How To Avoid Getting Infected By The Coronavirus

Tucker mentioned that we had the 1918 flu in Alaska.
Thought you might not know.
Thats right they came to Alaska and dug up a woman buried in the permafrost and extracted it from her dead tissue.

“In August 1997, a scientist named Johan Hultin from San Francisco traveled to Brevig Mission and, with permission of the town’s elders, excavated the local cemetery to try and unearth a victim of the outbreak buried deep within the frozen tundra. He hoped to extract a sample of human tissue that contained a hibernating specimen of the 1918 flu virus. On August 23, Hultin found a female body seven feet down that was remarkably well preserved“
Unfortunately, having the 1918 strain has not seemed to help us much now. Or, maybe, it helped to create the current one. We will never know. A lot of us in 1997 were against resurrecting the 1918 virus. C’est La Vie AKGrannyWGrit  

3% is sufficient, and that is the normal % for what we buy for household use.

Abstract The effect of H2O2 on adenovirus types 3 and 6, adenoassociated virus type 4, rhinoviruses 1A, 1B, and type 7, myxoviruses, influenza A and B, respiratory syncytial virus, strain Long, and coronavirus strain 229E was studied in vitro, using different H2O2 concentration and timec of exposure. H2O2 in a 3 percent concentration inactivated all the viruses under study within 1--30 min. Coronavirus and influenza viruses were found to be most sensitive. Reoviruses, adenoviruses and adenoassociated virus were relatively stable. H2O2 is a convenient means for virus inactivation. PMID: 203115 [Indexed for MEDLINE]
First lets talk about people on self quarantine. These people are acting like its some soft of suggestion, and not mandatory because its self imposed. I guess they would rather be locked in a cell. I know cuomo implied there may be some additional actions they could take about these people blowing quarantine.. Not sure if he meant locking them up to contain them or perhaps pressing legal criminal charges against them. I would think the latter is definitely really possible – we know S korea will fine peopel somethjing rediculas and like somethign up to 2 years in jail. The point here is we have laws in most states that already cover this – its called reckless endangerment, meaning, this is acting in disregard to human health and welfare that one would only expect someone to be harmed or killed. So check.. we have laws to lock up these people. or fine them as well. and restitution.. So yeah..
I understand the issue of the common good, and the health implications of not staying self quarantined but how do you handle people who financially can't afford to self quarantine for 3 weeks? Let's be honest, a huge minority of people in this country just CAN NOT take off their work, sick or not. They would starve, lose their homes, lose their jobs, some cases lose their children. And forget about the cost of medical treatment and drugs. Unless some mechanism is put into place that will cover that, people WILL break quarantine. We allocated what? 12 billion for fighting this crisis. For 7 billion more we could pay everyone in the country $2000 as a "Virus Allotment". That might keep people indoors. Chance of it passing though = snowball in he!!

David, I suspect there are currently folks meeting and discussing UBS (universal basic income). If and when its warranted and implemented, the roll-out will be like magic. Oh, look what we had in our back pocket, just in case. Because of the virus, in conjunction with a payment chip in your arm, cause money’s dirty.
Funny they can’t make test kits but they can figure out how to get us to be ushered through lines, take off our shoes, lift our arms and answer canned questions like trained monkeys. Or maybe that’s cows, sheep?
We could do a what’s next. Thread?
Grumblin Granny

I can understand the worry so many have with the thought of a government controlling your very income, but I’m not suggesting a UBI in this situation but a one time cash payment to everyone to help them cover the expenses this crisis is going to cause the regular people.
You’ve already got the airline, hospitality and cruise ship industries clammering for a bailout, because of the expected fallout from people not using any of those services. Wait until hospitals and insurance starts getting serious hits to their bottom line.
They all forget that when their previous customers are homeless and destitute, they aren’t going to be in business anymore either.
Like I said, chance of it happening are slim. Expect the poor and the lower middle class will get slogans and platitudes as they are thrown under the bus of big business.

I would think prisons will get lots of tlc. Inmates bring in a lot of money. You can’t have them dying and have empty beds. Empty beds are lost revenue. Maybe prisoners will get better long term care. They are an investment after all.

U.S. airport screeners, health workers plagued by fear and anger as coronavirus spreads
“Two screeners, both working at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), had tested positive for the virus. "
‘“It was bound to happen,” said a veteran CDC medical official involved with screening who spoke on condition of anonymity. “They are assuring us we are safe. If we were safe, screeners would not be getting sick.”’
“…Around the country, doctors, nurses, emergency responders and government health workers say they are increasingly concerned at what they see as inadequate protections and preparation for workers in the trenches. Many complain of poor training and communication in the workplace as well as insufficient equipment and staffing.”
“…One doctor at a major hospital system wrote in email to professional peers around the country that his staff is quickly burning through supplies of protective gear and struggling to properly fit workers with masks.”
'“Not sustainable,” he said.”
“The March 3 email, shared with Reuters by a recipient on condition that the doctor’s name and affiliation be withheld, said the heavy volume of cases scotched plans to furlough workers who had been potentially exposed to the virus.”
“In one example, the doctor wrote that treating just two patients led to the potential exposure of 350 people. Instead of keeping the staffers at home, the physician said, they were allowing them to work and monitoring them for symptoms.”

If anyone has more info about the situation in Thailand, I am all ears. My daughter who lives in Seattle is there on Ko Samui, an island in the Gulf of Thailand, leading a yoga retreat. Yeah I know. She has a lot of preventatives with her and is being careful. The ridiculous thing is that she genuinely isn’t sure that she wouldn’t be safer staying there than coming back to Seattle. I said well 1) Thailand isn’t being at all clear about what is happening there, 2) you don’t speak the language and 3) we don’t know what the medical system is like there. Even more ridiculous, she was super sick with a respiratory infection since early January and is only now since the last few days there feeling much better. Sun, relaxation, super fresh food, etc. She flew to Bangkok thru Narita on Feb. 26 as I remember.
Not asking for a diagnosis of course, but wow what a weird ass conundrum. So if anyone has better intel about the situation in Thailand, I would be grateful.

US state of Missouri reports first virus case
:A St. Louis-area woman who recently traveled to Italy is the U.S. state of Missouri’s first confirmed coronavirus case.
St. Louis County Executive Sam Page said Saturday that the woman is in her 20s and is at home with her parents. She was returning home from Italy when she showed symptoms.
Page said the parents are not showing symptoms.
The Missouri announcement came the same day that neighboring Kansas also announced its first case of the virus.
The number of U.S. coronavirus cases swelled to 400, with cases in about half of the states. Indiana, Minnesota, Nebraska and Pennsylvania also recently reported their first cases. The total U.S. death toll has reached 19."

Officials confirm first coronavirus case in nation’s capital
“A man in his 50s tested positive Saturday for coronavirus — the first presumptively confirmed case in the nation’s capital — and another person who traveled through the city has also tested positive in Maryland, officials said.
District of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser said the man in the initial case started exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 in late February. He was admitted to a Washington hospital on Thursday and appeared to have no history of international travel and no close contacts to any other confirmed cases across the U.S., Bowser said.”
“Virginia recorded its first case Saturday when a U.S. Marine stationed at Fort Belvoir was found to have the virus.”
“President Donald Trump said he wasn’t concerned “at all” about the coronavirus getting closer to the White House after the first Washington case was confirmed and officials said an attendee of a recent political conference in the capital where Trump himself had spoken also tested positive for the virus.”
'“No, I’m not concerned at all. No, I’m not. We’ve done a great job,” Trump said."
“Officials had no plans to cancel any events, including the annual Cherry Blossom Festival, which starts on March 20 and draws thousands of tourists.”

Their liaison said that they are an acute care facility and had 120 residents two weeks ago now 13 dead… and only 63 remain… anyhow they said they usually see 3-7 deaths a month… yeah , if you believe that you are dumber than i thought 7 maybe the highest one month total ever. and 3 is probably generous… if you did 7 deaths per mo in a facility of 120 people you would turn the whole population annually. That is not acute care or anykind of care … that is hospice. So , i can tell you that is PR BS
They should change their name from life care to Death Care

I am not in Thailand , I was there from 1/10/20 to 1/23/20. I was in Bangkok for the first three days. Then Koh Phayam till we left. Asians have always been comfortable wearing masks. The air quality in Asia is horrible. The first coronavirus case I heard about happened when we were in Thailand. It was on Phuket. When we flew out of Bangkok on 23rd I would say 70% of the people were wearing masks in the airport. We always wear our masks on planes and you need them for the air pollution this time of year in Bangkok. We also use a product called Well Being Mist when we fly and in hotel rooms. It is anti viral, and anti bacterial. It is available from have no financial interest in the company) As for the hospitals in Thailand I would say they are among the best in the world. For my work I visited dozens of them. If I needed hospitalization there is no place I would rather be.
I found this update and it is from 2 days ago.
I agree it is a conundrum, but I think the Thais are on top of things much better than the US. The planes are being disinfected. The airport is pretty empty so getting out with the proper precautions might not be a problem but then go where? US? We all know this gubmint is not on top of it. If it were me I would find long term accommodations in Thailand (ifI could afford it) of course there is the issue of 90 day Visa. I don’t know the procedure for extending
Conundrum indeed


... We allocated what? 12 billion for fighting this crisis. For 7 billion more we could pay everyone in the country $2000 as a “Virus Allotment”. That might keep people indoors.
So $19 billion nets everyone in the country $2000 each? Let's see, 320 million people x $2000 each = ... well its actually $640 billion. Not $19 billion. For $19 billion everyone gets ... $59. And change.

I was going off of 330 million and forgot the decimal point.

I was seriously thinking of making a couple of these for myself and my 7yr old. It’s like one of the first things I thought of (remember that dtrammel? I mentioned it when I first started posting here at ZH)
Of course, I was saying it in humor… I guess now the option seems more realistic? Only thing missing is the activated charcoal homemade gas mask I’ve also brought up a couple times… (check your PM dtrammel and you’ll see what I’m referring to)
Something else to consider is public restrooms. I hate public restrooms anyway so I try to avoid going in them. I read a report in the last year or so that talked about those air-spray dryers and how unsanitary they really are. If you search the issue, you’ll find quite a few articles about this problem. (the link above is just one that I picked)
Basically, the toilets that are auto-flush are very strong in their flushing ability… that releases yuckiness into the air that is then captured by the “filters” in the hand dryers and sprayed all over your freshly washed hands. Whatever the “filters” don’t catch winds up on you. Did I mention I hate public restrooms. Oh, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a gentle blow or a forceful one…