How We'll Beat The Coronavirus

I was on the East Coast in the fall (before the CV crisis hit) and noted signs and ads of this type all over the place. They capitalize on people not wanting to take the time to clean out and fix up a home to get it ready for market and/or who have to sell quickly. Out of curiosity (since I was going to be in the position of having to sell a house in the area), I called one up. The price was way too low for me to consider but, to a certain extent, that lower price is understandable when you understand that they have to do the cleaning out and fixing up, are putting their capital at risk, and still have to make a profit. It’s basically like a one way pawn shop for houses. A bit seedy and a bit predatorial but nothing horrible. It’s similar to a bank charging a higher interest rate on a loan to someone who is a high credit risk. You really can’t expect them to charge the normal interest rate and take an increased risk. That being said, the last thing I am is a defender of banks but I’m playing devil’s advocate here.

I put in 4 x N95 masks in the oven, set at 160F. Within 5 minutes a smell was coming out and now they are all shrivelled up and ruined!!! Great, just great. Why didn’t I just try 1 to start?

Thanks Jim!

Exactly right, Ision. Those masks are PURRFECT for expectorating patients. I’ve got mine and thought I should donate it to my local hospital (they are not cheap, nor are the filters) but FEMA will hold them back anyway, and while the feds have tons they would still come to steal ours!
Just sayin… and ventilating abit, pun intended. (But no disrespect meant - just frustrated by governmental inaction).

Sorry to hear that Mark. I don’t know what to tell you but I’ve run 4-5 of the 3M N95 with the plastic vents now thru my oven, 2 now twice without damage. I did put a cooking thermometer in there first. My oven ran about 10 degrees hot from the mark on the dial. Can you take a picture of the type of mask? Here is the ones I have.

We have sent individual family members who are nurses some N95 masks and cloth covers.
They were not getting any. We are only giving to individuals known to us. If a neighbor wants one for a family member then we are supplying that person.


Jim H…I agree that a way to find info would be to have a dedicated Forum topic. One for HDQ, one for “Masks”…One for “ozone”. Maybe I don’t know how to use this site, but I often can’t find posts that I remember are relevant cause they are put in whatever topic heading is current. Thanks for doing this.
People don't seem to use the dedicated forums. I asked Adam to set one up for Covid19 at the start of this, and tried promoting it. People just kept posting on the main threads.

DT - seriously, I am having a real hard time figuring out how to post threads, or in which existing threads to post. I love C and A, but somebody needs to bring order to the force. I think that will be you and them. Let’s get this sorted out!

Our supreme leader medical health officer Dr. Henry has just gotten up and said that the evidence, which she has reviewed and discussed many times, shows that asymptomatic infectivity is very low compared with symptomatic infectivity. Can anyone provide a quick link to evidence showing the contrary? How could the R0 be so high without asymptomatic infectivity?

This Site is leaving me feeling like a dummy, not able to maneuver!!

I disinfected 3 masks together yesterday. The lowest oven setting I had was 175 and I used the convection setting. I placed a piece of parchment paper on a cookie sheet and baked for 30 minutes. They came out fine. I did not test my actual oven temperature but it is a newer oven so I took a chance it was accurate. It’s too bad your masks didn’t make it Mark.

It doesn’t matter in my case… I will be posting to the thread I have created quite often… and it will be kept in view by me alone. I am going to channel my anger, my angst, my death wish for the deepstate into this thread. I am not going to try to post to random threads anymore - rather I am going to try to create something of my own. I need to do this … I need an outlet. I am a collector and triangulator (is that a word?) of data… few seem able to see the world through my eyes, and many get outright mad when they start to… so be it. It is what it is. The elites of the world operate in ways few can imagine. Dr. Dave Janda has conjectured that Epstein was only the tiny tip of the iceberg when it comes to deepstate compromise agents…

I think threads need to be very narrow in focus. “Covid19” is so broad there are thousands of posts…whereas something specific like “UV sterilizer machines” would be searchable and specific.

It was a toaster oven with a heat setting. We put them in and turned it on. It’s possible it wasn’t getting even heating or something like that. I should have first tried with only one mask or put in a cooking thermometer for the first run. It did not feel very hot when I opened it up. I was careless since the setting was only 160 F which is at the low end of the range that people are using and I didn’t realise how easy it is to overcook them.

herd immunity
Spain 15%
Italy 10%
Germany <1 %
R0 3,5
(all above average)

Looking forward to your posts on HDQ.

I don’t have many N95s (sent some to family members) so I’ve been hanging them in the order in which they were worn for 7-9 days and letting (hopefully) the virus deactivate.
Would like to hear any thoughts y’all may have on the efficacy of surgical masks. I did see a YouTube of a small study and the outcome between the 2 was comparable rates of disease transmission among health care workers, all of whom were dealing with highly infective patients.

That really means a lot to me… I know my holy anger gets me in trouble here at times… I do my best. A sincere Thank You

Colorado just had 500 Ventilators confiscated by the feds… They only have a 750, and a need for 10,000. When did the federal government take away the authority of the state… This is against our constitution. This is exactly the big arm of the federal govt to undo - exactly what our forefathers intended for our states.
I assure you this will not go to citizens… It will go to the rich , congressmen and the like.
as a footnote, I do not really want a vent myself. Personally, I think no one should get one, and problem solved. There is no real evidence that it increases chance of survival in this disease. Approximately 90% on vents die. So either they are waiting much to long to vent someone , or they dont really help. That needs to be determined. But by current treatment guides its not a solution. And those that do survive, they will likely be disabled and impaired severely.

And after you build it you can bake a cake…