How To Avoid Getting Infected By The Coronavirus

Good memory! I was part of the conversations back when we first discussed hydrogen peroxide as a disinfectant, but the info posted in this thread about the different concentrations of rubbing alcohol made wonder if there might be a similar issue with hydrogen peroxide. I checked what I have here and it is a 3% solution but am now wondering if this is a high enough concentration. I believe I read somewhere that an 8% concentration would kill Covid-19 so wanted to double-check if the 3% works or if I need something else. If you don’t mind posting the link you mentioned again, I would appreciate it.

Little by little I am coming to the conclusion that these strains of viruses are not the same in every country. And the reason is the experiences seem to be differing as do the necessary responses. While I do not know this as fact I can still make a few observations and one of them is that in some countries the disease is incredible virulent while in others it seems less so yet kills more people. And then in the next country it is both virulent and quite deadly. Iran and Italy seem to have a similar version of this Wuhan Virus with unusually high mortality rates compared to Singapore and even South Korea.
We may be getting hit on multiple fronts and the lack of testing, transparency and truthfulness will ensure that it does not come to the public’s attention until we are deep in the crisis. Naturally I am very suspicious about the extent of the illness in Iran but not for the reasons you might guess. Inside that country they are already accusing Israel and the US for unleashing a bioweapon on their unprepared population. But the idea that their long time foes are behind this is too obvious for my liking. It really stinks. I agree with the idea its a bioweapon of course but my suspicion is its a third country behind the widespread infections there leaving the US looking like the obvious perpetrator.
Lets just say its very nasty politics and yes, I think this is the Chinese Communist Party busy at work as we already know they are simultaneously at work accusing the US of deliberately causing this disease outbreak inside their own country. No doubt the idea was hatched to spread Corona inside Iran as the crisis unfolded in Wuhan as cover for the CCP since they could later turn around and point to the facts as “China got attacked and so did Iran”! …its obviously the Americans behind it. Great propaganda of course and it will likely be effective behind their great Wall of Misinformation.
And of course there continues to be substantial doubt about how much influence Chinese leaders have had on the World Health Organization and its idiot leader, Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. I am truly sorry for the Ethiopian people that he is now officially one of their nations most famous countrymen. Right up there with that war criminal Mengistu Haile Mariam who fled Ethiopia in 1987 after his Communist Derg government was toppled. That guy was responsible for a genocide in his own nation involving the starvation of a million of his countrymen.
And personally I do not see much difference between one who kills for political reasons and power versus another whose corrupt practices sold out the world and allowed a global pandemic to form. If not for this one guys actions in refusing to declare Covid19 a pandemic (when it was obviously a pandemic) this disease might still be contained inside China. We can only imagine the size of his blood money payoff from the Chinese but it must have been worth it.
To this very day he continues to refuse to admit there is a pandemic taking place. Its just an emergency according to him because it has not gone worldwide. And yet read his comments of March 3rd media briefing on COVID19 where he uses the words “global” “globally” and “world” seven times in a single short speech proving beyond any doubt he is quite conscious that this emergency we all face, (in part due to his corruption and incompetence), is a worldwide event.
In other words, a PANDEMIC.
This virus is not SARS, it’s not MERS, and it’s not influenza. It is a unique virus with unique characteristics…While many people globally have built up immunity to seasonal flu strains, COVID-19 is a new virus to which no one has immunity. That means more people are susceptible to infection, and some will suffer severe disease. Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected…we are concerned that countries’ abilities to respond are being compromised by the severe and increasing disruption to the global supply of personal protective equipment – caused by rising demand, hoarding and misuse. Shortages are leaving doctors, nurses and other frontline healthcare workers dangerously ill-equipped to care for COVID-19 patients, due to limited access to supplies such as gloves, medical masks, respirators, goggles, face shields, gowns, and aprons.”…COVID-19 causes more severe disease than seasonal influenza….Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected…We’re also working with governments, manufacturers and the Pandemic Supply Chain Network to boost production and secure supplies for critically affected and at-risk countries. Globally, it is estimated that PPE supplies need to be increased by 40 per cent…"
You get the picture. This guy has got to go. A few million unnecessary deaths are on the way because of his gross incompetence. Like I said, no better than Mengistu Haile Mariam in the final analysis. He is going to wear this . And for all I know the reason he got the job in the first place was that a fall man was needed and he was suitable for the job.
But as far as I am concerned the Chinese CCP were behind this from the beginning. Somebody paid for his silence where the truth was needed and somebody promoted him to give such gushing compliments about how the situation in China was handled so effectively. Are we too stupid to put to and two together and not come up with the right answers?
Not bloody likely. He is a sellout and we all know it.
The whole pathetic speech:

Egypt confirms 33 new cases of coronavirus on Nile cruise ship

mch: H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) for inactivating virus on masks
according to this article:
“H2O2 in a 3 percent concentration inactivated all the viruses under study within 1–30 min. Coronavirus and influenza viruses were found to be most sensitive.”
If you need to reuse a mask, soak in hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) for 30 min, then rinse in water and dry. H2O2 should penetrate inside the mask fibers better than UV"

Whew. Wasn’t sure how I would not draw attention to myself if I had to return/exchange many bottles of HP!

A very calm and realistic outlook.
Basically limiting the spread of COVID-19, via a systematic and warlike focus around this virus.
Social distancing, isolation of everyone with symptoms and close contact. Mitigation of interpersonal contact via school closures. Working remotely where possible.
For the hope of developing a vaccine in a world record time of 12-18 months. A further 12 months of ramping up production and vaccination of the world. Hoping the virus does not mutate significantly.
The life we know and the economic and financial impacts are almost incomprehensible…
a public mindset of we are at war and the real world way of cleanliness and limiting exposure.
And the hope summer is good. Winter is bad. Maybe climate change is good … sorry Greta.
But I don’t know if our generations of soft capitalistic greed and want will allow a single minded focus like this it’s definitely not what any politicians have shown clear leadership about
Darn!! :frowning:

3% hydrogen peroxide is not a problem. However much stronger solutions are available and some people might want to buy these to dilute. My experience, in a laboratory, is with 30% H2O2. It is a very strong oxidizer. One of my coworkers unboxed a bottle of 30%. It was housed in a sealed plastic bag and had leaked a bit in shipping. With gloves on, she removed the bottle from the bag, put the bag in the sink with running water, then wiped down the bottle and bench top with paper towels, deposited in a waste basket. In about two minutes, the waste basket was on fire. So have lots of water around if using strong H2O2.

Thank you, dtrammel, for all your posts. I ready them daily, or as posted. Since I can’t seem to figure out how to ‘reply’ I decided to just post a new thread to thank you!
(When I hit the Reply button I’m brought back to the top of the article you’re commenting on)

Lab grade is not the same as household strength. But, for those who dont know and somehow get acees to lab grade, that’s a good tip.
The stuff at walmart, grocery outlet and dollar store, no need to dilute

If we stay with the facts. The Americans have been following dietary guidelines. They reduced meat intake, they reduced fat intake, they increased carbohydrates and increased fruit intake. They have been good.
The results are devastating. They are the most unhealthy people on the planet. I looked at your The same old song. With a creepy guy with, yes, a book.
About the fish we eat. Fat fish like herring and mackerel , no older then one year to limit the mercury intake. Sushi is NOT healthy.

Dtrammel- just wanted to comment that the entire USA is short of masks. I listed to the senate briefings re stockpile and said we did not have enough ventilators NOR masks. That is why Washington is not being given any. I imagine supplies are being stockpiled and rationed for our VIP.
MY DIY idea for masks: high merv filtration AC filters. They are quite dense and I bought charcoal fabric to layer against on the exterior, lined both sides with cotton musil (very thin). AC filters seem to be in supply still, i would also recomend a scarf to cover head, ears, mouth over mask as an additional shield to mucous. Of course hot and uncomfortable for long time wear.
HOUSTON TX is still blissfully ignorant even after finding positive patient at a large catholic church in the wealthiest zipcode (St. Cecilia is the name).

In US, 96M Covid cases, 480K deaths projected
Thanks, Torii! That is an awesome find with stunning information from a credible source! For quick viewing, I’m posting a graphic of the 2/26/20 American Hospital Association presenter’s slide (see below) that was embedded in the article you linked in your comment.
Screen Shot 2020 03 06 at 1.41.37 PM

I haven’t had a chance to delve into this yet, but I usually find useful information from reading industry association public-facing content, and “insider” member-only content like Torii’s slid above when I can get it. :wink:
Updates and Resources on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
I did find this in AHA’s most recent Covid-2019 Update:
Re: testing and respirators:
“America’s Health Insurance Plans yesterday said it is taking action to make sure plans cover COVID-19 diagnostic testing and reduce service barriers, such as prior-authorization and cost-sharing. AHIP also is encouraging the use of telehealth and at-home care to widen access.”
“Meanwhile, Washington state’s Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler also yesterday ordered state health insurers to waive deductibles and copays for COVID-19 testing; suspend prior authorization requirements for treatment or testing; and allow other providers to treat enrollees at no additional cost if an insurer does not have enough medical providers in its network to provide testing and treatment.”
“The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has created fact sheets for Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program and some individual and small group market private insurance plans that explain coverage for COVID-19-related health care services.”
“CMS also released a second Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System code for laboratories to use to bill for certain COVID-19 diagnostic tests in an effort to increase testing and track new cases. Medicare will accept these codes starting April 1.”
“LabCorp last night made a COVID-19 test it developed available for clinicians. The qualitative assay test using PCR technology is validated for use with respiratory samples, nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs, and broncheoalveolar lavage. Samples should be sent to LabCorp, and patients should not be sent to LabCorp locations for testing. Quest Diagnostics also will launch a molecular-based assay COVID-19 test service March 9.”
“To encourage manufacturers to immediately increase production of N95 respirators for use by health care professionals while providing reassurance to manufacturers that they will not be left with excess supplies once the COVID-19 response subsides, HHS announced it will purchase 500 million N95s for the Strategic National Stockpile over the next 18 months. In its announcement, HHS says that private sector orders would be filled before the SNS order.”
“The World Health Organization today said 20 COVID-19 vaccines are in development, and several clinical trials of therapeutics are underway. WHO is monitoring active pharmaceutical components made in affected countries in case an effective treatment is found using those ingredients.”

Any best guesses as to when these will be compromised? Over a week ago my postmaster said mail service with Italy had been suspended. I am sending a registered package, Monday, and hopefully receiving all packages by end of the week. I will spray down and quarantine packages, esp. those from Washington.

I see no facts in your post, rather speculation. As I said, science regarding nutrition is readily available, just not from the USDA. Whether you chose to avail yourself of the science is entirely up to you.

…includes a nice shout-out to Chris and PP:
Market Contagion & DEFLATION - Gold/Silver Update - Mike Maloney

Coronavirus: Why The US Is In Deep Trouble (3/7/20)

First lets talk about people on self quarantine. These people are acting like its some soft of suggestion, and not mandatory because its self imposed. I guess they would rather be locked in a cell. I know cuomo implied there may be some additional actions they could take about these people blowing quarantine… Not sure if he meant locking them up to contain them or perhaps pressing legal criminal charges against them. I would think the latter is definitely really possible - we know S Korea will fine people something ridiculous and like something up to 2 years in jail. The point here is we have laws in most states that already cover this - its called reckless endangerment, meaning, this is acting in disregard to human health and welfare that one would only expect someone to be harmed or killed. So check… we have laws to lock up these people. or fine them as well. and restitution… So yeah…
Then we have the hoarding and gouging of medical supplies. There are laws on the books for this as well. I think people who will buy face masks at .50 and sell them at 100 times face value, are just sick… I know its all about free enterprise - its a capitalistic country… but what if had enough money to buy the entire beef industry in the country - and then decide to charge 100 times current prices… i guess all for capitalism and free enterprise… but in this case we are talking about potential of people dying without medical and public being able to access these resources economically… during a community crisis. There are laws on the books in many states following hurricanes etc. where people did this. It seems Amazon is assisting AG in sniffing out these people. especially where the supplies may have been obtained illegally. I think some of these folks selling masks and gloves and other ppe and sanitizers will be going to jail. We know now that facebook instagram and others are removing their ads. I would not want to be a guy who hoarded masks and sold them at 40$ each right now…