How To Avoid Getting Infected By The Coronavirus

I just bought a UV system to sterilize rainwater for domestic consumption. It comes with a 110 volt ballast and a 36” bulb.
It seems like the 3’ 55watt bulb could be set up under a metal shield to create a sterilization chamber. At Home Depot you can get 4’ x12” or maybe 16” diameter vent pipe that comes flat. You have to snap it together to make a round duct. So …I would leave it open and attach a 2x2 4’ long to reinforce each edge. It would look like a mini Quonset hut. You could drill some 1/16” + or- holes in the top and make some wire loops at the same spacing as the ends of the bulb and hang the bulb up near the top of the enclosure. Cap off one end and use the other end as a door. Or just place your item to be sterilized on a hard surface and place the Quonset hut over the item and then plug it in. Get a timer if you want.
I’m not smart enough to know how much light transmission would be needed or how much time, but this is a common item in water treatment and Prime available on amazon.
The one I bought for my job came with a SS tube for water flow, but you can buy the 55watt ballast and bulbs as separate items.
Thoughts…comments …and constructive criticism is encouraged.

91% alcohol two parts and aloe Vera lotion one part gives you about the right alcohol concentration. I have yet to try this. Have any of you?

Here is a Peakprosperity improvised PPE challenge. People are improvising PPE all over the planet. Are there any “do it yourself” designs that have been tested and proven to be effective? How do we test our own designs to prove efficacy? What materials are people using? How can things be sanitized for reuse?
As an ER nurse in Michigan where we have not even had a confirmed case yet and PPE is already in short supply, I would be very grateful for help and information.
I think that many emergency personnel are prepared to work sick and “naked” if needs be, but anything we can do to increase are safety, effectiveness and longevity would be much appreciated.
If you go into battle prepared to die, you might live. If you go into battle hoping to live, you will surely die. ~ Samurai proverb.
Blessed be,
John G .

There is only supply and demand.

Seattle area hospital no longer testing for Coronavirus? Says it’s already endemic and testing adds risk of more exposure at their hospital. HOW CAN WE STOP IF NOT TESTING!
“”””Can I be tested for COVID-19 at an EvergreenHealth Urgent Care or clinic? In partnership with the CDC, we have updated our screening guidelines for COVID-19. We have halted performing nasopharyngeal testing in our outpatient clinics, including our urgent care locations. Here’s why: The CDC has determined that COVID-19 is now endemic, meaning that the virus is now considered to be regularly found in our region amongst our population. Previously, only individuals who had previously known risk factors (including history of travel, exposure to a confirmed case), were considered high risk for acquiring the disease. There is increased risk of transmission when performing any nasopharyngeal testing.””””  

I just ordered up a few more to plant to go with the native elderberries I already have growing here at home. I have the red ones that are supposed to make you a little sick when consumed raw. Figured I should add some of the black/purple elderberries into the mix. There may be a huge demand for them soon/already.

I have been watching Chris’ videos for several weeks now (and very much appreciating them) and seem to remember that in one of them he showed a poster/flier which I think was from the Singaporean authorities, that gave very straightforward and honest information to it’s citizens about the virus. If anyone knows where I can find it again I would be very grateful. I would like to be able to pass it on.

Hey Tom Sammy…While that release was easy to misread…I interpret it as saying they are only testing in their hospitals, but not Urgent Care or Outpatient Clinics.

I posted info on the CoralUV light box previously. It is now on sale for 109US!! This was developed in 2018 by a couple in Toronto Ontario just south of where I live. They used a Kickstarter Program to raise the money to sell it in Canada and the U.S. and have plans to expand into Europe and Asia. Either they have reduced the price to raise capital for their expansion or else they are one of the few businesses who are genuinely trying to help ( like Chris) as opposed to many other places that have raised their prices on all things COV - 19 related. Testing info on their website,, showed that it killed all five microbes tested in ten minutes. We don’t know how long it would take for COV - 19 and I read something about the SARS virus taking much longer. Do your own research on times, methods and so on. I have one myself and would highly recommend it particularly due to the size ( 10.5" x 10.5" x10") and now it’s a great price. I put in my Cpap mask, water tank, glasses, toothbrush, phone, car keys. It will dry as well as sanitize. It could help sanitize a fibre mask before you isolate the mask for a set number of days. A half face mask would fit and I don’t know if a full face is larger than 10 inches high.
Where I live I have yet to find one single aquaintance or relative who is concerned and all think it is a bunch of hype over a seasonal flu. In contrast, the Asian community on the other side of town has been buying up whole shelves of supplies I am told by Home Depot. My own family thinks Peak Prosperity has warped my mind, the stock market has bottomed and life is normal, the 28 cases in Ontario ( so far) prove it is under control, we will never run out of pharmaceuticals, our hospital system is the best in the world and can handle it and on and on and on. So thankful to know there is a group of like minded people on this site. Buy a CoralUV. You won’t regret it. I don’t know the manufacturer and this is not an ad LOL.

I buy at in the netherlands.
dried purple/black for euro 3,90 / 200 gram
enough to make 1,5 ltr (50 days at 30 ml a day)

Hi Chris,

I live in the Seattle area. The Kirkland outbreak is 30 mins north of me. The reality here is that no officials seem to know what they are doing. Everyone is just trying to follow what the CDC is saying which is so misleading. Anyway, i wanted to point out that they have opened a quarantine centre about 12 mins from where I live, which by the way is in a residential area with a group home nearby. But get this: there is no running water and sewer yet just portable toilets. Based on your video from yesterday, isn’t there evidence that this virus can spread via human waste??!!

King County picks White Center site for quarantine site amid COVID-19 response

There is such a thing as acting responsibly, however. We do not get to check our humanity or decency at the door of “the market”.

Spoken like a true libertarian, devoid of any sense of ethics, morality, responsibility to the environment or to humanity. Perfect.
These are not only statistically impressive, but graphically stunning.

As I posted before, we planted domestic elderberries that grew and produced vigorously, and spread by root quickly. The berries are larger than wild varieties. That may have been the micro habitat where we were at the time. We have since moved and I don’t know how well they will do here.
We have lots of jam, wine and frozen berries, but no syrup. Does anyone have a good recipe for syrup?

Well. I was tryin to become an inventor before all this shit happened so i should atleast make a half decent attempt.
So here goes. When you have absolutely NOTHING but you still want some form of protection.

  1. PPE >suit< is not really needed. Your skin is a perfectly good PPE suit. Just don’t expose any tears in it (AKA cover up cuts and bruises with something tight). If you throw your clothes in the dryer with a good amount of soap and wash it at a high temperature (65C or above) those will be fine, then if you take a shower with a good scrubdown, your skin will be fine too.
    1b. Your nether regions need to be blocked off though. Clothes will generally do the trick but maybe pads are an idea for women simply because the problem is larger. I don’t think regular people need to do this but nurses being continuously exposed…
  2. Gloves are sort of mandatory simply because of hand doing the most, so you want another layer of protection for cuticles, lil cuts and scraps that sort of thing. Just instead of taking them off, sanitize the gloves like you would your hands anyway.
  3. Eye gear: swim goggles. If it’s water proof it’s virus proof, essentially. Besides it’s not like this virus particles are homing missiles; all they have is numbers and luck. You can wear your swim goggles in the shower for disinfecting.
  4. Mask. Alright time to get creative. If you absolutely have nothing and want a mask, this is what i came up with (if nothing else good for a laugh):

    Ya find a coca cola can (or a half liter big one if you want extra space), make sure the top is popped. Get a sheet of toilet paper (3/4 ply) and secure it around the top (i didn’t have a rubber band so i used yarn). That’ll be your filter both ways. Then, cut a cross in the middle with a long horizontal line and either one or two vertical lines (i think two will end up being more comfortable).
    Bend the sides inwards so you don’t have any sharp edges digging into your lips and the steel’s thin enough to be sculpted a bit. You can replace the “filter” anytime with simply a new sheet of toilet paper. I didn’t have any rubber bands to secure it to my face, otherwise one on each side around the can and around my ears should do.
    Then use something to pinch your nose cause i don’t think that’ll reach.
    No need to keep making new cans either; Just dump the whole thing in a bucket of bleach water, remove the toilet paper and toss it, then rinse the can clean and put another filter on there.
    If you wanna go fancy you can always make an exit valve too. Just cut some excess material from a 2nd can or something, puncture a hole somewhere in the can, then ducttape the extra material over it, but only tape it horizontally so air can escape across the sides; and make sure it’s NOT taped down tight. It also needs to be on the outside of the can. When you exhale, you push the material away and air escapes via the sides while when you inhale you pull the material against the can and it closes the airway. Just as long as it costs no effort to breathe out and super alot of effort to breathe in (meaning the air is forced to go via the toilet paper one way and via the valve the hole the other).
    See; the trick to making a custom mask is trying to minimize the surface area over which you draw breath. Because drawing air through a filter costs effort. Physics doesn’t like effort. It likes easy. So if you simply hold a paper towel to your face, air will come around the sides instead of through it. Because that’s easier.
    So if you limit your breathing area from all around your mouth to one specific area, a small area, like the popped top of pop, it becomes much easier to actually filter that area. Because the air has no choice but to go through that small filter area.
    The small filter area is easy, any hole will do. The hard part is closing off your mouth to that limited area. That’s what the can is for: Hard material (supported by soft material for comfort) simply makes a stronger seal; therefor, more pressure can be applied to the limited area before air once again takes the easy way in; around the mask.
    Just follow those concepts anything will do.

Follow this fascinating thread as a PhD biologist/engineer shares a thought experiment on bed and mask depletions by the end of May. Conservative assumptions re: exponential spread, so this could be an optimistic projection. Crikey!
I found this thread and the link to coronavirus dashboards at Naked Capitalism.

You might want to dive into the scientific studies on nutrition conducted over the last 40 years and ignore popular diet books and fads. might be a good place to start.
I normally recommend, but your current ideas are so far off, I’m not sure you will get anything out of that.

The apparent difference in the severity of the epidemic between Germany and Italy (and likewise between South Korea and Iran etc) is indeed puzzling and interesting. I’m not that convinced yet about the different strains of the virus being more virulent than another. I think Italy is weeks behind the curve, and there are first of all lots of milder and asymptomatic cases undetected (and spreading the virus). Germany on the other hand may have got their hands on many more milder cases, and also in the early phase of the disease course; some of these will of course become more serious and critical. It would also be interesting to know how many of the German cases were imported and the ages of the patients. If I think about the situation here in Finland (19 cases so far reported), only one patient is elderly (so far), every other of working age or children. So, maybe in the early phase of the epidemic many of the patients are young enough to get only a mild disease, but later things get nasty when the elderly and more vulnerable part of the population gets infected.
Cheers, FF

Last one, promise.
An American Hospital Association presentation on 26 February included grim projections. Check out the slide.