Horse Dewormer or Nobel Prize Winning Medicine?

Hi Joshua,
Chris has reviewed a lot of studies regarding ivermectin. This video is a quick simplified video, probably to address the whole horse de-wormer meme going about.
I would share the links regarding the ivermectin studies but there have been so many. It would take some time to search and find.
I think Chris has been mentioning ivermectin since last August or so.


Actually, Chris has been reviewing the studies and evidence for months now.
You might go to the main page and look back on the topics covered in previous podcasts. I have no idea how many times Chris has reviewed the evidence but it has been pretty thorough.
In any event, you can find links to those prior podcasts and there is a pretty substantial amount of information about it.
I, myself, have mixed feelings about Ivermectin. I have a prophylactic prescription for it. My doctor told me “it is not a miracle drug, but it works.” On the other hand, I have seen a number of people on this site say that they got a bad infection despite Ivermectin. I think that Robert Malone’s position on the drug sums it up the best. Ivermectin is useful but it will not stop the pandemic on its own.


@Tyler Kuhn, yes, there are lots of reported results, and lots of responses to those, and lots of responses to those, and so on. The link provided above looks interesting, so I’m starting there. My gripe against this video is that it started well but then skipped over the most relevant question. Yes, the video did a good job of knocking down the “horse dewormer” strawman, and I was happy to see that. (I’ve made the same point in other venues, though admittedly not as eloquently.) However, he completely punted on the question of “does it work,” suggesting efficacy is irrelevant given the safety profile. I don’t think that’s a valid position in general.

@Mike from Jersey, I did a quick search for “ivermectin” in the above search bar. Other than the “Definitive Ivermectin Toxicity Review” I didn’t see anything other than forum topics going back through April. Maybe the search is screwed up, maybe he’s discussed it in materials that aren’t available to me, or maybe I need to search in some other way. I think we can all agree that videos are hard to search.

The search really doesn’t work all that well. I think to find the topic in a search, each podcast would have to include meta-tags which would be findable by the search engine. I am pretty sure there are no meta-tags and that is why they are not showing up. But those podcasts are there for sure. I have watched them.
To find the podcasts discussing the medical evidence on Ivermectin, go to the front page, go to the section entitled “blog.” Then click the “more” button. It will take you to a page listing all the back podcasts. You then have to look at the titles and open individual podcasts. It is hit and miss since the podcast title may or may not tell you the specifics of what is being addressed in the podcast.
Now, that is very cumbersome for sure. I have had occasions where I could not find prior information that I had seen with my own eyes. Perhaps when the sites is redone there will be meta-tags attached to the podcasts making the search easier and more productive. But the issue has been addressed a number of times, including interviews with people about the drug.


I have this belief that the American people - for a variety of reasons - will NEVER be imprisoned in camps or controlled by the technocracy. Here’s why:

  1. We are the most independent minded people on the planet - for good or bad - Americans are used to being able to do whatever the hell they want to do. This is reflected across many ethnic and cultural groups in the US. There is a huge contingent of MAGA people who are highly oppositional to government. The inner cities of the USA are ungovernable - attempts to tighten the screws will only make this worse. The rural communities are too dispersed to effectively monitor and control.
  2. The people have such an entitlement mindset that they will riot and resist if you take away their creature comforts. Brave New World is definitely the preferred model for Americans - not 1984. They might get people to go to camps as long as they provide unlimited snacks, Xanax, marijuana, porn and Netflix. Otherwise, forget it.
  3. We don’t obey worth a shit. Highest levels of incarceration, illegal border crossings, etc. Only the suburban white kindergarten mommy crowd will behave as they are instructed. Have you been to a public high school classroom lately? Who saw the video of the mask mandate fist fight at the hostess station in NY yesterday?
  4. We are armed to the teeth and programmed for violence. Once this pandora’s box is opened - the bloodletting will be epic. I shudder to think of it.
  5. The government is incompetent and too small to enforce anything. This nation is HUGE both geographically and in terms of population. Unmanageable from a military or police perspective. The entire US military couldn’t keep a lid on California.
  6. All the techno whiz bullshit which is supposed to keep the population in line and the overlords informed needs electricity to work. If there is no electricity - there is no internet. If there is no internet - there is no control grid. Ditto for data infrastructure. This is a huge vulnerability which is not correctable or defendable.
    This is why they will just kill us off instead. Australians are good little drones - they do what the government tells them. Americans? Not so much. An incorrigible lot.

@Mike from Jersey, I tried searching through the blurbs for blog posts back through August and into July. Only a few of the blurbs mention Ivermectin at all, and none of them suggest that evidence is being analyzed and scrutinized in the video. I guess I may have to go back further, but at some point I feel it’s on those claiming that such analysis exists to point to it.

Add to your list that many of the government workers have bought into the fear porn and are terrified to leave their homes. You can’t set up fema camps over a zoom call.


The podcasts are there. Reading the blurbs won’t find them. You have to watch the videos themselves. That is admittedly not a good solution and hopefully in the future the podcasts will be indexed to the search engine with meta-tags.
But those podcasts are there. I have watched those podcasts myself.


Joshua, the evidence about Ivermectin has been discussed in great detail on this site for a year now. I joined at the same time as you did and I have certainly seen it extensively. I do not agree that Chris has any obligation to summarize it yet again now, especially given that you have had ample opportunity to see it for yourself.


I believe there are two issues hindering your searches:

  1. The censorship against IVM over the last year has been extreme. For many months you weren't even allowed to mention it on Youtube or the speech analyzers would flag and delete the video, never mind spelling it out in words. It just was not allowed. This seems to be relaxing now for some reason. This probably explains why you are having a hard time searching for it since it was discussed within videos without actually directly mentioning it.
  2. It has been well discussed that this site does not have good search and archive functions due to it being constructed quickly around the Wordpress platform in the not too distant past. A new website is being developed.

I believe there are two reasons you are having difficulty accessing the info:

  1. Youtube censorship has been extreme. You could not say the word in the videos or the speech analyzers would flag and delete the video. Obviously the word could not be typed or displayed in the videos. So the topic was discussed discretely within videos using code-words without directly mentioning it.
  2. This site has poor search and archive functions due to being quickly build on the Wordpress platform. A new site is being developed.
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You can’t set up fema camps over a zoom call.
Indeed. I love this place.

#28 posted the link to an article which compares two states in India.
Uttar Pradesh:
largest state of 240 million people
roughly 20 cases a day
193 active cases — 33% with one dose of vaccine (and near zero when cases were going down in the spring)
universal ivermectin use
33 million people
65% of all current cases in India
186,000 active cases
67% with at least one vaccine
banned ivermectin


Really good Vid although you can skip the first bit as we have all heard it before. He goes into great detail about natural immunity, the current assortment of jab, VERS, and more.
For some reason the vid won’t post. It is on rumble.

Dr Peter McCullough lecture on the State of COVID treatment.

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Uttar Pradesh (vs Kerala) provides us the most powerful population-level dataset for comparing the potential of the Vax to wipe out, or at least control Covid-19, vs. early treatment cocktail. One important note regarding this data is that Uttar Pradesh doesn’t just treat early… theirs is a hybrid plan that throws early treatment/prophylaxis at entire families once a case pops up. This is part of the secret sauce of Uttar Pradesh. I am thinking I should start a thread on just this… but for now, I wanted to post the original source of the data analysis, JChamie on twitter - He is closely associated with FLCCC I think;


video not found please reupload the link. Thank you

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With 240 million people, Uttar Pradesh is 2/3 the size of the entire USA. Here is what “winning” against the virus looks like; The number of daily cases of coronavirus disease (Covid-19) have been on a downswing in Uttar Pradesh. In the last 24 hours, no new case was identified in 59 of the state's 75 districts, according to UP a government release.

I think also Kerala is urban, UP is rural, so that would also be a factor…