How We'll Get Through The Coronavirus Debacle

Your quote by Winston Churchill is not true. There is no evidence he said it.
It reminds me of that jefferson quote that circulated ad infinitum starting in 08. The one about inflation and deflation. To your point my assessment would be Americans are no different today than they were then. They are just people.

Presently that link goes to Adam’s 2013 tutorial on how to make a raised bed.
Not sure if they plan on expanding the link to a bigger group of posts, but for now I’m adding the tutorials I have on small scale raised beds and container gardens.
If anyone else want to add pictures of what they are doing I suspect they would appreciate it.

Any trustworthy online pharmacies? Any way to avoid going through India (I tried River pharmacy but got message India supplier has stopped certain drug exports and everything is delayed)

Here are 2 hypotheses that came to mind with regard to Covid-19 attacking red blood cells.

a/ Pulse oximeters shine 2 wavelengths of light through your finger. As the pulse goes through your finger the finger absorbs more light at these wavelengths (because it now contains more blood which absorbs those wavelengths). There are sensors for each wavelength (red light and infrared). The ratio of the change in intensity of the 2 wavelengths across a pulse is correlated with the proportion of oxygenated blood. Thus the pulse oximeter can calculate and display the SaO2:
absorption of wavelength due to blood cells carrying oxygen
absorption of wavelength due to blood cells
I have read reports of people with ridiculously low oxygen saturations, so low that they should be keeling over and gasping for breath. Yet they are lying in bed, reading their phones. If the iron atom is removed from the hemoglobin in a red blood cell, perhaps it still registers to the pulse oximeter as a "red blood cell", and absorbs a similar proportion of the wavelengths as a blood cell with an iron atom would. Thus the denominator of the equation will be high resulting in very low oxygen saturations reported by the pulse oximeter.
However, if the body only considers blood cells containing iron atoms, the body would see the blood saturation as low but normal, which would explain why the patients are still functional. This also is consistent with some reports I saw about blood of COVID-19 patients being very thick: the marrow might be producing more blood cells with iron in them, but those without iron might be left floating in the blood, perhaps because the spleen doesn't recognize them as blood cells...
b/ It also might explain why women don't get so badly affected: they get a period every month. Perhaps the sudden drop in healthy red blood cells (with iron) is noticed by their bodies, and therefore they generate more new healthy blood cells faster than men do: to the marrow it might just look like yet another period.

Yeah, Murray, we do appear to be getting it right, in New Zealand. I was a bit critical of some of the decisions but this disease seems to be coming under control. The big test is keeping it under control, if we do get there. I can’t see our tourism industry restarting in the foreseeable future and immigration will probably be near zero for quite some time. It’s going to be a very different country, in a very different world.
The information about re-infections (that Chris mentions in his more recent video) is worrying, though, so even a slight loosening of restrictions seems fraught.
Colorado had an order for 500. It wanted 10000. Now FEMA will give it 100.

Hi Chris, Re: “Idiocracy”, 7 April 2020, minute 20 onwards With respect to those predicted proportions of populations who have been infected, modelled by the Imperial College and Others, “observed deaths” appear to represent outcomes of diagnosed Covid cases only as an underlying assumption? We also know that reported infections and deaths to date undoubtedly and perhaps significantly under report actual deaths, due to non/misdiagnosis attributed to other causes (e.g. co-morbidities, definitional uncertainty, political spin doctoring). I refer to your previous report on ratios of symptomatic to asymptomatic transmission from clinical data in Hubei province, by MIT I think, to be 14% to 86% respectively. I suggested in a previous post that those numbers are internally consistent with reported global fatality numbers, premised on the WHO touted 3.4% CFR of Covid. On this basis, I would suggest that the Imperial College model “observed deaths” premise is a very rubbery number to go extrapolating proportions of a population who have been infected with Covid. I suggest the percentage of a population infected, calculated by this model, might be too high by a factor of 86/14, in consideration of never diagnosed deaths caused by Covid. On the basis of both the GIGO and Precautionary Principles, anybody hanging their hat on this model in relation to predicting herd immunity should be aware the percentages of populations it generates is submittedly “fake news”, and needs to be factored way down to only 14/86 of the numbers the model generates. I’m saying here that the balancing act between the horns of the the dilemma for global government responses to the pandemic (I.e. save lives, restore economy, manage health system) has a fourth horn in the Precautionary Principle being applied to herd immunity modelling. If people agree with this analysis Chris, the Imperial College Model numbers as published need to pulled immediately, and the model modified to recognise both “observed deaths” AND unobserved deaths, as above, for humanity’s sake.
Otherwise, it’s going to cost millions of lives if this allegedly fundamentally flawed model is adopted globally to inform relaxation of NPIs in dangerous attempts to restart economies before time.

First thanks a ton for helping me and my friends and family get prepared back in Jan…
We are seeing a pretty hard hit to the African American community from this beast. Wondering if part of this might be due to some genetic variation including sickle cell and the already reduced oxygen carrying capacity of the blood with Covid-19 and this possible hemaglobin damage theory? If many of these mortalities are folks with sickle cell this could possibly fit.

Is the R0 actually 5.7???

We in Cali think a lot of us had this Dec, Jan and Feb. This theory is being researched all over now including by Stanford(see link below), the Italians are even exhuming pneumonia victims from Nov-Dec. (Thanks Chris!)

It’s very strange that Cali is having such a low confirmed infection rate especially since we have had so many people coming and going from China.
In late Jan, I read about a Chinese study where they identified a weaker more contagious version and a less contagious more lethal version. (Thanks Chris!)
There are I think upwards of 18 different versions that have been DNA sequenced. Possibly a less lethal version rolled thru here in Los Angeles in a first wave, mutated itself out of existence or is still burning, leaving many of us with immunity...we’ll have better data soon I hope.
I came down with a bad-ass flu bug the day after Xmas, all my friends and neighbors got it with varying intensity. I was sick for 3 weeks with a long recovery time with two or three weird reocurrences of a 101 fever for a day over the next month. The major episode symptoms were sleeping 18 + hours a day, no energy, lungs got so bad almost went to emergency. The worst night I had an elevated heartbeat and my right lung hurt. My whole body hurt from coughing especially my rib cage. Coughed up a moderate amount of bloody greenish mucous(took a lot of hard coughing to get it out), for me with flus usually a brighter yellow. Mild sinus and throat effects. Luckily I felt better the next day and recovery started but it took many weeks with a persistant cough that lasts to this day when I breathe cold air or talk a lot. My treatment consisted of taking a lot of THC/CBD cannabis oil, drinking a lot of water, sleeping a lot, and taking extra vitamins. Luckily no shortness of breath afterwards. I have not been this sick since I had the chicken pox at 25 and I'll be 60 in a couple months. Needless to say I want to get an anti-body test as soon as I can.
Study investigates if COVID-19 came to Calif. in fall 2019 - "If so, the state may have built up some herd immunity."

New cases down to 29 from high of 89 (total population 5 million )
total cases 1200aprox
From about now, all incoming to go into govt controlled isolation. Up till now most were going into self isolation unless showing symptoms, in which case you were put govt controlled isolation. (initial isolation method was camper vans well spaced at a military base. )
Went to the supermarket yesterday for the first time, mask with salt, glasses, overalls and gloves. 80m que outside of well spaced people, generally a bit over the 2m minimum separation. guards enforcing ‘one out one in’ , took about 15 minutes to get in. Inside was kept quite uncrowded, easy to stay separated. lots of 2m separation markers on floor as a reminder and separation guide,
All staff gloves and masks and large perspex shield at checkout between you and operator. Staff sanitizing trolleys.
Did not see any gaps in shelves, and only things with limits were the ones on good specials (usual event )
Still no push to wear masks but 25% of shoppers were.

However despite clear instruction, quite a few people headed off to their holiday homes for Easter.
Minimum of 2 weeks more of this level, of only supermarkets and pharmacies petrol stations open.
As for money, as my job was non essential, and an independent contractor, all I had to do was go to the govt.covid. site (which is sorted out not use any of my phones data ! ) follow link to the page, fill in my bank acc#, name address phone number, IRD # ( IRS # in USA ? ) email, ( They already have all that data ) and select fro 1 of 3 options as to my situation, and tick that I understood that if it turns out I lied, and was not actually eligible, I was up for heaps of penalties…
2 days later money turned up. All this done on a high trust model, and they might get round to auditing later.
For employees the employer files the claim, listing all the employees IRD# and they get the money and hand it on to the employees, and their name goes on public list so employees can see that they are not cheating.
NZ govt stood at 22% of GDP from memory. will be higher now!
On the plus side, finally getting time to build the sunken greenhouse I have wanted for a while.
Cheers Hamish

Tried several variations, but for some reason I cannot get the link to work for me to share on Facebook. Not something that normally happens.
If I do a direct paste & go into my firefox browser, I can get the page to open. But if I copy & paste it to Facebook, then try the link from there, I get “page not found” or it goes to a home page not the pdf.
Edit: So, I got around it by making a nice green-backgrounded photo file & pasting the link in it as text. Then put the photo image on Facebook. Necessitates typing the whole blasted thing into the browser’s address bar, but at least it works.
Just odd (and rather annoying). I can’t recall ever encountering a problem with posting a link before.


The doctor kept saying chloroquine was an immunosuppressant-suppressive drug, why would you give it to treat a virulent virus? Suppressing the immune system would help treat the deadly cytokine storm caused by the autoimmune reaction often misguidedly mounted by the immune system to combat the new virus.

I have no scientific training, but I really like the hemoglobin theory, what I understand of it. Maybe we back up to the 10,000 ft view and consider the possibility that we have more of a blood disorder problem than a viral epidemic. Certainly, the virus is the catalyst, but it’s not what’s killing people. It might explain why kids who are growing like crazy (essentially regenerating themselves daily) can overcome a blood disorder. It explains the effectiveness of intravenous vitamin C. It might explain secondary infections…if the virus isn’t the problem. Maybe people with “secondary infections” never recovered from their blood disorder. If the virus isn’t the problem, maybe we don’t have to worry about the lack of immune response. We just hit the blood disorder with everything we’ve got. Maybe we don’t have to wait for a vaccine. Maybe it even changes virus containment measures. These aren’t scientific musings, more philosophical musings. It was what I was thinking about at midnight last night, when I should have been sleeping.
Love your open mind, Chris. It lets the light shine through!

If young people are innately resistant due to a non-immune system to COVID-19 it would explain why they show low antibody counts. Clearly their ability are not immune system related - even babies are highly resistant - its not acquired. It actually points to a youth related explanation like growth rates (and all the related biochemistry) or possibly their blood’s ability to carry oxygen.
Interestingly, young people are also naturally “immune” (at least partially) to Malaria and the mechanism does not seem to be understood at all - though it is know to not involve antibodies and that prolonged exposure at a young age actually imparts “acquired immunity” throughout adulthood. "We advocate that naturally acquired immunity should be appreciated as being virtually 100% effective against severe disease and death among heavily exposed adults. Even the immunity that occurs in exposed infants may exceed 90% effectiveness. "
Since Malaria attacks the red blood cells where Hydroxychloroquine boosts resistance, the mechanism for COVID could be similar.
Another article (in Nature, no less) that shows in-vitro protection against COVID-19 /SARS-v2 using hydroxychloroquine

Has anyone looked into this angle on Covid-19? I’ve been quite busy so haven’t been able to keep up with all the recent posts. Not sure if anyone else has passed this along, but in case no one has, here it is:

OMG!!! WOW!!! That really blew my mind, that was really really interesting, and thanks for posting that.And a lot of it made a whole lot of sense too. Maybe some missing pieces of the puzzle? Could very well be. Hope Chris or someone else can take a look at it later, and I look forward to their input.
The sections entitled “A link to waterways, highways, and airports”, really the whole section was really interesting; “Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease”; “E-cigarettes and vaporized glyphosate”; “Collectins: proteins essential for the innate immune system”; and these paragraphs from the section “A broader perspective on glyphosate and COVID-19”:
“Is this all just coincidence? I don’t think so. Instead, I strongly suspect that the degree to which a person is susceptible to COVID-19 is proportional to the degree to which they have been exposed to glyphosate. Eating a certified organic diet and staying away from major highways may be among the best tools for protection from an acute reaction to COVID-19.
Researchers from Wuhan, China have done a careful study of four patients who suffered from an acute reaction to COVID-19 and ultimately died [34]. These patients all had severe issues with insufficient oxygen supply due to pneumonia. They also exhibited deficiencies in immune function in terms of decreased counts of various types of immune cells.”
One of the things that occurred to me while reading the article is since glyphosate/Roundup is systemic, so it affects more than just “weeds”, it affects the bees and other pollinators, microbial life, and travels up through the food chain, into the groundwater… Maybe, maybe someone’s diet has something to do with the degree with which they do or don’t get COVID, because if someone eats mostly organic foods, they have less of it in their body…

If true, this could be a simple explanation why the young are less susceptible to COVID-19, because they simply have had less exposure to glysophate than older folks.

Also, if true, this a stunning example of how complexity can manifest profoundly damaging unintended consequences. Much attention has been given the Precautionary Principle with respect to managing the COVID-19 pandemic. This glysophate link, if borne out, points to the need to employ the Precautionary Principle when rolling out new technologies and chemicals in ways that would ultimately render them economically infeasible. How much precautionary screening/testing of glysophate would have been needed to identify this effect as a potential problem before the chemical was commercially rolled out? A true predicament.

Someone posted a few days ago the thought that most people don’t seem to be low on zinc. I’m not sure that is the case. Most of the soil in the US is zinc poor. Soil mining, aka big agra, has stripped the ground of many micronutrients. Since the Standard American Diet consists of corn, soy, and wheat, whether in various guises on the supermarket shelves or in our meat, farmed fish, and poultry, it seems reasonable that we would have, at best, sub-clinical levels of trace minerals.
Zinc needs a ‘helper’ to get into epithelial cells where it can stop the replication of the covid RNA. This can be hydroxychloroquine, quercetin, elderberry or epigallcatechin-gallate. They all seem to do the job. As I take quercetin to ease my allergy-induced asthma, love elderberry syrup, and drink matcha, I have seen no reason to try to get a prescription for hydroxychloroquine.
Ivermectin is new to this discussion, but it seems to show some promise in combating covid19. It is interesting that both hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are antiparasitics and elderberry, green tea, and quercetin also have antiparasitic properties. What does this mean? I wish I had the background to know.

My husband found this site and asked me if I thought this might be useful in the fight against the honey badger virus. Thought I’d see what all y’all thought.