Honey Badger Virus Video Update

I think you are on to something.
Remember the trucks in Wuhan.
The BIG, BIG, trucks in Wuhan, driving around spraying? What were they spraying? What were they trying to kill? Have you EVER heard of an American neighborhood, or any other country, where neighborhoods are sprayed? How could a virus end up on the outsides of buildings, windows, high-rises? Come on were are missing a piece of the puzzle.
Probably unintentionally this disease was spread all over the city and everything (buildings, streets, trees) had to be decontaminated. It fits the evidence.
Lets stay tuned, the evidence and truth cant be hidden forever.

Another case in the Fraser Valley, east of Vancouver :frowning:

Maybe I’m alone on this one but that Lew Rockwell site/article is all over the place and screams untrustworthy to me.

Hi CJ, I basically concur that isolation rooms when you have three kids are basically useless. They r hard to train little super spreaders :slight_smile:
If reinfection is a thing than that might be a good option though… but with asymptomatic spreading… good luck to us all

No one has gives an explanation for why gigantic trucks (not 1 but many) would drive around a big city and sanitize it. Why, what infected an entire city?
Ever seen gigantic trucks disinfect San Francisco or say New York? For a cold virus?
Why the coverup?

I agree with you that the US is going to be an epic shitshow

Is it possible, by locking everyone down for a month, that we can kill the virus?
If no one is coming into contact the virus cant spread. Those that are sick either heal at home or die. After a month, is it safe to presume that the area is free of virus?

Ditto for me, Vilbas. If anything, I feel the CDC has not been proactive or responsive enough, except with regard to partnering with the WHO and social media execs to battle the “Infodemic”. I don’t have time to re-read the Rockwell article in depth, but from my initial reading it came across to me as “Nothing to worry about here; CDC/people are over-reacting, aka “Covid-hysteria”; this is not as bad as…TB, etc.” spin. I suspect there’s a political element to this article and others on that website, “Trump Halts CDC Fearmongering.”
Nothing to fear except fear itself,” right? I think not.
Still, I’d be interested in Chris’ perspective as to whether he’s aware of any evidence that the novel coronavirus is not a virus after all.

Start at 4:00 minutes.

Southern Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, and Hainan Island are all in the Tropics and exhibiting lower incidence of COVID-19.

You might consider adding a chelated magnesium (not as MgO) to your regimen for LAF and COVID 19.

I am a family history buff. My grandmother’s brother, Ernest John Stenger, age 21, young, strong and healthy, died in September 1918-- in the second wave of the Spanish Flu.

I have lived by this simple sentence for over 12 years. I simply have prepared to be prepared and resilient since I first came here to your sight and later yours and Adam’s site… It just made perfect sense. During these years I have been tested and have NOT failed in any preparations when tested by something that happened in our neighborhood. I have also collected over kill items on the cheap. I knew I would need from neighbors or friends their skill set that I could use when needed. We had a long power outage and so I lent a whole house generator to an Italian neighbor. Now, he’s a brick layer so I asked him for a bid on my Log Cabin fireplace and hearth and just received his estimate: materials only with a note of thanks for the time I let him use my generator while he was raising 4 young boys at the time. We are and will be life long friends.
Chris, this Virus will cause very strong Financial issues and The Fed did what they did today, lowering by 50bp the interest rate. They see something, maybe it’s in the Repo market but, they are running scared. It also seems to me that China will cause severe repercussions by being the manufacture of the World
What I am saying Chris is you really have stepped up here and have been a leader among Giants in how you have logically looked at each country now with the virus. The United States allowed Washington to go along for 6 weeks without testing the Folks in Washington. It could very well be that the entire State gets closed down and the good Folks have to lock in for a month or so and may end up being a very, very serious issue. At the very least it was handled poorly, a terrible mistake.
Nice Chris. Now, make sure you take time for yourself and relax too. I’m exhausted at my research and following the Market, I can only imagine your day looking at texts, emails and searching your trusted sight. So, be careful. Peace

I am a man of science but able to appreciate spirituality at the same time. But, for me science can be valid but it can be easily misinterpreted. However, I have no issuse ( 0 issues ) with a clinical diagnosis covid without laboratory tests… Actually, I believe they can have more false positive or negative than a clinical presentation… For you or me currently , it may be difficult to make a clinical diagnosis for Covid 19 ( though i really think it would be easy for me on this one ) but I guarantee a clinician who has seen and treated 100s if not 1000s of positive cases., would be able to diagnose the disease in 6 seconds without any imaging at all or even listening to breath sounds… But when adding blood cell counts, temperature, hypoxia, and radiographs of lungs, it should all be nothing but confirmatory… I know there may be some out-liers, But none of this , I have a problem with. They do tons of clinical diagnosis here in the country everyday one that is a garbage basket mostly - and no one second guesses it . its called depression… tell me the last patient that got tested for that bio-chemically? never none… because if they did - they couldnt use it as a catch-all for inadequacies in diagnosing. But trust me - pneumonia is not subjective… you can try to figure out whether its bacterial or viral for treatment purposes. but one thing is for sure… its not subjective using a radiograph of the lungs. So, there are only a few things that would cause such severe respiratory illness ( one is the current epidemic ) it would make sense to assume that if you are seeing lots of these pneumonia cases - which are not common - but while epidemic - this is not a far leap… and this moron has no reason to post such a video… In fact, id move to using this as easier way to diagnose - especially in the US where testing is sub-par or non-existent.

No science , just supposition… antibiotics do not help this illness we do give them anyway in severe cases… and some do resolve and some do not… there are co-infections that set in when you are ill… getting bacterial pneumonia after having the flu is well documented… but the flu symptoms is not caused by bacterial pneumonia. this is a garbage work… dont waste time with it,

Chris - would love your feedback.
nordicjack - are you a Doctor or researcher? Have you reviewed this Doctor?
The article was based on an interview with this guy. Doesn’t look like garbage to me. I may not hold advanced degrees but when things don’t make sense - thats a problem for me. There is a big piece of the puzzle missing and just maybe, by searching and asking we will find it.

  • Lawrence Broxmeyer, MD
Pennsylvania internist and medical researcher Lawrence Broxmeyer, MD, was on the staff at New York affiliates of Downstate, Cornell and NYU for 14 years. He was the originator and lead author of a novel way to kill AIDS mycobacteria (Journal Infectious Diseases; 186[8]:1155-60). His ideas on Phage Therapy are still in use today. He contributed a chapter to the textbook Patho-Biotechnology (Landes Bioscience). His peer-reviewed articles are available on PubMed, and he is a sought after reviewer for many peer-reviewed publications: among them, the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. Dr. Broxmeyer’s signature, well-referenced, thought-provoking articles are widely known for bringing new thought and interesting slants, both to recent, and decades old medical issues.

Yesterday I did an update on my estimates of the death rate by 2 methods.
First was in a spreadsheet with a column set to grow at an exponential rate tuned to match the published Chinese data for total cases. next to it I had a column as a % of deaths (initially set at 2 as per WHO claims ) but day shifted by a 9 day delay to simulate the delay between diagnosis and death ( I also ran it at 11 days) then a column of the death rate calculated the way the media worked it out, today’s death divided by today’s total cases and then goal seaked the % in column 2 to find the death rate.
If delay was 9 days to death , rate came out at 6%
at 11 days rate was 9%
The second method was to use that days published numbers of 87k cases, 3k deaths and 7k critical, and information from elsewhere that of critical cases 66% die, and working on the assumption that of the 7k currently critical 66% of the will die the death rate is (7000*.66+3000)/87000 or 8.9% ( truncated numbers shown here from memory )
These methods are approximate an a rough attempt to account for exponential growth issue.
And in the last 3 hrs the WHO has upped the death rate from 2 to 3.4%
as to the demographic spread,again from memory and from a source that claimed a 2% overall rate so presume they all need to be multiplied by 4 as a rough first guess to account for the 2% death rate error
0 to 10 yrs 0%
10 to 40 .2%
40 to 50 .5%
50 to 60 1.3% ( my one so I know the number!!}
60 to 70 5%
70 to 80 9%
80 + 14,6%
But given the 2% overall claim I am assuming for my planning that the numbers need to be multiplied by 4 until I see better data
This is set to decimate the retirees.
Take care Hamish

We just got our second confirmed case. (in NZ)
She flew back from northern Italy on 25 Feb to her hometown of Auckland ( our biggest city ) and immediately flew to a smaller town 1hr away to work. A few days later she felt too sick to work so she flew back home on the 2nd of march then went to the doctors…
Husband now sick too and her son was at one school and her daughter at another (single sex schools)
And the health officials said you cant spread it if you are not showing symptoms.
Cheers Hamish

Well this might be an interesting reveal….did the SNB sell at all?.. or sell early…or hold their nerve?..or were they completely clueless? Note to self: check 13-F filing. SNB Q1 2020 - for signs of hypocricy. For example: Press spokesperson… “errrr nothing to see here, move on…” Trading desk: “Sell, sell, SELLLLLL” :slight_smile:
For a reminder of what happened in the past:
