How We'll Beat The Coronavirus

i’ve been a tradesman and i love overalls, action back and coverall. instead of using throwaway coveralls, why dont they consider using cotton coveralls. i know they aren’t perfect, but i’m sure that after laundering all the bugs would be destroyed.
also isn’t copper anti bacterial?. weave it into safety clothing (like in socks), and make hand rails etc in hospital out of copper and brass (similar to what they once did)

France Info is the French government’s instrument which they use to get their message out. I also saw this story almost word for word in le Monde - this is the way MSM works, they all publish the same story hoping that the public believes them because “different sources” are saying the same thing.
We all know now that Wuhan has a P4 lab, the only one in China. The article below is trying to convince the French public that the government is not obstructing the results for Chloroquine by Didier Raoult IHU Marseille Infection. Well if you take an attitude like Colombo, they give you all the info that you need to inculpate themselves.
Did you know that it was the French Government which through INSERM built the P4 laboratory a Huhan. And that the husband of Agnès Buyzn, the French Health minister who quit her post to run for Mayor of Paris (failing miserably) March 15th - husband who was in charge of INSERM and was present along with the French Prime Minister Bernanrd Cazeneuve (we have both a President and a Prime Minister different posts) at the “accréditation” of said laboratory in 2017, constructed in 2015. Mr Yves Lévy was president of INSERM from 2014. In the aticle they try to downplay the conflicts of interest using arguments that the Coronavirus in a category 3 pathogen so it had no reason to even be in a lab suited for class 4 pathenogens.
Professeur Raoult got under the couple’s skin by complaining about the conflict of interest. Mr Levy had to decline his post.

Just got an e-mail from a not-for-profit in Bellingham, Washington, ( looking for volunteers to make protective gear from Tyvek. Currently, they are planning for people to work together in a large room (at the required distance), but are working on kits for home manufacture.
with the Professeur Raoult who does the introduction
their results for Covid-19
number of patients treated to date with hydroxychloroquine and azythromycine in the hospital part of their laboratory
1818 infected patients
deaths after 3 days of treatment
The video shows the date and films the French Prime Minister, whose party lost the elections in May 2017 and has since left the government.
The clip gives you a glimse of the now infamous lab, built in 2015 - recognized as a P4 lab at this opening ceremony. He speaks mostly about how Wuhan is going to be a carbon-friendly city.

I read this last night - the author is sometimes vulger - but intelligent. Sorry to post this on ypour site Chris, but IMO the battle is to get us out of our houses as quickly as possible in the best conditions. You have brought up some points.
But this article says in very plain English that we have an answer, maybe not the best one, but it is simple, cost effective - if someone has the symtoms … OK there is the caveat that the medication can interfere with an existing heart malfunctionment.
But you guys are “The American Know-how”. That is what the world is waiting for - cut through the RED TAPE and get on with it - Just Do It. All this waiting for a protol to be established before just trying this on someone before they become really sick - lunacy!
Anyways, for my two cents worth, and peace of mind - because we are in a double race for time - the virus - and to get back to work to save what is left of the economy.

Please visit my site: Scroll to bottom of the page and Share Far and wide to SAVE Lives.
Thanks Andrew

I am in NY and it’s use is restricted to pneumonia patients with severe hypoxia (low oxygen) because it is in shortage.
The rest of the country will benefit from our misfortune as there is research going on at the hospitals and clinics to get data on effective treatments. I think we run out of ventilators next week and then things get very sad. Bipap is now the next alternative according to the governor (a complicated form of CPAP). The survival rate on ventilators is low but some people do get off of them. And people will still hate us for asking for help. I somehow feel bitter about this but it is not directed at anyone here.
I am not able to comment on what is best (don’t know) but the threads here have some good info. Personally I am on quercetin, zinc and vitamin c.

The message is getting through now that thing have become catastrophic and they are telling people to use bandanas etc…
Thank you Chris for your incredibly good work and for getting the message out.

Thank you, Chris & Adam, for another very informative video. This is one that should be watched by everyone.
Meanwhile, in Switzerland, top authorities still maintain masks are not needed by the general public. Austria, next-door, gets it! Masks are now mandatory in their supermarkets and they apparently intend to roll it out to more places.
I am not the only person in Switzerland frustrated by this. I have read lots of comments from people criticizing this no-mask-is-needed by the public narrative.
I get that there just aren’t enough for everyone. And priority should be given to medical staff. But why tell the public masks are not needed? Tell the public to make their own DIY masks at home, encourage local tailors, seamstresses, fashion designers, and anyone who can use a needle and a thread to pull together and make fabric masks for the people. Many other countries are doing it, why not Switzerland?
This is gut-wrenching! 19,145 cases today for a population of 7.8 million.
What will it take for the top Swiss authorities to acknowledge that masks should be worn by everyone when out in public? How much more data and evidence do they need to be convinced to change their current stance? And why does the WHO not declare that masks are needed by everyone? Will a change in WHO’s stance make Switzerland sit up and align with that change too?
Is common sense really not that common anymore? In this battle between humans vs the Coronavirus, it seems that the humans who are ahead of the curve are the ordinary ones not in power, not in politics, not in huge medical institutions that have seen this disaster coming from way back in January, when the rest of the world just shrugged it off as a “Wuhan problem.” And these ordinary Joe & Jane Bloggs have prepared. The ones who should have prepared their countries, their medical establishments, their organizations sadly didn’t move fast enough.
Thanks as always, Chris and Adam, for always ensuring the PP community is up-to-speed, ahead of the curve, prepared … so we can lend a hand to the “deer in the headlights” people who are just realizing the gravity of what’s happening to our world right now.
Should all Swiss be wearing face masks? -

Chris, Adam,
Your analysis over the COVID-19 outbreak has been massively influential for me, my family, and many others in my close circle. You have done exceptional service to our nation and humanity.
Your latest reasoning on just wear a “frigging” mask is so simple and clear that I find it incredulous that people in positions of influence still take pains to refute and caveat that guidance. Our “managerial class” - great term - is horrendously dishonest and so wrapped up in their narrow self interests (power, wealth, corruption,…) that they can not even comprehend what is best for the common folk of our nation.
4th turning is upon us now.
Team Prosperity: Please keep going!
Everyone: Plant your gardens, spread the peakprosperity message. It is time for us to wake up and regain control over our government, our debts, and our lives.

Masks might slow infection rate enough that chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine production can catch up and keep up.

With regards to the podcast about the necessity of wearing masks, I’ve just come across this link which warns about using the HEPA filter. Does anyone know what other type of filter I could use instead? Thanks!

Here is a Facebook post from a man in Atlanta who has recovered from the virus. Of particular interest to me is the part where he recommends that you try to avoid the ventilator if you can in order to have the least invasive treatment. It may not work for everyone but it it is food for thought.

Both I and my wife wear N95 masks to protect ourselves and others. Since we live in the New York metro area epicenter, are both over 70 and I have an autoimmune condition we are trying to protect ourselves as much as possible.
I have read here about rotating or sterilizing N95 masks. Do the n95 masks like those by 3m have a lifespan? I have a p100 cartridge type that rates the lifespan.
The reason that I ask about lifespan is that my nurse who administers my infusion for my condition came over last was wearing a mask, goggles and gloves (thankfully) and I was also we also were wearing a mask, goggles, and gloves. She said that they were tested for proper fitment of the mask by the hospital with sort of a hood that they spray sorbital in and then the nurse puts their head into the dome. If she could smell the sorbital then the fit wasn’t right. I asked her how I could check and she said that if I felt around the edges of the mask when I was breathing out and no air was coming out it was probably right.
Yesterday when I was getting some emergency gas cans filled for the generator I smelled the gas through the mask I was wearing. Does that mean it is no longer effective and should be discarded? Thanks in advance for your help.
All the best,
Ted Sudol

This deserves some modeling that I have not the time to do right now, and the answer will shift width mask reuse policy, but in general the math seems likely to favor widespread use of masks.
Every clinically sick Covid-19 patient probably has some incremental effect on medical use of masks. With normal mask usage, each isolation patient causes clinicians and visitors to consume lots of masks, probably 12/day is conservative. Over a few weeks, that would be hundreds of masks per patient.
Mask usage is no longer normal, of course. Visitors are excluded, and medical personnel are reusing one mask all day, if they have a mask at all. At some point, they will use a single good mask for at least days, keeping it covered with a DIY mask, and sterilize both every day. However,when enough people get sick the system will need more staffing, and will start recruiting retirees, researchers, administrators, etc, anyone with an MD, PA, NP, RN, or LPN degree, and then EMTs and retired medics and 4th year medical students. Linear thinkers in the hospitals are actually worried about discouraging N95 and surgical mask donations from the public, or competing with the public for masks, but another threat, coming soon, potentially bigger, is that clinicians and other support personnel staffing field hospitals and shelters will be competing with hospitals for masks.
Would that competition matter if the newly recruited clinicians only wear 1 mask a day? The latest CDC data suggests that the US doubling time finally has lengthened to ~5 days, up from the terrible 2’s. A 2 day doubling is 10x in 7 days, and 10,000x in a month. With a 2-day doubling time, the USA curve would have turned sigmoid before the end of April because starting from 160,000 around April 1 and adding 10,000x, I get 1,600,000,000. That is about 5x more people than we have, so the curve would have to flatten. With a 5 day doubling time, and maybe getting longer as the administration reportedly gets on board with masks and we ramp up chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine production and treatment, we can reasonably expect probably 10x but less than 100x in April, and maybe steady state in May. So let’s say just 10x to be optimistic, which would be 1.6 million documented cases by the end of April. We are going to use a lot of masks if we can find enough medical people to wear them.
If we could get the doubling time out to 10 or 20 days by getting everyone in the public to wear a DIY mask starting yesterday, that should really help balance supply and demand for medical masks. You need a lot more details than I have handy to make real estimates, but a 10x or larger increase in cases starting from 100’s of thousands has to have an effect on clinical rate of disposable mask use.
What if the public did compete for surgical and N-95 masks instead of using DIY masks, but reused a fixed number of masks for weeks or months? I reuse 1 mask that I had before the outbreak, and try to sterilize it with UV on the days that I wear it. I have a few more masks from previous years, as you can see. The public is now hard pressed to get more masks, so behavior something like mine is probably common. We could argue that the public is competing to the extent that it keeps any masks it has stashed instead of donating those to the hospitals. This can’t be a big number compared to the demand, but maybe every US resident has stashed 5 surgical or N95 masks, so there are 1.5 billion idle masks out there. This is a stock, not a flow. There should still be a break-even point (in the number of infections) where the whole system starts needing a smaller flow of masks if the public cleans and reuses its stock of masks to reduce infections and therefore the flow of masks needed by clinicians, rather than making a single use sacrifice to the hospitals. Still, linear thinkers will call this selfish behavior by the public.
Of course, it would be great to have it both ways. The medical community would appreciate getting an infusion of the public’s mask stock, whether it is 1.5 billion or 1.5 million. That could happen at minimal risk to the public if it could use good DIY mask designs to slow the growth in infections. No one would have cause to be bitter about some mote.
So it seems to me that a long term reduction in the rate of medical use of masks is a fourth, smaller but not trivial reason for the public to wear masks. It may be useful to include on the list if (1) the assessment is correct and (2) resistance to public mask use comes from medical people who are worried about their supply of PPE.

In the US, the Dept. of Health and Human Services accepted a donation of 30 million doses of hydroxychloroquine from Sandoz. The pills are being reserved for patients who are already hospitalized!
How many hospitalized covid-19 patients do we have in the US at present? Fifty thousand at most? That would be 20% of the 250,000 known cases, which would be at the high end of estimates of serious complication rate. Worldometer says the US has 5,421 critical patients.
As Jim says above: you should be able to recognize the enemy.

Halriz - check out this article re: use of ‘shop towels’ as a filtering material :
They are also working on a good mask design & are supposed to release instructions for making it soon

Just like you didn’t need masks.
You are all stupid and incapable of thinking for yourselves.
Listen to and obey your authorities without question.
Quash any impulse towards thinking and acting independently.
We’ll let you know what to do next … just as soon as we figure it out.
But above all, continue washing your hands. Wash, wash, wash, wash, wash.
Over and out.
Your government and government appointed experts

Yesterday when I was getting some emergency gas cans filled for the generator I smelled the gas through the mask I was wearing. Does that mean it is no longer effective and should be discarded? Thanks in advance for your help.
Raw gasoline, like propane is odorless. They add chemicals that make it smell so we don't blow ourselves up. Like perfume. These are molecules. The virus particles are much larger. I believe something like 10x bigger. I've seen conservative estimates that you can use a mask 20 times. A big factor is wear and moisture, either of which will degrade the material. If you are sterilizing the masks in the oven, then any moisture concerns should be addressed. There is a third factor, which is electrostatic filtration. Basically the mask has a small charge like socks out of the dryer which helps pull the virus particles to the material weave. Not sure what repeated use and sterilization does there. Considering your are immune compromised, I would probably set up 10 or so masks and use just time to sterilize, not heat. That would be your best option if you have the masks. If not, then a slightly used N95 is going to be much better than a cloth or handmade cotton one. I will say, one mask company ran their filters thru 3x daily disinfection with alcohol for 180 days with no loss except for the ink running.