How To Avoid Getting Infected By The Coronavirus

This is my first post here - I am struggling a bit. I actually want @Chris Martenson to read but can see no other way.
Chris! - the shortage of masks is a number one issue atm. So they must be reused. It is just crazy to say to medical staff - you don’t need them - likewise the way for the public to avoid infection starts with use of a mask and proper protocol.
The only way till production of masks out of China or outside China catches up is to sanitize and reuse.
Last week I went to buy a UV sanitizer on eBay, there were none. The small ones to sanitize your phone would be ideal but all snapped up - however I have noticed dental surgeries all have them and I expect GPs and hospital treatment facilities do too.
An alternate is to use a silane quats of the type manufactured in USA and New Zealand by Zoono. The diagram is from and shows the functional structure of a polymer produced by reacting a silane (commonly used in adhesives and primers because of its aggressive bonding to surfaces) and a quaternary ammonium compound or QUAT The silane quat is deposited on surfaces including fibres out of aqueous solution and lasts up to 28 days - the destruction of the virus is by mechanical means as well as the anti viral action of the QUAT, typically benzalkonium chloride.
IMO, it may not be 100% but better than nothing and far better than committing our medical staff to disease or possible death.
I disclose I hold stock in Zoono - ZNO.ASX and purchase product (recently 2x 5litre refills) in Australia. The product is approved virtually worldwide and is used in China.

Is a concentration of 3% for hydrogen peroxide sufficient to kill Covid-19? Or are there specific concentrations, as was the case with rubbing alcohol, that should be better than others?

  • Chris, I tried to provide info for you on Twitter (in a reply to last tweet), check the figure in the attached tweet! The cult has a lot of young members, so at least a few days ago only about 1000 out of 6000+ cases are over 60! That's the likely reason for low mortality.

“So those of us in Washington who need testing but can’t get it just need to show up at the boarder to have Canada fest us?”
Sure, we had a case in a visitor from Seattle yesterday.

A case in Toronto had visited Las Vegas in late February. Unlikely that he met the one case shown in that city so it’s probably community spreading and being exported by whatever conventions that are still being held.

John, we have discussed UV light and several of us have bought these:
I see one is left and I’m disappointed that Evlas has jacked the price up $50 on that.
I’m going to try and do a tutorial this weekend on how to DIY build one for about $20. The bulb is the hang up, I have to special order it and it wouldn’t show up til April 3rd. Let me see what I can source here locally. Don’t rush to buy anything for a few days.
The bottle neck that is going to require reusing mask is known and has a big priority in the discussions. None of us have the number of masks required to go thru this health crisis, just using them once and tossing them. We have lots of attention on finding an answer and procedures to clean them for reuse.
And btw (for others new here), this place has discussed a tremendous amount of information, including salt additives as a sterilizing mechanism for masks. I’m tired having compiled comments all day, or I’d point you to the info. You may not see what you are interested in right off but its probably here already. Just post a question, and the community will point you in the right direction.
We’ve been at this for two months, which is like 10 years in virus time, lol.

Yagasjai, I thought you were here for the discussions on hydrogen peroxide. There’s a paper I’ve referenced several times that points to a 30 minute bath in it, followed by a water rinse can sterilize masks. It also does surfaces too.
I’ll find the paper link and post it tomorrow. I’m going to bed now.

You can. Very easily so. You just need 14 of them.
The longest we’ve heard this thing survive on anything is 9 days on smooth surfaces. I’m going to assume that is at low but not freezing temperatures as well, as to not evaporate all fluid it survives in right away. So, 9 days in ideal conditions.
This virus is no mystery, it’s a organism, though a real tiny one. It has no capability to reproduce on it’s own, that’s why it needs us in the first place.
So when you’re done with a mask just seal it in a plastic container for 14 days (individually) and it should be fine. After 2 weeks whatever was on there is dead and you can use it again.
Though that only goes for coronavirus, not anything else you might’ve breathed into the mask that might survive longer/grow on the mask. Also i have no idea if it’s a hydration issue; as in how long does the virus survive in a dry state with a capability to reactivate when hydrated again?
Not sure if the disposable mask is allowed to get wet at all (IE does simply rinsing with water “tear” the holes in the fabric wider thus making it useless) but if that’s the case, just rinse it, in the container, and let it dry for 2 weeks. Hell you could always rinse it, put it in the microwave (since that heats up water real good) and just nuke it for a minute or two.
And if it catches fire after 2 minutes… put it in the microwave for 1:30, THEN in the container xD
Is it silly? somewhat. But still better then nothing. And hey it depends on the kind of filter too. I’ve got a full-face gas mask with filters i plan to just leave on there. The whole point is the virus particles not being able to get through in the first place, i wouldn’t have to replace the filter until it’s saturated, which when just breathing normal air, is a very long time (considering these things are made to be used in heavy particulate situations).
Now i’m not an expert so i’d love to hear from one. But it seems to me, even if 14 days isn’t long enough, surely 21 days is. Or 28. AT SOME POINT this virus has to be dead enough to re-use the mask.
EDIT: Oh i should also mention at this point, that when China started ramping up and requiring people to wear masks, i saw them (and the hong kong newspapers) advise to replace the disposable masks every 4 hours (and 8 for Hong Kong). So you might need 2 a day. And then there’s the eye gear and the shower when you get home etc etc.
Because if you wear a mask all day, then come home, take it off, rub your forehead cause it was a long day and then touch your nose; you STILL got infected. The mask is important. But it will not save you if you rely on it too much.

I know that the 201 event has been at the epicenter of theorizing about malicious intent in starting the virus on part of the government. However, that is in no way what I am alluding to here.
In the Tapes you can clearly see the rationale behind discouraging face masks and other retarding measures taken by key decision makers. It is also clear from their discussions that they are prioritizing economic stability and continuity of government over preventing loss of life.
Head of CDC, china CDC, John hopkins, Johnson and Johnson. I have them on video dead to rights, writing off 68 million people as acceptable losses. Please reconsider.

There was an inconsistency in this video when you mentioned the study about the virus being airborne. I’ve read that study already;
This study has several limitations. First, viral culture was not done to demonstrate viability. Second, due to operational limitations during an outbreak, methodology was inconsistent and sample size was small. Third, the volume of air sampled represents only a small fraction of total volume, and air exchanges in the room would have diluted the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in the air. Further studies are required to confirm these preliminary results.
Third, the volume of air sampled represents only a small fraction of total volume, and air exchanges in the room would have diluted the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in the air.

Wow, News Voyeur, this aerosol transmission of fecal material makes so much sense. Why has no one brought this up before? I rarely fly, but if I do, I try to avoid airplane bathrooms, gross. Well, I will definitely never take a cruise, now. Thanks.

I am noticing the amount of Zn in specific supplements is increasing. Since the study you quoted used 50mg, maybe some good manufacturers are trying to match that. I am glad copper is being included. Some article I read here, PP, said copper deficiency might be a factor in a bad outcome with the SARS cov19 infection. I ordered some copper supplements.

Seems like toilets may be playing a bigger role than we might have expected. You can look at this report linked. Plenty of others on aerosolization caused by vacuum or pressurized toilets like they have on aircraft and ships. Hmmm. So is this a big part of the reason for the severity of the Princess contagion outbreaks? I don’t know about you but I doubt I will ever consider going on a cruise. Didn’t they also get Norovirus on one and Legionaires on another?
From the article summary:
“It may be concluded from the above that flush toilets produce substantial quantities of toilet plume aerosol capable of entraining microorganisms at least as large as bacteria, that sufficiently small microbe-laden droplets will evaporate to form droplet nuclei bioaerosols small enough to be inhaled deep into the lung, and that these bioaerosols may remain viable in the air for extended periods and travel with air currents. Production of these bioaerosols during multiple flushes after contamination suggests a long-term potential for a contaminated toilet to be an infectious bioaerosol generator”.
Or this article:

Edit: alright SOMETHING in my post is blocking it from it being posted. So ima slowly figure out what it is ^^ Double edit: really weird. I tried posting the below on the main page, wouldn’t work, but via editing it does work and just shows everything. Maybe something’s starting to break under the (no doubt overwhelming and >well deserved<) increased traffic.
I was wondering if Chris can include segment in his next video that goes over the >complete< list of symptoms so that people are aware of how to actually tell if somebody is infected. And there’s an important reason for this too:
So far all governments are concentrating on the Fever part. That’s the other reason why i couldn’t get tested, because i couldn’t show a sustained 38C rectally measured temperature. Why? Because my symptoms where intermittent. Fever came and went and in the early stage, was very dependent on me sitting still for a while. I posted a video showing that, too. But because it wasn’t rectally measured it didn’t count =
The reason it’s important is because of the Chen et al study:

Findings from the Chen et al study published on The Lancet and based on 99 hospitalized patients [4]

Signs and symptoms at admission (Chen et al study) [4]
Shortness of breath
Muscle ache
Sore throat
Rhinorrhoea (runny nose)
Chest pain
Nausea and vomiting
More than one sign or symptom
Fever, cough, and shortness of breath
As you can see, they list fever as 83% of patients. But this is an absolute! It means they found patients with and without fever, who both showed symptoms, who both tested positive, but 17% of them did not show a fever. Ergo, it is possible to not have a fever. Even worse the study says the people who actually have all the most "common" symptoms only consist of 15% of total! People need to take this into account. Especially also, because of the 9% that show the Confusion symptom. I had it as well, causing me to run a red light and end up on the wrong side of the road. Or so i thought, because after gradually getting my memories back over a period of 2 days, i realised the traffic situation had changed there like a year ago already, and i had infact been driving against traffic for hundreds of meters. Luckily that's on my bicycle on a dedicated bicycle lane (yay Netherlands) but it could've just as well been in a car. Not to mention that if your loved one gets this, and they become confused, they might *very well* hurt you or themselves. If you're alone and you get this, you have to remember to stay put and wait for it to pass. Stuff like that. Everybody talks about the fever - but nobody talks about what else will happen if you *do* catch it, like so many people now have.

Some people commented on this video that he is saying what Peak Prosperity has been saying for the last month. Just thought I’d share

Just want to say thank you for all of your videos and blogs. I’m a new subscriber and have been watching your YouTube videos since January. I recommend your channel and website all the time and just want to let you know how much your efforts are appreciated. Keep up the great work Chris and Adam!

That is explosive, infuriating (to put it mildly…), mind-boggling, evil, and a few other adjectives… I hope you have copies in someone’s else’s possession too, just in case… Please take care and be safe.
But, it certainly wouldn’t be the first instance of germ warfare and lab-engineered used for nefarious purposes.

Most cases outside China are not of Chinese patients. They are Iranian, Italian, Caucasian, other Asian, etc. And most travel restrictions are to and from China. What does that mean?
Choosing not to be near most people of any race for fear of the novel coronavirus COVID-19… is being cautious.
Choosing not to be near strangers who look Asian, but still choosing to be around non-Asian strangers… is being racist.
Get it?

Wow, that’s a new way of determining the fatality rate of the virus - total deaths divided by total resolved cases. Has this method been mentioned by the so-called medical experts? Of course, there is still the unknown factor of cases undiagnosed. We should include that in the divisor but that number can’t be known.

This is pretty old. Has it been posted yet?