Horse Dewormer or Nobel Prize Winning Medicine?

No, actually. Uttar Pradesh and Kerala are Indian states, with urban and rural areas. Uttar Pradesh is the most populated state in India (MUCH larger than Kerala), and contains large cities such as Lucknow, Agra and Varanasi (all with well over one million inhabitants)


Nuria, thanks for the clarification!


Spain must not have gotten the Ivermectin email. Waaaay off script with THIS approval.



Thanks for this video Chris, but I wish you would’ve spent a couple minutes on the effectiveness side of the issue. I would love a short, concise and compelling video such as this to share with my friends that listen to NPR all day and believe the horse dewormer story. I think it would be more compelling with a little blurb with the covid map of Africa that you have used before or a few other tidbits to combine the effectiveness with the safety. Just my thoughts


Ivermectin has been available OTC in Spain for a while.
This article really shows how our pharma does not work for global public health diseases (in regions outside of US) or research. Another interesting point is that animals other than mice and rats where needed for research to grow the parasites in amervectin testing to adult size. Yet primates where not considered ethical methods. Using the humans suffering form river blindness was not possible either! Then live stock was a funding path! What a system of twisted ethics! Americans want their meat!


Against the simplistic aphorisms of the current day, narrative-controlled scientism, real science sometimes gets messy. That can cause the story of Ivermectin to seem, “weak”… but that is not true at all… we are just learning a bit as we go. I subscribe to the same view that Adam Gaertner (and FLCCC/Kory) have espoused that we just needed to adjust the dosing in the face of Delta. This was maybe a hard lesson for some who were using the 0.2 mg/kg dosing as treatment or prophylaxis… but again, that doesn’t mean Ivermectin does not work. Those cultists practicing anti-Ivermectin scientism will always look to exploit any weakness, real of perceived, in the Ivermectin story. Those interested in the real science of early treatment accept that not knowing everything doesn’t mean we are wrong;


Sorry to step on this thread, but my system is denying entrance, 404 error page not found, to the vaxx damage thread.  I wanted to comment on the mushroom prophylaxis mentioned in a recent, out of place post.

Early on, Clif High recognized there was a piece of the spike coded for HIV.  His reccomend was Chaga mushroom.  I think Stimets (sp) mushroom company is wonderful.  However, they grow their Chaga in medium, straw?, I think.  The Chaga grown naturally on Birch trees is suppose to be better.  I found an upperMidwest source on the net.  Taken as daily tea.

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This is such an important video! I’m sorry it was recorded in a church, as that will turn a lot of people off, but I feel it’s worth trying to get it out there. How can I share the link? Thank you!

Marsha Cummings, here's the link to Dr. McCullough's video
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@richcabot, yes, I saw that post. The video that @gbell12 posted in #36 dismisses such plots rather cleanly. That doesn’t mean that there’s nothing there, just that what’s shown isn’t really reason to be sure.

@Canuck21 (and @Mike from Jersey), you may be right, but so far I’ve seen him repeatedly toss up fairly weak evidence of Ivermectin effectiveness while doing everything he can to refute what others consider strong evidence of vaccine effectiveness and safety. It’s this dichotomy that I’ve found hard to swallow. It’s not on you to point me to his arguments, but I kind of figure it’s on him, and he shouldn’t have a hard time providing links to the relevant previous videos. That the blurbs (apparently) don’t contain the relevant information is entirely on him.

I look forward to better search functionality, but clearly Chris felt safe in mentioning Ivermectin in this video and the previous one on its toxicity, so I’m not sure how much weight I can really put on your first point. Regardless, any such “hiding” was entirely Chris’s choice, and you’re asking me to take it on faith that careful analysis exists even though you admit that I can’t find it and you can’t point me to it. That’s a rather strange request in general, but I invite Chris to clear this up by pointing to the most relevant videos.

Please contribute to the discussion Josh. What is your model of Reality?
I’m curious. Does the CIA conspire? Do the Chinese? The Russians? The British? In fact, every military organization on the planet.
What evidence can you bring to bear on whether we are or are not the subject of an alien invasion?
What are your ideals and how do you think we can achieve them?

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So I was reading the constitution this morning. Our founding fathers gave us the right to petition in the first amendment for a reason. Yes, its not legal action. But it can raise awareness, win hearts and minds and put visibility to the corruption. I’m soliciting feedback from trusted sources before I share more broadly. I limited it to a few key actions and really tried to write it in a way that will not galvanize either side of the debate. I’m tired of getting frustrated with the lack of action and I’m tired of listening to people point fingers… This is my attempt to take action and take a shot in the dark. Who knows? If it changes the mind of 10 people, that’s something. Maybe it can change the mind of more and perhaps bring folks together.
Feedback please? Am I missing any key studies?


Hi Joshua:
In this group, we expect people to do their own homework. So if you are willing to spend 5 minutes (as I have just done) you will come up with very strong data in support of ivermectin’s efficacy against Covid. For instance,
There are many, many more such papers and reports.
You do not have to be convinced by these data, but please do your homework first before you criticize Chris’ opinions on IVM. Examine the data and tell us why you are not convinced.
Chris scouts information, summarizes it for us, and shows us both the data and explains his reasoning. Please do the same if you disagree. Do your homework.


Joshua, given you have been a member for so long, I find you beyond tiresome. The forum search engine sucks. Nonexistent as far as I’m concerned. Which is why I have kept up with the podcasts and posts on the forum. You could have too. Chris doesn’t owe you anything. Neither do we. But here’s a bone for you. An article describing the great many likely modes of action of ivermectin against Covid. Pretty sure there is no comparable article for gummy bears.


At the risk of boring veteran members, allow me an analogy.
Baboons are the staple of leopards. Usually the baboons voice their disapproval. But on occasion the baboons are deathly quite. Those are the moments that the leopard dreads, for she is about to be torn limb from limb.
Perhaps this line from “The awakened Saxon” speaks to you.

Their voices were even and low. Their eyes were level and straight. There was neither sign nor show When the Saxon began to hate. It was not preached to the crowd. It was not taught by the state. No man spoke it aloud When the Saxon began to hate.
This is not an Ideal. This is a warning.