Here's Everything We Should Be Doing Now To Beat The Coronavirus

Its possible about HCQ shortages though in my opinion that is an excuse used to not give it to outpatients.
Watch this video in its entirety and you might come to a conclusion something more sinister is currently happening. I came across this video by accident while I was researching information on Artemisia ( a herbal medicine from China). I was amazed by what I discovered and the similarities to what is happening with HCQ.
The video is 40 minutes long and discusses how Artemisia works for curing and preventing malaria. Its dirt cheap, can be grown locally and works. The WHO and bill gates were also involved deeply in that as well. They made sure people do not readily know about it and its not widely used as a treatment. A person can come to their own conclusions why.
The entire video.
An intro for those who do not have time:

I use a respirator with a one way valve and put tape over it on the inside of the mask and jam spongy foam under the plastic vent. I noticed there is very little to no exhale from the wearer.

I like the elderberry supplement information. And I’m not surprised at all by the greed and chicanery of the medical research/regulatory apparatchiks in ignoring decades of “safe and effective” use of hydroxychloroquine. It is evident that they are determined to find a new treatment—one that will cost a lot of money and make a lot of money for some corporation—as part of the revolving-door-function between FDA leadership and pharma management. All that while people are being sickened and and are dying.
But the flap about the President’s “disinfectant” statement is unfortunate. In fact, the comment, sarcasm or not, is right on target. I and a lot of people use a disinfectant every day, getting silver ions or colloids into our bloodstream and tissues. It is known as an antimicrobial agent, used extensively in burn centers and increasingly in packaging, in fabrics, in disinfectants, because it kills microbes.
It’s very simple. Silver kills viruses fast. It is safe for internal use—or I’d certainly be suffering negative effects after nearly 20 years of using it, and eating utensils wouldn’t be made out of it—but it won’t gain notoriety for a researcher or megaprofits for a pharmaceutical company. So the FDA won’t say a positive thing about it and the media won’t either, regardless of the fact that people are dying and being maimed for life by this novel virus. Regardless also of the fact that in the '30s the FDA actually did a study on it–I found it online maybe 15 years ago but didn’t think I’d need to make a copy of the document. I remember with absolute clarity that they found colloidal silver to cure over 600 diseases in the days before penicillin. It cost a lot to make then as the technologies hadn’t evolved.
I don’t need to see a study on its efficacy, as it cured my 2 year episode of CEBV, my cat’s obviously soon-to-be terminal case of urinary tract infection, my friend’s shingles, as well as cases of conjunctivitis, strep throat, stomach ulcers, lyme disease…
There are a lot of people making their own silver solution at low cost. They tend not to get sick.
If someone would simply do the (effing!) studies, it would be proven to be both safe and effective–very effective.
But since anyone can make it, there’s nothing in it for pharma or their bureaucrat enablers. That means the media won’t be able to sell ad time, so they won’t say it works safely. And the public continue to give credence to that now obviously toxic cabal and keep on getting sick.
The system is malfunctioning severely, because the focus is on dollars regardless of deaths.
(And now I wait for the ubiquitous troll.)

I am going to do everything I can to make sure all these people are prosecuted for the actions against the citizens of the country. This includes governors prohibiting prescribing and dispensing of HCQ and all authorities and officials and media writers that have stated this was the flu and nothing to see here or have falsely , relayed facts on transmissibility , ( recommending no face masks for public etc) how long the virus lives on surfaces, or cannot be transmitted by contact surfacecs and only in close contact etc.
I believe sentencing for such crimes should easily be 1 year for each life they have taken and 6 mos for each disability they have caused. AND forfeiture of all assets to the victims families…
I will bring back , every tape, video, law, recommendation to court … and shove it so deep on each everyone of these people’s ass who have now be proved so criminally reckless and clearly wrong . There are enough laws on the books to bring these charges in virtual all states. I will force each state attorney to enact the laws or face charges and sentencing as well.

Why put tape over the exit valve?

Chris, I have listened to almost every update since you started this service and it has been so valuable. So thank you so much for all of the time you have invested. The one area that it seems very difficult to find any data on, is the age demographic of deaths from covid19. David Stockman did a recent interview and really blasted closing the economy instead of just having the elderly stay home. So that sent me in search of data on the age demographic and it almost seems like that info is being suppressed. Why? Maybe Stockman has a valid point. The only time I read about how this kills people under say 40 it seems like it’s mostly intended to create fear not facts. I did find one graphic that did a bar chart by age and almost all fatalities were 80+. Heck even the 60-70 and 70-80 numbers were very low. It was almost entirely the 80+ group that had succumbed to make up the total deaths occurring from this disease. Can you comment? Thanks again so much for your service. Brad

The banks issuing the Small Business loans ARE at risk. Not saying they deserve all the fees they receive, but they are at risk if the business does not pay.

mlee952, you put tape over the exit valve because you don’t want your exhalation be be unrestricted (you might have Covid-19). Ideally, don’t wear masks with such valves but if that’s all you can get, cover the valve. Note, this doesn’t mean you can’t exhale or inhale, just that they will all be filtered, catching virus particles in either direction.

In the US, there will always be that Wild West, rugged individualist element. From watching too many westerns and reading too many comic books. It is ignorant. It is deplorable, but expected. And it is why this country will be hit very, very hard by this pandemic. American flags and paramilitary gear do not have antiviral properties–to borrow a phrase from Dr. John Campbell.

Several weeks ago a commenter posted a video from Czech Republic about their wearing of masks to stop the spread. The young woman said, “I protect you and you protect me” … “I protect you and you protect me.”
Kind of a powerful focus.

In the US, there will always be that Wild West, rugged individualist element. From watching too many westerns and reading too many comic books. It is ignorant. It is deplorable, but expected. And it is why this country will be hit very, very hard by this pandemic. American flags and paramilitary gear do not have antiviral properties–to borrow a phrase from Dr. John Campbell.
Thats right, some of us are an independent breed. It comes from The Constitution not. comic books! You can easily tell the difference, the braying of sheep versus those who believe New Hampshires motto “Live Free or Die”. How insulting to call us ignorant and deplorable. That says more about you than us. AKGrannyWGrit
In the US, there will always be that Wild West, rugged individualist element. From watching too many westerns and reading too many comic books. It is ignorant. It is deplorable, but expected. And it is why this country will be hit very, very hard by this pandemic.
Protesters don't seem to be thinking their action through very well. If their objective was to prove that the heavy social restrictions were unnecessary, then they should have taken a page from the Israelis. They held a protest and the organizers went to the square before hand and marked off Xs every 6 feet. Protesters then stood one to an X and showed they could protest and still maintain social distancing. Compare that to the pictures coming out of the US. Based on the polls, I think the majority of people understand the seriousness of this health crisis and the need to take it slow on easing the restrictions. People need to trust that they won't get sick if they go back to work. The way the protesters here went about it, doesn't inspire much confidence that people won't. We will almost certainly see a rise in case of sick people in the next week or two. This will be attributed to the protesters by the Media, whether its true or not. You have a tailor made optic with the nurses out there, counter protesting in their scrubs. You don't want to risk the heroes of our war on the virus, do you? Scenes of protesters screaming foul insults at HCWs will make great ad copy when the next step is launched. I'm not big on conspiracies but given the very small number of protesters at the rallies, the over coverage both Mainstream and Conservative Media gave it, the way many big donors on the Conservative side are distancing themselves from the rallies (we didn't fund these people), all adds up to me as a plan to use this later to push further restrictions of rights and liberties. After all if you can't act like adults, why should the government treat you as one? The next thing down the pipe is going to be aggressive contact tracing once testing gets past its bottle neck. The only way we can really open the economy is if we can identify those who have the virus and those who they contacted. Contact tracing, like cell phone location data, tells alot more than just one thing. To do that you have to step all over privacy issues, mandate tracing apps on all people's phones and Chinese style "non-infected passports", restricting movement and who works and who doesn't. Americans will fight that unless the government can show that "some" people can't be trusted and will make the rest of us sick if we don't all give up our privacy and our freedoms. Google and Apple claim they will delete the date from their trackers once the crisis is over BUT what if the crisis is never over?

It may be a bit more complicated for the U.S. (and also Canada and the U.K).
In addition to the elderly, 2 other groups are at risk:

  • Those with comorbidities (some with a higher risk than others)
  • Obese individuals
    The CDC has a Covid19 warning relating to the risk for obese indivduals.
    From CDC site – ‘latest statistics on adult obesity in the United States’:
    “In 2017–2018, the age-adjusted prevalence of obesity in adults was 42.4%…
    The prevalence of severe obesity was highest among adults aged 40–59 compared with other age groups.”
    Since the pandemic has generally been spreading East to West, the highest death rates have been shown to be in the higher age groups. However in North America there are significant numbers of younger people who fall into the other risk groups above. Therefore, age may not be the only demographic to consider in the assessment of risks for North Americans.

I have noticed a pattern for quite a while in the numbers. I am now beginning to wonder what its relevance is and if someone has a historical way of charting this. As , I have not recorded the historical.
What I have noticed is , unlike what you would think , the more testing and the more cases diagnosed , the higher the death rates are. Basically , they theory early on was those who did the most testing the lower the death rate was… which would confirm that the early cases diagnosed were because of severity.
What I have seen in a similar pattern , basically everywhere, is that the longer testing goes on, and the more testing and diagnosis occur, the higher the death rates. We even watched this with germany , that has now increased its early death rates significantly. Can anyone explain what is going on with this? and what might be the reason … AND provide historical data to this fact?

the more testing and the more cases diagnosed , the higher the death rates are.
Interesting. A doubter today told me that "places with lockdowns are doing worse than places without lockdowns". There might be a correlation rather than causation factor. Maybe as the crisis unfolds in some places, it provokes both a desire to increase testing, and also leads to an increasing number of deaths. If that's not the case, then the answer is that more people die of COVID than we think - probably because ARDS is far from the only critical symptom produced by COVID, and we're still viewing the disease too narrowly.

Hence the term: “Silver Bullet”

Sure, the Constitutions gives everyone the right to do silly things, like wave the flag in protest of sensible–and necessary–restrictions. Maybe your flag and your AK actually do have antiviral properties.
Did you protest the requirement to wear seat belts, I wonder? Did that not seem like a great infringement on your rights? It did to me at the time. Then I grew up.
Is it “ruggedly independent thinking” to join with protesters and “stupid sheep thinking” to join with those hoping to slow a deadly pandemic? If so, please explain the difference. Maybe they are actually both flocks of sheep and the first one is going to slaughter.
Hey, go for it. Just try not to get anyone else sick after you contract it. And don’t add to the burden of healthcare providers. Be independent and shed your viruses at home.

Daddy-O McDadstein wrote: There are a lot of people making their own silver solution at low cost. They tend not to get sick. If someone would simply do the (effing!) studies, it would be proven to be both safe and effective–very effective. But since anyone can make it, there’s nothing in it for pharma or their bureaucrat enablers. That means the media won’t be able to sell ad time, so they won’t say it works safely. And the public continue to give credence to that now obviously toxic cabal and keep on getting sick. The system is malfunctioning severely, because the focus is on dollars regardless of deaths.
Daddy-O, I've been using a colloidal/ionic silver solution (~10 PPM) for about 7 years and have been making it myself for about 6 years. I only used it when I started to feel crappy; however, with SC2, I'm a little more concerned due to its potentially long and asymptomatic incubation period. Now, I inhale a nebulized vapor (about 1/2 teaspoon of 10 PPM solution) on a weekly basis. Here's an article from 2017 titled: The silver lining: towards the responsible and limited usage of silver Summary Silver has attracted a lot of attention as a powerful, broad spectrum and natural antimicrobial agent since the ancient times because of its nontoxic nature to the human body at low concentrations. It has been used in treatment of various infections and ulcers, storage of water and prevention of bacterial growth on the surfaces and within materials. However, there are numerous medical and health benefits of colloidal or nanosilver apart from its microbicidal ability which as yet has not been fully embraced by the medical community. These include antiplatelet activity, antioxidant effect, anticancer activity, wound healing and bone regeneration, enhancement of immunity, and increase in antibiotic efficiency. Additionally silver also provides protection against alcohol toxicity, upper respiratory tract infections and stomach ailments. Although nanosilver has been proposed for various topical applications, its usage by ingestion and inhalation remains controversial due to the lack of detailed and precise toxicity information. These beneficial properties of silver can be utilized by using silver at very low concentrations which are not harmful to the human body and environment. The following review discusses the diverse medical applications of silver and further recommends human clinical studies for its in vivo usage.
and here's a cartoon version from the linked article of how silver stops viruses from replicating. There's lots of good stuff in the article! The headings are pretty good so you can scan through quickly and delve into the items of interest. Grover

Really glad to find someone else who has experienced the benefits of silver. Man, when my EBV had me down for two whole years, I would have drunk mule piss if someone told me it would heal me. Fortunately someone told me about colloidal silver. I took two doses of 500ppm over about a 12 hour period. All symptoms disappeared within 36 hours. Blam. Like magic.
But the lack of scientific study on safe dosages is a problem. So far the only negative side effects that I know of are argyra and the possibility of killing off all the good microbes in the gut (I did that once. Took 3 doses in one day without eating yogurt between.)
I will check out your article later today. But how I wish that everyone already knew about this. Especially the Navy. I served on a warship and I stayed sick a lot of the time due to close quarter berthing and working conditions and not the best ventilation. I fear for our military preparedness. I know that dosing with silver would simply keep the sailors well and our forces prepared.
Dicey times, you know.
Again, Grover, thanks.