How We'll Beat The Coronavirus

Mrs. Presley,
I hang ( 9days) and bake my masks as well. I found a pretty good article from the creator of the N95 mask that covers a little bit of medical mask information:

Expert Virologist: Here’s Everything You Need To Understand About Coronavirus (4/420)

Thanks, dtrammel, for the warning. I made a big online order from Menards last weekend; it was delivered mid-week. I had to pay $89 for the delivery, but it was two pallets of stuff (mostly soil amendments – increasing my garden by 150%), and, frankly, it would have been worth the delivery charge in normal times (probably would have taken me at least 5 trips in my car, and many hours, with lots of lifting!). Not sure whether they will cut things off here, but I got what I needed most this week.
Planted my new elderberry bushes yesterday (ordered those a few weeks ago). Won’t bear anything this year, of course, but always thinking of the longer term. Ordered a small additional freezer today (back-ordered; available mid-May), and another supply of freeze-dried food (also a few weeks for delivery).
Starting to sink in that this may very likely be a six-to-twelve-month deal (maybe 18?). Thinking I will make a grocery store trip in another few days – after mask wearing becomes more the norm rather than the exception.
We are pretty well prepped, but nobody is perfect. The window for re-stocking may close completely in another month or two. A lot of supply chains are failing now.
Be well, everyone.

Does not look pretty. Expect shortages by the middle of May.
From IceAgeFarmer:
Reports of panic buying in China developing.
Consider going back to 3-4 days a week going out, picking up a grocery bag or 2 of preservable food and increasing your deep pantry.
Also consider establishing an off site, perhaps a friend with some basement space or a family member for redundancy. You don’t want to lose your entire stock if you have a home fire or a break in. Divide up your stock of essentials (masks, cleaning supplies, ammo, FOOD) and store part of it someplace else.

Thanks again, detrammel, for another warning. The rest of this weekend is going to be about making a plan to extend my preps even further. And making a plan to go shopping (w/PPE). Went out this morning for the first time in 2 weeks (without leaving the car). Now will have to go into the stores, and will probably need to make multiple trips, on different days, to get everything we need.
Interestingly, I spent more than an hour today on the phone with credit card companies – they are declining my online purchases because they flag them as potentially fraudulent. I have one card restored now. The other (I generally only use two) made me send picts of my driver’s license, and said it may take 7-9 days before I can use my card again! So beware of that – the banks are protecting themselves, and don’t give a darn about you (even if you’ve been a customer for more than 25 years). I may apply for a third card tomorrow, too – just to have that extra back-up option.
Best of luck to all.

There is a pre-peer review paper making the news which claims cats and ferrets can acquire the Covid19 virus.
Here is the link to the American Vet Medicine Association’s post on it:
Of note is this paragraph:

While two dogs (Hong Kong) and two cat (one in Belgium and one in Hng Kong) living with people diagnosed with COVID-19 have been reported to have been infected with SARS-CoV-2, other dogs and cats also living with infected people remain uninfected. New research articles have been posted to open-access sites on an almost daily basis that describe preliminary results suggesting some domestic animals can be experimentally infected with SARS-CoV-2 and may transmit the virus to other animals in an experimental setting or mount a viral-specific immune response when exposed to SARS-CoV-2. However, caution should be taken to not overinterpret results described in such articles, some of which may report on data from a very small number of animals or provide only preliminary results, and not extrapolate those results for the potentisl for SARS-CoV-2 to naturally infect or be transmitted by companion animals kept as pets. To date the CDC has not received any reports of pets or other animals becoming sick with COVID-19 in the United States. Infectious disease experts and multiple international and domestic human and animal health organizations continue to agree there is no evidence at this point to indicate that pets, under natural conditions, spread COVID-19 to other animals, including people.

Henny Penny, 7 pharmacists and 2 tellers manned the area. Everyone else was wearing a mask. You are right to an extent, the nurses on my wife floor have been told, “that off their floor they don’t need to wear a mask or outside the rooms” of the virus victims (this opinion has been replaced with wear mask’s all the time but the N95’s should be for the nurses who actually wait on virus patience). Here’s the issue and a conversation my Lady had with a doctor telling her how this would save the use of wearing masks. Barb (wife) said: well, go out there and tell my staff as they were talking in Barb’s office and she told this doctor that they would call “bullshit” on that. That the nurses would shame him into getting the F out of sight because he’s a dumb ass! True story and not how my Lady normally handles her verbiage but, it’s ‘go time’ so being polite don’t always exist. Peace

Saw this today
Full of graphs and charts and oh so many predictions down to the single digits of coming dead and the date. I’m surprised they didn’t add a time.
I might not be the best at statistic, being just an old machinist at heart, but if 40 years working blue collar in manufacturing the one thing I have learned is no matter your fancy degrees and studies, your model is missing something. Don’t know what it is but there is something you’ve overlooked.
And with this Administration, bet there is a whole lot they missed.
Don’t get false hopes up that this thing will be over anytime soon.

At least they are thinking of something. Might not be the best option but I’ll give them points for trying.

I’ve only been taking care of em for three weeks and so far looks bad, I’m guessing 50-80%