"I Give Up", Informed Consent, Pt. 1, LiveCast Replay

Request For Help

Hi everyone - I don’t have time right now to listen to this full conversation, but I saw the paragraph about the childhood Hepatitis situation. I currently have a six year old who has tested positive for adenovirus and rhinovirus who had severe stomach pain for 24 hours until we got her on antibiotics. We did an x-ray and she has pneumonia and the doc thinks that is the most likely cause of the pain. She’s feeling better with antibiotics, but still quite sick. We’re watching closely for jaundice and have her scheduled for a liver enzyme test, but not until Monday. Are there any highlights from this report that might be important for my family to know? We’re making dandilion and burdock tea as a general liver tonic, but if there is anything else we can be doing, I’d love to know! Thanks!

Nitrogen, Potassium And Phosphorous - Explode As Well As Fertilize.

Why fertilizers getting scarce?
After WWII, we had weapons related NPK production which someone understood was a national security thing. It was a product in search of a market. Coincidently, plants like 'em Maybe somebody(ies) are anticipating the weapons will be needed.

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Thank you Jim H (and Suzie Gruber), That is a frightening theory but it makes sense as well. Much appreciate the clarification.

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There is a separate thread for this topic - you may want to especially look at the last post in it;

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Youtube Censoring?

www.Youtube.com unexpectedly closed the connection” is what I see for the video. Has the tubes struck it down? If so, can we get an Odysee version?

Have to wonder if this recent “shortage” of baby formula is related.

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This Is On Purpose

There is no way a government sits back like this administration, and just accepts know that millions will starve. All of the different food plants being damaged and destroyed, coupled with the shutting down of oil drilling… They know what they’re doing.
With food shortages, we’ve got inflation, and now diesel shortages on the east coast.
Just get yourselves ready, because when the masses finally realize what we have been aware of for 6 months, they are going to stampede and riot. Just look at Sri Lanka. It’s the Arab spring now in motion yet again.


Legions Disease

I’m thinking a viable description of the psychosis having taken over is calling it “Legions Disease”. Biblical reference, but also identifiable with the massive number of Roman Legions that were also on the wrong side of right and just. Not necessarily “bad” people, but rather mislead and indocrinated in mass. A “disease” in which can be overcome with education and perhaps a little faith.

If you live anywhere within driving distance of a horse facility, the owners are more than happy for you to remove all you want - great for gardens. Let it decompose before applying.

I really hope your child is improving, and you get good answers on Monday. Please let us know, if you can. Holding your family in my thoughts.

Thank you! Yes, we appear to be on the mend and are hoping there are no liver issues on the test on Monday. The cough is lingering but her energy is great. She played with the chickens and did everything she normally does today. It was disconcerting to get a diagnosis for her that has been in the news recently but the two viruses aren’t anything to worry about outside of the current hepatitis scare. I appreciate the kind words and help making sense of this.

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Natural selection - something that human species have long forgotten. From historical perspective this was the best mechanism. This cult that is running the world today in my opinion is doing whatever it can so it would1nt be natural selection as they would go first :wink:

Awhile back, a tribe member said they’d joined a jabbed mom’s group on FB just to get another perspective. Anything been heard there?

They were working on this once they got the new site up and running. The PP team wanted to have a minimum of members willing to participate (maybe under your account info? can’t remember). For starters, the PP forum has a link to various geographical regions:

Thank-you Dr. Martenson. This is a very good analysis of the entire ‘petrodollar’ fiat/debt-based economy that the Western world has been put on and addicted to since the gold standard was removed in the 1970s.
And I agree with this comment - this is totally on purpose. Nothing being done by the West is due to incompetence - that’s all for show. This is not a Great Reset for the World, it’s a levelling-down (pushing down) of the West, culturally, financially, educationally, and spiritually.
The ‘elite’ set up the fiat system knowing full-well it would implode in a matter of decades. And, they were already working on the replacement system decades ago, to hook us on to a new fiat system - CBDC (it’s still printing money). This ‘sudden’ drop in world energy is also not a surprise - they have and will control the remaining sources in addition to controlling/owning the new sources upon which we will be dependent for life.
This ‘peak oil’ or ‘limits to growth’ story is pervasive and steers the managerial class into lecturing the ‘masses’ who are supposed to see themselves as a cancer on Earth.
The same groups that set up the petrodollar system (Trilateral Commission, WEF, BIS, Kissinger, Brzezinski) in the 70’s have been working on the replacement system for decades. And they of course positioned themselves to control and profit from that next system - and place any financial setup on top of that (CBDC). From 1980 till today, they financed and worked with China to set up the model for the next society, a technocratic system. (I saw this process working there from 2001 till 2017, including the ‘health pass’ go-no-go mobile QR code in action in Shenzhen in 2017).
The ‘reset’ is simply ratcheting the process from 2020-2030 to complete the middle-class and Western ‘liberal’ value destruction, so that we are closer to China, for example - a huge peasant class and a thin layer of elites/government.
Whitney Webb and Patrick Wood (technocracy.news) have done a great summary of this history on the unlimitedhangout podcast. China is the model, and Sustainable Development is the neo-feudalist society they are ‘resetting’ us in to. They announced this at the Earth Summit in 1992, and just needed the technology part to track and control human activity based on energy. Same as 1970 till 2020, only now they will have CBDC, digital ID, and a social-credit type control.
I would enjoy hearing Dr. Martenson’s comments on whether his analysis would change based on the motivations. That is, if we start from the assumption that ALL of this destruction is planned, rather than ineptitude, would it change his conclusions? It is quite blatant to me that all of this ‘aw shucks’ ‘gosh-darned it’ fumbling and ‘mistakes’ are all for show. Nothing that happens in politics is not planned.
Population control is the one metric missing from all the “Limits to Growth” charts and predictions. I feel they already have the energy/consumption side covered, and the population control (behavior and consumption) is the main variable of the model. I have some questions/point on that here.

Mercola Is Featuring This Video On His Blog Today
