I know of no one in my local community ( city /county) that has been infected. For a disease that runs a long course, usually 3-5 weeks, You would think there would be a ton of sick people around even with mild illness. They are actually trying to convince us , you get it and dont even know… and that would also have to go into their logic… I do believe in presymptomatic phase but do not believe most have asymptomatic disease… If any at all. I have seen many many more sick in a bad flu season… Again empirical and anecdotal evidence just doesnt agree with the logic being spewed… They nothing but blind belief and supposition to back this up.

The link DaveF reminded me that this is a good overview and should be brought to the front page again. 3 Ophthalmologists write a recommendation for “eye care professionals” to lesson their risk of infection by using HCQ. It is published in Cataract & Refractive Surgery Today.
Hydroxychloroquine for the Treatment and Prevention of COVID-19: A review of the evidence and explanation of why this drug is a crucial element of prophylaxis for health care workers.

William B. Trattler, MD; Gary Wörtz, MD; and Sean Ianchulev, MD, MPH

I also bought a couple of half masks from a German company, just in case we wanted them in future, but did not consider this question. You could write or call 3M to ask them, or perhaps you could consider asking the cleaning person to wear a surgical mask over top of the N95 mask and maybe this would protect all concerned (provided the person can still breathe while wearing 2 masks!). If there are a limited number of extra masks, they could be used in a rotation of 9 - 10 days between each use, as Chris has suggested.

the consensus is these are designed to protect the wearer only. You need to wear a paper mask over them .

Personally I’ve been surprised about the Civil Liberties demonstrations and have had trouble understanding them. My impression is that here in Europe the restrictions are more severe than what has been implemented in North America, but people are being very patient and are abiding by the imposed curfews and rules. I’m not aware of any protests or demonstrations here, and I also read that even citizens and businesses in Sweden want more restrictions. It seems that these protesters don’t understand this virus, and the need for PPE and keeping away from others (and more importantly, the air they are breathing out!).