Horse Dewormer or Nobel Prize Winning Medicine?

This video was designed specifically to be shared! So share away!!

There’s a huge and largely manufactured campaign of disinformation about Ivermectin in the news. This video asks and answers the question; “Is ivermectin a horse-dewormer or a Nobel prize-winning medicine?”

As you know, the present is becoming increasingly perilous and the future is even more uncertain. The good news is that there is a growing community of people hanging out over at Peak Prosperity (dot) com who are wrestling with the data and the implications so they can take actions to become more resilient.

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Video Description


Merck Congratulates Awardees of 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for Discovery Leading to River Blindness Treatment:

Expert Review Report of Medical Safety of Ivermectin by Jacques Descotes:

Effectiveness of Ivermectin-Based Multidrug Therapy in Severe Hypoxic Ambulatory COVID-19 Patients:

Early Data from Gilead’s Compassionate Use of Remdesivir for COVID-19 Looks Promising:

WHO Recommends Against the Use of Remdesivir in COVID-19 Patients:

Antiviral Drugs That Are Approved or Under Evaluation for the Treatment of COVID-19:




This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Just posted this in another thread. But a good interview with Dr Ryan Cole.
here is another link ( not sure why brighteon link is not working - 500 server error )


I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, but look at the first ad that came up for me when I was watching the video on YouTube:



Chris said the “I” word on YouTube.
I know Chris is aware of the penalties for telling the truth on YouTube. So I am sure that he did this by design.
Let’s hope the “design” works out. We are running out of time.


Robert Malone appeared for a full hour interview on the Jimmy Dore show on YouTube this week. Malone spoke about vaccine risks, and about early treatments. Dore has been dancing around this issue cautiously for weeks, but has been careful (up until now) not to cross the line.
And then there was that 200,000 comment thread about vaccine injuries and deaths on Facebook, in reply to WXYZ’s query about unvaccinated covid cases.


I identify as a horse for medicinal purposes. I also think my vet has more integrity than most doctors.


Play for all the marbles. I think I see a strategy. Makes me proud to be here!


If anyone asks, I think I will just report it along with my other allergies.
Then if they give it to me and I die my loved one can sue.


… you just make too much sense! Will it work? I hope so!!!


The problem with that decision matrix is that you could replace Ivermectin with just about anything and get the same chart. Let’s go with gummy bears. They’re harmless, and if they help then they’re beneficial, so I guess we should prescribe them to all COVID patients.
To make your case you really have to have extra information, namely evidence of efficacy. In the past you’ve decided to really drill into and criticize evidence in favor of other treatments. Have you similarly reviewed and scrutinized the evidence in favor of Ivermectin? Neither this video nor your previous video on Ivermectin toxicology does so (though I admit that I’ve only skimmed the latter).


Except no one is blocking me from getting gummie bears.
And we have doctors using atypical antipsychotics off label for kids with autism, but I as a post menopausal woman can’t get ivermectin.


State facts, avoid all drama, cite accepted prior works, build a solid case… and I’ll bet this video is off youtube by morning. It’s going to be interesting to watch where things go from there.

Have you similarly reviewed and scrutinized the evidence in favor of Ivermectin? Neither this video nor your previous video on Ivermectin toxicology does so (though I admit that I've only skimmed the latter)
You signed up over a year ago. Have you not been to the site since?

re JoshuaGreen #9, “Let’s go with gummy bears.”
No, let’s not. There is no proposed mechanism by which gummy bears would work here. There is no in vitro data to say that they might. There are not even anecdotal reports of unexpected successes with them. Without any of this, it’s just not a good working hypothesis around which to build trials, and it would be a ludicrous (if tasty) waste of resources during a crisis.
This is in no way similar to the ivermectin-may-work hypothesis, which has plenty make it worth trying.


internal server error - repost?

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Thank you for this video, its very informative and I am so grateful for your courage to report on these things during this time!


My point in bringing up gummy bears was simply that Chris’s vaunted decision matrix works just as well for them. (It’s basically a form of Pascal’s wager.) Now, if Chris wants to argue that Ivermectin is different because there’s evidence that Ivermectin works then fine, he’s free to do that and he should pound that point hard. However, he did that neither here nor in his toxicology video.
@Kathy, I agree that blocking isn’t really proper. Even without evidence of efficacy, I have no problem with people taking Ivermectin in consultation with their doctor as long as they take the proper version in proper doses and still follow other mandated COVID procedures. However, there’s a difference between what individuals should be allowed to do and what we as a society should actively encourage and even support.
@Mark_BC, yes, I’ve been following his work for some time, but since he switched from articles to videos it’s been harder to keep up with all of his positions and analysis. A video can contain any information and I have to set aside a block of time to watch him go through whatever he feels like, with no way to find when or where he covers anything I might be particularly interested in. (No search functionality!) That’s a limitation of this medium. If he has gone through the evidence of Ivermectin efficacy in some detail (and with a similar critical eye) then please show me where; I don’t recall seeing that advertised in any of his blurbs.
@HurricaneRider, true, there is no proposed mechanism by which gummy bears would work here. However, Chris has been happy to bash the vaccines for which there are proposed mechanisms, while conversely he’s highlighted concerns about them without proposed mechanisms (and even argued that we don’t need a mechanism if we have data). Thus, it all still comes down to the same question – how solid is the data in favor of Ivermectin? I agree that it’s safe when used properly (as prescribed, by those who it’s prescribed for), but that doesn’t mean it would be safe for everyone, nor does that imply anything about efficacy.

@Mark_BC, yes, I've been following his work for some time, but since he switched from articles to videos it's been harder to keep up with all of his positions and analysis. A video can contain any information and I have to set aside a block of time to watch him go through whatever he feels like, with no way to find when or where he covers anything I might be particularly interested in. (No search functionality!) That's a limitation of this medium. If he has gone through the evidence of Ivermectin efficacy in some detail (and with a similar critical eye) then please show me where; I don't recall seeing that advertised in any of his blurbs.
I'm not going to do your work for you. Since you asked the question, go to and you will find all the info you need there. Dr. Kory and that organization's work have been featured prominently in many PP posts and videos. Also go to for a summary of all studies / trials done today with a meta-analysis.

The problem is for every honest fact based YouTube, there are 100 lies and BS. The propaganda war rages.
Here for example is a person claiming to give compelling scientific evidence that Ivermectin does not work.