How To Avoid Getting Infected By The Coronavirus

I live north of Seattle, and have a compromised immune system due to auto-immune disorder. I can not believe the stupidity that we are still dealing with locally. For example, today I was told by my apartment management that I had to remove the plastic and duct tape from an unused door on my small studio apartment (that faces a area of high foot traffic in my building) because the fire department had been through the building and determined that sealing the unused door was an extreme fire hazard (However, as per law, two other avenues of exit still exist on the apartment. Windows and primary door) I was warned that failure to immediately remove the plastic and duct tape would result in eviction. We have 10 studio apartments in this building that are about 10’x15’ and are crammed together on a tiny floor, the airflow between apartments is extremely high. It’s good to know that the fire department has protected me from the non-existent fire hazard, and condemned me to die when Covid-19 hits my compromised immune system. Also, i got laughed at twice for wearing a surgical mask when I ran an errand earlier today for being “overly paranoid” about the noro-virus flu (seriously, that’s what she called it…). Hopefully the rest of the US isn’t as clueless as my own state, or else we are ALL screwed!

You could pair the “Cone of Protection” with one of these retro hats.
retro hat
Then you’d have full protection.

I’m sure in this forum it’s already been addressed at some point.. but in places where the virus is most virulent, how humid is it out there? Are there a lot of moisture droplets (i.e. snow, rain, fog) in the air? If it truly aerosolizes and spreads that easily in air through droplets then wouldn’t corona basically plume and make transmission even easier in wetter areas (if people weren’t practicing personal hygiene properly)?
I believe the data shows that high humidity cuts down on spread. I guess the aerosal droplets, which do have a tiny amount of water on them, collect into larger droplets in the air and being heavier drop to the ground quicker. That infects the ground but if its raining it washes them away to die after a few days. If its just foggy, then be sure to disinfect your clothing and shoes, and any surface.  

Can someone please link me to that first study on environmental spread that Chris referenced in the video (27:17)? Or at least get me the title of the article so I can search for it? I haven’t been able to find it on JAMA. I am going to prepare a packet for leadership at my agency.

jama study
Chris has the links in the video, you just have to pause it then write it down. Original article didn’t have the Jama link, but gotta love Goggle, lol.

I wish i could shut up. So far making a fuss has not earned me any favors in this town. I’ll probably leave town once all this is over and go to one of the bum fuck villages around here :smiley: Or to Nepal where i intend to live as a goat.
Buuuuut i did my part and emailed a link to Chris’s video to both my house doctor and the RIVM. I might’ve made the RIVM one a bit more scathing, but i’m sure y’all will forgive me on that one.
I doubt they’ll do anything with it. Hell it’s exactly my luck to find out i had some other rare disease at exactly the same time, then catch Covid in the hospital while i’m waiting with the other sick people to get tested :smiley: But yknow.
At least i’ll be able to sleep soundly at night once this is all over. Don’t think many people will be able to say the same.

a couple recipes, which would would all know, but you know… if you happen to have aloe around for sunburn treatment

Specifically, Miryam Wahrman, a biology professor at William Paterson University who wrote "The Hand Book: Surviving in a Germ-Filled World," told Insider a recipe with 70% alcohol should be nine parts alcohol to one part aloe vera. A recipe with 99% alcohol could be three parts alcohol to two parts aloe vera. OregonLive recommends a two-to-one ratio of 91% isopropyl alcohol to aloe vera. You can also add eight to 10 drops of scented oil if you want to smell nice.
To make your own disinfecting wipes, simply take a paper towel or tissue, dab it in rubbing alcohol (or any type of solution that is at least 60% alcohol), and wipe down whatever surface you'd like to clean. Even before the coronavirus outbreak, Wahrman did this to her phone daily. She also does it to remote controls when traveling. After cleaning her phone with an alcohol-moistened tissue, "it looks nice and squeaky clean," she said, adding, "And I know most of the germs I've picked up along the way have been killed and somewhat removed."
regular 60% or stronger rubbing alcohol will kill the germs to clean with or on skin hydrogen peroxide will kill the germs to clean with, and doesnt have the toxic fumes of bleach, some of us are allergic to chlorine. Do not dilute the hydrogen peroxide. I use dollar store single use cotton make-up pads ( or whatever their called, like you use to take off finger nail polish. 100 for a dollar) with it to wipe doorknob, bathroom faucet handle, light switch, etc... I use rags/sponge for outside and pour into the bowl to soak to clean toilets. Dairies and home beer/wine makers know about idophor to kill germs by soaking items that are in funny shapes so you cant get inside easily to scrub. cold water.

The problem for government workers, no matter how well meaning they are, is that if it contradicts the President and his staff, they risk getting the “gulag of out of the way places”. Means they get sent out somewhere to do a thankless job where you never speak to the public. That’s the official line that we are going to do a million tests, when Chris pointed out in the video that if you don’t do any testing, then you won’t find any virus.
Adm. Brett Giroir mentioned in the video (33:45) is in the same boat. Publicly no matter what the numbers are, he has to claim they are between 0.1 and 1 because Trump did so on Hannity. I hope he thinks if he lies he can do at least some good behind the scene even though publicly he knows he’s speaking BS.
Career officials are trying to go with the facts, but Trump has a host of so called “friends” whispering in his ears, all of them with agendas that don’t include any of us. Here’s a good article on just that:
And I’m sure many on the Left are trying to push agendas that will discredit Trump and give them an advantage this November. All the while ignoring what is best for the rest of the Nation and those of us who can’t make thousand dollar political contributions. Remember the Rich always believe their power and wealth will save them from any consequence, self made or outside arrived.
This is just not going to end well here in the US.

I want to know what happened to Thailand. They have not closed flights with China. They recieved ten, if not hundreds of thousands of Chinese from infected areas. Yet no clusters. No explosion of cases. What’s going on there?
If true, is it something in their diet? Climate? Genetics? If they can do this without imposition of any controls, surely this situation needs to be researched and replicated in whole or part elsewhere.
Vietnam quarantine? Nothing? Still in place? Lifted? Cases? Literally no investigative journalism by Reuters etc to check on conditions. Baffling two countries here.
South Korea; amazing, on war footing indeed. Portable/drive through FREE testing??? Wow! How did they set this up in a week or two? Yet, nothing on this side.
I’m an HCP. I am steeling myself to the probability that I will get the virus. A matter of when. I cant turn my back on my clients. My wife is also an HCP, in the local hospital, in Ontario Canada. It’s coming, probably weeks. God forbid that Washington state alternative protocol gets in place here. I’m part of the health and safety team, and I somehow have to drag my committee/management/coworkers to at least PLAN for worst case scenario. We still have time here, I think, maybe 2 weeks, maybe a month. Will anybody listen?

Jahfire, could you post your pandemic proposal please? I have to do the same for my people here. Not sure where to start. Thanks so much.

The US is sub par , compared to the rest of the world in handling this… the EU and other western countries not much better. And what is a joke , these countries think of themselves as top of the food chain. They are not even as smart as the average ant colony. The only other clearly obvious thing. IS so called officials cannot be for real and expect us to buy this line of horse sh*&(* they are feeding us.

160 troops were stationed for “border control” today, at two locations in texas. Is this legit, or is it the beginning of stealth enforcement later?

All the same morons on the TV telling us to not were masks took part in a tabletop simulated exercise of a global corona-virus pandemic shortly before this thing kicked off.
It ended with 65 million dead in 18 months. Martenson has to see these.

There is no possibility that plastic and tape would cause a fire hazard or obstruct a door - in fact it acts as a fire block by definition - it would actually slow any fire in the building and it not sufficient to obstruct or cause one not to be able to exit… There is no justification in thier actions. Only to cause you harm.

I’ve been watching your YouTube every morning. Well done, keep it up!
I’ve lived in West Africa (WA) for the last 20 years. When this virus hits (and the Sun and heat doesn’t kill it), we are in for a wild ride. Africans don’t stay at home, they don’t have stores of food and medical supplies, life is day to day. I think we will see a similar approach as Iran i.e. the Govts will tell the people what they have to do but the people won’t listen and carry on with life! ‘We already have people dying of pneumonia’, is a common phrase. Very different approach to life here.
I’m in the bush and preparing for the wave. Whats going to be interesting from this side is when the mines slow down and/or stop. If we ship our mineral to China but they can’t unload it because their stocks are full because the factories producing stuff aren’t pulling the stock then the supply chain will stop from the raw material source. The mines will slow down or stop. I have noticed over the years, mines are the first to start up and last to slow down in a financial crisis e.g. the demand for the can (soft drink or beer can) ends at the supermarket but the supply chain starts at the mine.
When the mines stop, the economies driven by mining will come to a screaming holt.
Good luck everyone!

WOW, I am pretty shocked and the resilience of the sars virus. That is higher temps and longer times ( much greater ) than what I would have expected… Meanwhile health officials in the US dont even think this thing is transmissible by contact surfaces. and stated that it dies almost instantly – and less than 2 hours. lol you have to cook this bitch for 2 hours with heat and light to kill it - it seems stable at room temp almost indefinitely

The Event 201 tapes have been on our radar for a while. I’m pretty sure Chris has watched them. He’s one sharp cookie in the Girl Scout box.
I haven’t. I’m more a boots on the ground kind of grunt. No matter if this thing is or isn’t some nefarious plot to take global control, how does it change the way I or you prepare to handle the fall out?
Every minute that I look at posts talking about chem trails in the air, or secret cabals of 1%ers setting up secret New Zealand hideaways, every hour I surf the Internet looking at accusatory articles pointing fingers at the Left or the Right, takes time away from the thing that I think is important, learning how to actually survive this. There is too much of that to worry about, and too little time to do it in.
Should I spend an hour less a day, compiling the megathreads of helpful comments here, so people like you can find the information they need, then act on it, or instead post suppositional screes on how some group is manipulating the crisis? Maybe I should argue how many angels of CFR can dance on a pin, based on unknown numbers and grand guesses?
You and others have a choice, use your time wisely, or don’t.
Me, I’m planting some lettuce and other greens this weekend in containers, then spending a few days getting my outside garden beds squared away for early planting next week.