How We'll Beat The Coronavirus

Has anyone already posted these and if so, do we have a view?

Is The Coronavirus Causing The Great Depression 2.0? (4/3/20)

Agreed, perfectly logical end of story. You had me weeks ago when you said :that South Korea as an aside had NO regular seasonal flu cases as a result of wearing a mask to fight the Honey Badger virus and 0 (zero) season flu patients screamed of the value of wearing the mask. Today I went to pick up some meds I have to take. I was screened before entering the pharmacy. As I went to the counter to get my meds as my wife dropped off my script an hour before so I wouldn’t have to wait, I was waited on by the teller who wasn’t wearing a mask!!! I know, stupid. I said to her that she must see 200 people during her shift if not more and she doesn’t wear a mask! I said you’re crazy, that I don’t want to breath her spew, that she was going to get sick, no if’s and’s or but’s. So, I insisted she get one and put it on and I stood 10 feet from her. She refused, made light of it and I like this person, I have known her 20 years or so. So I insisted louder and had the manager come to assist us. I told her that if the teller didn’t care about herself that she needs to care about me and others, that she needed to put on a mask. She refused and I insisted the manager, who was wearing a mask to process me. The Folks in the room with me were attentive and one lady and one gentlemen started to clap. Before I left the lady that initially waited on me put on a mask. I told them that Chris M., who has done a whole series on this at PP and could be viewed on U-tube for free has done a remarkable job at logically and with a data series of evidence should prove to all that wearing a mask is the way to go. So, I had a grand ole time explaining to hospital staff that it is imperative that they think for themselves and look at the logic of it all and to really focus and to leave their strange character flaws outside the building. That I don’t care if you believe in this at all, it should be an easy jump to thinking a mask protects me and my mask protects you. I respectfully wore my mask so I wouldn’t get the teller sick and she damn well better wear a mask to protect me regardless of what she thinks. Once again, the people agreed with me and shamed her to change her mind. We must police ourselves if it becomes necessary. Thank you Chris and Adam, I believe in you, come back every day because you matter, you are our treasure and I must support your work because I believe in your work. I am certain Chris you would rather be with your lovely bride, getting your nest organized with your stuff and spending time together just imagining a full life together. Yet, you take 10 hours of every day doing the right thing by trying to help others. You are inspirational and Evie gets included in all of this too as well as Adam’s entire family but especially his Lady as well. We all make sacrifices, my Lady is front and center and the shit is really hitting the fan at the hospital now. My job is to help her decompress and to listen and allow her, almost insist that she dump all her stuff on my lap so she remains healthy and has my support. Barb is tough, a remarkable Women, thankfully mine and I have never, ever loved her more or been a better friend. WOW! As an aside: What has amazed me and is a truthful data set, 9 out of 10 good folks that test positive have been Black at that her floor has treated. Men are being tested positive 2 to 1 to the Lady’s. Obviously it has to do with staying the Fuck home, wearing a mask when out and distancing. But, still, too many Blacks for my understanding. I just found this stat to be unusual and I really have no idea what unusual is in this regards but it caused me to say “really”! Be safe. Wear a mask. FULL STOP! Peace

Re: new video
They cynic in me says the catch is, if you apply for one of these SBAloans, the money won’t go directly to you, but will be used to pay down an existing loan with the bank.
Their excuse will be look we lightened your expenses (and got the money for ourselves, sucker!).

plan for tomorrow, I suspect it was corporate pharmacy policy to forbid employees from wearing masks, so as not to scare their customers. There are hospitals even now that are forbidding staff from wearing PPE, unless it is a known COVID case, again for PR purposes.

DTrammel - this is really bringing out the very worst behavior in bankers, or at least exposing it to the light of day - again.
They are displaying zero compassion to people in a time of extraordinary crisis, nor are they showing any gratitude for being bailed out in 2008.
Their true stripes are showing.
Yes, it’s as pathetic as it seems.

As we enter a new phase of this crisis, where finally the Administration and TPTB are waking up to the fact that their own survival can be very much at stake here, I wanted to give a shout out to Chris and Adam for their coverage of this from the beginning.
Most of us here I’m sure are in a much better shape than we would have been, thanks to their hard work and perseverance in spreading the word on what danger was coming and how to prepare for it.
Just yesterday I got into a FB discussion, where the opposing view was “There was no way WE (aka Trump and Co) could have known what was coming. The Chinese lied!”
I pointed out that “I” knew back in late January to take this seriously.
I don’t have any idea of what the World’, the Country’s and my own situation will be like in the coming months but I do know it will be in a much better place than it would have been if I wasn’t a reader of Peak Prosperity.
Big Ups Guys, Well Done!
Now keep it up…

The argument is to stop selling “non-essentials” but notice they include garden supplies.
Funny those areas are exactly the places you should be shopping in. Open spaces, no roof, plenty of room, essential food producing goods.
Get the stuff you need for your garden this next week.
ADDED: Ontario shuts down community gardens
More at Ice Age Farmer
Beef processing plants closed.
Egg carton shortage prevents eggs from getting to the stores.
Closed LA restaurants try selling their unused produce on the street. LA says NO.

Almost every institution (banks, credit unions, brokerage houses) where I have money has sent me one of these “reassurance letters”. Yeah, these letters plus the FDIC coming out and telling us that we shouldn’t be taking money out of the banks don’t do a lot for my confidence either.

I really love the way the creator told the story here and spliced Stuffle the HB in at key moments to break the tension and make the point.

I am getting tired of the lack of focus on the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine.
What would you have us do there JimH? Honestly what do you think Chris getting on the HC band wagon would do? Its not going to stop us from getting the virus, unlike his focus on Masks4All. Its not going to keep people fed in the Fall when the food supply chain falters, unlike Chris' focus on getting us to plant gardens. Its not going to help people survive, like his focus on putting away a deep pantry. I don't particularly want to hear about top-down cures, that me and mine can't benefit from at the moment, nor clammers for research and science studies that keep me alive two years from now, when I can end up dead today but I don't mind if some of you want to discuss it. I can scroll past it. Chris will cover what he wants to cover. If you no long find this site useful, then what you do is your choice. EDITED: Removed a bit of the post, that was a bit harsh.

Jim, you are spot on, it should have begun on the first date back on the 20th of January I believe when Chris first showed that I believe someone in China recommended that it go into the next study. Hydroxy-Chloroquine I believe holds the key and we would have already proven its merits. It has to be proven, so I agree with doing a study but still use it. My wife has used it for two weeks and might now be part of the story, it’s rumored to be. I’ll get that soon enough during dinner, I hope. Yes, “Emergency” and frankly a very professional comment and I believe you are correct. Thank you Jim. Be Safe

David, if you remember back (whew!!) to the beginning of January, North Korea was threatening a nuclear confrontation and Kim said he was going to send us a “present”. Then there were the continuing weeks of the impeachment ordeal. All the while the virus was cooking and spreading. Well, Trump is only human. At least, we are not yet in WWIII on top of every thing. The back biters and treasonous? holdovers from the previous administration have been very unhelpful. (Case in point that $@$##+$$ that loaded infected people on the plane returning from the Japan cruise ship.)
I am very unsure if I would vote for Trump again. Not a good role model, refusing to wear a mask, among other things. But as per normal, I am as always, reduced to voting for the lesser of the evils. Thank you for all you do.
Edit: Now, butthinking more, this probably is WWIII, maybe accidental or on purpose.

Really didnt get out much in the last 2-3 weeks. Store shelves still look as bad as they were weeks ago. Almost no meat at the meat counter. Not a single box of pasta in the whole store ( besides bean, soy pasta ) Not a bag of flour in the whole grocery store. The store was very busy. A few people with masks. (15%) but most without. not sure if its because they dont have them… Distancing signs all over. Some people not paying attention to it… but many do. But some people bringing their kids and whole family in the store. kids climbing and hanging on carts , checkout counters… etc// touching everything and touching face… I couldn’t hardly watch it… Some people seem very observant and others entirely clueless.
Also went to home center. It was really busy as well. Again few people wearing masks , I did see one employee with a mask… Its getting better. but not what we need when you see this many people close to each other… I am thinking… this busier than Usual… what is up… if I shop once per 3 weeks… how often are they all shopping , something doesnt add up.

Coincidentally, I too went shopping today for the first time in 2.5 weeks. I was wearing N95 face mask and goggles. Most people were not wearing fac3 masks, including grocery store employees. Doesn’t make sense to me.
Availability of items was good - the only thing sold out was tissues and toilet paper (still ???).

Parts of it were good, most of it devolved to the blame game. I have no trust in the media, particularly CNN and MSN, both having completely downplayed the threat early on. Well, at least I understand where your political sympathies lie now.

I went out today for the first time in 15 days. I joined a CSA as close to my house as I could find, which is doing social distancing, all employees were wearing masks and gloves and you can only pick up your order outside. Today was my first pick up. Everyone I saw there had some form of PPE. This seems like a better option than having to go into a grocery store in coming weeks, but for right now it’s only root veggies pretty much.
However, there were a few items I needed that the CSA didn’t have in stock and many items my mother needed, so I actually talked to my doctor in advance to see if she thought delivery or going into a store was the better option. She said I had more control if I went myself, and that it was probably actually safer now than it was the last time I was out because some stores are now limiting the number of people inside and wiping everything down. There are two stores locally that I know of doing that. I called ahead to see which had the items I needed, and I wore my N95, goggles and gloves.
Since the last time I was in a store, a lot more people were wearing masks. But it was alarming how many people were not. And even though they were regulating the number of people in the store at the front door, there seemed like way too many people and the check out line was very long on account of everyone standing 6 feet apart, which was marked on the floor in blue tape. You wouldn’t know that until you were already inside. Now I know.
It really is a strategy issue of not being sure how long we will need to stay in (I planned for 2-3 months, but it looks longer than that now) and at what point we won’t be able to get more of essentials. If it is better to go now, in full gear, and fully decontaminating everything upon walking in the door, or if it’s better to go with what we have on hand even if we run low if we are in for longer than we had planned. I know a lot of people who are doing delivery or only curb side pick up only, and now that I know what it was like at the store today, may opt for that myself next time.
But I also heard that Trump finally said that people should wear “non-medical” face coverings, which seems significant! Way to go Chris! I wasn’t expecting that from him any time soon, so well done! Even if it stops short of advising everyone to actually wear masks.

NY’s Governor Cuomo stated that once on a ventilator, chance of survival is 20%.
From what I’ve read, longest time to be on is around 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, chances get really slim.

This was good news to me. Hope it’s not too redundant.
"The paper appeared April 2 in eBioMedicine, which is published by The Lancet, and is the first study to be published after critique from fellow scientists at outside institutions that describes a candidate vaccine for COVID-19. "
"Compared to the experimental mRNA vaccine candidate that just entered clinical trials, the vaccine described in this paper—which the authors are calling PittCoVacc, short for Pittsburgh CoronaVirus Vaccine—follows a more established approach, using lab-made pieces of viral protein to build immunity. It’s the same way the current flu shots work. " This avoids RNA virus issues.
They vetted the process for scalability as a first step, it’s looking good with mice.