How We'll Get Through The Coronavirus Debacle

Maybe, but most likely only on those who have chosen a path that presents an obvious copper deficiency.

Hello Chris,
Thanks for all of your hard work and advice. I’m sure it will have saved a lot of people from a COVID death.
I’m male, over 70 and have an autoimmune condition - so I almost feel I have a target on my back. Wear an n95 mask all the time when out of the house, don’ go anywhere. As I said in the beginning of the hydroxychloroquine/ZPAK discussion given a choice between death and hydroxychloroquine/ZPAK I’d take the treatment even if it didn’t go through the testing I would have preferred to see. However I don’t know if the medical officials who would be taking care of me would make that decision or take the known path of the ventilators. New York statistics say that 80 percent of the people on ventilators die. I don’t know if when you are on a ventilator you are far gone or there is some other reason.
So what do I do - self diagnose and take some that I bought off
the internet or take my chances with the medical system?
Banks - In one of your videos you discussed how you felt about removing your things from your safety deposit boxes and Adam said he felt better leaving it in the safety deposit box.
I would say that previously I would have fallen into Adam’s camp so I wanted to share my experience.
On Jan. 29th of this year I deposited a large check and directed a pretty big chunk of it to be put in a CD that was giving almost 2% for 6 months. I even left the bank with a printed receipt for that CD and the business cards of the two managers that took the money and set up the account. A month later I wanted to check my account and was told the branch was closed. So I set up my online account after several days of being told that part of their website was down. Finally got it set up, logged in and was alarmed to find no CD listed. I called the numbers on the business cards and was forwarded to the national support. I asked them what happened and they said on Feb 3rd someone called and closed the CD. I was getting a little alarmed. What happened to the 5 figures that was put in the CD. They said they couldn’t tell me that I would have to speak to the branch as they were the only ones that had that info. I told them the branch was closed. They asked me if I wanted to start an emergency case. I said yes and they said someone would call me in 7 to 10 days. I replied I’m really anxious and you want me to wait for 10 days in suspense? Someone did call in 2 days with no answers on why it was closed out but luckily I got all of my money. Neither one of the branch "managers"I called and emailed responded. No one has responded to the message I left on their "I you want an appointment to go to your safety deposit box message center.
I think it is more important than ever before to be vigilant about any bank or institution you have your money in most of them are highly invested in derivatives often to multiple times their value. If their bets run against them they will be scrambling. I have been operating for about 8 years and will post the chart of the bank’s derivative exposure. It was startling to me. Just keep a close eye on your money. Chris, I know you are very busy but if you are ever available I would love to interview you.
All the best,

Hi Peak Prosperors,
Having posted previously raising questions over the findings of an Imperial College Study reported by Chris, I’ve analysed the source document.
That analysis indicates that the College’s findings may grossly over-estimate the total numbers of diagnosed and undiagnosed people who have recovered and enjoy immunity from the virus.
These numbers are mission critical information for governments in achieving herd immunity whilst performing the delicate balancing act between saving lives and/or livelihoods and/or the public health system. If they get it wrong a lot of people are going to die.
I’ve written to the Commision to provide my analysis and these concerns, and will get back if anything comes of it.

Hi Peak Prosperors,
A further update on the Imperial College Study reported by Chris at minute 20:00 on.
I am now in a position to state unequivocally that this Study “found” impossibly high numbers of asymptomatic recovered (i.e. immune) people in 11 European countries.
The huge misrepresentation of proportions of immune people in whole countries (e.g. 15 % in Spain) vary between 4 and 104 times from now peer reviewed (British Medical Journal) ratios of a defining fixed quality of Covid 19 infections world wide. There are approximately 4 hidden asymptomatic cases for every 1 reported symptomatic case of Covid 19.