Honey Badger Virus Video Update

I can’t believe that it has already come to people talking going a la Typhoid Mary with this to take out political opponents. Sometimes I am really ashamed of the ludicrous behavior of some of our fellow americans. I am trying to stay positive for my wife that doesn’t want to hear about this, a 70+ year old mother with co-morbities, and 70+ year old father in a nursing home. Since 2008 I question everything and don’t align myself with anything out of blind faith, the information drives my decision making whenever possible.
Then we have these political bleeding hearts that want to take out as many of their opposition as possible.
I am a diabetic and might not fair well if I catch this, I have nothing other than to say shame on people like that. Their attitude towards political “victory” disgusts me.

Both ends - loss of frail elderly, and a baby boom in areas of imposed quarantine.


The majority of patients begin to display characteristic symptoms in about four days, with longer incubation times for others, spread out, even past the 14th day. Some small percentage of the infected seem to exhibit extremely long incubation times, possibly over a month long.
We have much to learn about this pathogen and its nature. One-Size does not fit all…here.

I didn’t even consider it. I just don’t know how it would be practical in reality. I also suspect I’ll be long exposed before everyday life and work can legitimately be put on hold. No, it’s a comin…

The 1918 flu had several waves of the flu. The Honey Badger may as well. Second and third waves may hit younger populations harder much like the 1918 Pandemic did. Time will tell.
Don’t chalk this one up to just being “an old people’s disease”. It could come back and bite you!

Hi everyone, Please take a minute to visit this forum thread posted by Time2help:
Consider signing the petition to close the schools in the Washington “ground zero” area where the Covid exposures and deaths are rapidly increasing. Thanks!

Our son flew back and forth to the Bay Area (California) to visit grandparents during the February 22-23 weekend. He also spend the subsequent week at school and band practice with tons of kids coughing their heads off. One of the kids had gone to the doctor who was tested for flu and the doctor said “it isn’t flu, it must be some other virus” and left it at that! The kid was back in school the next day coughing all over the place. The high school has NO rule requiring kids with a fever or coughing/sneezing to stay home!!! Saturday night our son came home from band competition feeling achy and with a sore throat. He woke up Sunday morning feeling really achy and a sore throat but no fever. That afternoon he had a fever of 101.4. He has had a low grade fever on and off since then. He only started coughing today.
With that said, this is the real reason for my post. The doctor prescribed him Tamiflu and since you are supposed to take it no more than 48 hours after symptoms start, I couldn’t use the mail order pharmacy like I usually do. Kaiser doesn’t use Walgreens, etc. so I had to go to an actual Kaiser Pharmacy. I did not plan on leaving the farm for any reason but now I had to go not only into public but to a place where sick people congregate (I am not a hypochondriac or usually very worried about germs)! I wore my mask and gloves into the Kaiser Clinic.
What I saw kind of shocked me. I was one of only four people wearing a mask and only one of two people wearing gloves. The other person wearing both gloves and mask was ONE (repeat ONE) of the Kaiser employees. She was the only one out of probably 30 or so Kaiser employees that I saw wearing any protection. This includes 7 or so front line pharmacy folks taking everyone’s prescription, 3 people intaking sick people for appointments, pharmacists, nurses walking around, and even the person runing the snack bar. People looked at me like I was an alien.
The more amazing part is that the Kaiser clinic usually has hand sanitizer dispensers at the pharmacy and at clinic checkin. I did not see one! They also usually have a “mask” station with a sign that says something like take one and put it on if you are coughing or sneezing. There was none to be found anywhere - not even an empty station!
There were at least 4 or 5 kids (and 1 or 2 adults) coughing up a storm with NO protection! There wasn’t any “coughing into your elbow” going on as well. I stayed at least 20 feet away from them. Only one conscientious parent had a surgery mask on their coughing kid to keep him from infecting anyone else.

I doubt the average home will allow the containment of a high R=0 pathogen to a single room…or any room sharing the same air supply…especially if the pathogen is aerosol transmission capable.
If one brings an infected pathogen generator into the standard, single-family, detached, home, and the pathogen has an R=0 factor of SARS-CoV-2, which is much higher than the common flu, say around R=4, or more, I do not think it is possible to contain it within the same living space.
If a loved one becomes infected, by the time you realize it, you will also probably be infected, also. One could literally go about making their entire home virus proof from any outside sources…while everyone inside the home is already infected and does not realize it. And, most will not know if they simply have caught the common flu, or some other respiratory ailment, as there is no test available outside of a clinic, possibly swimming in virus’ of all sorts.
Imagine just getting the flu, and ALSO, getting Covid-19, while seeking medical attention?
Take the case of the family who all became infected by sharing one dinner with a single infected member…who was not showing symptoms at the time.
If a person inside your home becomes infected, expect to be infected no matter how careful you are.
So, embrace your infected loved ones as you gracefully embrace your mortality…and drop all the fantasies of remaining virus free.

I propose a new term: " Bat-soup crazy." Since we are making up our own terms for things. ?? Gets by all the censorship, too.

“The newly reported deaths – an increase from six on Tuesday – come from King County. They include an earlier death in the state that has now been linked to the coronavirus.”

Following the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), another highly pathogenic coronavirus named SARS-CoV-2 (previously known as 2019-nCoV) emerged in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, and rapidly spreads around the world. This virus shares highly homological sequence with SARS-CoV, and causes acute, highly lethal pneumonia (COVID-19) with clinical symptoms similar to those reported for SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. The most characteristic symptom of COVID-19 patients is respiratory distress, and most of the patients admitted to the intensive care could not breathe spontaneously. Additionally, some COVID-19 patients also showed neurologic signs such as headache, nausea and vomiting. Increasing evidence shows that coronavriruses are not always confined to the respiratory tract and that they may also invade the central nervous system inducing neurological diseases. The infection of SARS-CoV has been reported in the brains from both patients and experimental animals, where the brainstem was heavily infected. Furthermore, some coronaviruses have been demonstrated able to spread via a synapse-connected route to the medullary cardiorespiratory center from the mechano- and chemoreceptors in the lung and lower respiratory airways. In light of the high similarity between SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV2, it is quite likely that the potential invasion of SARS-CoV2 is partially responsible for the acute respiratory failure of COVID-19 patients. Awareness of this will have important guiding significance for the prevention and treatment of the SARS-CoV-2- induced respiratory failure. (229 words)
excerpted from: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/jmv.25728

Soooo just how do those tests work?

OM Goodness!! This article has just TOTALLY changed my perspective and I’m not easily swayed (at least I don’t think so).
Thank you SO VERY MUCH for posting this link!
Chris Rock once said in a stand-up routine “there’s no money in the cure.” Such truth.
After reading this article I am begging Chris to please also read it and respond. I feel like sending this link to everyone I know. All of sudden, I’m not as stressed out about this whole thing like I was half an hour ago. I’ve been following this “virus” since it started hitting the airwaves back in mid-January. I’ve stocked up on food and other necessities (including masks/respirators) as well as cleaning stuff. We have a 7yr old here at the house and I’ve been trying to instill more stringent health habits to prepare her for what may be coming. (try getting a kid to keep their hands away from their face and not touch anything while out in public - quite an adventure. I’ve had total strangers look at me weird when I tell her to keep her hands in her pockets at all times…)
I’ve reached out to my parents and elderly aunts to try to help them prepare. I’ve anticipated staying home for an extended period of time (easy for me, I’m a homemaker and I homeschool the kid) while trying to figure out how I would insist my husband strip down to be disinfected before he steps into the house and directly into a shower (he’s not too keen on my plan, lol).
I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders…
Chris…please… respond to this article. We value your insight, intelligence and knowledge base.
The link is in comment #30 by MiguelitoDeSilva. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for this. I feel like I can finally take a deep breath (so to speak, lol)

I hope this will get better but Right now in WA state we have 9 dead and only 27 cases. Thats a death rate of 33%!

Hi. I have a possible solution for anyone trying to figure out how to sanitize masks or other items. UV light particularly UVc wavelengths are good for sanitizing items. I make a homemade UV light box.
UVc bulb from Amazon. A plastic container from an office supply store. A work light with a removable cover from Lowes, and a roll of metal foil tape.
Cut a hole in the top or side of the box. Insert the work light, glue or tape to secure. Line the inside with the the metal foil tape to reflect the light.
If I find myself needing to sanitize my half face N 95 rubber mask, or the disposable ones or anything else, I plan to spray down with bleach. Expose to UV for 30 minutes.
Put item aside for at least 5 days. Then if needed reuse. I can’t guarantee this will work, but it’s got to be better than nothing.

Don’took too much into that. The virus hit a long term care facility. Several of the deceased in their 80s. They are testing known contacts as well.
Look at South Korea for the alternative with a current .7 percent CFR. That will sadly rise but it demonstrates a much lower CFR as the Koreans are testing EVERYONE And their mother

I was China when this virus broke out. My girlfriend is still there caring for her parents. We talk about twice a week. She tells me that the response of the Chinese Government has been nothing short of astonishing - and in a very positive fashion.
I worry that if the SHTF - here in the United States - that the response will be a mess. I have seen the decline in government functioning and social responsibility going on here for decades. I fear that the response will be a mess.
I hope not, but that is my fear.

I received the following from a friend. I have no idea whether these are valid tips or not? Chris, can you or someone comment?

Just wanna share this with everybody.
My Cornell University classmate’s nephew, graduated with a master's degree, and works in Shenzhen Hospital. He is being transferred to Wuhan to study the new pneumonia virus. He just called and asked me to tell all my relatives and friends that if a runny nose and sputum occur during a cold, it cannot be concluded that it is new-type coronavirus pneumonia. Because coronavirus pneumonia is a dry cough without runny nose, this is the simplest way to identify it. He also informed that the new type of coronary pneumonia virus is not heat-resistant and will be killed in an environment of 26-27 degrees. Therefore, drink plenty of hot water to prevent the virus. As long as the body maintains heat, eat more ginger and do more Exercise, you will not be infected with the virus. If you have a high fever, cover yourself with the quilt and drink ginger soup to increase the body's heat energy without the need for a!
vaccine. Eating more ginger, garlic pepper, and pepper can solve it; eat less sweet, sour, and salty, and don't go to cold weather areas. The virus will disappear completely when exposed to the sun
AS RECEIVED: The new NCP coronavirus may not show sign of infection for many days, how can one know if he/she is infected. By the time they have fever and/or cough and goes to the hospital, the lungs is usually 50 % Fibrosis and it's too late!
Taiwan experts provide a simple self-check that we can do every morning:
Take a deep breath and hold your breath for more than 10 seconds. If you complete it successfully without coughing, without discomfort, stuffiness or tightness etc it proves there is no fibrosis in the lungs, basically indicating no infection.
In critical times, please self-check every morning in an environment with clean air!
SERIOUS EXCELLENT ADVICE by Japanese doctors treating COVID-19 cases. Everyone should ensure your mouth & throat is moist, never DRY. Take a few sips of water every 15 mins at least. WHY? Even if the virus gets into your mouth...drinking water or other liquids will WASH them down through your oesophagus and into the stomach. Once there in tummy...your stomach ACID will kill all the virus. If you don't drink enough water more regularly...the virus can enter your windpipes and into the LUNGS. That's very dangerous.
Pls send and share with family, friends and everyone about this ! Take care everyone n may the world recovers from corona virus soon. May all be well n happy ?

I think you are dismissing too quickly the diagnosing of Covid19 based upon viral pneumonia cases. If the number of cases of viral pneumonia in a country is in the same ballpark as previous months (or same month last year) then there would be no reason to assume the current cases are Covid19. If the number of cases is growing exponentially, as they are in Vietnam, it is a reasonable assumption that these are Covid19 cases. Vietnam is not reporting these viral pneumonia cases as Covid19, probably to make their Covid19 numbers look good. Frank Vaughan pulled the viral pneumonia numbers off a Vietnamese medical website.