How To Avoid Getting Infected By The Coronavirus

I found this package of absorbent shelf liners at a large grocery near us. They look tightly woven, and I thought I might cut them up to be improvised face masks. Two per pkg, very cheap, like $1.29, each about the size of a placemat. I have no idea how much they would protect, but they are the thickness of a few sheets of construction paper, can’t see through it, washable. Better than naked!

I am not a sacrifice to other people. Mandatory self-sacrifice is treason to your own life. If that is a requirement to have ethics or morality, as defined by you, I will be “devoid” and be ok with that. Charity and self-sacrifice for people and values you hold dear are choices and doing good is it’s own reward.

Are you applying for gatekeeper? If not, who decides and by what standards?

Chris provided very detailed instruction in his post about their “personal” preparations.It’s behind the paywall, prob about 2-3 weeks ago. Look for the keyword personal in the post titles.

I hope the black varieties I plant will spread as well as the native varieties seem to. I have a path in the woods with a stretch of elderberries on one side that goes maybe a hundred feet or so… absolutely beautiful in bloom and when covered in fruit. The critters love 'em.

Choosing not to be near strangers who look Asian, but still choosing to be around non-Asian strangers… is being racist.
Nah…just plain stupid.

This is Chris’ recipe for the syrup. I don’t think he will mind my sharing it. The extract is not too awful tasting if you mix in enough honey. :slight_smile: Elderberry Syrup recipe

I am sure the UV light box suggested by LK is a good unit. Here is another option. This one is for sale at Amazon at what seems to be a reasonable price. It gets very high reviews. I am going to start using it regularly for my CPAP stuff, with or without the corona virus. (I have no financial interest in this at all.)

He seems to have decided that our health is more important that pleasing higher ups… His press conference (on youtube now) is worth watching.

I find this one very useful

This is preliminary, the press release is from February 21, and hasn’t been updated since. Hope they (or someone else with a reliable test) get the approval soon. Serological assays will be crucial to assess the proportion of mild and asymptomatic infections.

Shelf paper… tissues , toilet paper heck no… dont be silly… Hepa media from furnace filters, vacuums … yes go for it… in a pinch.

I have looked at those for my Cpap a while back when i first got it. They were pricey for what they do. 200-400. easier to make your own box and stock a uvc or ozone bulb in it- I got my uvc and ozone lights for 20 bucks each. a month ago… No longer available on amazon. there may be others

I think that assessment is way off - i would apply a fact of ten to their deaths and hospitalizations… And a factor of 2 for total cases…

Two new cases:
Shoppers staying away from markets:
Controlled mask distributions:
I suspect Thailand is keeping their numbers hidden due to the prevalence of its tourist sex trade industry. If tourists are massively infected with the virus and return to homes all over the globe Thailand will be vilified as a source in the same way China has. My two cents on that…

Chuck was roommates with the first man who died at the LifeCare Center in Kirkland Washington. His son became infected by visiting…This was posted by a friend of mine who knows the family. I am encouraging them to share as much as they are comfortable with.
My friend’s first-hand account of her husband’s infection and hospitalization with the Coronavirus. Scott is younger than I am, and is otherwise very healthy. From Wendy Sedlacek–The Corona Virus has hit very close to home for us. Scott’s father, Chuck, is a resident of the LifeCare Center in Kirkland, the epicenter of the US outbreak. The inability to get him services, care and release has been beyond frustrating. He has yet to be tested for the virus a week following the first death. Getting answers and assistance has been nearly impossible. Scott was exposed to Covid19 at LifeCare and was hospitalized on Wednesday. He is home now and much better. Understand that this virus is much more prevalent and more virulent than you are hearing. Scott is in robust health and it hit him like a train. We are so frightened for Chuck and the other residents who remain at the center. In spite of grand promises from local politicians to national leaders, our experience has taught us that the process in place to get tested is nonexistent and hotlines are inept. No one knows what is going on and this virus is unknown and unpredictable. Be proactive in keeping yourself well. Please isolate your elderly family and friends. The hospital advised us to consult this Johns Hopkins site for the for most reliable information.”
Chris …if you would like to talk directly to these people I can try to facilitate that. I think there is a lot to be learned from this story.

Thank you, sir. I’m usually able to keep up with the literature but that particular article eluded me. JAMA’s website wasn’t agreeing with my search. People like numbers, that’s why I’m hoping the packet of data findings will open the eyes of the agency I work for and we can start getting more proactive with our mitigation strategies. Best of luck out there. Be safe and thanks for all the time and energy your putting in to help us all out. You’ll get your reward, lord willing.

Ok so we have new links to the three collections of comments from the videos, which I call “Megathreads” and that Chris linked to in the video above.
They can be found on the forums here:
General Discussion and Questions>>Living Capital>>Coronavirus (Covid-19) Preparation
They include Part One, from 1/23/2020 to 2/23/2020 and Part Two, from 2/24/2020 to currently 3/3. Part Two will be updated as I can. The three posts are here:
Covid 19: Sanitation, PPE and Self Quarantine Megathread
Covid19: Medicinals, Herbals and Supplements Megathread
Covid19: Home Prep, Deep Pantry & Gardening Megathread

I also have downloads of all three. If you want them, PM me and send me your email.

Seventy trapped in collapsed Chinese quarantine hotel
“The building collapsed at about 7:30 p.m. (1130 GMT) and 34 people were rescued in the following two hours, the Quanzhou authorities said.”
“The official People’s Daily said the hotel had opened in June 2018 with 80 rooms and was being used to quarantine people during the coronavirus outbreak.”
“The Fujian provincial government said that as of Friday, the province had 296 cases of coronavirus and 10,819 people had been placed under observation after being classified as suspected close contacts.”
“No reason was given for the collapse of the hotel.”