How We'll Beat The Coronavirus

Chris, you didn’t mention the use of gloves. Is there any advantage in wearing gloves? I did do this on my first visit to a store for groceries but not the second time as I couldn’t think of a benefit. I can sanitize my hands as I go in and at any time during the shop but with gloves, all I can do is transfer any infection from object to object, including to my face, if I touch it. It seems that bare hands are no worse than gloves and possibly better. But I’m keen to read other views.

I have super dry hands in the winter, even now, with all the hand washing. Sometimes my knuckles crack. My doctor said it is eczema and to use hand cream, which I do now, and my hands are doing better in terms of dryness. But I also have a lifelong habit of picking my cuticles, especially when I am stressed! Stopping this habit proves to be even harder than not touching my face. So when I am out I have taken to wearing gloves. Any cut or abrasion could be a way in.

I remember there was a post quite a while back about women in Africa always using a bleach solution on veggies before putting them away in order to prevent Ebola. I was not able to find that post today when I looked. I wanted to know what the concentration was of bleach to water. I remember the person who posted said it smelled mildly of chlorine. But I don’t remember if they gave a ratio or said to look it up online. I looked it up and found quite a range of possible ratios. But I remember the post said to forget about salad. So I would like to hear if anyone knows the correct bleach to water ratio and how long you have to leave the veggies in it. Or if scrubbing with hot soapy water is good enough. Seems like soap undoes the fatty part of the cell in the virus, so if it works on hands, then why wouldn’t it work on veggies? Except that’s not what the poster said about Ebola in Africa. It was specifically a bleach solution. I am also wondering if the article you posted dtrammel about just washing veggies in water is making the assumption that the water is chlorinated? And if so, if the regular water supply has enough chlorine in it to make adding bleach unnecessary. Any guidance on this would be appreciated.
excellent short video from Czech republic (in English)

Thanks for the suggestion.

Long article at The Atlantic on both sides of the issue
I’m assuming its airborne and acting accordingly. If I’m wrong, I’m better off.

Second, looks like someone’s finally recognizing what Chris has spoken about, exposure to higher concentrations of the virus are bad. Can we say “Masks4All”?

Ordinary tap water does NOT have enough chlorine in it to kill bacteria or viruses. In India we used a product called Medichlor and it took just a few drops in a bowl of water.
You have to rinse it well with clean water. The following is a link on cleaning veggies with bleach. There are tons of resources out there in cyber space on how to do it.

I notice that very often when people have dry, cracking skin, their dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids is deficient. Hand creams can help symptomatically but they don’t address the cause. It’s what comes from inside you that nourishes and maintains the health of the skin.

In case you haven’t seen this one, much better looking than the t-shirt mask solution I posted the other day:

Thanks for this info. Very helpful. In reading the article you posted, I can’t help but wonder what it will do to all of our microbiomes (gut flora) if we kill all the bacteria on the food we eat? I’ve read that living in such sterile circumstances can make a mess of our microbiome which is required to help us produce different components that our bodies need. I’ve heard recommendations from people like Dr. Mark Hyman who has said to pick food up off the floor and eat it because we are missing so much variation in what comes into our systems by living in sterile circumstances. (This was before Covid-19!) Humans evolved in relationship with the bacteria in our environment, so killing the bacteria, has an effect on our systems. Certainly in terms of disease prevention, but also in terms of how our bodies work. So I am now wondering if there is a way to kill the virus but not bacteria? If you use regular soap, which breaks down the fatty membrane of the virus particle, I would think a 20 sec scrub would work the same way on veggies as it does on our hands, but without killing the potentially beneficial bacteria.
But all of this goes back to what Chris has been saying about growing your own food, where you know what went into it and how it was handled, before it hits your dinner plate. And if you’re in a situation like I am, at a condo complex, where you don’t have a right to dig up the land without approval of the condo association, then a CSA may be a good option. I still prefer to grow my own and will be working here to see what might be possible in terms of putting in some raised beds.

Somehow I can’t see the practicality in everyone making or wearing a mask of the N24 standard. A home made rag wrapped over your face only adds a few percent to your safety margin, distance and limited contact works a lot better. Besides everyone seems to forget you also need to wear goggles because covid19 can spread through the eyes.
In any case “we should all wear masks” foolishly assumes there is even enough material about to create the 8 to 10 billion or so recyclable masks needed by most of the world. One has to ask if there is even enough cotton, rubber and filter paper in the world to support such reckless advice. Of course that is before we extend the argument to disposable masks.
Maybe for people limited to a Cadillac-insurance moral conscience it’s ok to stock pile masks and gloves at the expense of the nurses and doctors on the front line, struggling to get by as it is. Perhaps repeating the mantra: “To hell with everyone, I’m just more important”, is all such people need to find peace before going to sleep each night.
I posit PP should consider moving discussion back to more cerebral matters. Then instead of appealing to preppers PP might focus on exposing the questions that really need to be asked, like how we got here as a species? Perhaps the perfect storm of human decline and disease we are witnessing was in fact the inevitable consequence of an ignorant and arrogant population finally reaching critical mass.

Chris, do you have a source/link for the video which appears on the left side of your screen when you are showing droplet flow from the mouth – yesterday I viewed the full video which I think was made by a couple of guys in Japan but then I could not find it again. Thank you.

I have yet be able to figure out how to start a thread, so maybe you could give me a clue on what buttons to punch. I wanted to start an ethics discussion, because I have not seen the topic come up and the search engine on this site is not very good.
I came into this thing with boxes of N95’s that I purchased more than 15 years or more ago (they are a stamped as expiring in 2005). I’ve given scores of individual masks away (including to my local grocery store clerks), and shipped many of them to family members and friends in other states. This was mostly accomplished before it became quite as clear that the hospitals and governments themselves are hoarding masks (not sure how I can consider myself a hoarder just for being a far-seeing prepper for decades, but I admit I am becoming uncomfortable). In talking to my health-care industry divorce clients, I am learning that many of them are being issued one mask, period, to be reused ad infinitum. I suspect that there are tons of us who are not newbies to preparation that have lots of masks still, including CBRN respirators such as these: With the re-usability of the N95’s seeming pretty solid, at least for trips to the store, it becomes a real dilemma about how many to hold on to (for use by other friends, some of whom are health-workers to whom I’ve offered some directly - after all, who knows if the mask they took home last night is the one that they are wearing the next day).
I also have a fair amount of ammo. If the US military asked me to give them some, I’d prefer not. But if my neighbor needed some, that is why I have it.
I have a strong suspicion that if I dropped off my remaining box of N95s at my local hospital, some admin person who toss them in with the remaining hoard and still only supply each worker one mask. On the other hand, if I knew they’d be immediately distributed, I’d drive them over now. I also am firmly convinced that bandanas or cloth masks are marginal at best.
Any of you other long-term prudent planners wrestling with this? Anybody concerned that the next step in the war of the masks is shaming those wearing N95s? Sorry for not being a sheeple.
Again, DT, if you could give me a hand on starting threads I’d appreciate it.

Are people seriously asking if their is enough resources to allow for the creation of cloth respirators for all? If not, then there would not be enough resources to create the clothes humanity wears…or anything else people must obtain to survive.
As for smart people having their own supply of respirators, if the medical professionals, whose expertise and daily tasking involves having a supply of respirators on hand…for their own safety…let alone that of their patients…AND…who have warned the public continuously about the danger of a new pandemic…for years and years…whose fault is it for them to not have a basic tool of their trade? The fault is theirs, their administrators, and the fools pretending to be in charge of being ready to cope with this EXPECTED need.
If people went to HOME DEPOT to buy DUST MASKS…to try and buffer themselves from complete exposure to a deadly virus…I say, “Good!” There shall be LESS chance they shall become patients to the ill prepared professionals.
One should not deprive themselves of this protection, and should only consider making available such protection available, which is NOT required for their own needs.
You want sacrifice from other than yourself? Tough.

I got a letter today from a company called “HomeVestors” offering to buy my house, as is, at a discount, for cash, no commission, closing within 30 days. No HASSLES! So there’s folks already out there hoping they can make a killing off of folks forced to sell their house to get money since they’ve lost their job. Disgusting.

Why is it the military has not issued gas masks to the critical operatives within the medical professions? Why are these people begging for paper masks, held by weak elastic and string, instead of using a full-face gas mask, which can filter out every virus known? Military masks can be used many times…and for many hours…before one replaces their filters.
I have yet to see any image of any Doctor with one. Tens of thousands of these masks are available, as are their filter replacements.
But, if the military is getting ready for war…they might like to keep them. This must be why.

You have to do it from the forums… create a new forum topic under one of the forum type headings. I am about to do this now because I am just fed up with the globalist deep state efforts to hamstring the ability of hydroxychloroquine to stop the fall the US… so going forward I am going to make my HDQ posts in one string so they don’t get dispersed and lost. Anyway, best regards, Jim

Seems like a great thing to do, to me.
If one is going to lose their home, due to default, they can file bankruptcy and try to arrange to keep it, else try to sell it to recapture as much equity they can.
Making an offer is perfectly fine. No one is forced to accept an offer. One can make a counter-offer, or seek another remedy.
I have absolutely no problem with profit…whatsoever.

firmly convinced that bandanas or cloth masks are marginal at best
They add a modest improvement for protecting the wearer and a big improvement for reducing droplets spread by the wearer. That's their biggest value. If we need to go out, my mask protects you, yours protects me. We have a small stash of N95s and other masks in our woodworking shop. We have given some away and will hang on to some. We've started to create home-made fabric masks, with copper wire in the bridge of the nose which can be bent to improve the fit. Copper because that's what we have on hand ... removable for washing. We'll give away some of those too.

Jim H…I agree that a way to find info would be to have a dedicated Forum topic. One for HDQ, one for “Masks”…One for “ozone”. Maybe I don’t know how to use this site, but I often can’t find posts that I remember are relevant cause they are put in whatever topic heading is current. Thanks for doing this.