How We'll Beat The Coronavirus

I began logging the spread of the bio weapon virus around January 15 and started following Chris Martenson’s video posts shortly thereafter. At that time, he was one of the few voices sounding the alarm. He correctly pointed out that the Chinese were lying and Hell was to follow. He was right on both accounts. The bottom line? Do not trust any government for truth. It is beyond its capability. Be prepared for the worst case scenario so you can take care of yourself and family.

As Jim H has mentioned, this is probably the most important step at this time to get things under control and get people back to work.
The quick test kits are being produced. Anyone that tests positive should immediately be prescribed HCQ as outpatient even with no symptoms. That and wearing masks, plus social distancing and those most vulnerable restricting their contact and movements. Instead of waiting for a miracle vaccine that is over a year away , this is a way to beat this thing today. Save lives and the economy.

I’ve generally liked moon of alabama reporting. From their Corona blog is a somewhat amusing progression or reporting as you view early to later blog postings. To MOA’s credit they did not take down the early postings
Previous Moon of Alabama posts on the issue:

Here is a good 1 page chart on the proper fitment of n95 mask. It also shows the proper way to put on and take off the mask. 3M also has some good videos on their site.
All the best,

Dr. Zelenko for now is only prescribing to the high risk slice of his population that is presenting with symptoms, at least for now. If I recall his stat’s he had only prescribed to about 1/3 of his patients, and he is not waiting the three days (for now) that it takes to get a test result back to prescribe. If you are presenting symptoms and over 60, he will prescribe. If you are under 60 and have problems like diabetes and hypertension, he will prescribe.
If we had enough of the drug, it would make sense to prescribe even more aggressively I think. I surely think we should follow India’s lead and give it to front line medical workers prophylactically, immediately.

Have seen a comment or two that tells me new viewers are not absorbing all of the great info in the 60+ videos that are available on PP. Since that is now a LOT of hours of viewing, it might help to do a shortie intro for new viewers on this, and maybe another on the financial basics of too much debt, and Ka-poom concepts. Just a suggestion.

This video is fantastic for general sharing. I’ve watched the people around me gradually go from complete ridicule of the idea of masks, to gradual dawning. I will post it everywhere I can to keep the momentum going. I was delighted to note an ER doctor in a town nearby in BC saying outright that the medical people need the medical grade masks for now, of which there are not enough, but home-made masks are a big help and everyone should wear them. YES!
This has been a major victory, and Peak Prosperity should get a big chunk of the credit. Thanks again guys!
And I hope all the excitement about hydroxychloroquine turns out to be justified and it’s a silver bullet where it can be used safely. But in the meantime, masks are simple and will definitely put a spoke in the wheels of the speeding virus. Giving our collective immune systems time to gear up and bat it out.

Didi anyone see Tucker last night? He interviewed the Florida Emergency Dept Director who talked to 3M and its distributors but could not buy N95 respirators because foreigners were showing with with cash to buy supply. So now we now why the masks cost so much. Fine 3M Biggggly!

I’m sure he’ll pay the price by getting a big bonus and cushy pay out to step down.

“…In our 130 years, we have navigated many economic cycles without a disruption in providing clients with access to their funds and I have complete confidence that will continue.”
Now that is really reassuring…not.
Was a bit surprised at the first articles when Bernhard of MoA came out on the Coronavirus as he seems to have a good grasp on many things ongoing. But he has turned quickly…

The Cloward-Piven Strategy To Collapse America:

  1. Healthcare– Control healthcare and you control the people. HAPPENING NOW
  2. Poverty – Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live. HAPPENING NOW
  3. Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty. HAPPENING NOW
  4. Gun Control – Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state. HAPPENING NOW
  5. Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives. (Food, Housing, and Income) HAPPENING NOW
  6. Education – Take control of what people read and listen to us“ take control of what children learn in school. ALREADY DONE
  7. Religion – Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools. ALREADY DONE
  8. Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor. HAPPENING NOW

NYT has an interesting article on UV-C lights in Hospitals for UV germicidal irradiation.
Several days ago I reported on home-made UV-C light (254 nm) for mask decontamination - here we have an example of larger scale usage of UV-C lights in hospital environments.
Looks like it works for them ! They report irradiation times of 3-5 minutes.

This CDC document on N-95 mask decontamination methods appears to be intended for a professional audience as it contains discussions, tables, and references to research ( The document was reviewed on 4/01/20.
Chris, you may want to review and comment on the usefulness of this info. Would be appreciated.

I agree completely with the video. I would ADD that wearing a mask reduces the likelihood of inhaling an infectious particle. It does not block all aerosolized particles but surely would lessen the risk. The 3rd point Chris makes is similar.
I have done a lot of walking around my neighborhood and do occasionally pass other walkers by 6 feet or more. I agree that it is possible for my breath to hang in the air for 10 minutes or more BUT I do not think low population density outside areas require masks. Yes, inside a store or interacting with other people but not necessarily taking a walk. The question then is whether it helps with the idea that mask wearing is normal (it does) but taking a hike in the woods with a mask feels like overkill.

Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Plan (Provisional 7th Edition)
Not sure if this has been posted before but the above is an unofficial translation of this source: 新型冠状病毒肺炎诊疗方案(试行第七版)

This recommends using just running water. No soap, nor bleach.
Honestly, this beggars belief!

The University Hospital at Leuven, Belgium is on to something good. They are testing a very potent antiviral drug on a big group of Covid patiënts. The antiviral was discovered in the DAWN (Direct Antivirals Working Against nCoV)-study. They havent released the name of the drug yet but will do when the results are confirmed. Fingers crossed.

No, the fact that you can smell gasoline through your mask is not evidence that the mask is not working. The molecules that make up gasoline are very small and will make it past the fibers that filter out viruses. Also, the gasoline molecules are electrically neutral, so they will not be attracted to the charged material in the mask.